
cure kidney diseae in shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital

Patient RUTAGENGWA, male, aged 49, married, was born in RWAWDA, polycystic kidney disease for six years found that the main reason, elevated serum creatinine 5 and a half years, no urine for four years, at 2015-01-17 10:55 1st income I hospital.
Admission examination blood: hemoglobin 117g / L, erythrocyte count 3.77 × 1012 / L, renal six: blood urea nitrogen 26.3mmol / L, creatinine 1330umol / L, uric acid 504umol / L, electrolyte: potassium 5.67mmol / L, Ca 2.39 mmol / L, P 2.60mmol / L, parathyroid hormone: 1955pg / ml, lipids: triglycerides 1.9mmol / L, total cholesterol 6.17mmol / L, LDL cholesterol 4.34mmol / L, abdominal ultrasound showed: polycystic liver disease, polycystic kidney disease, renal multiple stones. Echocardiogram showed left atrial enlargement, left ventricular diastolic function. Ophthalmoscope shows: eyes hypertensive arteriosclerosis. Thyroid ultrasound Tip: multiple thyroid nodules.
Herbal topical administration, foot bath, medicated bath blood circulation, protect renal function, oral herbal detoxification aid; give blood pressure, to correct anemia, suppression of uric acid synthesis, blood purification to aid in detoxification treatment. After 28 days of hospitalization, his condition improved after doctors superiors granted discharge.

Discharge conditions: general condition of patients may, morning blood pressure 130 / 90mmHg. Physical examination: no abnormal heart and lung, both lower extremities without edema. Review the test results showed: blood: hemoglobin 134g / L, erythrocyte count 4.15 × 1012 / L, renal six (predialysis): blood urea nitrogen 18.2mmol / L, creatinine 1036umol / L, uric acid 279umol / L, electrolytes (through ago): potassium 4.61mmol / L, calcium 2.48mmol / L, P 1.32mmol / L, renal six (postdialysis): blood urea nitrogen 6.0mmol / L, creatinine 406umol / L, uric acid 77umol / L, electrolytes (through After): potassium 3.53mmol / L, calcium 2.62mmol / L, phosphorus 0.65mmol / L, parathyroid hormone: 993.7pg / ml.

Glomerulonephritis how to treat a good effect

In recent years, the incidence of glomerulonephritis increasing, endangering people's health, to the patient's life brought a lot of trouble, glomerulonephritis after streptococcal infection occurred in the majority of cases 2 ~ three weeks ago I had pharyngitis, tonsillitis prodromal infection, after the early morning light to see eyelid edema, severe edema extended body. Even pleural effusion, ascites, shortness of breath and abdominal distension, increased blood pressure and some patients have headaches, urine tests almost all contain proteinuria. So how good glomerulonephritis treatment?
As the pace of life in modern society continues to accelerate, more and more people body showing healthy condition, which requires everyone's awareness of the need to strengthen a number of diseases, thus do a very good prevention, you can do preventive measures .
1, pay attention to exercise: health, enhancing the body's resistance to prevent bacterial infection, the immune response of the damage occurred after the virus. "Life is movement", physical exercise is equal to the healthy investment. The occurrence of kidney disease and upper respiratory tract infection is closely related, often feel cold, wind-heat, rheumatism evil for the beginning because, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease, you should pay attention to changes in heat and cold weather, change clothes, avoid rainy days out, avoid sweating when the wind, wading rain, wearing wet clothes, vigilant invasion of evils. In case of other diseases have effective treatment early and maintain a happy mood.
2, to enhance personal hygiene: keep the skin, oral hygiene, after bedtime brushing, mouthwash after meals to prevent skin boils, swelling and other skin purulent infection. Once sick, early diagnosis and treatment.
3, should rest, personal law: to develop good health habits. Because life without the law, lack of sleep, overeating, excessive wine and women, excessive work and rest, may reduce the body's resistance to the external evil, increase the chance of illness. Eating high-calorie, high protein, high in vitamins, digestible diet. Encourage more water, flush the urethra to increase urine output, promote the discharge of bacteria and inflammatory substances.
4, or used with caution to avoid toxic drugs: the use of kidney damage larger species, such as when gentamicin, streptomycin, kanamycin, sulfonamides, cimetidine, indomethacin, acetaminophen, etc. should pay particular attention .

5, prevent the occurrence of secondary nephropathy: for patients with hypertension, diabetes, connective tissue disease, chronic hepatitis B and other active treatment of the primary disease, to check the urine and kidney function regularly.

Beer can cause kidney failure

Beer contains alcohol, alcohol in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys. While beer hops have a diuretic effect, it will increase the burden on the kidneys. While also liver injury, liver injury after toxic substances can not be, well further increase the burden on the kidneys. If you have suffered from kidney related ailments, and often a lot of beer, it will lead to deposition of uric acid renal tubular obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.
The way to prevent the deterioration of renal failure
Once had kidney failure, patients will bring great pain. Prevent deterioration are the following.
1. In life, the patient should be prevention of infection, especially for respiratory or urinary tract infection is most common, to prevent infection to prevent disease progression in chronic renal failure have a positive effect.
2. The patient should try to prevent their own blood pressure, height, engage in blood pressure are the most common symptoms of chronic renal failure, but persistent high blood pressure can affect kidney function. Antihypertensive therapy can improve renal function to varying degrees.
3. When eating drugs, patients should try to avoid substances harmful to the kidneys, and renal toxicity of drugs, such as amino sugar type antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
4. Patients should enhance understanding of their condition, some symptoms can be determined by their condition, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination and insufficient water intake and so on.

5. When the patient during kidney disease diet, should maintain a reasonable diet, so for the treatment of renal failure have a very important role.

Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome, which way?

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital tell you how to use the medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome. But western medicine can only be said to control the symptoms, not cure kidney disease.
In general, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome should follow the following principles:
First, the diuretics: usually 7-10 days after the treatment the urine will attend that unnecessary use of diuretics. Nephrotic syndrome patients with severe edema can use diuretics, diuretics are commonly used furosemide, administered intravenously, it is best to lose the low molecular weight oil dextrose anhydride, often have good diuretic effect.
Second, the hormone therapy: The most commonly used drugs are prednisone in patients with nephrotic syndrome, depending on the type of the disease, patients respond to prednisone, etc., were using a short course of two months, in the course of 4-6 months and 9-2 month long course. Simple nephrotic short course for the initial treatment, medium and long courses for retreatment, multi repeated simple nephrotic syndrome or nephritis nephropathy.
Third, immunosuppressants: nephrotic syndrome patients the side effects of too much use of hormones or bad treatment, they can use immunosuppressive therapy, most commonly used drugs are cyclic amines, sulfur birds glanced Yin, ring full neomycin A, vincristine, etc. TWP.

