
Renal cysts diagnostic methods are those who do?

Renal cysts diagnostic methods are those who do? Renal cyst is a very common disease, renal cysts if not treated, they would endanger our lives and health, then the diagnosis of renal cysts are those who do? So for everyone's questions today we Xiaobian a brief look, then everyone would come and listen to introduce a small series of it!
Renal cysts correct diagnosis is important, there are many types of renal cysts, the extent of damage to the kidneys are not the same, the rate of progress is often not the same. Renal cyst diagnosis based on:
① imaging confirmed numerous fluid-filled cysts scattered on both sides of the kidney cortex and medulla;
② There is strong family history of the disease;
③ positive ADPKD gene restriction fragment length polymorphism linkage analysis results.
If you can not test for genetic linkage analysis, the following can be used as a diagnostic aid in accordance with:
① polycystic liver disease;
② intracranial aneurysms;
③ pancreatic cysts;
④ renal insufficiency.
Kidney cysts are detected based on a set of images anechoic fluid areas found in the kidneys. Which is commonly referred to as blisters. Who said the following two renal cysts, two or more known as polycystic kidney disease, cystic kidneys have a number of blocks should be considered first for congenital polycystic kidney disease.
Congenital polycystic kidney cysts and are visible regardless of age and gender.
Renal cysts: If caught early, according to its different parts, surgery may also be treated conservatively. Of course, the same result is a drug treatment should be preferred. Generally should not be surgery to medication to control the disease progresses, tissue damage and functional changes will not occur.

After a comprehensive top of renal cysts do introduce this issue, we now understand some of the problem for it, so we must be timely to remind the patient to a regular hospital for examination and treatment, because only regular hospital will be more secure Here I wish you a speedy recovery.

Differential diagnosis of renal cysts ?



Differential diagnosis of renal cysts ?

Since many methods for the diagnosis of renal cysts in patients with renal cysts do not quite understand , so the differential diagnosis of renal cysts have a lot of people made ​​? So for everyone's questions today Xiaobian our brief look , then everyone would listen to this problem small series of renal cysts do introduce it !
Differential Diagnosis
( 1 ) Kidney cancer : showed lesions , but prone in deep , causing a more pronounced calyx bent. Hematuria common, and cysts disappear. When the pressure in the renal tumor above the psoas muscle in the abdominal plain film can not see the edge of the muscle , and the cyst is still visible. Evidence of metastasis ( eg on weight loss, fatigue, supraclavicular lymph node enlargement touched , chest X-ray showed a metastatic nodules ) , polycythemia occur , hypercalcemia , and ESR are suggestive of cancer . Need to remember is that cancerous cyst wall change will occur . If the cancer is renal vein blockage , excretory urography is not clear even without developing . Ultrasound and CT image is always the last to make the differential diagnosis. X-ray tomographic angiography and renal photography can show rich in blood vessels in the tumor , there is a contrast agent intensive " pond ", and cyst density is not affected. Proved to be in front of other diseases , all kidney lesions are assumed to cancer is wise.
( 2 ) polycystic kidney disease : As shown urography , the disease is almost always bilateral , distorted its own rules has become filled with calyx and pelvis occur. Simple renal cysts are much more isolated solitary . Polycystic kidney disease is often associated with renal dysfunction and hypertension , and renal cysts do not.
( 3 ) renal carbuncle : The disease is rare. When collecting history, can be found in skin infections had a history of fever and local pain before projecting a few weeks . Urography show its similarity with the cyst and tumor lesions , but inflammation around the affected kidney , the renal contour lumbar muscle shadow blurred. At this point, more than the fixed kidneys . The patient can be confirmed by comparing the position of the kidneys in the supine and upright when . Angiography can show an avascular lesions . 67Ga scan showed inflammation of the nature of the lesion , but the infection of simple renal cysts may also have a similar performance.
( 4 ) hydronephrosis : signs and symptoms consistent with the performance of simple renal cysts , but urography is different. Deformation caused by kidney cysts , and hydronephrosis is manifested due to the obstruction caused by the expansion of the renal pelvis and calyces . Acute or subacute hydronephrosis due to the increased pressure in the pelvis often produce more localized pain , infection and because it is easy to express complicated.
( 5 ) renal tumors ( such as adrenal , mixed retroperitoneal sarcoma ) : kidneys can shift , but few make the invasion and kidney calyceal deformation.
( 6 ) can hydatid disease : its cyst did not communicate with the pelvis, and simple renal cysts is difficult to identify, because there is not urine and hydatid larvae . Commonly found in X -ray examination of renal hydatid cyst wall calcification . Helpful when the diagnosis of skin sensitivity test .

