
Nephrotic syndrome can not ride a bike to work

Nephrotic syndrome can not ride a bike to workNephrotic syndrome can not ride a bike to work ? The patient already suffering from nephrotic syndrome for years, is currently in a stable condition , although not negative , but there is always the possibility of recurrence , a cold will relapse. Patients want to enhance their physique, and therefore want to know nephrotic syndrome can do some exercise. Patients want to know what knowledge represents change nephrotic syndrome is sports , and want to know about the special needs of patients with nephrotic syndrome, attention, and do what sport ? Particular want to know is , can you ride a bike ?

The patient is to , in the case of stable disease , the patient can do some exercise appropriate under the condition , of course, must be taken to avoid infection, avoid fatigue , and if the patient at the onset of , or in the case of infection or unstable weather conditions , it is recommended not to do sports , outdoor activities and do not try to avoid the recurrence of the disease because of improper or worse.

Nephrotic syndrome can not ride a bike to work ? Patient's condition is always repeated , it shows the presence of renal pathology or injury , indicating the current palliative treatments only temporarily control the symptoms, not effective repair damage from the fundamental kidney function cells and therefore , under certain circumstances kidney disease , recurrence of the repeated continuously .

Patients with disease stage now , as long as the standard treatment, effective repair kidney damage cell function and effective care to do routine maintenance , can be effectively achieved clinical cure effect


Whether suffering from back pain and kidney failure related to it

Now more and more white-collar workers got sick and all kinds of lumbar spine disease . So there will be a lot of people worry about whether their kidneys because there is a problem caused by the need to hurt it? Always afraid of his own suffering back pain is related to renal failure . So in the end there is no relationship? Take a look at how the experts say it .
Back pain caused by kidney disease generally divided into the following four categories.

Renal parenchymal disease caused by swelling , mainly seen in acute glomerulonephritis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis , etc. . Enlargement of the kidney involves the renal capsule , there will be persistent pain , dull pain . Some patients also accompanied by gross hematuria, edema , hypertension and so on. Analgesics is not associated with kidney disease , can be found in urine tests . Low back pain is kidney failure must do ? Actually not the case. Kidney infections , common in renal abscess , acute pyelonephritis , mainly due to bacterial infection. Mostly unilateral low back pain, unbearable pressing and tapping checks often accompanied by fever , chills . Can be diagnosed through a routine urine test and B-.
Because there kidney tumors or cysts caused . If the cyst or tumor large enough to involve the renal capsule , can cause persistent pain and dull . By B ultrasound or CT to confirm the diagnosis . If renal colic occur impacted stones in the ureter , the performance of intermittent episodes of severe colic , may radiate to the perineum . Colds and nephritis genes associated with sweating, nausea and vomiting , severe gross hematuria . B can be diagnosed by ultrasound or abdominal X -ray film.
Back pain and kidney failure are related to it? These are the introduction of experts, if there is a recurring back pain, it must go to a regular hospital checks whether under their own suffering kidney failure. Avoid error condition.
What questions can leave a message to tell me.

What is proteinuria ?

Proteinuria is not all morbid functional proteinuria and pathological proteinuria points. Functional proteinuria , also known as physiological proteinuria , is the emergence of temporary proteinuria in healthy people . More common in young people under the influence of strenuous exercise , fever , high temperature, exposure to cold , stress and other factors , renal vascular spasm or congestion, resulting in glomerular filtration membrane permeability-increasing protein leaving a large number of " slipping through the net ." Normal urine of pregnant women may be a slight increase in protein , which increase with postural and renal flow , glomerular filtration rate increases related. Proteinuria functional proteinuria after the lifting of incentives will go away . It is also called a transient reversible proteinuria or albuminuria .
Pathological proteinuria refers to a system or organ of human disease caused by the occurrence of persistent urinary protein . General 24-hour urine protein more than 150 mg. Common in three cases:

Glomerular proteinuria : for various reasons caused the glomerular capillary wall injury ( such as immune damage ) , the load reduction or loss , resulting in glomerular permeability . Multiple plasma protein after filtration, tubular reabsorption of excess capacity , resulting in proteinuria. Such as acute and chronic nephritis, lupus nephritis , diabetic nephropathy .