Due to the huge Western medicine side effects of treatment of nephrotic syndrome, patients in strict accordance with the doctor asked to perform in the treatment, not arbitrarily withdrawal, dosing, etc. in order to avoid greater pain to bring their own.

Stage 4 Kidney Failure Little urination and how to cure it

In fact, dialysis or kidney transplantation is recommended for the treatment of this situation. The above is the Western medicine, the last one is Chinese medicine, both of them can help patients live better.
Dialysis is the most common way to solve the problems induced renal failure in step 4 so surely can relieve symptoms and prolong life it. But it can not fully replace or repair the kidney damage kidney function, so you can not help increase urination.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmpterapia as an innovation of Chinese herbal medicine can cure kidney disease course but not suitable for the patient without the production of urine. So while you have to pee, you can get help from this treatment. If your urine is decreasing, or no urine, you need to increase before taking this therapy. So our doctors will give a Chinese herb medicines, which may increase urine production by improving renal function. After things going stable, that will give this therapy, for better healing effect.

If you are patient in stage 4 kidney failure with little urine, you should take the opportunity to cure their illness, need any help in healing or want to know more about the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, leave message to us or You can send email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com. We are here waiting to help. Hoping that all people have a good day.

How to prevent deterioration of diabetic nephropathy

You know, diabetic nephropathy is caused by the long duration of diabetes and poorly controlled, progress was made in renal failure, patients have to take dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, most patients do not want to take them .Tan ways to prevent this disease is worse has become a hot topic.
How to prevent the deterioration of diabetic nephropathy?
Control the level of blood sugar
Patients with diabetic nephropathy should control the level of blood sugar closely. Normal fasting blood glucose <6.1 mmol / l, postprandial blood glucose <8.0 mmol / L (hemoglobin <6.5% range.
Prevent hypertension
Patients with diabetic nephropathy should control the level of blood pressure so estricta.Pacientes with high blood pressure should be under the direction of doctor, insist on taking antihipertensivos.Rango regular blood pressure medications without damage to the kidneys and urine less than 1.0 g of protein, must be controlled blood pressure of 130/80 mg / Hg, if urine protein greater than 1.0 g per day, you should control blood pressure 75/125 mg / Hg.
Controlling cholesterol levels in the blood
Increased cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein can lead to the normal range proteinuria.La cholesterol below 4.5 mmol / l, LDL cholesterol below 2.6 mmol / l; HDL of more than 1.1 mmol / L and triglyceride levels less than 1.5 mmol / L
Maintain a reasonable diet
Maintain a low salt diet can help patients alleviate hyperglycemia and severe edema, add the right amount of calcium can increase the recovery of the kidneys.
Prevent urinary tract infections
Patients vulnerable to urinary tract infection diabetic nephropathy, when patients with urinary tract infection, antibiotic treatment should be regularly to avoid deterioration of renal injury.

All the above measures are useful to prevent the deterioration of the disease, but if you want to solve this problem at its root, you should seek the help of a systematic treatment, if you want consegir effective and advanced treatments, leaves the household directly below or send email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com, we will help you with everything .Thanks for your time!


how to cure chronic renal failure - Enema

Enema is how to cure chronic renal failure? For a method of treating kidney failure, many of them enema is a good, but for many patients are not aware of this occurrence, if a patient were treated in this way then, the treatment time will be a little longer. Here we take a look at the course of treatment of enema.
Enema, the general role is to make the drug in the colon, eliminate chronic renal failure patients the body of toxins, to achieve the purpose of treatment. To obtain better results enema, in addition to the dialectical use of prescriptions enema, the enema approach is also crucial. Enema should pay attention to the patient's position, depth of intubation, drug moderate dose. Instruct patient before urination and defecation enema to reduce abdominal and intestinal cleansing.
Operation patients take the right lateral position, elevate the buttocks about 10 cm, select fine anal insertion depth of about fifteen centimeters, with fifty milliliters needle aspiration tube after the liquid slowly push, if the resistance, movable anal . If the patient it is intended, may allow patients to take a deep breath to relax the abdominal muscles, reduce abdominal pressure, but also to stay a while and then inject a little liquid.
Injected dose is generally about 200mL, but the person who should, in order to reach the intestines to retain two hours for the purpose, if the retention time is short, you can reduce the dose enema, the liquid temperature at about 40 ℃. After injecting the liquid should be reflexed anal pull, gently rubbing with toilet paper in the anus, and ask the patient supine ten minutes, and then take a left lateral decubitus position ten minutes to facilitate drug retention in the intestines.

Enema is how to cure chronic renal failure? Enema treatment of renal failure although there is some effect, but not for every patient, so we must follow the doctor's advice to treat the use of the job, I hope you want to know the reason for the job and then make radical work.

Chronic renal failure how best cure

How to treat chronic renal failure is the best? Chronic renal failure, also known as uremia, patients will experience nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, nocturnal enuresis symptoms, many patients will be difficult to focus attention, unresponsive, numbness and other symptoms of drowsiness or restlessness . Chronic renal failure not only bring great pain to the patient harm, but also to the families of patients with a great deal of burden, then, how to treat chronic renal failure is the best?
(1) General nephropathy: Kidney General treatment includes diet nursed back to health, nutrition therapy, to maintain a stable internal environment and symptomatic treatment. Wherein the low-protein diet and diet to restore, is the most basic, the most effective measures, the application should be adjusted according to the situation. Rhubarb and its preparation, healthy kidney tissue with improved high metabolic state, to reduce the residual nephrons hypertrophy, inhibiting mesangial cell proliferation and so on, so after the application process can delay chronic renal failure.
(2) angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and other effects: the early symptoms of chronic renal failure? Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors such as captopril, enalapril, etc., can lower blood pressure, reduce glomerular sclerosis, proteinuria lower; long-term use of sodium bisulfate, can correct acidosis, reduce ammonia formation, improve protein and uric acid metabolism; phosphorus binding agent applied phosphorus diet, etc., are conducive to slow down the development process of chronic renal failure.
(3) replacement therapy: renal replacement therapy, including gastrointestinal dialysis, straight colon dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, dialysis skin. According to indications of the condition and adapt to choose. This year, there are advocates of early start of dialysis prevention, prevention and treatment of the disease may be more favorable.
(4) Treatment of Kidney Transplantation: Kidney transplant treatment, it is one of the most effective treatment for end-stage chronic renal failure, according to indications application.

