
cure kidney diseae in shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital

Patient RUTAGENGWA, male, aged 49, married, was born in RWAWDA, polycystic kidney disease for six years found that the main reason, elevated serum creatinine 5 and a half years, no urine for four years, at 2015-01-17 10:55 1st income I hospital.
Admission examination blood: hemoglobin 117g / L, erythrocyte count 3.77 × 1012 / L, renal six: blood urea nitrogen 26.3mmol / L, creatinine 1330umol / L, uric acid 504umol / L, electrolyte: potassium 5.67mmol / L, Ca 2.39 mmol / L, P 2.60mmol / L, parathyroid hormone: 1955pg / ml, lipids: triglycerides 1.9mmol / L, total cholesterol 6.17mmol / L, LDL cholesterol 4.34mmol / L, abdominal ultrasound showed: polycystic liver disease, polycystic kidney disease, renal multiple stones. Echocardiogram showed left atrial enlargement, left ventricular diastolic function. Ophthalmoscope shows: eyes hypertensive arteriosclerosis. Thyroid ultrasound Tip: multiple thyroid nodules.
Herbal topical administration, foot bath, medicated bath blood circulation, protect renal function, oral herbal detoxification aid; give blood pressure, to correct anemia, suppression of uric acid synthesis, blood purification to aid in detoxification treatment. After 28 days of hospitalization, his condition improved after doctors superiors granted discharge.

Discharge conditions: general condition of patients may, morning blood pressure 130 / 90mmHg. Physical examination: no abnormal heart and lung, both lower extremities without edema. Review the test results showed: blood: hemoglobin 134g / L, erythrocyte count 4.15 × 1012 / L, renal six (predialysis): blood urea nitrogen 18.2mmol / L, creatinine 1036umol / L, uric acid 279umol / L, electrolytes (through ago): potassium 4.61mmol / L, calcium 2.48mmol / L, P 1.32mmol / L, renal six (postdialysis): blood urea nitrogen 6.0mmol / L, creatinine 406umol / L, uric acid 77umol / L, electrolytes (through After): potassium 3.53mmol / L, calcium 2.62mmol / L, phosphorus 0.65mmol / L, parathyroid hormone: 993.7pg / ml.

Glomerulonephritis how to treat a good effect

In recent years, the incidence of glomerulonephritis increasing, endangering people's health, to the patient's life brought a lot of trouble, glomerulonephritis after streptococcal infection occurred in the majority of cases 2 ~ three weeks ago I had pharyngitis, tonsillitis prodromal infection, after the early morning light to see eyelid edema, severe edema extended body. Even pleural effusion, ascites, shortness of breath and abdominal distension, increased blood pressure and some patients have headaches, urine tests almost all contain proteinuria. So how good glomerulonephritis treatment?
As the pace of life in modern society continues to accelerate, more and more people body showing healthy condition, which requires everyone's awareness of the need to strengthen a number of diseases, thus do a very good prevention, you can do preventive measures .
1, pay attention to exercise: health, enhancing the body's resistance to prevent bacterial infection, the immune response of the damage occurred after the virus. "Life is movement", physical exercise is equal to the healthy investment. The occurrence of kidney disease and upper respiratory tract infection is closely related, often feel cold, wind-heat, rheumatism evil for the beginning because, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of kidney disease, you should pay attention to changes in heat and cold weather, change clothes, avoid rainy days out, avoid sweating when the wind, wading rain, wearing wet clothes, vigilant invasion of evils. In case of other diseases have effective treatment early and maintain a happy mood.
2, to enhance personal hygiene: keep the skin, oral hygiene, after bedtime brushing, mouthwash after meals to prevent skin boils, swelling and other skin purulent infection. Once sick, early diagnosis and treatment.
3, should rest, personal law: to develop good health habits. Because life without the law, lack of sleep, overeating, excessive wine and women, excessive work and rest, may reduce the body's resistance to the external evil, increase the chance of illness. Eating high-calorie, high protein, high in vitamins, digestible diet. Encourage more water, flush the urethra to increase urine output, promote the discharge of bacteria and inflammatory substances.
4, or used with caution to avoid toxic drugs: the use of kidney damage larger species, such as when gentamicin, streptomycin, kanamycin, sulfonamides, cimetidine, indomethacin, acetaminophen, etc. should pay particular attention .

5, prevent the occurrence of secondary nephropathy: for patients with hypertension, diabetes, connective tissue disease, chronic hepatitis B and other active treatment of the primary disease, to check the urine and kidney function regularly.