Tubular proteinuria : renal tubular lesions or renal tubular dysfunction , decreased or reabsorption of proteins secreted protein increased, resulting in increased urine protein . Such as renal tubular acidosis , kidney disease caused by analgesics , antibiotics, and other manifestations of renal toxicity .


iga síntomas nefropatía : más que antes de la aparición de la infección

Se producen en los adolescentes , más común en los hombres. Más que antes de la aparición de la infección , a menudo por infección del tracto respiratorio superior ( 24-72 horas , incluso ser más corto ) una repentina hematuria macroscópica , continuó durante varias horas a varios días . Ataque hematuria bruto pueden tener síntomas sistémicos leves como fiebre , dolor de espalda , malestar general , disuria y, a veces muy importantes.
Otros pacientes de inicio insidioso , el rendimiento sobre todo con autoridad de anormalidades urinarias asintomáticas se encuentran a menudo en la cultura médica por cierto, fue hematuria microscópica persistente o intermitente puede ser con o sin proteinuria leve , lo que el curso de unos pocos pacientes pueden tener hematuria macroscópica intermitente. La nefropatía por IgA es una enfermedad glomerular primaria mostró enfermedad de tipo histológico más frecuente la hematuria , que representa alrededor del 60 % -70 %.
iga síntomas nefropatía : hematuria , proteinuria
10 % -15 % de los pacientes presentaron hematuria , proteinuria , hipertensión , disminución del gasto urinario , edema leve y otro síndrome de anticuerpos nefritis aguda .
iga síntomas nefropatía : Insuficiencia renal aguda

hipertensión nefropatía IgA es poco frecuente (< 5 % ∽ 10 % ) , con la extensión del curso aumento de la incidencia de la hipertensión arterial , la edad mayor de 40 años la incidencia de la hipertensión en pacientes con nefropatía por IgA 30 % ∽ 40 % . Pequeño número de pacientes mostró una hipertensión maligna , hipertensión persistente y mal pronóstico .


Q: whether the child can eat soy IgA nephropathy ?
Answer : Avoid high protein diet , does not mean not eating fish shrimp and the like, not only refers to excessive intake, as long as normal growth and development needs can be. Unless there is an abnormal renal function , soy protein can be eaten , but these proteins can not easily be absorbed by the body , more protein was finally excreted , so the kidney function is poor, avoid eating a lot , so as not to aggravate kidney burden .
Q: Recently we pay more attention to the children to eat some make up something that has red bean, red skin peanuts, lotus seeds , walnuts , dates, usually put them together and boiled rice porridge , boiled into soup to feed their children , wolfberry soaked child to drink , I learned Oujie can stop bleeding in urine , put it away in the usual pot of duck soup , broth , you do see fit to do so ?
A: These foods can be eaten, but do not bother to fill, children should not eat too greasy , high protein food , pay more attention to local health, but not necessarily used potassium permanganate wash water on it.
Q: Children recent situation has been relatively stable , these days have a cold, but when people fortunately did not increase red blood cells in the urine , how do ?
A: If only a runny nose, but no other symptoms and discomfort , you can disable the anti-inflammatory medicine , drinking water service point Vc enough, you usually take the so-called nutritional supplements, can be used, but I generally do not advocate , because if a balanced diet , with reasonable , then the child is no additional supplement , as opposed to food , the consideration too big .

