
Chronic interstitial nephritis dietary considerations

Chronic interstitial nephritis dietary considerations
Indeed they are suffering from a lot of people in the diagnosis of chronic interstitial nephritis, when it does not know what kind of disease, chronic interstitial nephritis caused it to understand what is not a lot, not to talk about chronic dietary considerations of interstitial nephritis.
So what chronic interstitial nephritis dietary considerations is it? Kidney specialist said: chronic interstitial nephritis diet, edema or hypertension should be limiting salt intake, daily to 2 ~ 4g appropriate. High degree of edema should control the daily 2g or less, salted fish, all kinds of pickles should be hanged, and then gradually increase the amount of sodium After edema.
In addition to chronic interstitial nephritis have significant edema drinking water should not be limiting. Plasma protein intake should be low without azotemia protein diet, daily protein should be at 60 ~ 80g or higher. Chronic interstitial nephritis azotemia should be limiting the total amount of protein intake, daily 40g less supply of high-quality protein rich in essential amino acids, total calories should 0.146kJ / kg body weight around, pay attention to diet, nutritional supplements and vitamins Fruits and vegetables are not limited.

Hospital experts remind you: the development of science, many advanced medical technology and treatment methods, is able to help patients from the disease, so patients to maintain a good attitude with medical treatment. To learn more about the contents of the disease, welcome friends online consultation hospital specialists.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Symptomatic treatment of interstitial nephritis

Symptomatic treatment of interstitial nephritis
The natural history of chronic interstitial nephritis varies as to the treatment of primary disease at an early stage can often delay the progression of the disease, sometimes improving renal function is also available to some extent, the most prominent example is the lifting of urinary tract obstruction . If you can not remove the cause or progression to advanced disease, renal insufficiency comparable level when the disease progression to end-stage chronic glomerulonephritis faster than slower. By appropriately treating the low-capacity, acidosis, hyperkalemia, or hypertension, and often rapid deterioration of renal function can be reversed. ESRD dialysis and kidney transplantation therapies available
Interstitial nephritis due to treatment
(1) urinary tract infection: chronic interstitial nephritis caused by bacterial infection, antibiotics to fight infection. Note that when you change the sensitivity of bacterial drug, dosage and duration of treatment, and drug dosage adjustment based on renal function, try to choose a drug for kidney toxicity.
(2) analgesic nephropathy: Early diagnosis is important, after the diagnosis should stop taking the drugs. Phenacetin reduce the amount invested to help prevent the occurrence of this disease.
(3) obstructive nephropathy: According to the etiology of the obstruction to remove the obstruction, and infection control, preservation of renal function.
(4) toxic nephropathy: the drug-induced kidney toxicity, the drug should be discontinued. Toxic nephropathy caused by heavy metals, should reduce contact with the antidote.

(5) Other primary disease: its treatment can be found in the treatment of the disease.

Nephrotic syndrome, how is it treated?

Nephrotic syndrome, how is it treated?
Nephrotic syndrome is a very common cause of kidney disease is caused by a variety to increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane with glomerular filtration rate and decreased glomerular lesions mainly a group of syndromes. According cause of morbidity, treatment methods will be different, if the method of treatment is not in place, it will cause more severe disease, nephrotic syndrome, so the need for early discovery and timely treatment can control the disease progresses, reduce People injury.
1. hypoalbuminemia treatment:
(1) diet therapy: nephrotic syndrome patients are usually negative nitrogen balance, such as energy intake of high protein diet, it is possible to positive nitrogen balance. However, patients with nephrotic syndrome protein intake can lead to increased urinary protein, increased glomerular damage, but no increase in serum albumin levels. Therefore, the recommended daily protein intake of 1g / kg, together with the daily urinary loss of protein per 1g of protein intake, must be non-protein calorie intake 138kJ (33kcal).
(2) intravenous infusion of albumin: Because intravenous albumin that is lost from the urine by the kidneys in 1 to 2 days, and expensive. In addition a large number of intravenous albumin, immune suppression, hepatitis C, induced heart failure, delay mitigation and increased recurrence rate and other side effects, it should be applied in strict indications intravenous albumin.
2. how the treatment of nephrotic syndrome edema
(1) limit sodium diet: edema itself prompt the body too much sodium, so patients with nephrotic syndrome limiting salt intake is important. Normal daily intake of salt 10g (containing 3.9g sodium), but because after dietary sodium restriction because patients often tasteless and loss of appetite, affecting the protein and calorie intake. Therefore, dietary sodium restriction should the patient can tolerate, without prejudice to its appetite for the degree, low-salt diet salt content is 3 ~ 5g / d. Patients with chronic, long-term due to sodium diet can lead to lack of intracellular sodium, should attract attention.
(2) the application of diuretics: different site of action, diuretics can be divided into:
① thiazide diuretics: major role in the medullary thick ascending limb segment (the cortex) and the distal convoluted tubule front, by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium and chlorine, potassium excretion increased to achieve a diuretic effect. The usual dose of hydrochlorothiazide plug-triazine was 75 ~ 100mg / d.