Through the above description you have some understanding of renal cysts , if you have any questions in our online doctor consultation, or leave your contact information on our initiative you do for your free consultation .

What renal cysts check ?

What renal cysts inspection : inspection of renal cysts work must be carried out before treatment, only confirmed the etiology of renal cysts can be the right medicine for treatment. To help patients better check assured doctors Garden Network renal cysts tell you about the content of the thematic inspection aspects related to renal cysts .
( 1 ) Symptoms: Common located flank and back pain is usually intermittent dull . When the bleeding so that wall expansion , there may be a sudden pain. Gastrointestinal symptoms can occur even while suspected peptic ulcer or gallbladder disease. Patients may self- discovery abdominal mass , in spite of a large cyst rare. When a cyst infection, patients often complain of flank pain , malaise and fever .
( 2 ) signs: more than normal physical examination , even in the kidney area or knock and a palpable mass . If the cyst infection , threatening abdominal tenderness.
( 3 ) laboratory tests: urinalysis mostly normal . Microscopic hematuria is rare. Kidney function tests are normal, except for the multiple cysts or bilateral nature ( rare ) . Even the side surface of the kidney extensive destruction , but also because of the contralateral kidney compensatory hypertrophy and maintain normal total renal function.
(4) X -ray examination : abdominal plain film in the kidney can often see the shadow of swelling or a part of a mass oppression. Cysts can cause kidney weight or position the shaft torsional lead to kidney abnormalities . Sometimes the tumor edge stripes can be seen calcification . Excretory urography can be confirmed. In the intravenous injection of contrast agent after 1 to 2 minutes radiography , showing increased renal vascular density , and that part of the space occupied by the cyst will not , because there is no blood vessels. Urography continuous radiography showed a mass presence . A cyst or several surrounding calyx or pelvis often due to depression or bent , and become widened, flattened lumen even disappear . Oblique or lateral radiographs are also helpful in the diagnosis . When the mass occupied the pole, ureteral kidney will shift next to the spine . Kidney itself rotation will occur. By sac fluid or transmission line may be to see the psoas muscle . When conventional urography can not effectively distinguish opaque when the renal parenchyma , renal tomographic X-ray tomography may have increased renal vascular contrast with cysts . Occasionally there are relatively non- renal tumor blood vessels, thus easily confused with cysts . A few cases, the cyst wall tumors may also occur , it is necessary to make a further examination in the differential diagnosis .
(5) CT Scan: Identification of renal cysts and tumors , CT is the most accurate . Cyst fluid density similar to water , and the density of the tumor and normal renal parenchyma similar. After intravenous injection of contrast agent, renal parenchyma becomes more dense , and the cyst remains unaffected ; cyst wall and the renal parenchyma there are clear boundaries , while no tumors ; cyst wall is thin , the tumor is not. In many ways , the identification of cysts and tumors CT is superior puncture fluid judgment.
( 6 ) Renal ultrasound : taking non-invasive diagnostic techniques to identify the substance of renal cysts and masses when a large proportion of ultrasound . When a match is found cyst ultrasound images, ultrasound images can be under surveillance, cyst puncture and aspiration of cyst fluid .
( 7 ) isotope scan : a straight line scan shows the mass profile, but it is difficult to distinguish cysts or tumors. Using technetium scanning tomography can show avascular mass.
( 8 ) In the cyst photography percutaneous cyst aspiration : When checking for the identification of these cysts and tumors are still in doubt, it is necessary to puncture aspiration.

Renal cysts check what : After the introduction of the above points everyone to check aspects of renal cysts related content understanding it. 'd Like to remind patients of renal cysts during inspection must go to a regular hospital or large medical institutions to check , save money and avoid delays in the treatment of renal cysts .


