
Early symptoms of renal cysts have?

Renal cysts in patients with early stage there will be some mild symptoms , if the patient is able to understand these symptoms, it is easy to find timely renal cysts, and take appropriate measures so that the treatment of renal cysts have a very important role.
1 , in patients with renal cysts in the waist , abdomen discomfort or pain symptoms , mainly due to the patient's cyst enlargement and expansion continued , the tension increases the renal capsule , renal pedicle is pulled , causing pressure on adjacent organs or so , If severe enough, can easily lead to cyst rupture, to bring great harm to the patient .
2, for patients with kidney disease , most will hematuria phenomenon, so patients with renal cysts is no exception , generally can be divided into microscopic hematuria hematuria or gross hematuria. General hematuria often exacerbated during episodes of low back pain , strenuous exercise , trauma , infection can induce or aggravate . Bleeding reason is because there are many arterial wall below , due to the increased pressure or infection , so that the wall of blood vessels and bleeding due to excessive traction .
3 , to the patient's abdominal mass can reach 60 to 80% of kidney enlargement , when the mass to a certain extent , because the patient 's internal organs rupture pressure going cysts , renal function was worse .
4 , wherein the renal disease is an important feature proteinuria generally are small, not more than 2 grams of urine within 24 hours , it will not happen nephrotic syndrome.
5, when the occurrence of renal cysts , the patient's renal function may decline to make a significant reduction in normal kidney tissue , renal function decline.

For the early symptoms of kidney cysts , I believe we already know , for patients in terms of friends , in their daily lives , should strengthen the understanding of renal cysts knowledge work , so whether it is for the prevention or treatment of renal cysts are very important . If you have any questions you can contact our online customer service .