② row sodium retention and potassium sparing diuretics: The main role of the distal tubule and collecting duct, aldosterone antagonists. Spironolactone is usually a dose of 60 ~ 120mg / d, single use of such drugs less effective, so often used in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics.

Nephrotic syndrome can live how long?

Nephrotic syndrome can live how long?
Nephrotic syndrome is caused by a variety of causes, the main reason is that it's the onset of the immune system disorder caused. So nephrotic syndrome can be much longer, this is an issue that all patients are most concerned about. In fact, according to the different stages of the disease, the chance of cure is not the same. Nephrotic syndrome can be much longer? And if nephrotic syndrome found early, then the disease will be well controlled, it would not endanger the life, but if you do not pay attention to them, the consequences are very serious.
One should look at the treatment!
If the control well, then generally do not affect life, if not properly managed, relapse repeatedly make is not to say that, in general, chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, compared to light, there is quite a large proportion of chronic nephritis kidney function will turn failure, usually 2 to 20 years, and nephrotic syndrome, aggressive treatment is no problem. In the choice of hospital treatment should not only aim at a large comprehensive large hospitals, but to choose a professional hospital treatment, such as hospital it put all thoughts are on the study of the treatment of kidney disease.
Two, but also to avoid recurrence factor!
To prevent relapse in patients with nephrotic syndrome, attention closely with doctors, early diagnosis, conditions can be used for biopsy to determine the nature of the disease from the structural level of the cell, and then develop targeted individualized treatment plan; nephrotic syndrome after in program development Patients do is strictly prescribed; actively respond cautiously colds, infections, doctors Tel: under the guidance of medication side is good policy; maintain a good attitude and a good diet, mental status, and diet for hospitalized patients with nephrotic syndrome and prognosis Conservation is a very important factor, which is also related to nephrotic syndrome can be much longer; it should appropriately strengthen their health, proper exercise, enhance physical fitness. Nephrotic syndrome can be much longer this problem is not as uremia, as long as the active treatment to take, do not need to worry about nephrotic syndrome can be much longer? This issue.
Three, depends on the severity!

Nephrotic syndrome can be much longer? It depends on the specific circumstances of the disease is dependent nephrotic syndrome can be treated early, as there is no cure to uremia, affecting the lives and safety. Therefore, patients requiring life must improve attention, for earlier discovery nephrotic syndrome, and thus targeted therapy, the better for the best time for treatment, in order to better achieve good results of treatment !

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Nephrotic syndrome, how is it

In suffering from a disease when the patient is sure to be more understanding of the knowledge of the disease, the type of kidney disease, there is a lot, and now suffering from nephrotic syndrome, there are a lot of people, nephrotic syndrome, how, Once suffering from this disease, then the patient is not only to find a good treatment approach, the diet is also to be noted that, with regard to, nephrotic syndrome, how, let Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts to introduce you to:
Nephrotic syndrome is actually a manifestation of symptoms, not a disease, nephrotic syndrome, how it happened, but the cause of this phenomenon is the reason there are many, nephrotic syndrome, how, to primary glomerular When the disease with nephrotic syndrome and difficult to identify their cause, can be temporarily diagnosed as "nephrotic syndrome", and seeks to clarify the cause as soon as possible and (or) the pathological diagnosis. In the medical field nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome is still not a single term to summarize kidney disease.
Although nephrotic syndrome as a common clinical syndrome with clinical manifestations, etiology, physiological and metabolic changes, and even treatment also common law. However, since it is a combination of etiology, pathology and clinical disease caused by a group of syndromes, so in the clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and treatment, etc. and has its own characteristics. Nephrotic syndrome and fever, anemia and other terms like, should not be used as a final diagnosis of the disease. Therefore not be used as nephrotic syndrome "disease" name.