How to reduce creatinine in patients with renal disease , kidney health recovery

How can creatinine down ? This is an issue of concern to the patient , because we all know that the more severe the higher the note creatinine illness, if left untreated the disease can cause many complications , kidney treatment , so for creatinine We all hope that he will remain stable and normal , let's take a together to find out how to properly drop creatinine .
How can creatinine down ? Existing renal insufficiency people, such as infection, including colds, pneumonia, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections , elevated serum creatinine may occur in the short term .
Body water loss, such as fever, sweating, reduce water consumption , resulting in blood concentration of polyuria , renal blood flow reduction , elevated serum creatinine may occur .
Patients with existing kidney disease , kidney damage drug use can occur serum creatinine , and even irreversible.
Original kidney disease patients , because relapse , oliguria , and even anuria phenomenon, can be combined with acute renal insufficiency , leading to elevated serum creatinine .
Life appeared tired, rest well, pay attention to the details of life , it can cause a transient increase in serum creatinine .
Existing hypertension , blood pressure is not controlled, medium- and long-term heavy proteinuria ( total 24-hour urine protein greater than 1 g or 1.5 g ) , elevated serum creatinine may slow progression unknowingly .
The above points are the reasons for the high serum creatinine , creatinine height must go to regular hospital routine examination , renal failure treatment there any way _1156 eventually get diagnosed and treated accordingly .
Why would elevated creatinine , creatinine high mean? How to creatinine down ? Uremic serum creatinine is excreted because they can not function after kidney damage as a result of in vivo serum creatinine is too high, is the greatest harm to the body , heart and brain lungs and many other complications are due to creatinine, urea nitrogen and other toxins damage year.
How to creatinine down ? Kidney damage is a gradual process , that part has been formed for renal scar tissue has no therapeutic value , but the scar is not fully formed , still in the process of development of kidney disease as well as the value of those treatments . Micro-Chinese Medicine therapies to block penetration therapy for kidney disease uremia , for the formation of lesions mainly play two roles:
On the one hand through degradation , these scarring removal of necrotic tissue from the body , to prevent them from causing further damage to other kidney tissue.
On the other hand , the kidneys do not form scar tissue repair , supply of protein , amino acids and other substances must be required to repair the kidneys , preventing them from scarring . In addition, Chinese medicine iontophoresis Huoxuetongluo Stasis role of the new aspects of the cleanup and restoration of three students, improve the environment of the whole kidney , kidney provide good conditions for the restoration , and promote recovery of renal function .
After blocking fiber kidney disease process , renal protection . After the kidney is mainly excreted in urine , creatinine toxins function, renal function protection , creatinine naturally not up again . In addition , high serum creatinine kidney damage is minor cycle , glomerular sclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological changes . By blocking kidney disease treatment, mainly in fiber to prevent kidney disease show the same time, to clear the cause of immune complexes and diseased tissue glomerular basement membrane damage , and repair the glomerular basement membrane . As soon as the damaged basement membrane repair , alter kidney structure , expanding the area of ​​glomerular filtration , serum creatinine will gradually decline.

Most uremic patients develop kidney disease takes time , requires a process , therefore , treatment recovery also requires a process , then we must prevent colds , diet and emotions, not tired , control of blood pressure , blood sugar and other factors, many ways to protect kidney function. Timely treatment , and then noted that, in order to make creatinine down !

How to reduce serum creatinine

Creatinine level is to test whether the human kidney health standards , high creatinine is physical abnormalities , high creatinine may be a symptom of kidney disease , if not lower creatinine values. It may cause kidney disease continues to deteriorate , eventually developed into uremia, endangering people's normal life. So how to reduce serum creatinine ? We still look at the introduction of experts it.
How to reduce serum creatinine for this problem ? Experts say the answer kidney patients , serum creatinine is generally considered endogenous serum creatinine, creatinine is a product of human muscle metabolism . In muscle , creatine primarily through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly constitute creatinine, and then released into the blood , the urine excretion. Serum creatinine and thus the total body muscle closely , less susceptible to diet shadow .
Creatinine is a small molecule substances the body , usually through glomerular filtration , little absorption in the renal tubules , creatinine body produces daily , almost all excreted in urine , urine is generally not affected . How to reduce serum creatinine ? Continue to look down .
Clinical detection of creatinine in patients is one of the main ways to understand the common renal function . If serum creatinine is high , there is a likely increase in serum creatinine renal damage, kidney there is a problem , but there may simply be too high creatinine hyperthyroidism , acromegaly .
So when there is increase in serum creatinine , we must go to a regular hospital for the relevant inspection , in order to avoid misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis . How to reduce serum creatinine ? Serum creatinine is generally common in pregnancy reduces muscle atrophy lesions and liver dysfunction. When physical examination or unintentionally discovered beyond the normal serum creatinine , we must pay attention, consult a doctor to be able to combine history and other laboratory tests to make an accurate analysis and diagnosis in order to identify the cause, early treatment.
How to reduce serum creatinine ? Western past the traditional treatment is only down creatinine , rather than to repair the basement membrane , as creatinine is not declining , even decline , this is temporary. Chinese medicine treatment can clear cause damage to the glomerular basement membrane immune complexes and diseased tissue while repairing damaged glomerular basement membrane . Just after repairing the damaged basement membrane , changing the structure of the kidney , expanding the area of ​​glomerular filtration , serum creatinine will gradually decline.