Beer can cause kidney failure

Beer contains alcohol, alcohol in the metabolic process will increase the burden on the kidneys. While beer hops have a diuretic effect, it will increase the burden on the kidneys. While also liver injury, liver injury after toxic substances can not be, well further increase the burden on the kidneys. If you have suffered from kidney related ailments, and often a lot of beer, it will lead to deposition of uric acid renal tubular obstruction, resulting in kidney failure.
The way to prevent the deterioration of renal failure
Once had kidney failure, patients will bring great pain. Prevent deterioration are the following.
1. In life, the patient should be prevention of infection, especially for respiratory or urinary tract infection is most common, to prevent infection to prevent disease progression in chronic renal failure have a positive effect.
2. The patient should try to prevent their own blood pressure, height, engage in blood pressure are the most common symptoms of chronic renal failure, but persistent high blood pressure can affect kidney function. Antihypertensive therapy can improve renal function to varying degrees.
3. When eating drugs, patients should try to avoid substances harmful to the kidneys, and renal toxicity of drugs, such as amino sugar type antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
4. Patients should enhance understanding of their condition, some symptoms can be determined by their condition, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination and insufficient water intake and so on.

5. When the patient during kidney disease diet, should maintain a reasonable diet, so for the treatment of renal failure have a very important role.

Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome, which way?

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital tell you how to use the medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome. But western medicine can only be said to control the symptoms, not cure kidney disease.
In general, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome should follow the following principles:
First, the diuretics: usually 7-10 days after the treatment the urine will attend that unnecessary use of diuretics. Nephrotic syndrome patients with severe edema can use diuretics, diuretics are commonly used furosemide, administered intravenously, it is best to lose the low molecular weight oil dextrose anhydride, often have good diuretic effect.
Second, the hormone therapy: The most commonly used drugs are prednisone in patients with nephrotic syndrome, depending on the type of the disease, patients respond to prednisone, etc., were using a short course of two months, in the course of 4-6 months and 9-2 month long course. Simple nephrotic short course for the initial treatment, medium and long courses for retreatment, multi repeated simple nephrotic syndrome or nephritis nephropathy.
Third, immunosuppressants: nephrotic syndrome patients the side effects of too much use of hormones or bad treatment, they can use immunosuppressive therapy, most commonly used drugs are cyclic amines, sulfur birds glanced Yin, ring full neomycin A, vincristine, etc. TWP.

Due to the huge Western medicine side effects of treatment of nephrotic syndrome, patients in strict accordance with the doctor asked to perform in the treatment, not arbitrarily withdrawal, dosing, etc. in order to avoid greater pain to bring their own.

Stage 4 Kidney Failure Little urination and how to cure it

In fact, dialysis or kidney transplantation is recommended for the treatment of this situation. The above is the Western medicine, the last one is Chinese medicine, both of them can help patients live better.
Dialysis is the most common way to solve the problems induced renal failure in step 4 so surely can relieve symptoms and prolong life it. But it can not fully replace or repair the kidney damage kidney function, so you can not help increase urination.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmpterapia as an innovation of Chinese herbal medicine can cure kidney disease course but not suitable for the patient without the production of urine. So while you have to pee, you can get help from this treatment. If your urine is decreasing, or no urine, you need to increase before taking this therapy. So our doctors will give a Chinese herb medicines, which may increase urine production by improving renal function. After things going stable, that will give this therapy, for better healing effect.

If you are patient in stage 4 kidney failure with little urine, you should take the opportunity to cure their illness, need any help in healing or want to know more about the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, leave message to us or You can send email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com. We are here waiting to help. Hoping that all people have a good day.

How to prevent deterioration of diabetic nephropathy

You know, diabetic nephropathy is caused by the long duration of diabetes and poorly controlled, progress was made in renal failure, patients have to take dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, most patients do not want to take them .Tan ways to prevent this disease is worse has become a hot topic.
How to prevent the deterioration of diabetic nephropathy?
Control the level of blood sugar
Patients with diabetic nephropathy should control the level of blood sugar closely. Normal fasting blood glucose <6.1 mmol / l, postprandial blood glucose <8.0 mmol / L (hemoglobin <6.5% range.
Prevent hypertension
Patients with diabetic nephropathy should control the level of blood pressure so estricta.Pacientes with high blood pressure should be under the direction of doctor, insist on taking antihipertensivos.Rango regular blood pressure medications without damage to the kidneys and urine less than 1.0 g of protein, must be controlled blood pressure of 130/80 mg / Hg, if urine protein greater than 1.0 g per day, you should control blood pressure 75/125 mg / Hg.
Controlling cholesterol levels in the blood
Increased cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein can lead to the normal range proteinuria.La cholesterol below 4.5 mmol / l, LDL cholesterol below 2.6 mmol / l; HDL of more than 1.1 mmol / L and triglyceride levels less than 1.5 mmol / L
Maintain a reasonable diet
Maintain a low salt diet can help patients alleviate hyperglycemia and severe edema, add the right amount of calcium can increase the recovery of the kidneys.
Prevent urinary tract infections
Patients vulnerable to urinary tract infection diabetic nephropathy, when patients with urinary tract infection, antibiotic treatment should be regularly to avoid deterioration of renal injury.

All the above measures are useful to prevent the deterioration of the disease, but if you want to solve this problem at its root, you should seek the help of a systematic treatment, if you want consegir effective and advanced treatments, leaves the household directly below or send email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com, we will help you with everything .Thanks for your time!