Pediatric nephrotic syndrome term applications have different views. Children with nephrotic syndrome is a clinical condition is due to a variety of causes increased glomerular permeability, resulting in a large number of protein loss in the urine. Clinical has the following characteristics: a large number of urine protein (characterized as +++ or more for children than quantitative o.1g / kg / d), hypoalbuminemia (serum albumin children <30g / L, baby <25g / L ), hypercholesterolemia (serum cholesterol in children> 5.70mmol / L, Baby> 5.20mmol / L) and was swollen for a common feature of the clinical syndrome.
Shijiazhunag Kidney Disease Hospital


How to determine whether people with hypertensive nephropathy

To know whether he was suffering from hypertension, kidney disease, we must first know what is hypertensive nephropathy. What is hypertensive nephropathy it? Benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis caused by essential hypertension (high blood pressure, also known as renal arteriosclerosis) and malignant renal arteries harden, and accompanied by the appropriate clinical manifestations of the disease is called hypertensive nephropathy. Determine if they are suffering from hypertensive nephropathy three basis:
1, from their own history and symptoms
If patients between the ages of four or five years old, there are more than 5 years history of hypertension, nocturia more, the individual will appear proteinuria, some patients due to broken capillaries occur hematuria relatively short time, but do not have back pain Compare prone hypertensive nephropathy. Patients with arteriosclerotic retinopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary heart disease, heart failure, cerebral arteriosclerosis, and (or) the history of cerebrovascular accident. Slow progression, gradually developed into a small part of renal failure, most perennial mild renal impairment and abnormal urine. Malignant hypertension than diastolic blood pressure need 16Kpa (120mmHg), accompanied by significant and rapid development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, proteinuria, often accompanied by hematuria, renal function decline.
2, found from the physical examination.
If the patient's blood pressure was sustained increase (20.0 / 13Kpa, 150 / 100mmHg above), eyelid or lower extremity edema, diagnostic arteriosclerotic retinopathy, are likely to suffer from hypertension, nephropathy.
3, from the routine inspection found
For example: patients with mild to moderate proteinuria, 24 hours more quantitative in 1.5 ~ 2.0g; hematuria; early serum uric acid; renal tubular dysfunction in glomerular function more than the first damage. In imaging the kidney, renal failure can occur when different degrees of renal narrow, early detection appears radionuclide renal damage; electrocardiographic left ventricular often prompts high voltage; chest X-ray or echocardiogram often prompts main atherosclerosis, left ventricular hypertrophy or enlarged.

Diagnosis is suffering from hypertensive nephropathy in addition to the above three points, there are other diagnostic methods, not described in detail here, if you want to learn more about this, please consult the online experts for your detailed answers.

Three aspects of delaying development of chronic nephritis

Prognosis of chronic nephritis, and are very different due to the different types of diseases and chronic nephritis. In general, the prognosis is poor hypertension type, common type of acute onset and prognosis is good, but if the two types are also associated with high blood pressure after the existence and renal dysfunction, the prognosis is not good. Factors affecting the prognosis of chronic nephritis are:
(1) pathological factors: ① pathological types: mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis good prognosis is poor with severe mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerular sclerosis prognosis; membranous nephropathy is the prognosis is good, progress is slow. ② chronic indicators: the number of fibrous crescents, and the number of glomerular sclerosis, the extent of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy of how much and prognosis. The more these indicators, the worse the prognosis. ③ renal vascular disease, severe disease with poor prognosis.
(2) Clinical manifestations: ① persistent proteinuria and hematuria persists, faster deterioration of renal function; ② high blood pressure and can not control, as well as renal dysfunction and poor prognosis; ③ tubulointerstitial damage signs, such as renal anemia, nocturia, renal loss of sodium, Fanconi syndrome, renal tubular acidosis significantly poor prognosis.
(3) dietary factors: the high-protein diet can accelerate the development of chronic nephritis disease.