IGA nephropathy in patients with edema how to do

Nephropathy is the most frequently encountered disease, but there are a lot of young people will be derived from the kidney due to various reasons , people with chronic kidney disease must be vigilant . It is apt to cause some serious consequences, such as IGA nephropathy is a common one , the following look after patients how to deal with phenomena such as edema .
If IGA nephropathy patients had edema, do not be too alarmed, have the right care measures. First, patients want to own parts of the skin edema in active care, to avoid occurrence of malignant disease . Specific approach is IgA nephropathy patients should wear a wide anti- soft cotton products clothes to keep beds smooth dry, turning frequently to avoid pressure on bony parts of the skin . Regularly with warm sponge bath or shower , frequently changes the underwear, mouthwash after meals , wash the perineum once daily to keep the skin clean to prevent infection. Without violating the rules of the diet , try to eat nutritious foods to improve the body resistance , help repair damaged skin .
Nurses also need to focus on is what causes edema , which targeted conditioning . Starting from the cause harm to remove edema is the most fundamental , IgA nephropathy patients with symptoms of edema will be a variety of factors , often upper respiratory tract infection or other parts of the infection overworked, mood changes, such as eating too much salt and water to make the disease increased, so that the edema should avoid these incentives to maintain a good mood and habits, positive control diet , with treatment and care , and promote recovery of the disease . With the weather change clothes in time to prevent the flu, avoid going to crowded public places . Patients should also pay attention to work and rest.
Above introduced are IGA nephropathy patients how to remove edema some basic care measures , edema predispose patients to mental depression, many problems appear on the body , people can pay attention to hygiene, frequent bathing, Qinhuan clothing, etc. to prevent infection conditioning .


Polycystic kidney diet needs attention

In recent years, often through various channels to hear the word polycystic kidney disease , polycystic kidney disease is a disease of Nephrology , the main symptoms of this disease are hematuria, abdominal mass, abdominal pain, if the patient pay attention to their diet in life it will cause great bodily injury , polycystic kidney disease diet needs attention .
1 , high-protein foods: Each kidney disease , should be low-protein diet , avoid nitrogen-based metabolites in the body , reduce the renal excretion of force . Such as soy , tofu and other soy products .
Polycystic kidney diet needs attention
2 , offal foods: animal offal cooked food made ​​of polycystic kidney disease patients not suitable for human consumption, especially animal liver, China sent a message saying , what to eat, make up what is , in fact, not so much in the process of slaughtering animals toxins left in the liver, kidney , especially the liver , the liver function is detoxification, many animals are left in the metabolism of toxins in the gut , if the patient is invisible after taking these substances increase the burden on the kidneys , worse.
3 , polycystic kidney disease diet needs attention , kidney specialists suggesting that patients should refuse alcohol. Alcoholic beverages : wine, especially wine , speaking for polycystic kidney disease patients should quit , alcohol and kidney irritation on important priority . It can stimulate polycystin activity and accelerate the growth of cysts .
4 , polycystic kidney disease patients should refuse to eat for the treatment of harmful , beneficial for the growth of cysts food . Prohibit the consumption of fermented foods ( mainly fungal fermented foods ) such as rotten eggs , fermented bean curd , etc. ; ban protein food, avoid the body to avoid the in vivo synthesis of nitrogen-based metabolites , reduce renal excretion of force ; prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages, particularly is a white wine, because wine for polycystic kidney disease in patients with kidney stimulation is very important, can stimulate the activity of polycystin accelerate the growth of cysts ; non- edible chocolate and coffee.

These are the experts need to pay attention to what the polycystic kidney disease diet , these symptoms can easily be overlooked , hope seen patients can note that in life we must strictly comply with the experts warning people to our health as soon as possible together . In the hope that if we found the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease , we must as soon as possible to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment.