(5) Herbal Remedies: TCM therapies include acupuncture, cupping, suitable for the various stages of kidney disease.

How the treatment of chronic renal failure

Now more and more people suffering from kidney failure, renal failure may be due to a range of symptoms caused by many reasons, and may even result in death, this is a very serious disease. So when found after the diagnosis of renal failure, kidney disease should go to the hospital, to ensure to maintain or restore kidney function and prevent deterioration of renal function.
1, the treatment of pre-renal azotemia should first find the cause.
2, suspected ARF is caused by renal obstruction, should be placed in the bladder catheter. Residual urine bladder capacity increase, or export a lot of urine due to obstruction and retention.
3, renal parenchymal severe acute streptococcal glomerulonephritis should support, mainly symptomatic, if necessary, the application of dialysis; nephrotic syndrome with ARF should actively hormone treatment of nephrotic syndrome, dialysis therapy can be supplemented, if necessary . Treatment is the key to disable allergenic drugs, corticosteroids required when necessary. ATN light therapy to support, symptomatic conservative therapy. Malignant hypertension should be gradually, actively buck. Early renal artery or renal vein thrombosis or embolism kidney macroangiopathy may accordingly thrombolytic and anticoagulation therapy.
According to current clinical and pharmacological studies of traditional Chinese medicine has played a lot of anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-glomerular degeneration fibrosis, glomerular against proliferation and exudation, promote fibrinolysis, reduce platelet aggregation, increased glomerular filtration rate, glomerular capillary permeability, improve, enhance renal blood flow, thereby allowing repair damaged renal function, mild to moderate renal damage can be completely repaired, severe renal damage can be repaired to light Moderate renal atrophy part of the patient's kidneys have different degrees of increase, thereby improving your current symptoms, in order to avoid damage to kidney function useful.

If you have any questions can contact Shijiazhuang kidney diseases hospital doctors online or send an email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com.


Patients suffered from polycystic kidney disease (PKD) can smoke cigarettes

Many patients suffered from polycystic kidney want to know if they can smoke cigarettes or not, and whether smoking will affect their health conditions. Experts suggest that it is preferable that patients suffered from polycystic kidney disease quit smoking and drinking alcohol, taking into account their health and healing of their disease.
As we know that tobacco contains many toxic substances and smoking a long time will be very harmful and cause many diseases to healthy people, even patients not suffering from polycystic kidney disease. Tobacco contains a large amount of nicotine which is a toxin and is harmful to the body. It can cause vasoconstriction and accelerate atherosclerosis and reduce the blood supply of kidneys and other organs. If patients suffering from polycystic kidney disease have tobacco too, the patient's blood pressure will be out of control due to the reduced blood flow and renal arteriosclerosis and the arterial contraction.
Moreover, cigarette smoking can damage the upper respiratory tract and lungs, make patients susceptible to colds and pneumonia. Infections of the trachea and lung cause kidney damage and worsening of the condition. In addition, infections will cysts to rupture and lead to declining renal function. From the above analysis, we strongly recommend that patients suffered from polycystic kidney disease should stop smoking. Tobacco not only aggravates the condition the kidney, but also cause damage to other body parts.
In addition to stop smoking, take low-salt diet, avoid spicy foods and diet rich in good quality protein. Do not drink alcohol, cola, tea. Patients suffered from polycystic kidney disease should pay attention to rest and keep a good mood, which can help a lot in preventing the progression of polycystic kidney disease.
Unless a healthy lifestyle and diet, treatments and medications should be sought. Although there is still no cure for polycystic kidney disease at present, certain measures can be taken to bring under control the disease and prevent progressive renal damage. At present, China has adopted the conservative therapy method to deal with polycystic kidney disease and a very good curative effect in the clinic. While it still can not resolve the issue of the gene, it can reduce cysts and cause no pain or side effects for patients. Considering the pain and short-, Chinese therapy is much better choice for patients suffering from polycystic kidney disease.

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The diabetic can take chocolate

Diet taboo for patients suffering from diabetes is undoubtedly a pain, diabetes actually is not too taboo for sweet chocolates. Even more surprising, it is because chocolates are rich in a substance called flavanols, dark chocolate without sugar, there are still some advantages in the fight against diabetes. Eat a medium sized dark chocolate without sugar, it can play a role in the fight against diabetes. However, eating milk chocolate or white chocolate does not have the same effect, so patients with diabetes can not eat milk chocolate or white chocolate.
From here, experts give advice, I hope it can help.
Because chocolate contains sugar, diabetics need good blood glucose control before eating. Patients with diabetes by eating chocolate, try to eat dark chocolate. Because the study found that during eating dark chocolate, the insulin resistance index is much lower than when they eat white chocolate. After two weeks of dark chocolate, blood pressure of diabetes volunteers is low that people who ate white chocolate.
If diabetics are traveling, preferably to make sweets or chocolate. "Due to the significant activity in patients with diabetes are easy to hypoglycemia. If there are palpitations, sweating, especially strong hungry, you can eat chocolate pieces or sugar to relieve symptoms hypoglycemia, at the same time, often taking insulin injection hypoglycaemics, also with chocolate. However, if appropriate to take.
If there are questions about the known dietary diabetes, you can consult the experts online. We will be happy to help you.