Above describes how you can lower serum creatinine should all know it ! I hope to be able to help you , your health is our responsibility , Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital Guangji wholeheartedly for your service , if you do not understand what the problem or want to learn other aspects , can consult online experts .

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital how to reduce creatinine renal patients ?

For creatinine, many people are not very understanding , but some people creatinine high, they always want what treatment approaches can be well treated? Next, let's take a look at the experts' introduction.
Creatinine is a muscle in the human body metabolic product of human serum creatinine is normal for 40-120umol / L. Because your kidney function failure, renal function and regulation of detoxification function decline, which led to the body of toxins can not be excreted, so that the body of excess creatinine did not break out , once more than 120umol / L on behalf of creatinine high !
How to reduce creatinine ? Drop creatinine, mainly kidneys fix the problem , at this time in order to control the disease , and indicators of , then it must be a fundamental treatment for the disease , that is, to adopt a comprehensive treatment measures. Uremia treatment requires an objective and systematic treatment. First, check your kidneys are damaged to the extent of serum creatinine alone and do not represent indicators , depending on your rate over the rate of glomerular , your urine , your test results and other renal fibrosis .
How to reduce creatinine kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney disease signature treatments - ? Micro-Chinese Medicine therapies , ways of promoting blood circulation through the absorption of topical use in patients with creatinine values ​​decline so .
Micro-Chinese Medicine Hospital of Shijiazhuang kidney disease through years of clinical experience do not need to come to a safe knife painless therapy.

For the full text of the above is described in detail on how to reduce creatinine , hoping to be able to help you, if you have any questions please feel free to consult the online experts , the experts will be based on your medical condition answer it for you .

How does the diet help reduce creatinine

How diet helps reduce creatinine it? Creatinine in patients with high need to do is either the treatment or diet on daily life , all we need to carry out a wide range of attention. In particular, many issues must be taken in the diet . Science diet can contribute to improving the condition of the patient. So, how does the diet help reduce creatinine ?
High serum creatinine is to look at factors that lead to the source of our patients in terms of the specific disease . Significant changes in serum creatinine concentration by the glomerular filtration ability ( glomerular filtration rate ) for resolution. Filtration ability landed , the creatinine concentration. Serum creatinine higher than normal , said a small number of kidney damage , creatinine renal repercussions can be more correct environmental damage to nature , not sensitive targets. Since landing normal glomerular filtration rate 1/3 to creatinine was increased significantly. Meaning to say, due to the ability of human renal metabolism strong , when kidney damage is relatively light as usual when people do not have a clear feeling , so many people when the real show nausea , vomiting, dizziness , kidney once the damage is really tight , this when it began a significant increase in serum creatinine .
Intake depends on the patient's specific condition to reasonable restrictions protein : protein provides : Since the presentation of the patient azotemia , renal missing , in order to manipulate the continuous improvement of renal function should manipulate protein intake , the choice is rich in high excellent quality protein diet.
Excessive salt supplement that led to a serious deterioration of the consequences of kidney disease : Generally missing decompensated renal azotemia in patients with high serum creatinine of course , and all sorts of mild clinical symptoms began to appear fine , but the pathology moderate damage , high blood pressure and swelling of the environment or without considerable manipulation salt intake , low salt and probably distinguish given salt-free diet . If renal creatinine renal missing only high , but no oliguria, no swelling of salt and water help patients adhere to low -salt diet . If there is tension edema, heart failure and high blood pressure or even the harsh environment should be limited to ban salt .
During treatment and creatinine in patients with high disease after treatment should be timely observation: uremic patients because of decreased urine output, through the mouth into the liquid will remain in the body, causing swelling of the body , blood pressure, or pulmonary edema , renal failure patients therefore must be strictly limited daily fluid intake, usually by oral intake of fluid is approximately equal to the amount of full-day urine output plus 500 ml. If you sweat more , you can eat the increase . But do not forget to measure body weight per day to drinking water as their reference .

For the above "How diet helps reduce creatinine ? " Details made ​​, I believe we have to understand it, I hope we can bring these elements to help . I hope everyone in life must pay attention to considerations of these diets. Hope that through therapy and dietary conditioning , patients can get better soon .