If you have any questions about kidney dise

Several common symptoms of nephritis

Nephritis is the most common form of the disease, which is the major causes of morbidity in patients with renal disorders due to inflammation and the emergence of the function, not to normal detoxification caused. Nephritis can be divided into many types, such as chronic nephritis, acute nephritis, occult nephritis, etc., but in reality, many patients are unaware of the symptoms of nephritis and missed the best time for treatment. So let the experts to explain the following nephritis what are the more common symptoms, so that we can discover, early treatment.
1 infection history. Generally a lot of nephritis patients before the illness will have some history of infection, when the incidence of some more subtle, slow onset; also some very sudden onset.
2, oliguria, hematuria. Many patients in the early stages of nephritis urine will reduce symptoms, but there will be blood in the urine, and is generally divided into visible under a microscope can distinguish between two types of hematuria.
3, facial swelling. According to statistics obtained, nephritis patients about nearly half are in the early stages, there are symptoms of edema and swelling of the face, but also very difficult to subside. Edema is the most common symptoms of nephritis, the most common site is the face and leg edema in general, and even hands and feet will appear swollen.
4, some time in the pathogenesis of nephritis patients accompanied by the emergence of symptoms of hypertension, which is more common. Hypertension can occur when the disease may also occur in the pathogenesis of the process, and are generally more difficult to want to make the blood pressure.

5, kidney function was normal metabolic damage. General condition of chronic nephritis continue to develop, the patient's condition will continue to increase. Due to renal function appeared normal metabolic barriers, making the kidney's functions will appear disorders, leading to the normal metabolism of renal function damage.
if you have any questions you can ask Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital's online doctor.


Chronic renal failure for the food we eat

Chronic renal failure for the food we eat
Chronic renal failure for the food we eat. No matter what kind of creatures, all need to eat the food, the food can satisfy our taste buds on the one hand, to fill his stomach. On the other hand, a lot of people with the disease through food friends adjuvant treatment of disease, the effect of treatment is quite helpful. So for patients suffering from chronic renal failure for what to eat it?
Chronic renal failure for what foods to eat it?
1, to pay attention to ensure the satisfaction of heat and satisfactory essential amino acids. Specifically, to the amount of protein in each patient should be sensitive to grasp the situation according to their muscle research eradicate rates.
2, adhere to high-quality low-protein diet, low phosphorus, low-salt, high-calorie; prevent increasing factor, suitable for cold temperature, sheltered cold; prevent exogenous infection, eating festival.
Chronic renal failure is not fit to eat food:
(1) avoid high-purine foods: such as organ meats, seafood, spinach, mushrooms, etc., also avoid beer, which can reduce the secretion of uric acid.
(2) all kinds of health products with caution: Chronic renal failure is not the Chinese say the "kidney" can not use a drug to treat chronic kidney renal failure, on the market numerous types of health products and supplements, the best distance.
(3) not eat spicy food: such as easy to "get angry" of the goods chili, pepper, pepper, curry, garlic, etc., allspice, aniseed, cedar, coriander and other "hair thing", because these foods are easy to form blood pressure rise, causing inflammation of the throat, can cause allergies.
(4) pay attention to low-salt diet: to maintain a low-salt diet, salt itself does not harm the kidneys, but more salt, water will increase accordingly, increased blood volume, increased edema, hypertension, and cardiac stress, then unfavorable conditions, So edema, hypertensive patients to low-salt diet, especially those with edema to 3 grams per day is appropriate.
(5) Shensi high potassium foods: potassium inhibit heartbeat, severe cases can cause cardiac arrest, the main draw by potassium foods, secreted by the kidneys in the urine, renal dysfunction, secretion cuts will form elevated serum potassium So Taboo eat food high in potassium. Such as: bananas, oranges, MSG, soy sauce, potatoes, mustard, mushrooms, fungus, seaweed, dates, lotus seeds, almonds, ham, scallops, shrimp and so on.

(6) the reasonable control of protein intake: is the patient's body under the premise of satisfaction of the basic requirements for protein, try to reduce the intake of protein, in order to reduce the maximum limit of kidney shoulder. According to the research: Chronic renal failure patients intake of protein per kilogram of body weight for the amount of 0.5 to 0.6 grams per day. In general, half a catty of milk a day, an egg, a two lean meat is essential, high-protein diet can increase blood urea nitrogen, and protein intake deficiency form of malnutrition, but also perhaps to promote elevated creatinine.

