
Nephrotic syndrome, how is it treated?

Nephrotic syndrome, how is it treated?
Nephrotic syndrome is a very common cause of kidney disease is caused by a variety to increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane with glomerular filtration rate and decreased glomerular lesions mainly a group of syndromes. According cause of morbidity, treatment methods will be different, if the method of treatment is not in place, it will cause more severe disease, nephrotic syndrome, so the need for early discovery and timely treatment can control the disease progresses, reduce People injury.
1. hypoalbuminemia treatment:
(1) diet therapy: nephrotic syndrome patients are usually negative nitrogen balance, such as energy intake of high protein diet, it is possible to positive nitrogen balance. However, patients with nephrotic syndrome protein intake can lead to increased urinary protein, increased glomerular damage, but no increase in serum albumin levels. Therefore, the recommended daily protein intake of 1g / kg, together with the daily urinary loss of protein per 1g of protein intake, must be non-protein calorie intake 138kJ (33kcal).
(2) intravenous infusion of albumin: Because intravenous albumin that is lost from the urine by the kidneys in 1 to 2 days, and expensive. In addition a large number of intravenous albumin, immune suppression, hepatitis C, induced heart failure, delay mitigation and increased recurrence rate and other side effects, it should be applied in strict indications intravenous albumin.
2. how the treatment of nephrotic syndrome edema
(1) limit sodium diet: edema itself prompt the body too much sodium, so patients with nephrotic syndrome limiting salt intake is important. Normal daily intake of salt 10g (containing 3.9g sodium), but because after dietary sodium restriction because patients often tasteless and loss of appetite, affecting the protein and calorie intake. Therefore, dietary sodium restriction should the patient can tolerate, without prejudice to its appetite for the degree, low-salt diet salt content is 3 ~ 5g / d. Patients with chronic, long-term due to sodium diet can lead to lack of intracellular sodium, should attract attention.
(2) the application of diuretics: different site of action, diuretics can be divided into:
① thiazide diuretics: major role in the medullary thick ascending limb segment (the cortex) and the distal convoluted tubule front, by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium and chlorine, potassium excretion increased to achieve a diuretic effect. The usual dose of hydrochlorothiazide plug-triazine was 75 ~ 100mg / d.

② row sodium retention and potassium sparing diuretics: The main role of the distal tubule and collecting duct, aldosterone antagonists. Spironolactone is usually a dose of 60 ~ 120mg / d, single use of such drugs less effective, so often used in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics.