How to reduce high creatinine

How to reduce creatinine high ? It is now understood by the patient , the Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital Guangji said: creatinine high Description suffered kidney damage , high creatinine how to reduce it together Let us first understand the next creatinine is how ? ?
Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts said: Because of the high creatinine in the kidneys by a variety of causes of violations , the first kidney damage inherent phenotypic transformation of cells , the formation of pathological changes , the final form of the kidney from the point to the surface from the local to the overall the expansion process of the spread of excitation of formula to enter the renal function of the arrangement, since the continuous renal damage , which features reduced excretion of waste , toxins such as creatinine and causing aggregation in the body , which appears in the partial blood creatinine high symptoms.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, said: Today, more and more Chinese medicine treatment of patients with kidney disease, can effectively reduce creatinine .
[ Effective ] Shijiazhuang kidney hospital specialty treatments after decades of clinical research experts to 0 , to serve as the center of the patient , the treatment effect of gravity . From the condition of the individual patient to develop individualized treatment programs targeted to the pursuit of the best therapeutic effect as a starting point . Micro-Chinese Medicine nephropathy by kidney disease therapy .
 Micro-Chinese Medicine kidney disease therapy through the use of special herbs , so that patients in the healing process without surgery , no pain, treatment of kidney disease in a relatively comfortable environment .


What renal edema is characterized by ?

What are the characteristics of renal edema can be divided into three categories: ? Nephritis edema , renal edema , renal edema . What is characterized by swelling of the kidney ? Clinically, most patients with kidney disease caused by the swelling is not a single factor , may order one or both of these factors based.
1 , nephrotic edema : the clinical manifestations of hypovolemia, but it can also be expressed as the capacity of a normal or increased blood pressure may be normal , increased or decreased , swelling in parts of the earlier onset of falls and obvious.
2 , nephritis edema : Multi- acute or rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis or acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis clinical manifestations , volume overload , may have high blood pressure, increased cardiac output , increased venous pressure ( jugular venous distention ) with or without heart expand and pulmonary edema, generalized edema is , drooping , department and organizational Ministry earlier onset or severe osteoporosis , such as the feet, scalp and eyelid .
3 , edema renal failure : acute renal failure , mostly acute interstitial nephritis and acute tubular necrosis caused by renal tubular necrosis and interstitial edema oppression obstruction blocking other reasons, resulting in water and sodium retention, systemic edema . Various kidney glomerular disease development , especially to the late can cause most damage nephron glomerular filtration rate decreased renal excretion of water, sodium decreased , leading to edema. Acute and chronic renal failure are systemic edema . Acute renal failure occurs more rapidly , obviously , and chronic renal failure is relatively slow , both glomerular filtration rate , accompanied by acute clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure itself , such as high blood pressure, chronic renal failure may be associated with the primary manifestation of the disease , such as hematuria , urinary protein.

What renal edema is characterized by ? Cause kidney edema factor was not caused by a single factor , so patients should know something about this friend , follow doctor's orders , cooperate with medical treatment , for a speedy recovery !

Efficacy and role of cranberry

Herbal encyclopedia Source: public health network Editor: Zhang 2014-04-02 17:21:42
Cranberry is what kind of plant it, maybe some people eat too , and perhaps some people have not heard . Experts say , is also known as cranberry cranberries , it is mainly grown in the northern hemisphere , especially in acidic soils. There is a red fruit , edible . What is the effect and role of cranberry ?
Cranberry is an edible care of fruit, which contains in its rich vitamin C, also contain a lot of nutrients, for example, proanthocyanidins , etc. , and has a strong anti- oxidant. Here's a look at the efficacy and role of cranberry What ?
1 drink daily urinary tract infection issues about 350CC cranberry juice or cranberry above nutritional supplements in the prevention of urinary tract infections and cystitis helpful .
2 . Prevention of gastric cancer cranberry inhibit H. pylori can be attached to the stomach. Helicobacter pylori is the primary cause of stomach ulcers and even gastric cancer.
3 beauty Cranberries contain vitamin C, flavonoids and other antioxidants and rich in pectin , can beautify the skin, improve constipation, help rid the body of toxins and excess fat.
4 prevent Alzheimer Cranberry has a very strong resistance to radical species - bioflavonoids , and its high content living in 20 kinds of fruits and vegetables in general common crown . Bio brass can effectively prevent dementia.
5 moderately lower blood pressure USDA researchers published research report September 20, 2012 at a medical conference held in Washington , said , tests showed that regular consumption of healthy adults if low-calorie cranberry juice can reduce moderate blood pressure.
6 . Enhance the immune effects of cranberry is a major production in North America, red berries , rich in antioxidant polyphenols . Earlier studies have shown that proper eating cranberries can enhance the immune effect , prevent urinary tract infections.

Cranberries may help reduce the incidence of gastric ulcer efficacy can reduce heart and arteries hardening effect, while women can prevent urinary tract infections , can beauty role. Eat cranberries have seen great benefits , but it also depends on how you eat , the food can be on its website .

