
Chronic renal failure for the food we eat

Chronic renal failure for the food we eat
Chronic renal failure for the food we eat. No matter what kind of creatures, all need to eat the food, the food can satisfy our taste buds on the one hand, to fill his stomach. On the other hand, a lot of people with the disease through food friends adjuvant treatment of disease, the effect of treatment is quite helpful. So for patients suffering from chronic renal failure for what to eat it?
Chronic renal failure for what foods to eat it?
1, to pay attention to ensure the satisfaction of heat and satisfactory essential amino acids. Specifically, to the amount of protein in each patient should be sensitive to grasp the situation according to their muscle research eradicate rates.
2, adhere to high-quality low-protein diet, low phosphorus, low-salt, high-calorie; prevent increasing factor, suitable for cold temperature, sheltered cold; prevent exogenous infection, eating festival.
Chronic renal failure is not fit to eat food:
(1) avoid high-purine foods: such as organ meats, seafood, spinach, mushrooms, etc., also avoid beer, which can reduce the secretion of uric acid.
(2) all kinds of health products with caution: Chronic renal failure is not the Chinese say the "kidney" can not use a drug to treat chronic kidney renal failure, on the market numerous types of health products and supplements, the best distance.
(3) not eat spicy food: such as easy to "get angry" of the goods chili, pepper, pepper, curry, garlic, etc., allspice, aniseed, cedar, coriander and other "hair thing", because these foods are easy to form blood pressure rise, causing inflammation of the throat, can cause allergies.
(4) pay attention to low-salt diet: to maintain a low-salt diet, salt itself does not harm the kidneys, but more salt, water will increase accordingly, increased blood volume, increased edema, hypertension, and cardiac stress, then unfavorable conditions, So edema, hypertensive patients to low-salt diet, especially those with edema to 3 grams per day is appropriate.
(5) Shensi high potassium foods: potassium inhibit heartbeat, severe cases can cause cardiac arrest, the main draw by potassium foods, secreted by the kidneys in the urine, renal dysfunction, secretion cuts will form elevated serum potassium So Taboo eat food high in potassium. Such as: bananas, oranges, MSG, soy sauce, potatoes, mustard, mushrooms, fungus, seaweed, dates, lotus seeds, almonds, ham, scallops, shrimp and so on.

(6) the reasonable control of protein intake: is the patient's body under the premise of satisfaction of the basic requirements for protein, try to reduce the intake of protein, in order to reduce the maximum limit of kidney shoulder. According to the research: Chronic renal failure patients intake of protein per kilogram of body weight for the amount of 0.5 to 0.6 grams per day. In general, half a catty of milk a day, an egg, a two lean meat is essential, high-protein diet can increase blood urea nitrogen, and protein intake deficiency form of malnutrition, but also perhaps to promote elevated creatinine.