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How to Cure Polycystic Kidney by Traditional Chinese Medicine

The surgical operation may only temporarily reduce the cysts, but can not prevent the secondary cysts enlarge and relapse which leads to the repeated operation. Clinical practice has shown that the operation can not treat cysts completely. However, it is possible to the other operation and more. Facing the situation, the appropriate treatment is considered an ideal treatment for polycystic kidney disease treatment with the external healing internal disease. This is the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
So, how to cure polycystic kidney disease and how to reduce cysts by traditional Chinese medicine.
First, improve immunity.
Few obvious symptoms can be found at the early stage of polycystic kidney disease. Patients who are inadequate in Kidney Yang must feed the kidneys by strengthening Yang, when patients with deficiency must by Ying Ying rebuild.
Second, regulating Qi and activating blood
Moisture retention in the kidneys can block the flow of Qi and blood stasis due cause. Consequently, regulating Qi and activating the blood are important in the process of treating polycystic kidney disease.
Third, cure the symptoms with cure the disease itself
Chinese medicine takes the body as a total. Each symptom is external relative to the internal disease. So, cure polycystic kidney disease in traditional Chinese medicine to cure the symptoms starts with cure the disease itself.
If you need more information about polycystic kidney disease and treatments, please leave us a message or send us kidneyservice@hotmail.com.

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Medicine Osmotherapy Micro-treat kidney failure

There are some doctors have told patients with kidney failure there is no cure for the deficiency in the beginning of this disease .They say that only when the creatinine level up and become too high This disease can be treated with dialysis and kidney transplant .In result, patients think that there are only two treatments to treat kidney failure and despair they are.
In fact, it is not the fact of nephrology .L'hôpital Shijiazhuang is the largest hospital in China, and after years of research, we have found a new therapy to treat patients with inadequate renal.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a treatment using external application .It drug therapy that is often used to treat all types of kidney disease .At instead of treating the symptoms of Western medicine, Chinese medicine can treating the root of the disease, that is to say the Chinese medicine treatment is aimed at preventing renal fibrosis .After entered kidneys, Micro-Chinese Medicine active compounds can play a role of anticoagulant, anti -inflammation, lower blood pressure, eliminate immune complexes and repair damaged inherent Immunotherapy. These active substances can prevent more deterioration of kidney damage Immunotherapy Immunotherapy repair damaged kidney function and rebuild .So if we can exclude the objective factors that cause kidney damage, such as inflammation, congestion, hypertension, kidney damage can be avoided and renal function may be protected and then be rebuilt .For patients with renal failure, when patients can meet the doctor opinions and take medications regularly, the disease condition can be monitored better, the quality of life can be improved and the renal failure can be recessed.
Experts from Shijiazhuang nephrology hospital remind us that kidney disease should be monitored and treated as early as possible .N'attendez not the creatinine level rises, at that moment, you do not have another .The choice of dialysis diagnosis and early treatment are the main points.
When your family or you suffer from kidney failure, and symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, feeling cold, no appetite, poor sleep quality, hypertension, anemia and nocturia, in this case, what - ? what we have to do is not enough to just lower the level of serum creatinine and diuretic, they can only control the symptoms but not prevent the lesion of the disease: the level of serum creatinine increase continuously and renal function will gradually be damaged again.
Micro-Chinese medicine can dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow in the kidney .From this way, the supply of blood and oxygen to activate the auto-renewal of Immunotherapy and rebuild damaged renal function is .Immunothérapie differentiate into new nephrons and then replace the necrotic Immunotherapy, so they pouvent also useful for repairing kidney function.

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Osmotherapy Micro-Chinese medicine treats kidney failure

There are some doctors have told patients with kidney failure there is no cure for the deficiency in the beginning of this disease .They say that only when the creatinine level up and become too high This disease can be treated with dialysis and kidney transplant .In result, patients think that there are only two treatments to treat kidney failure and despair they are.
In fact, it is not the fact of nephrology .L'hôpital Shijiazhuang is the hospital of the largest nephrology China, and after years of research, we have found a new therapy to treat patients renal failure.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a treatment using external application .It drug therapy that is often used to treat all types of kidney disease .At instead of treating the symptoms of Western medicine, Chinese medicine can treating the root of the disease, that is to say the Chinese medicine treatment is aimed at preventing renal fibrosis .After entered kidneys, Micro-Chinese Medicine active compounds can play a role of anticoagulant, anti -inflammation, lower blood pressure, eliminate immune complexes and repair damaged inherent Immunotherapy. These active substances can prevent more deterioration of kidney damage Immunotherapy Immunotherapy repair damaged kidney function and rebuild .So if we can exclude the objective factors that cause kidney damage, such as inflammation, congestion, hypertension, kidney damage can be avoided and renal function may be protected and then be rebuilt .For patients with renal failure, when patients can meet the doctor opinions and take medications regularly, the disease condition can be monitored better, the quality of life can be improved and the renal failure can be recessed.
Experts from Shijiazhuang nephrology hospital remind us that kidney disease should be monitored and treated as early as possible .N'attendez not the creatinine level rises, at that moment, you do not have another .The choice of dialysis diagnosis and early treatment are the main points.
When your family or you suffer from kidney failure, and symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, feeling cold, no appetite, poor sleep quality, hypertension, anemia and nocturia, in this case, what - ? what we have to do is not enough to just lower the level of serum creatinine and diuretic, they can only control the symptoms but not prevent the lesion of the disease: the level of serum creatinine increase continuously and renal function will gradually be damaged again.
Micro-Chinese medicine can dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow in the kidney .From this way, the supply of blood and oxygen to activate the auto-renewal of Immunotherapy and rebuild damaged renal function is .Immunothérapie differentiate into new nephrons and then replace the necrotic Immunotherapy, so they pouvent also useful for repairing kidney function.

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Alternative for Elderly Kidney Failure other than Kidney Transplant