What are the benefits of lemon for kidney stones

Tips: What are the benefits of lemon for kidney stones ? Relations lemon and kidney stones , kidney stones in patients believe that friends have a certain understanding , lemon really can discharge kidney stones do ? Lemon juice can increase the concentration of citrate in the urine , so as to achieve the effect of inhibiting the formation of kidney stones . So specifically what are the benefits of lemon for kidney stones ?

What are the benefits of lemon for kidney stones ? Relations lemon and kidney stones , kidney stones in patients believe that friends have a certain understanding , lemon really can discharge kidney stones do ? Lemon juice can increase the concentration of citrate in the urine , so as to achieve the effect of inhibiting the formation of kidney stones . So specifically what are the benefits of lemon for kidney stones ? Introduction to listen to the experts . What are the benefits of lemon for kidney stones ? Shenzhen Friendship Hospital stones experts pointed out that the easy-to- people suffering from kidney stones , doctors usually prescribe potassium citrate , which can be a pill or liquid administered service , the experts found that when low-sugar or sugar-free lemonade made ​​when , lemon juice increased the concentration of citrate in the urine , so as to achieve the effect of inhibiting the formation of kidney stones . Its effect is probably not as good as potassium citrate , but the patient did not want to eat western medicine , the lemon juice is a good alternative. Warm lemon juice kidney care , a day after getting a freshly squeezed lemon , add a cup of warm water 200c.c. reconcile ( can add a little natural sea salt , taste more smooth and easy to read ) , fasting drink slowly , you can clean the kidneys , but also through urine . Experts suggest that the 1/2 cup of concentrated lemon juice added 7 cups of water diluted , can add a little sugar substitute to taste , but not sugar , lemon juice and sugar because of the extra calories brought to most people 's health is concerned too much. That can be ranked kidney stones lemon juice how to drink it ? The 12 fresh lemon juice ( juice only , are now drinking juice drink before ) , adding the right amount of warm water to reconcile ( to add a little natural sea salt , taste more smooth and easy to read ) , continuous drinking for seven days ( one day a dozen lemon drink 7 days The remaining food as usual ) . Fine gravel will be discharged from the urethra. When discharged , tingling feeling ; If large kidney stones , have caused pain and inflammation , you can drink cranberry juice to anti-inflammatory pain . What are the benefits of lemon for kidney stones ? The above is a simple explanation of how kidney stones lemon row , I hope for your help. But experts point out that diet can play a preventive role , you want to completely cure kidney stones should use symptomatic treatment .

Development of chronic renal failure is divided into several periods ?

1。失代偿(已知肾功能障碍或早期)今年的兴趣岁除原有肾脏疾病的症状而无其他表现。但是,也有轻度肾损害。GFR之间5070毫升/分钟(正常为100毫升/分钟),血清肌酐> 1.5 mg / dL的,<2毫克/分升,酚红排泄试验开始下降。
2氮质血症(II或尿毒症前期):肾脏疾病的患者,除了原有的性能,食欲不振,轻度乏力,头晕,头痛,夜尿增多,尿比重下降,贫血等症状。肾功能中度受损肾小球滤过率测试<50毫升/分,血尿素氮> 25毫克/分升,血清肌酐> 2毫克/分升,酚红排泄字符串继续下降。
3,尿毒症亚当斯(3):尿毒症患者明显的表现常伴有酸中毒和全身各个系统的症状。此期表现为严重肾功能损害:肾小球滤过率<25毫升/分钟,血中尿素A>血液肌酐00A克/分升> 5毫克/分升下降酚红排泄极端:10个甚至两小时排泄率 - 0肠。常固定在一定数目的比重大约降低血清钙,磷增加,减少二氧化碳结合力和严重贫血。进一步发展进入尿毒症晚期。GFR毫升/分钟被称为终末期尿毒症。


Reasons for kidney failure patients have anemia what ?

Renal failure patients often have anemia, fatigue and other symptoms , then the cause of anemia in patients with renal failure have what it produces ?
1 , erythropoietin decrease caused mainly by glomerular erythropoietin nearly spherical cells, medullary interstitial cells. When kidney failure , the kidneys produce erythropoietin in addition to the site of damage , the lower the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin , resulting in the generation of erythropoietin significantly reduced .
2, due to the patient's diet under control , the lack of blood raw materials , resulting in decreased synthesis of red blood cells .
3 , prompting a new generation of red blood cells is the hormone erythropoietin decreased synthesis of red blood cells in bone marrow , leading to anemia.
4 , laboratory tests, blood tests repeated also a cause of anemia.