iga nephropathy causes

iga nephropathy causesPathogenesis of this disease has not been elucidated. As the patient's skin and liver disease can be detected IgA deposition , suggestive of systemic disease . As in the glomerular mesangial area and capillaries may have granular IgA and C3 deposition , suggesting that immune complex pathogenesis . Current research around the antigen via mucosal capacity mucosal barrier for defects ; IgA structure is defective , and immune function is defective in such areas . The early studies have suggested that the disease might be mucosal IgA deposition derived . However, recent studies using a highly specific technique confirmed that the disease is deposited IgA1, the system mainly derived primarily from the bone marrow and lymphatic system generated ; mucosal IgA2 derived mainly seen in hepatic renal small ball sclerosis in IgA deposition . In patients with this disease can also be seen in the total cycle IgA1 and IgA1 -containing immune complexes increased, IgA1 produced in the bone marrow plasma cells and the formation of multimers based. In this disease may be found to exist in renal tissue of J chain , it is suggested IgA deposition po
lymer ; while the secretion block is very rare. Nevertheless, the existing data is not yet finalized the disease IgA sediment sources.
A large number of antigens, including a variety of viruses and a variety of food antigens in patients with this disease was detected in the mesangial area , and often accompanied by IgA1 deposition . The antigen is also an IgA1. Since these antibodies may also be present in the normal cycle, the antigen specificity or no characteristic .
There is evidence suggesting that the disease has an immune dysregulation . The disease IgA1 -containing circulating immune complexes , found how cohesive IgA1 rheumatoid factor ; anti- α heavy chain Fab fragment of IgG antibodies increased and decreased IgM antibodies . Interestingly HIV infection there is a similar pattern anti-immunoglobulin , IgA deposition does not occur kidneys . This proves that only the presence of circulating autoantibodies , not cause mesangial IgA deposition . Also present was also found two kinds of anti-endothelial cell antibodies ( an IgG). The disease often C3 deposition in renal tissue , suggesting that activation of the alternative pathway of complement . However, IgA itself has no ability to activate complement , IgA immune complexes , although the alternative pathway of complement activation may be , but it combines the ability to complement C3b and weak. Generally considered to complement activation and kidneys forming membrane attack complex , the need for IgG-IgA complexes , but the tissues of the kidney disease IgA and C3 deposition and no deposition of IgG or IgM is very common. Therefore , the disease of complement activation mechanism is unclear. Immune cells are also involved in the pathogenesis . The disease has been found to be of T helper cells (CD4) and T suppressor cells increased (CD8) reduction ; has a conversion IgM synthesis of IgA synthesis Ta4 cells increased Sa1 relating to the frequency of allele also increased ; cause IgA the same type of conversion TGFβ, IgA-producing B lymphocytes to promote differentiation mediated by IL-5 and IL-4 produced IgA formation were increased . Although T cells and B cells are involved in the increase in IgA synthesis process, but IgA synthesis increased mesangial IgA deposition is not the reason , because in patients with multiple myeloma IgA rare organized IgA deposition . Therefore , the structure - Immunology / chemical abnormality was probably the reason mesangial IgA deposition .
The disease patient sera and mesangial can be detected in bovine serum albumin polyclonal anti- idiotypic antibodies , the titer associated with hematuria . Recently , it was from a patient with renal cortex and glomerular IgA been obtained in the five kinds of monoclonal antibodies against gene , which the patient serum or plasma cell response is poor , and the kidney tissue with a high response rate , suggesting that the kidney deposited with the polyclonal nature of the abnormal IgA antibody . In addition, patients with this disease are found β1, 3 - galactosyltransferase defects change IgA1 or complexes containing IgA1 clearance rate, resulting in mesangial IgA1 deposition .

In summary , the deposition of the antigen , with or without cell-mediated immune response , IgA complex formation rate and a IgAFc receptors mesangial cells or neutrophils in the overall removal efficiency for the pathogenesis and cytokines and growth factors are mainly involved in mesangial proliferation and hardening mechanisms .