“My father is 65 years old diagnosed with Kidney Failure (End stage rental disease). Is it possible for kidney transplant?”
The above is among the most commonly asked questions related to kidney failure. Kidney transplant is really a big surgery for the elderly patients. As we can understand, the elderly commonly have low immunity. During and after the surgery, they will have to take heavy dosage of immune blockers, which can lower immunity and induce many side effects and complications. Thereby, nephrologists will not advise to take a risk to do kidney transplant. Instead, they recommend safe and alternative therapies to save the kidneys, say, immunotherapy.
Immunotherapy is put forward based on immunology medical and clinical research in the treatment of kidney diseases. It is generally accepted that, the occurrence of kidney diseases is related to certain immune abnormalities. When bacteria or virus intrude our body, a series of immune reactions occur and certain immune complexes are produced in our body.
Normally, those immune abnormalities should be eliminated by our immune system. But due to abnormal immunity, those abnormalities are not removed; instead, they accumulate in the kidneys and stir up subsequent continuous inflammation of the kidneys. As a result, more immune abnormalities will be deposited in the kidneys and cause continuous scarring of the kidneys. Every time infections occur, kidney inflammation damage will worsen and kidney function decline will be aggravated.
In conventional treatment, immune blockers try to slow down inflammation of the kidneys and by means of this, symptoms can be remitted. But the treatment effect is limited-kidneys are not repaired and kidney function declines continuously.
Immunotherapy, instead, is aimed at rectifying the immune system, eliminating the diseased substances and repairing the kidneys so as to maximize treatment effect. It takes on effect by combined therapies of traditional Chinese medicine and stem cell therapy, both of which are safe and side-effect-free. Immunotherapy can help kidney failure patients with kidney function>10 to get rid of dialysis. Symptoms can gradually disappear and life expectancy can be prolonged in elderly kidney failure.
Treatment effect differs with patients’ real condition. The above is just a general introduction of treating elderly kidney failure other than kidney transplant, if you want to get more detailed information, just contact us directly.

Do you have any question? You can leave a message , Or you Could describe your symptoms to our expert. Our expert will reply you as soon as possible. Please make sure you have left your contact information to us.kidney-arabic@hotmail.com
Reducing High Creatinine By Micro-Chines Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For Kidney Complex Cysts
Medicated Bath and Kidney Disease - Kidney Service China
Can Acupuncture Stop Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Can Acupuncture Help Improve Kidney Function
Will Acupuncture Help Control End Stage Kidney Failure

Can Dialysis Treat Kidney Failure

Can dialysis treat kidney failure? When kidney disease patients have more than 445umol/L creatinine every day, they are suggested to take dialysis. Dialysis is a technology which can discharge the small molecules such as creatinine, and so on, thus purifying the blood environment so as to control the deterioration to some extent.
However, only dialysis is not enough for with kidney disease developing, middle molecules and big molecules can also leak out, which needs blood filtration, blood perfusion, and so on. In addition, most of kidney diseases are caused by immune complex in the blood and onto kidney when the immune system is out of order, which leads to a series of excessive immune reaction, thus causing kidney disease symptoms. Plasma exchange can really help clear away the immune complex, which is suitable for lupus nephritis in particular.
Besides, when kidney disease takes place, there must be damaged intrinsic cells and necrotic intrinsic cells, which should be repaired or differentiated. So Chinese medicine and stem cells are also applied, both of which are parts of immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which can be divided into immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune inhibition, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection.
Immune diagnosis can help us know the type of immune complex, the exact place where there is the immune complex and the accurate amount of immune complex, which can supply evidence for the treatment plan of doctor.
Immune clearance includes dialysis and other purifications such as plasma exchange, which can help create a better inner environment for the treatment.
Immune adjustment and immune protection can help repair the damaged intrinsic cells, differentiate into intrinsic cells and increase the immune ability at the same time. In these two steps, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and stem cells are applied. Micro-Chinese Medicine can help clear away the immune complex which deposit onto the kidney. In contrast, immune clearance can only clear those in blood.
So from the above, we can get a conclusion that dialysis is only part of the whole immunotherapy system. If you are in kidney failure stage, you should find out a systematic treatment which can ensure the effects of treatment.

Do you have any question? You can leave a message , Or you Could describe your symptoms to our expert. Our expert will reply you as soon as possible. Please make sure you have left your contact information to us..
Reducing High Creatinine By Micro-Chines Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For Kidney Complex Cysts
Medicated Bath and Kidney Disease - Kidney Service China
Can Acupuncture Stop Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Can Acupuncture Help Improve Kidney Function

Will Acupuncture Help Control End Stage Kidney Failure

How to Improve Kidney Function in Renal Deficiency

How to Improve Kidney Function in Renal Deficiency
Renal deficiency, or renal insufficiency, refers to decreased kidney function. With renal deficiency, symptoms and complications can be seen in various organs and systems. Choosing a proper treatment is very important in slowing down kidney damage and saving kidney function. Then, what is a preferred therapy in treating renal deficiency?
First, we need to know: what caused renal deficiency?
Actually, occurrence of kidney deficiency is related to certain immune disorders. Some factors, such as genetic disorder, infections and bad habits, may cause certain immune abnormality.
Normally, our body immune system consists of two sets, that is, innate immune system and adaptive immune system, the cooperation of which can exempt us from disease. When bacteria or virus intrude our body, a series of immune responses occur and immune complexes are produced. Those harmful immune complexes should normally be eliminated by the immune system.
In the occurrence of renal deficiency, due to abnormal immunity, those immune complexes are not removed, instead, they enter the kidneys through blood circulation and are deposited in the kidneys. This can cause result in instinctive immune clearance reaction and thus more abnormalities will be emerged, thus causing immune injury to the kidneys and damaging renal intrinsic cells. If the overdone immune inflammation is not eliminated, more and more kidney cells will be impaired.
Thereby, the key to treating renal deficiency is to getting rid of those immune abnormalities, restoring the immune system and repairing the damaged kidney cells.
Treat kidney deficiency by immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is adoptable therapy to achieve the goal for kidney deficiency sufferers. It is a medical system consisting of several irreplaceable steps. It combines traditional Chinese medicine with advanced medical therapy, say, stem cell transplant, as well as other cellular protection medicines.
Traditional Chinese medicine in immunotherapy mainly focuses on regulating immune system and getting rid of diseased abnormalities. This is a process of driving away the evil factors and enhancing self-repairing ability. After this treatment, patients can experience clots in urine (the immune complexes), lowered creatinine, lowered blood pressure, sweat sensations and so on.
Stem cell transplant in immunotherapy is applied to restore the immune system and improve the kidney function. Stem cells as original cells can self-regenerate into new kinds of kidney cells and replace the dead cells to display kidney function. By this, symptoms can gradually disappear and kidney function in kidney deficiency patients can be improved.
To get the treatment effect for your condition? Just communicate with online experts directly!