At this treatment should actively control further deterioration of renal function , can be administered orally gut row poison : rhubarb soda tablets, granules and other drugs Shenshuaining ; correction of anemia need plus the original drug on the basis of vitamin B12, folic acid and other drugs. In addition, the diet should pay attention to low salt , low fat , low potassium , high-quality low-protein diet based.


Treatment of the elderly have chronic renal insufficiency




Allergic purpura diet to restore methods

紫癜中毒,也称为出血性毛细血管,小动脉和毛细血管的全身性过敏反应的某些物质,导致血管壁的渗透性增加,导致渗出性出血和水肿​​。过敏源可以是细菌,病毒,寄生虫感染,或抗生素,磺胺类药物和其他药物引起,也可由花粉或者鱼,虾,蛋,奶等食物引起的。患者有出血的皮肤,尤其是关节周围的主要临床表现多见于下肢和臀部; 也可有阵发性或持续性钝痛腹部绞痛,常伴有呕吐,腹泻和便血; 膝,腕等关节处可见肿胀,发热和液体; 可有血尿,蛋白尿,管型尿,如肾脏受累; 皮损好发于脑或脑血管处可出现头痛,视力模糊,抽搐,瘫痪等症。
3患者的胃肠道症状可根据病情给予液体或半流质饮食; 有肾损害,应限制盐限水。


Patients with renal water daily to how health



What are the symptoms of kidney failure seven it



What are the performance of patients with renal failure

After suffering from a kidney disease, many patients do not pay attention to the treatment , leading to kidney failure, experts pointed out that renal failure is a common symptom of kidney disease , caused great for our health threat , only by understanding the early symptoms of renal failure this will delay the treatment of renal failure , here's a look how the experts say.
Renal failure symptoms:
1 . Acute renal failure symptoms get worse digestive symptoms may lead to loss of appetite, nausea , vomiting, abdominal distension , diarrhea, severe gastrointestinal bleeding can occur .
2 . In addition to the complications of infection with acute renal failure respiratory symptoms due to excessive load, cough , dyspnea, can shortness of breath, chest pain and other symptoms of acute renal failure .
3 . Symptoms of acute renal failure symptoms of the circulatory system , as oliguria and uncontrolled drinking water, fluid overload , hypertension and heart failure, pulmonary edema ; Because the toxin retention, electrolyte imbalance , acidosis -induced anemia and various arrhythmias and myocardial lesions. If left untreated , the prognosis is not good.
4 . Symptoms of acute renal failure in part of the nervous system symptoms appear consciousness , agitation , delirium, symptoms interfere with pumping sowing, coma uremic encephalopathy .
5. Blood system most acute renal failure symptoms may be mild bleeding and anemia .

Renal failure patients above Xiaobian introduce you to what clinical manifestations , you should now be clear now , hoping to help to you , summary, renal failure patients must be treated in time, when the development of uremia may not be so good treatment , I hope you noticed , so people have to develop good habits and avoid the occurrence of various diseases. Oh, I wish you a speedy recovery .

Why would result in anemia of renal failure

Among life , suffering from kidney failure increasingly large groups , and for chronic renal failure patients, the clinical emergence of anemia is a normal phenomenon , then what is the reason for it, by the following article let us briefly understand look.
Chronic renal disease is the most common clinical one, this disease usually occurs when most of the anemia of chronic renal failure patients will appear the phenomenon in general, which mainly includes the following aspects :
First, anemia is the most common cause of erythropoietin decrease , experts said , erythropoietin primarily by glomerular nearly spherical cells, medullary interstitial cells. Chronic renal failure, in addition to the kidneys produce erythropoietin damaged parts , the lower the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin , hemoglobin oxygen utilization unit increased relatively severe renal ischemia , resulting primarily stimulate erythropoietin reduced, resulting in produce erythropoietin significantly reduced . There are toxins bone marrow suppression , chronic renal failure, certain toxic substances accumulate in the blood has a direct inhibitory effect on the bone marrow , leading to hematopoietic dysfunction.
One reason addition, if the red blood cell destruction in patients with chronic renal anemia is caused by the increase , which is high due to uremia RBC Polyamines cause shortened life hyperlipidemia , autolysis occurs , metabolic disorders erythrocytes and erythrocyte fragility uremia , causing red blood cell autolysis, microvascular disease makes mechanical damage and destruction of red blood cells , hypersplenism .
As well as the loss of red blood cells increases, chronic gastrointestinal bleeding or gastrointestinal hidden under the long term , regular laboratory tests or blood loss residual blood dialyzer , the situation can aggravate chronic renal failure patients. May also be due to other diseases cause , such as hypertension , diabetes and so on , some diseases may affect the hematopoietic function, may also affect the body's absorption of nutrients , leading to malnutrition induced by this phenomenon.