How do patients with renal failure care

How do patients with renal failure care
How do patients with renal failure care. Renal failure is a kidney disease, and is also a more serious illness, for this disease, most of the people are more important, after all, patients with this disease if not treated timely and effective words the mortality rate is very high, so in order to create a better environment for patients to live, renal failure patients on how nursing has become an issue for the majority of the families of patients concerned about it!
(1) psychosocial support: to encourage patients to speak psychological feelings of anxiety, patience to listen to the patient's story, to encourage patients to establish the confidence to overcome the disease and to participate in beneficial activities.
(2) rest and activity: the creation of a quiet, clean environment to rest. Care operations there are plans to focus on, try not to interfere with the patient when the patient is at rest. Formulate an appropriate amount of activities based on the patient tolerated the activities in their daily lives given proper care.
(3) diet: high-calorie, high-quality low-protein, high in vitamins, calcium and phosphorus diet. Calories per kilogram of body weight per day 125.5kj, in order to reduce the consumption of protein, the main staple food with wheat starch, sugar, 2/3, supplemented by the remaining fat (vegetable oil); protein per kilogram of body weight per day 0.5 ~ 0.8g, which high-quality quality protein per kilogram of body weight per day 0.35 ~ 0.5g, avoid eating vegetable protein; note cb supply vitamins and vitamin-rich foods have folic acid in patients with hypocalcemia, supply high-calcium foods such as milk.; When patients have hyperkalemia, should limit foods high in potassium intake, such as patient cabbage, radish, mustard, orange, banana, pear, peach, grape, watermelon and vomiting give digestible liquid diet, small meals
(4) observation of the disease: observe whether the infection and the degree of edema, if no fever, chills, cough, sputum local skin redness, swelling, ulceration, or rapid weight gain in the short term, such as a patient when the patient. blood pressure, changes in consciousness, rapid heart rate, lung wet gong sounds, jugular vein distention, decreased urine output, into the liquid at the time of the maximum amount, the doctor should report to give appropriate treatment.

(5) medication care: to have anemia, hypertension, heart failure scorpion, water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders and other manifestations of the patient, good care and medication, prescribed use of diuretics and vasodilators, who strictly control the amount of fluid and sodium. Doctors do with dialysis and kidney transplant patients preoperative and postoperative care.

Symptoms of kidney failure patients

Symptoms of kidney failure patients
What are the symptoms of renal failure patients have now more and more people suffering from kidney disease, kidney failure is a kidney disease, the disease for our great impact, so we must treat the disease as soon as got, but because most of the People do not understand the early symptoms of the disease, so we delayed treatment, as soon as possible in order to help the patient can treat diseases, we'll introduce the following symptoms of diabetic nephropathy
1, edema symptoms
Renal failure patients are symptoms of edema, which is the symptom most likely to occur, this happens mostly because the kidneys can not eliminate excess water in the body and lead to fluid retention in the body tissue space, only early in the ankle and eyelid edema, fade away after the break, if expanded to persistent or systemic edema, the light has not carry disease.
2, drowsiness, fatigue symptoms
For patients with renal failure is a big influence, the situation drowsiness, fatigue patients will appear, but the symptoms of the most easily overlooked due cause drowsiness, fatigue reason indeed too much. Especially those in their careers "full fight", most people put the blame on the work of panic and fatigue. If a little rest and symptoms improved, even more easily overlooked.
3, high blood pressure
Will appear in patients with renal failure had high blood pressure, kidney due to natriuresis, drainage function, impaired renal function when the body will attack the accumulation of sodium and water, in addition, when the kidneys secrete substances that increase blood pressure. Therefore, early renal failure patients have varying degrees of hypertension. If the difference between hypertension prone to cause clotting mechanism coupled nose or gum bleeding, to attract attention.
4, pale yellowing
Patients with renal failure also cause yellowing of the complexion, this is mainly due to the anemia caused due to the onset of this performance and expand very slowly, and thus not too short a period of time will not render obvious "contrast", as people sooner or later find it difficult to meet a variety of slow changes unfold in the same.

What are the symptoms of renal failure patients have, that's specific description of renal failure, and I hope there will be some help for our great impact renal failure, if you find yourself above symptoms appear, it is necessary to hospital for treatment as soon as possible If you have any do not understand, you can consult a doctor online Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, the last hope that we can recover soon.

