
Why would result in anemia of renal failure

Among life , suffering from kidney failure increasingly large groups , and for chronic renal failure patients, the clinical emergence of anemia is a normal phenomenon , then what is the reason for it, by the following article let us briefly understand look.
Chronic renal disease is the most common clinical one, this disease usually occurs when most of the anemia of chronic renal failure patients will appear the phenomenon in general, which mainly includes the following aspects :
First, anemia is the most common cause of erythropoietin decrease , experts said , erythropoietin primarily by glomerular nearly spherical cells, medullary interstitial cells. Chronic renal failure, in addition to the kidneys produce erythropoietin damaged parts , the lower the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin , hemoglobin oxygen utilization unit increased relatively severe renal ischemia , resulting primarily stimulate erythropoietin reduced, resulting in produce erythropoietin significantly reduced . There are toxins bone marrow suppression , chronic renal failure, certain toxic substances accumulate in the blood has a direct inhibitory effect on the bone marrow , leading to hematopoietic dysfunction.
One reason addition, if the red blood cell destruction in patients with chronic renal anemia is caused by the increase , which is high due to uremia RBC Polyamines cause shortened life hyperlipidemia , autolysis occurs , metabolic disorders erythrocytes and erythrocyte fragility uremia , causing red blood cell autolysis, microvascular disease makes mechanical damage and destruction of red blood cells , hypersplenism .
As well as the loss of red blood cells increases, chronic gastrointestinal bleeding or gastrointestinal hidden under the long term , regular laboratory tests or blood loss residual blood dialyzer , the situation can aggravate chronic renal failure patients. May also be due to other diseases cause , such as hypertension , diabetes and so on , some diseases may affect the hematopoietic function, may also affect the body's absorption of nutrients , leading to malnutrition induced by this phenomenon.

Xiao Bian Message : The cause of anemia in chronic renal failure patients understand the phenomenon of post , remember when the treatment of chronic renal disease , symptomatic treatment must be for the cause , so as to restore health faster . I wish you health .