About iga nephropathy care and prognosis

About iga nephropathy care and prognosis
IgA nephropathy is a kidney immune pathology same college but the clinical manifestations pathology and prognosis Shuodao great variability of primary glomerular disease, treatment should be based on their problems abroad abroad different clinicopathological given reasonable established comprehensive clinical treatment .
A hematuria or ( and ) mild proteinuria (
Two heavy proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome a mild pathological changes ( such as minor glomerular lesions mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis , etc. ) glucocorticoids and cytotoxic drugs , such as availability of treatment efficacy severe pathological changes proteinuria is often ineffective controls are often included in long-term lack of progression to chronic renal heartfelt project dried poor prognosis.
Three rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, renal biopsy pathology examination showed IgA deposition in crescentic glomerulonephritis based on clinical guidelines often has a sharp deterioration in renal function in these patients treatment should be rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis students mainly learn more example pathology revealed as cellular crescents who should be strengthened Bachelor therapy ( methylprednisolone pulse therapy cyclophosphamide pulse therapy many doctors , etc. ) If the patient has reached the dialysis indications ( please refer to section Chapter ) should be compatible with the class dialysis treatment branch most patients with poor prognosis in patients with renal function can not be restored .
Four diseases chronic glomerulonephritis may refer to the general principles of treatment of chronic recognize nephritis have to slow deterioration of renal function as main purpose to treat hypertension by Dr. positive control of hypertension is extremely important for the protection of renal angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI ) have better control of blood pressure and deterioration of renal function and have reduced the role of the role of protein in the urine , but serum creatinine greater than μmol / L generally not in favor of re- application of Chinese ACEL recent studies have shown that high doses of some long-chain ω- rich multi- poly- unsaturated fatty acids in fish oil taking months to years of delay have better IgA nephropathy worsening kidney function and reduce the role of protein in the urine , but more research is yet further validation .
Recent evidence suggests that evidence-based medical papers glucocorticoids for urine protein greater than lg / d in patients with normal renal function, lower urinary protein studying deterioration of renal function and prevention role ; For renal dysfunction serum creatinine <μmol / L in patients with glucose corticosteroids in combination with cytotoxic drugs can significantly delay the department deterioration of renal function in short current study showed for the table to be transplanted now chronic nephritis IgA nephropathy CY prize seems to be more active this view that more research needs to be confirmed .
1 , pay attention to health , keep the mouth and skin clean , bathe, wash brush your teeth, wash locker .
2 , always observe the patient's body temperature , urine color changes, abnormal timely treatment .
3 , enhance nutrition, improve physical fitness , to avoid repeated infections. But not for eating spicy foods and milk .
4 , children IgA nephropathy patients should pay attention to warm cold , avoid cold bath , sweating when the wind , ready to change clothes , the maximum to avoid colds and other infectious diseases.

5 , should be checked regularly to the hospital , to prevent the further development of disease ( may have no clinical manifestations ) .

What do you know for iga nephropathy ?

IgA nephropathy (IgA nephropathy, IgAN) , also known as Berger 's disease, is a glomerular mesangial IgA deposition in IgA or dominated , with or without other immunoglobulins in the glomerular mesangial deposition of primary glomerular disease . The clinical manifestations : recurrent episodes of gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria may be associated with varying degrees of proteinuria, severe hypertension can occur in some patients or renal insufficiency.
First : causes :
The exact pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy has not yet entirely clear, a variety of factors and pathogenesis. Currently more consistent view is IgAN is caused by glomerular immune complex disease.
1 the relationship between the immune system : IgA nephropathy mainly multimeric IgA (PIgA) glomerular deposition , indicating that the immune system has led PIgA IgA molecules occur in the circulatory system and the deposition of mesangial region .
 What do you know for iga nephropathy ?(2) the relationship with the bone marrow : glomerular mesangial deposition of IgA1, and is present in the blood similar to the hinge region of IgA1 glycosylation abnormalities, suggesting deposition of IgA nephropathy in IgA mesangial area of bone marrow-derived IgA.
3 Relationship with cytokines : IgA nephropathy mesangial IgA1 deposition causes the secretion of inflammatory cytokines in mesangial cells .
Second: pathophysiology
IgA nephropathy iconic pathological changes in glomerular mesangial IgA deposition . Most patients with concomitant C3, IgG, IgM deposition .
LEE Rating:
Ⅰ level: glomerular lesions: the vast majority of normal , with occasional mild mesangial widening ( segment ) , with or without cell proliferation ; tubulointerstitial changes: normal .
Ⅱ level: glomerular lesions: focal glomerular mesangial proliferation and sclerosis ( 50% ) , rare small crescents ; tubulointerstitial changes: normal .
Ⅲ grade : glomerular lesions : diffuse mesangial proliferation and broadening ( and occasionally focal stage ) , and occasionally small crescent , balloon adhesions ; tubulointerstitial changes: Bureau Zaojian interstitial edema, occasional cell infiltration, rare tubular atrophy .
Ⅳ grade : glomerular lesions : severe diffuse mesangial proliferation, accompanied by sclerosis, some or all of glomerular sclerosis, visible crescent ( < 45% ) ; tubulointerstitial changes: tubular atrophy , interstitial infiltration, even see interstitial foam cells .