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital seven uremic kidney disease detection

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital seven uremic kidney disease detection
First, the determination of serum urea
Urea (Urea) is the end product of amino acid catabolism, the molecular weight is only 61, can be freely by glomerular filtration, the original urine urea 50% is absorbed in the tubules and collecting ducts. When renal disease may be due to reabsorption decreased, the blood concentration. Another generation is better urea creatinine constant and high-protein diet significantly affected. Its meaning and the same serum creatinine, renal reserve capacity due to large, only GFR falls below 50%, blood urea will be increased.
Second, serum creatinine measurements
Serum creatinine (SCr) and includes uptake of exogenous creatine phosphate by dephosphorylation of endogenous Cr. Vivo generation amount per day with a relatively constant. After taking into account the vast majority of glomerular urine over into the original without being tubular reabsorption. Therefore, if the control uptake of exogenous Cr, Cr is preferably renal function.
Third, the serum uric acid
Uric acid (UA) for nucleoprotein and purine nucleic acid metabolite, freely through the glomerular membrane, almost all tubular reabsorption. So the blood UA concentrations consideration by glomerular and tubular excretion over the function, the function of the combined effects of reabsorption. If elevated blood UA, UA urine decreased, suggesting filtration dysfunction; blood and urine were elevated UA, UA prompted increased production, seen in primary gout; lower blood UA, UA urine increased, suggesting that tubular reabsorption disorders , seen in interstitial nephritis and the like; blood, urine UA decreased, suggesting decreased production UA, seen in acute liver necrosis, using 6-mercaptopurine, or large doses of hormones.
Fourth, the serum β-2 microglobulin
Normal daily B2-MG to generate a constant amount, free filter into the original urine, but 99% is absorbed by the proximal tubule. Elevated serum B2-MG, found in the glomerular dysfunction consider too, is more sensitive than serum creatinine; if blood, urine B2-MG increased simultaneously, but the blood B2-MG <5mg / L (renal tubular absorption threshold 5mg / L), prompted only glomerular damage, and tubular function is also impaired absorption. In addition, IgAN, cancer, inflammatory diseases, may be due to increased production of B2-MG, beyond the threshold of tubular absorption, increased urinary B2-MG.
Fifth, the cysteine ​​protease inhibitor protein C
Cystatin C is all nucleated cells can secrete a basic protein, generated daily volume constant, low molecular weight, can be freely through the glomerular membrane, is almost completely absorbed by the proximal tubule. Linear relationship between plasma concentration and GFR was significantly better than the blood urea, Cr and Ccr, is a reflection of the glomerular dysfunction worry too early and reliable indicators. Has been recommended to replace blood urea, Cr and Ccr checks.
Six, retinol binding protein
Retinol binding protein (RBP) for blood retinol (vitamin A) transporter protein. The protein from the glomerular filtrate, absorbed by the proximal tubular degradation. RBP sensitive content changes can reflect proximal tubular function and the extent of damage, but also as an early indicator of damage and treatment monitoring of liver function. (1) reduction: vitamin A deficiency, hypoproteinemia, malabsorption syndrome, liver disease, obstructive jaundice, hyperthyroidism, infection, trauma. (2) increased: renal dysfunction, fatty liver.
Seven, homocysteine

Homocysteine ​​is a cysteine ​​dissimilar, was positively correlated with serum creatinine values. It can promote blood clotting factor Ⅻ, Ⅴ, platelet prostaglandin synthesis, thereby promoting platelet adhesion and aggregation, prone to cause blood clots. The lower the body homocysteine ​​concentration, the more they can maintain a perfect body biochemical balance.

Would Dehydration Lead into High Creatinine Level and Its Treatment

There are many reasons for high creatinine. If you have any question please ask our ONLINE DOCTOR. We will give professional guidance as soon as possible.
There are famous professional doctors to help you in treating kidney diseases. They will give hands for you through your medical history and reports as soon as possible. My dear friends, in order to treat your kidney diseases well, There are famous professional doctors to help you in treating kidney diseases.
The creatinine increases temperately, which caused by dehydration. Dehydration generally causes BUN levels to rise more than creatinine levels. This causes a high BUN-to-creatinine ration. So a BUN-to-creatinine ratio can help doctor check for problems, such as dehydration.
It is very important to prevent dehydration as a possible reason of high creatinine in this population because patients may mistakenly believe that their remaining kidney is failing. In addition to kidney diseases and dehydration, other conditions that can cause elevated creatinine levels include heart failure, dehydration, excessive blood loss that causes shock, gout, strenuous exercise, muscle injury, etc.