Do you have any question? You can leave a message , Or you Could describe your symptoms to our expert. Our expert will reply you as soon as possible. Please make sure you have left your contact information to us.
Renal deficiency, or renal insufficiency, refers to decreased kidney function. With renal deficiency, symptoms and complications can be seen in various organs and systems. Choosing a proper treatment is very important in slowing down kidney damage and saving kidney function. Then, what is a preferred therapy in treating renal deficiency?
First, we need to know: what caused renal deficiency?
Actually, occurrence of kidney deficiency is related to certain immune disorders. Some factors, such as genetic disorder, infections and bad habits, may cause certain immune abnormality.
Normally, our body immune system consists of two sets, that is, innate immune system and adaptive immune system, the cooperation of which can exempt us from disease. When bacteria or virus intrude our body, a series of immune responses occur and immune complexes are produced. Those harmful immune complexes should normally be eliminated by the immune system.
In the occurrence of renal deficiency, due to abnormal immunity, those immune complexes are not removed, instead, they enter the kidneys through blood circulation and are deposited in the kidneys. This can cause result in instinctive immune clearance reaction and thus more abnormalities will be emerged, thus causing immune injury to the kidneys and damaging renal intrinsic cells. If the overdone immune inflammation is not eliminated, more and more kidney cells will be impaired.
Thereby, the key to treating renal deficiency is to getting rid of those immune abnormalities, restoring the immune system and repairing the damaged kidney cells.
Treat kidney deficiency by immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is adoptable therapy to achieve the goal for kidney deficiency sufferers. It is a medical system consisting of several irreplaceable steps. It combines traditional Chinese medicine with advanced medical therapy, say, stem cell transplant, as well as other cellular protection medicines.
Traditional Chinese medicine in immunotherapy mainly focuses on regulating immune system and getting rid of diseased abnormalities. This is a process of driving away the evil factors and enhancing self-repairing ability. After this treatment, patients can experience clots in urine (the immune complexes), lowered creatinine, lowered blood pressure, sweat sensations and so on.
Stem cell transplant in immunotherapy is applied to restore the immune system and improve the kidney function. Stem cells as original cells can self-regenerate into new kinds of kidney cells and replace the dead cells to display kidney function. By this, symptoms can gradually disappear and kidney function in kidney deficiency patients can be improved.
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Latest Treatment-Immunotherapy for Atrophic Kidneys in China

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Normally, kidneys made up of millions of nephrons that can can filtrate blood and remove wastes into urine. In failing kidneys, a large number of nephrons are impaired and effective blood perfusion to the kidneys decreases. As a result, the kidneys diminish in size, thus causing the atrophic kidneys. Without treatment, the remaining kidney cells may continue to get scarred or necrotic, thus further decreasing kidney size.
Thereby, to improve the atrophic kidneys, further damage of the kidneys should be blocked and the impaired kidney cells should be repaired. Up to now, treating atrophic kidneys with immunotherapy is becoming more and more favored.
Immunotherapy as the latest medical treatment system combines traditional Chinese medicine and advanced cell therapy, stem cell transplant. It consists of several irreplaceable steps in treating kidney atrophies. You may wonder how kidney atrophy is related to immunity. Actually, however, the occurrence of most kidney diseases is related to certain immune disorders. Some genetic factors, infections, bad habits, etc can trigger certain immune abnormality. When bacteria or virus intrude our body, the inherent immune system fight up and certain immune complexes are produced. Normally, the immune complexes should be eliminated by the immune system. But due to immune disorder, those harmful substances can not be got rid of and enter kidneys with blood circulation. Those abnormal immune complexes are then deposited in the kidneys, thus causing impairing kidney cells and scarring of the kidneys. As a result, blood supply to the kidneys decreases and kidneys are becoming smaller and smaller in size.
Immunotherapy in the treatment of kidney atrophy is targeted at restoring the immune system, blocking further shrinkage of the kidneys and saving kidney function maximally. Traditional Chinese medicine in immunotherapy can take on effect to adjust the immune system as well as enhance immunity. It can also contribute in eliminating inflammation, removing those abnormalities and providing various nutrients to the kidneys. Stem cells follows the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine so as to improve kidney function

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The Best Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease

After seeing doctors here and there, patients with chronic kidney disease are seeking a better treatment considering both effective treatment and preventing the recurrence. Western medicine develops these years but there are still adverse effects. Chinese traditional medicine has little side effects also achieves big breakthrough in recent years, however, the speed is slow. Inheriting both the advantages and omitting their disadvantages, experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital researched out immunotherapy, which is also on the basis that most kidney diseases are caused by immune problem. Immunotherapy can be divided into 6 steps, which are: scientific immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune inhibition, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection.
As we mentioned above, the deposition of immune complex deposit onto the kidney, which leads to a series of excessive immune reaction, thus causing kidney disease. The reason why immune complex deposits onto the kidney is that the immune system is out of order. So from the above, we can get a conclusion that we should focus on the clearance of the immune complex and the repair of the immune system. The detailed explanation of immunotherapy is as follows:
1. immune diagnosis
Firstly, we should have a systematic diagnosis on about where the immune complex deposit exactly, the amount of immune complex and the exact type of immune response so that doctors can get more scientific diagnosis and arrange better treatment.
2. immune clearance
Secondly, patients with kidney disease should clear away the immune complex in the blood, which can supply a cleaner inner environment for the treatment of kidney disease. In this step, immune complex which exists in blood can be cleared.
3. immune inhibition
The third one is immune inhibition. There is immune complex deposit onto kidney, which leads to immune response as well. In this case, we use medicine which can stop the excessive immune response, thus stopping the inflammation response at a rapid speed.
4. immune tolerance
The fourth one is immune tolerance. After immune inhibition, the immune response can be stopped. And the damage to the kidney can be blocked. However, the immune complex still deposit onto the kidney, which leads to a new series of immune response.
5. immune adjustment
The fifth one is immune adjustment. In this step, Chinese medicines are applied, which can improve the blood circulation, including micro-blood circulation and dissolve the blood stasis. In this case, the immune complex can be discharged out, and the immune system can be repaired. Note that blood purification such as dialysis can not achieve this.
6. immune protection
The six one is immune protection, in which stage, we use medicine which can nourish qi and blood to rebuild the intrinsic immune system. In addition, biochemical cell therapy is also used in clinic such as the transplant of stem cell, which can also help achieve this effect.
If you still have questions about the treatment, welcome to consult us online or leave a message. We are glad to help.

