
Corn nephritis whether good?

Corn should be a diuretic, blood pressure, promote bile secretion, increase blood thrombin and accelerate blood clotting and so on. The corn should be stored in a dry cut before pollination, Jianshui tea, nephritis, cystitis, cholecystitis, rheumatism, high blood pressure and obesity have a certain effect.
Corn treatment 5
1 diuretic: commonly used in the treatment of nephritis edema, with 50 to 100 grams a day, decoction. Schistosomiasis cirrhosis, available corn, with watermelon, red bean, decoction.
2 gallbladder: treatment cholecystitis, fatty liver, diabetes. Often with capillaris, gardenia with the application. Corn, turmeric each 50 grams, water simmer in water, can reduce serum cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
3 hemostasis: corn, roots, leaves treat hematemesis and hematuria. When hematuria, corn flower with shepherd's purse, Imperatae each 30 grams, decoction.
Step 4: Common Corn and wild chrysanthemum, cassia seed tea can improve blood pressure symptoms.
5 diarrhea: diarrhea caused by indigestion, especially watery diarrhea, corn or corn cobs decoction has antidiarrheal effect.

Corn still strong heart, appetizers, stop cough and other effects, it is sweet, flat, without any side effects, of course, long-term drinking

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