Ⅴ grade : glomerular lesions: Ⅳ grade lesions similar , but more serious , visible crescent ( > 45% ) ; tubulointerstitial changes: grade Ⅳ similar , but more severe .


Can nephrotic syndrome patients to eat soy?

Soy is rich in protein foods, superior nutritional value, known as vegetable protein.
Nephropathy, there have been eating soy tradition, and even soy products also boycott. Doctors also stressed kidney function drops to a certain extent (azotemia) should be controlled protein intake, try to choose lean meat, milk, egg, do not choose soybeans, animal offal, thus controlling the amount of protein in food intake and leakage .
But recent studies have found that some experts to nephrotic syndrome patients consuming soy protein-based vegetarian, proteinuria was significantly reduced. According to analysis, soybeans rich in branched chain amino acids, for kidney disease is not harmful.

It is no longer recommended to kidney patients meat, milk and other animal protein, and soy protein-based advocate of vegetarian food. Renal function after injury, continues to advocate a low-protein diet, the extent of their control protein according to renal function depends on how much damage has also been having strictly quit eating beans, it was argued meat protein accounted for 50% -60%, and the remaining food plants food.


Chinese medicine treatment of purpura nephritis? Which approach is characteristic TCM treatment?

Chinese medicine treatment of purpura nephritis ? Featured Chinese medicine treatment methods What ? Want answers to this question a lot of friends , allergic purpura nephritis diet should be easy to digest , eat more fresh vegetables, fruits ; eat shrimp, crab, fish , etc. may induce the ... . Exhibit gastrointestinal symptoms ( abdominal known by mucosal edema, hemorrhage caused by sudden Cullen ... for TCM treatment purpura nephritis ? Featured Chinese medicine treatment methods What ? , The following is the relevant Xiaobian finishing contents:
Chinese medicine treatment of purpura nephritis showed gastrointestinal symptoms ( abdominal known by mucosal edema, hemorrhage caused by sudden and abdominal cramps are common Cullen ) . Then the treatment purpura nephritis way , what is it ? Mainly purpura nephritis treatment.
Experts say Chinese medicine treatment purpura nephritis is absolutely superior to Western medicine alone . We all know that if you simply use hormone therapy can cause hormonal bounce , bounce , recurrent situation. But the Chinese would not have such a situation . Simply the College of Pharmacy Leehom , rapid onset , the effect is outstanding , and should not recur. Also note that the first two days in these patients because of allergic purpura nephritis intrinsic factor itself has allergies , which in the pathogenesis of allergic purpura play a leading role . Allergic purpura and allergic physique , bacteria attached to the dust , seafood , animal fur , cold air , pollen and other ingredients containing antibiotics and other drugs , can cause purpura attack. Early thorough desensitization treatment of allergic purpura nephritis prevent recurrence of the key.
Chinese medicine treatment of purpura nephritis ? Featured Chinese medicine treatment methods What ? Nephrologist Tips ! Purpura nephritis how to treat - mere symptomatic treatment can only get a temporary therapeutic effect, does not fundamentally effective treatment purpura, purpura nephritis is a kidney disease , a great harm to the patient , it is recommended once discovered to early treatment

How patient urine protein diet most reasonable?