Drinking fluids is usually enough for mild dehydration. It is better to drink small amounts of fluid often, instead of trying to force large amounts of fluid at one time. electrolyte solutions or freezer pops are very effective. These are available at pharmacies. Sports drinks contain a lot of sugar and can cause or worsen diarrhea. In infants and children, avoid using water as the primary replacement fluid.


Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Description

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital was founded in 1986, after 26 years of unremitting efforts, has now developed into a set of medical, teaching, scientific research as one of the new modern kidney treatment facility. Hospital tertiary level hospital in accordance with national standard design planning and construction, the total area of ​​48,000 square meters hospital, with a total construction area of ​​66,000 square meters, divided into A, B, C, D four hospital floor and E, F two complex building, is one of China's kidney specialist hospital is the largest and most complete facilities, the most abundant medical resources.
Technical characteristics of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
The hospital has the most advanced equipment, the most complete kidney disease testing center, equipped with ultra-high Olympus microscope, flow cytometry, automatic biochemical analyzer, automatic biochemical immunoassay module system and other testing equipment, can carry erythrocyte sedimentation rate determination, kidney disease, routine testing of glycated hemoglobin, troponin, coagulation, electrolytes, liver function, kidney function, immune five, urine renal function, such as kidney damage and kidney fibrosis eight, antinuclear antibodies, circulating immune complexes, nephropathy associated autoantibodies, blood concentration, hematuria, lymphocyte subsets and other characteristics of the detection level of technology in the industry enjoyed a high reputation.
Shijiazhuang kidney hospital opened in renal fibrosis exclusive domestic inspection program is an important foundation to support the theory of renal fibrosis, kidney fibrosis, which can display the "matrix metalloproteinases" content inspection and research projects for the domestic initiative; reflect the inherent degree of renal cell damage and recovery of "cell activating factor" test project is the leading domestic.
The hospital has a large blood purification center, the existing 32 dialysis machines and three sets of blood filtration machine can be equipped to carry out a variety of difficult work dialysis. 35 sets of dialysis equipment and water treatment equipment for all the original German "Fresenius" high-end equipment, and has a dual membrane continuous blood purification machine Plasauto iQ21, is currently the most advanced blood purification dialysis equipment for clinical therapy a reliable guarantee.
In the treatment of kidney disease, kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang has a strong technical force, and with research institutions in many countries the United States, Germany, Australia and a number of areas, such as Beijing, Shanghai and other closely academic exchanges and cooperation, in the treatment of chronic nephritis, IGA various aspects of kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome, renal purpura, lupus kidney, secondary to kidney disease, pediatric kidney disease, renal failure, uremia praise at home and abroad, and The theoretical basis and summarize treatment experience, published "The basic theory and clinical renal fibrosis" (Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House), a book which is now the first of the academic monograph in the field of renal fibrosis.
Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital management features
First, forging "down with the desire" outstanding team. In the exploration and practice of hospital construction, hospitals always adhere to the people-oriented hospital culture that respects people, training people, motivate people, improve people, development people, forged a "down with the desire" highly cohesive, competitive up tenacious style team. In this composed by employees and management team, full of knowledge and skills of each member, the face of difficulties, solve problems, work together to achieve common goals.
Second, the emphasis on human this medicine, make medicine back to basics. Medicine is a science of man, left the people, medicine will lose its soul. The essence and core of the medicine man, is to the needs of patients as the hospital all the starting and ending points. To this end, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital respected "concentric circles" of services and the medical model, all patients turn around, choose the method with the condition that the real return to the medical patient as the main source. In practice, the patient as the center, the first-line professional physicians, second-tier professional inspection departments, various services three lines, four lines of management and discipline office five lines simultaneously for the same patients.
Third, the importance of medical technology and specialty medicine. Over the years, the hospital has been dedicated to the exploration and the pursuit of specific treatment methods, introduced to the Chinese medicine treatment mainly to Western medicine treatment modalities escort system, and has been recognized by experts. The hospital has selected two Chinese herb prescriptions and seven oral prescription treatment as a characteristic series of prescriptions, have achieved good clinical results. According to experts, the proposal to declare the number of hospital preparation. Today, the series of prescriptions plus systemic therapy has become a unique method of treatment of kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang - Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy. This unique approach has become the treatment of kidney disease kidney hospital "look Jiabao," Shijiazhuang kidney hospital's "unique skills", which is a majority of patients with the approval of signature treatments.
Operating characteristics of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