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GFR 14, Urine 200ml under Dialysis - Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China

One of my patients is suffering from diabetic nephropathy. 16 years ago, she was diagnosed with diabetes. Now she is under dialysis. And she takes dialysis three times a week. Her creatinine is 228 umol/L. Through ECT, the GFR is 14, which indicates that she has already in uremia stage. Her urine is 200ml per day. My patient Mrs Read told me that now her biggest dream is to stop dialysis one day. She asked me whether she can realize it.
Firstly, I told her that as long as she has urine, it indicates that there is blood flow in kidney. In this case, medicines can reach the kidney, thus playing therapeutic effect. Secondly, as long as the GFR is more than 5, there will be hope. As long as the GFR rises to 10 to 15, we can take effective measures to reduce the times of dialysis. And when the GFR is more than 15, renal failure patients can get rid of dialysis.
So from the above, we can get a conclusion that according my patient Mrs Read’s condition, she can realize her dream. To achieve it, what should we do? In this passage, we will mainly introduce the immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which can be generally divided into 6 steps and contains mainly Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and stem cell transplant.
Firstly, after patients are discharged in our hospital, we will arrange a systematic and scientific physical examination for them, the purpose of which is to know the type of pathological damage and where the immune complex deposits on earth. All this can supply evidence for the treatment plan of doctor in clinic.
Secondly, medicines are used to inhibit the immune response. In Micro-Chinese Medicine, there are active and nutritious herbs which can increase the immune ability as well as improve the blood circulation, repair the damaged intrinsic cell, thus rebuilding renal structure and reviving renal function. Generally, patients receive Micro-Chinese Medicine once a day, and each lasts for 45 minutes.
Thirdly, stem cell transplant is applied in clinic, which is especially proper for the repair of diabetes. Stem cells can repair beta cells. Through repairing islet, new islet beta cells can be born and pancrease can have function of secreting insulin again. Factors which come into being by stem cell can stimulate the regeneration of islet beta cells. Stem cells can also repair other cells which insulin secrets. In the human body, islet beta cells can secret insulin, and besides, in other tissues and organs, there are also other cells which can play the same roles. Stem cells can repair the damaged ones, and increase the secretion amount, thus making blood sugar decrease. In addition, stem cells can also differentiate into cells which the kidney needs and increase the immune ability as well.
After these, diabetic nephropathy can not only be treated and will not recur easily. Day by day, patients such as Mrs Read can get rid of dialysis as well. For more information, please consult us online or email us.

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Why Immunotherapy is Favored in Treating Kidney Diseases

Actually, most kidney diseases are related to certain immune disorder. This leads abnormalities to deposit in the kidneys and causes immune injury to kidney cells. Presently, in the treatment of kidney disease, hormones and immunosuppressant are widely applied. For one side, symptoms can be remitted in a short time with immunity inhibited. For the other, however, the result is a little frustrating-the disease relapses easily and many patients still progress into advanced kidney failure. That’s the confusion among most kidney disease sufferers.
Immunotherapy is just put forward on this background. Then what is immunotherapy?Why is it favored in treating kidney diseases? Now, we need to learn more about kidney diseases first.
Our kidneys are made up of millions of nephrons that can filtrate blood and make us healthy. Some chronic factors, such as diabetes and hypertension, can cause overdone immune response and lead abnormalities to deposit in the kidneys. Infections prior to some kidney diseases are also related to immune abnormality. Such kidney disorders as lupus and purpura nephritis are also related to overdone immune reaction in the kidneys. This results in continuous inflammation of the kidneys and leads to kidney function decline.
At present, immune inhibition medicines are commonly adopted in the treatment of kidney diseases. Those medicines can stop kidney immune injury and relieve symptoms in a short time. But the disease relapses so easily when patients reduce medicine dosage or combined infections occur, thus making kidney diseases more and more refractory. To treat kidney diseases effectively, the harmful substances should be eliminated and the impaired kidney cells should be repaired.
Immunotherapy as the latest therapy is treasured in treating kidney diseases. It combines Immunotherapy combines advanced medical technology and Chinese medicines. It contains several steps and each of them plays an irreplaceable role in the whole process. Chinese medicines in immunotherapy focus on adjusting immune system, getting rid of abnormalities and treating the impaired kidney cells.
Besides, in Immunotherapy, Stem Cell Transplant is also applied to treat kidney diseases. Stem Cell Transplant is the treatment which means injects a group of original human cells into patients’ body. Transplanted stem cells can differentiate into new types of renal intrinsic cells and take place of the dead cells in the kidneys. In this way, impaired kidney functions can be recovered greatly
The above is related to immunotherapy in the treatment of kidney diseases. It is just a general introduction for the whole treatment system. To get detailed suggestions related to your specific condition, please feel free to consult us directly. We will make every effort to help you.

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Chinese Medicine to Avoid Dialysis in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is well known as a hereditary kidney disorder. Patients with the disease grow numerous cysts on both kidneys. As cystic epithelial cells are activated, the cysts augment continuously and may finally develop into renal failure over time. For this disease, many countries have no effective treatment and what patients can do is just to wait for dialysis. But here in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China, dialysis can be radically avoided by immunotherapy.
Immunotherapy, by combing modern techniques and traditional Chinese medicine, is aimed at shrinking cysts and restoring kidney function in PKD patients. Chinese medicine in immunotherapy can act on kidneys directly and adjust abnormal immune system in PKD sufferers.
Experts explain that, PKD, as a genetic disease usually need some triggers to occur, such as infections, decreased immunity and unhealthy living habits. All those factors can lead to abnormal immunity and the appearance of cysts on kidneys. The orderless immune system can stimulate epithelial cells of cyst walls and thus continuous secretion of cystic liquid. As a result, the cysts swell gradually and persistently, thus oppressing surrounding renal tissues and leading to kidney damage. In immunotherapy, effective ingredients of Chinese medicine are penetrated into kidney area directly so as to bring immune system back to normal and stimulating cystic fluid.
Consequently, cysts can stop growing. Further, Chinese medicine can reverse pressure difference between the internal of cysts and renal blood vessels so as to drive cystic liquid into urine. More and more blood and nutrients can be applied to the kidneys and kidney function can be well improved. As long as scarring of the kidneys can be blocked at early time, PKD sufferers can hopefully get rid of dialysis. Anything unclear, please contact online experts directly.

