
Why is there puffiness in diabetic nephropathy?

Why is there puffiness in diabetic nephropathy? Diabetic nephropathy is most unwilling to see the occurred, in patients with diabetes mellitus illness many years getting "dragged" to the other organs, the kidney is one of them. Along with in-depth study of nephropathy of the medical profession, on the incidence of kidney disease cause by histological study cytological research, speaking from the theory of Cytology, diabetic nephropathy occurs due to Glomerular damage in diabetes high blood sugar can cause kidney and lead to swelling or emergence of light or heavy, edema formation is as follows:
Root causes of diabetic nephropathy oedema occurs – renal ischemia and hypoxia
Diabetes long-term high blood sugar blood stick heavy while will makes kidney of blood flow speed slowed, dang blood flows through kidney ball capillaries Shi, will will to its caused corresponding of injury, first damaged of is kidney ball capillaries endothelial cells, blood stick degrees increased will will makes part blood perfusion in vascular within wall, to endothelial cells of pressure increased, led to its filter had pore increases, is transparent sex increased, transparent sex increased Hou makes some not should was filter out of material leak out, include RBC, and protein, While part of the plasma water will penetrate into the interstitial space, swelling and laid the groundwork for.
Hypoxia-ischemia – edema
Human Renal ischemia and hypoxia does not ignore, the main reaction is a stress response, secretes Renin. As lack blood oxygen of continued for, secretion of kidney vegetarian increasingly more, kidney vegetarian--vascular nervous vegetarian will prompted adrenal cortex increased has aldehyde solid ketone of secretion, aldehyde solid ketone of main role is promoting kidney kidney small tube far song small tube heavy absorbed sodium, and aldehyde solid ketone of increased will caused absorbed of sodium increased, eventually led to mass of water sodium retention, body of external performance is for swelling.
Diabetes nephropathy patients as condition of constantly aggravated, damaged of kidney units increasingly more, kidney ball hardening increased, kidney small tube-between mass fiber of degree constantly increased, turn protein leak out increasingly more, protein loss too much formed low protein blood syndrome, from kidney ball capillaries in the loss has protein, led to plasma colloidal penetration pressure declined (plasma colloidal main is by plasma protein constitute), plasma colloidal of important role is regulation vascular both inside and outside moisture of Exchange, it appeared penetration pressure reduced on will led to moisture in organization clearance of retention, Causing edema. At the same time, hypoproteinemia can also give rise to effective blood volume reduction, secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone secretion increased renal tubular sodium reabsorption of water, increased, causing swelling.
The so-called law of
Cause of bloated knew, what about so-called pattern and where to start? Diabetic nephropathy oedema occurs varies with the progress of the disease, swollen very gradual changes, so the above said double lower limb edema and then facial edema and then whole body edema is the general rule, was so ill probably first appeared.
Regular diabetic nephropathy oedema, diabetics do not hold such symptoms to your body heal his luck turned a blind eye, for the sick patients with diabetes for many years, regular inspections, as protection against complications of informed choice.

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Summer Zhang