First, grasp ethics education, with sincere win the trust of patients. Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital ethics education never stopped caring heart to treat patients with a sincere heart to impress the patient, to warm the heart of the service the patient has become the conscious action of each employee, the hospital this also set up a "can not infringe on the interests of patients "" red line. " While strengthening the knowledge of kidney disease and kidney disease treatment technology education, so that patients know the causes, the real masters of our own theories and methods of treatment are suffering from kidney disease, "the patient to develop into an expert."
Second, grasping business training, to enhance the professional skills of the medical staff. In recent years, the hospital spared no effort to upgrade and improve the operational level to grasp the theory of medical personnel, so that health care quality dramatically.
Third, we must network construction, display and dissemination of brand image. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has invested heavily in the network construction, the building has forty-seven kidney disease sites, plus a copy of the site totaling more than 150 sites. And intensive training of nearly 200 doctors, year round for all types of free online Q kidney disease for patients to explain treatment methods and precautions. The success of this mode of operation, to achieve effective communication and brand awareness building hospitals.
The fourth is discharged for patients with ongoing tracking and management. Since 2006, the hospital set up a professional organization, responsible for system management of all discharged hospital patients, set up special track disease in patients after discharge, the patient was discharged regularly visit, and held a special seminar for discharged patients with the disease. This move not only increased the enthusiasm of patients adhere to treatment, but also to the long-term effects of post-discharge and to consolidate good show, but also in exchange for a good reputation of the hospital, won a large number of loyal patients.
Service Features Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital
Shijiazhuang kidney hospital with international standards of medical institutions, to provide patients with "a medical service for life," the health protection. Hospitals to provide patients with pre-hospitalization, hospitalization, and treatment services throughout the hospital after. Which security services before hospitalization and rehabilitation after hospitalization for full free service.
In the clinical treatment process, we also implement the "six clear" service, require the doctor to the patient's etiology, treatment, rehabilitation prognosis, etc. detail. For patients with a hundred percent right, so rest assured that medical patients, safety doctor. Meanwhile, to enable patients to be assured doctor, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital in the country since the beginning of 2005 the first of its kind open-ended run hospital, the patient first consult a doctor in advance that we advocate, on-site visits, to communicate with patients' ward, recognized before deciding whether this treatment.
In 2011, the hospital has invested heavily to establish a "live webcast of the hospital," the patient to the hospital before online visit every corner of the hospital, so that patients truly "clearly see a doctor, get down in hospital."
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has always adhere to the patient-centered, to promote "active service" and "to me so far," the service concept, "great service" to promote the "big effect." Adhere to the "no trivial matter patient, the patient everything is right" approach to running the hospital. Dean was established under the management of the hospital service quality monitoring group under the leadership and supervision of the Deputy Dean of the leadership team, two-track operation mechanism, so that the service system and philosophy to the letter.
26 years Shijiazhuang kidney hospital has received hundreds of thousands of kidney patients from over 20 countries, more than 30 domestic provinces, autonomous regions and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the world, in which Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia annually together old and new patients to our charter hospital examination and treatment.

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital insisted: "hundredfold efforts, the treasure of life care; endless centuries, to create a harmonious hospital" policy of running the hospitals; uphold: "to be healthy thinking, caring, tenacious, innovative" core values, step by step, for the majority of patients with acute and chronic kidney disease can safely entrusted to create a healthy home health and life protection, building first-class quality, first-class service, first-class environment, first-class modern hospital management.

About Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

The Video about Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China. You can know about this kidney disease hospital.
Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is located in the south of Hebei province, China.Since 1986, our hospital has been committed to delivering standard-setting medical care. Throughout the past decades, the hospital has had a consistent commitment to providing the latest treatments and considerate service for kidney patients throughout the world.
As one of the largest kidney disease specialized hospital in China, our hospital continues its tradition of excellence today. Our hospital covers an area of 48,000 acres and the building area is 46,000㎡ Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital has long been a leader in successfully putting forward advanced theories in treating kidney diseases including Hot Compress Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicines Osmotherapy, Renal Fibrosis Theory, Five Renal Inherent Cells Theories, Immunotherapy, Blood Pollution Therapy, Medicated Bath etc. These discoveries and breakthroughs in clinical researches translate into new and better treatments that transform medicine practice and patient care.
If you have more questions, plese contact to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital's doctor.