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How Can We do with Partial Renal Failure

Partial Renal Failure refers the early stages of Renal Failure. For many patients who are in this stage, what they can do right now? I will give my suggestion in the following.
Partial Renal Failure means that the kidneys have so far not progressed to the complete kidney failure stage. So that gives us a chance to reverse the renal functions.
In fact, appropriate treatment and management can really slow or even reverse kidneys’ progression to end stage Kidney Failure.
Then you may ask how to achieve that aim of reversion. Here I recommend the Immunotherapy adopted in our hospital for the patients with Partial Renal Failure.
What is Immunotherapy? Immunotherapy is a set of organic combination of traditional Chinese Medicine and modern Western technology. In the following I will give you the more specific explanation.
In the stage of partial Renal Failure, kidneys are unable to function well so many metabolic wastes and extra fluid will accumulate in your body. These wastes and toxins not only harm your kidneys furthermore, but they will harm your body’ other organs and systems. So eliminate these toxic substances from the body is very urgent.
According to this urgent situation, we first use the Blood Purification Technology focusing on the Immunoadsorption techniques to eliminate all of the wastes and toxins in the blood and kidneys.
The removal of various different kinds of wastes and toxins is just the first step. At the meanwhile, while we are focusing on the treatment of the underlying diseases that leads to Kidney Failure, we are at the same time getting down to treat kidneys with Micro-Chinese Medicine.
Micro-Chinese Medicine is a perfect combination of traditional Chinese medicines and modern technologies. It has successively overcome some defects of traditional medicines such as slow efficiency, insufficient absorption and so on. Micro-Chinese Medicine is not only helpful for the elimination of various wastes in the body, and what’s more, it can repair the damaged kidneys. Along with the gradual recovery of kidneys, the progression of renal fibrosis can be reversed in most cases.
Besides that, another newest technology---Stem Cell Transplant has showed strong vitality in the treatment of damaged or necrosis kidney functional cells and others. Those are the simple treatment for partial Renal Failure, so never lose your heart, you can rely on us!

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End Stage Kidney Failure: Choosing a Treatment that is Right for You

End Stage Kidney Failure often means the kidneys have little or completely failed in its functions. At this stage, choosing a right treatment for you is very important.
End Stage Kidney Failure, is also called as End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD). In this period, kidneys have basically lost its previous functions, and it is unable to continue to eliminate the toxins and hormones long accumulated in the body. So a treatment becomes a thing of no time to delay.
Choosing a treatment that is right for you is usually very complicated and it often needs the joint effort of all parties, which may include the people consisting of doctor, nurse, health care personnel, social worker, and dietitian, etc.
For the treatment of end stage kidney failure, the conventional methods usually contain three kinds: Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis and Kidney Transplant.
Hemodialysis is often conducted in hospital and you need to come to hospital three times every week; peritoneael dialysis can be treated whether it is at home, school or working place; kidney transplant could get the kidneys whether it is from the family members, spouse, friend, or from the person who have just died.
However, those three methods are not applied to all of the patients. That is to say, some patients may not be suitable for any of those three methods, for example, they have severe complications or they are suffered heavily.
Under this circumstance, we propose a new set of treatment---Immunotherapy. It contains three parts and they respectively are Immune Clearance, Micro-Chinese Medicine, and Stem Cell Transplant.
Directing at the insufficiencies of dialysis, Immune Clearance can thoroughly eliminate all the toxins and metabolic wastes in the blood and kidneys. This step of Immune Clearance will provide a clean internal environment for next steps of reparation.
Micro-Chinese Medicines is the key of Immunotherapy. As long as the patients still have a little amount of urine, which explains that the patients still have some remaining kidney unit. So we can use the Micro-Chinese Medicine to repair the damaged kidneys and block the progress of renal fibrosis, etc. Along with the reparation of renal functions, the intervals of dialysis could be prolonged, thus patients may have the possibility of getting rid of dialysis and kidney transplant.
Stem Cell Transplant is another newest technology in the field of treating Renal Failure embodied in the reparation and replacement of damaged kidney cells.
Immunotherapy is widely used in our hospital and it has helped millions of patients have a better life once again. Patients with end-stage Renal Failure have more chances of choosing a proper treatment for you.

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Life Expectancy for End Stage Kidney Failure

For patients who are in the end stage of Kidney Failure, the most concern for them is what the life expectancy they will have. So, how to prolong the life of patients with end stage of renal failure? As for this question, I want to give my answers.
In the field of treatment for patients in end stage Renal Failure, the conventional methods in extending the life expectancy are nothing more than these two methods: dialysis and kidney transplant.
Indeed, dialysis, as a kind of life-saving methods, is really irreplaceable by any other measures. Moreover, dialysis does remarkably extend the patients’ life expectancy. However, the disadvantages of dialysis should not be neglected.
Once a patient starts accept dialysis, he or she may be “addicted” to it. Why? That is because dialysis is just an expedient instead of a best choice. Instead of solving the damage problems of kidney, dialysis just partly substitutes kidneys’ functions. Dialysis can not only bring about many serious complications, but also the time intervals between dialysis become shorter and shorter. Another defect of dialysis is it is unable to eliminate all of the wastes and toxins in blood and kidneys.
Then you may think kidney transplant. Kidney transplant is really a very good method in prolonging the life expectancy for patients. Kidney transplant, especially the transplantation between kinsfolk, is very safe in some degree.
Likewise, kidney transplant is also with problems of its own. They include the source problem of kidney, the rejection problem after transplantation, and other potential problems. And the worst of all, about half patients who received kidney transplant have the possibility of losing the function of the substitute kidney once again and return back to dialysis. In fact, kidney transplant generally has the similar life expectancy with dialysis for the patients in later stage Renal Failure.
Considering the exiting problems of both dialysis and kidney transplant, we propose Immunotherapy which includes Immune Clearance, Stem Cell Transplant and Micro-Chinese Medicine, etc.
Immunotherapy is a creative technology based on conventional methods. Among them, Immune Clearance is a powerful supplement for dialysis since it can effectively eliminate all of the wastes and toxins in the blood and kidneys as well as in other parts of the body. And Micro-Chinese Medicine combined with Stem Cell Transplant can effectively repair the damaged kidneys and reverse the deterioration course of renal fibrosis.
In conclusion, the life expectancy of patients with end stage Renal Failure can be remarkably prolonged if Immunotherapy is used. This is a complete solution for end stage Kidney Failure. May you also benefit from our Immunotherapy.

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