How urinary protein diet in patients with the most reasonable ? Normal function of the kidneys , in the amount of protein in the urine only a little , but when the renal and urinary disorders occur when large amounts of protein will leak becomes proteinuria.
Urinary protein dietary considerations :
1 , nephrotic syndrome, in addition to losing a lot of protein in urine , but also simultaneously lost and protein binding calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals , should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to supplement calcium-rich foods , such as milk and products , shrimp , sesame , seaweed , fish and green vegetables. Magnesium-rich foods such as millet , wheat , barley, meat and animal offal. Zinc-rich foods , such as millet , wheat, corn flour, cabbage, ; radish, carrot , eggplant , lentils , pumpkin .
2 , plant protein , because it contains a large number of purine bases , intermediary metabolism can aggravate kidney burden , it should be less. Including soy and soy products, although high protein content, due to the above reasons, proteinuria should be hanged.
3 , should be based on the type and cause nephrotic proteinuria in different conditions , using different standard protein diet. Chronic renal insufficiency , usually according to the normal requirements for the supply of adult daily 0.8 ~ 1.0g/kg. Should choose a high biological value protein, such as eggs, milk , fish, lean meat and so on. For non- nephrotic syndrome, renal dysfunction , could supply high-protein diet , protein adult daily 1.5 ~ 2.0g/kg, and the supply of high quality protein , plasma urea nitrogen levels were generally low- protein diet in order to take appropriate.
Occurs when urine protein inside the hospital as soon as possible to choose a good therapy, as long as the therapy is going to get a reasonable improvement in the condition .


Why is there puffiness in diabetic nephropathy?

Why is there puffiness in diabetic nephropathy? Diabetic nephropathy is most unwilling to see the occurred, in patients with diabetes mellitus illness many years getting "dragged" to the other organs, the kidney is one of them. Along with in-depth study of nephropathy of the medical profession, on the incidence of kidney disease cause by histological study cytological research, speaking from the theory of Cytology, diabetic nephropathy occurs due to Glomerular damage in diabetes high blood sugar can cause kidney and lead to swelling or emergence of light or heavy, edema formation is as follows:
Root causes of diabetic nephropathy oedema occurs – renal ischemia and hypoxia
Diabetes long-term high blood sugar blood stick heavy while will makes kidney of blood flow speed slowed, dang blood flows through kidney ball capillaries Shi, will will to its caused corresponding of injury, first damaged of is kidney ball capillaries endothelial cells, blood stick degrees increased will will makes part blood perfusion in vascular within wall, to endothelial cells of pressure increased, led to its filter had pore increases, is transparent sex increased, transparent sex increased Hou makes some not should was filter out of material leak out, include RBC, and protein, While part of the plasma water will penetrate into the interstitial space, swelling and laid the groundwork for.
Hypoxia-ischemia – edema
Human Renal ischemia and hypoxia does not ignore, the main reaction is a stress response, secretes Renin. As lack blood oxygen of continued for, secretion of kidney vegetarian increasingly more, kidney vegetarian--vascular nervous vegetarian will prompted adrenal cortex increased has aldehyde solid ketone of secretion, aldehyde solid ketone of main role is promoting kidney kidney small tube far song small tube heavy absorbed sodium, and aldehyde solid ketone of increased will caused absorbed of sodium increased, eventually led to mass of water sodium retention, body of external performance is for swelling.
Diabetes nephropathy patients as condition of constantly aggravated, damaged of kidney units increasingly more, kidney ball hardening increased, kidney small tube-between mass fiber of degree constantly increased, turn protein leak out increasingly more, protein loss too much formed low protein blood syndrome, from kidney ball capillaries in the loss has protein, led to plasma colloidal penetration pressure declined (plasma colloidal main is by plasma protein constitute), plasma colloidal of important role is regulation vascular both inside and outside moisture of Exchange, it appeared penetration pressure reduced on will led to moisture in organization clearance of retention, Causing edema. At the same time, hypoproteinemia can also give rise to effective blood volume reduction, secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone secretion increased renal tubular sodium reabsorption of water, increased, causing swelling.
The so-called law of
Cause of bloated knew, what about so-called pattern and where to start? Diabetic nephropathy oedema occurs varies with the progress of the disease, swollen very gradual changes, so the above said double lower limb edema and then facial edema and then whole body edema is the general rule, was so ill probably first appeared.
Regular diabetic nephropathy oedema, diabetics do not hold such symptoms to your body heal his luck turned a blind eye, for the sick patients with diabetes for many years, regular inspections, as protection against complications of informed choice.

if you have any questions,you can give me a message or send email to me!
Summer Zhang