Xiao Bian Message : The cause of anemia in chronic renal failure patients understand the phenomenon of post , remember when the treatment of chronic renal disease , symptomatic treatment must be for the cause , so as to restore health faster . I wish you health .

How do fever patients with renal failure

Many people have experienced a fever, especially when cold, some people are low-grade fever, some people are a high fever. But you know what? In addition to the cold, there are many diseases have symptoms of fever. If people are suffering from other diseases, based on the emergence of symptoms of fever, they need extra attention and can not be healed. For example, if you suffer from chronic renal failure patients on but the emergence of a fever, then you need extra attention.
Treatment main points:
1) should rest the symptoms are apparently bed rest, no cardiac symptoms apparently amount to avoid manual labor; edema, hypertension apparently low-salt diet should spear.
2) anti-infective active infection prevention, removal of infected lesions; antihypertensive treatment of high blood pressure, edema diuretic swelling.
3) anticoagulation can be used anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, the former with heparin, coumarin, which can be used aspirin or dipyridamole (dipyridamole) orally.
So, once suffering from chronic renal failure patients but accompanied by fever, in the course of therapy, be sure to inform your doctor of the province suffering from chronic renal failure patients in advance. Only in this way, doctors can be targeted for treatment, do not conduct their own free medication treatment to prevent worse. Also, be sure to properly pay attention to rest.

Tips: For a fever caused by kidney failure, treatment is crucial, and must be under the guidance of professional doctors and reasonable medication, do not take aspirin, those with renal toxicity cold medicine can not cure the disease but heavier burden on the kidneys, in addition, Care is also critical, oh, I wish you a speedy recovery.


What causes induced renal cysts

Why this disease renal cysts occur , it is now a lot of people want to know about the knowledge , because now we all know the dangers of the disease and, therefore, small series for a bit to explain why the risk of renal cysts disease.
About the cause of renal cysts :
1 , because the cause of congenital dysplasia , for cystic kidney disease , the poor can occur by a variety of congenital diseases .
2, because the toxin causes. Can cause injury , toxins various cells in the human body tissues and organs . Thus the occurrence of the disease , even life-threatening , and is also a gene mutation , mainly congenital abnormalities such phenomena .
3 , because the diet causes. Poor diet , may cause the occurrence of many diseases , and we may not know, is a cause of renal cysts .
4 , because most mutations are passed into parental genetic autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive genetic , speaking for polycystic kidney disease . But some do not belong to multiple congenital dysplasia of polycystic kidney disease , cystic kidney patients are neither genetic parents . But when mutated gene in embryogenesis .
5 , because of a variety of infections reasons. Which occurred in favor of the cyst genetic changes in environmental conditions , infection can make the internal environment , the occurrence of abnormal changes. Renal cysts active internal factors , such cysts can promote the generation growing up ; any infection of any part of the body , enhanced.
Why will suffer from renal cyst disease ? Read the above introduction, I believe there should be some more answers hearts , for our health, life must be prevented .

Early symptoms of renal cysts have?

Renal cysts in patients with early stage there will be some mild symptoms , if the patient is able to understand these symptoms, it is easy to find timely renal cysts, and take appropriate measures so that the treatment of renal cysts have a very important role.
1 , in patients with renal cysts in the waist , abdomen discomfort or pain symptoms , mainly due to the patient's cyst enlargement and expansion continued , the tension increases the renal capsule , renal pedicle is pulled , causing pressure on adjacent organs or so , If severe enough, can easily lead to cyst rupture, to bring great harm to the patient .
2, for patients with kidney disease , most will hematuria phenomenon, so patients with renal cysts is no exception , generally can be divided into microscopic hematuria hematuria or gross hematuria. General hematuria often exacerbated during episodes of low back pain , strenuous exercise , trauma , infection can induce or aggravate . Bleeding reason is because there are many arterial wall below , due to the increased pressure or infection , so that the wall of blood vessels and bleeding due to excessive traction .
3 , to the patient's abdominal mass can reach 60 to 80% of kidney enlargement , when the mass to a certain extent , because the patient 's internal organs rupture pressure going cysts , renal function was worse .
4 , wherein the renal disease is an important feature proteinuria generally are small, not more than 2 grams of urine within 24 hours , it will not happen nephrotic syndrome.
5, when the occurrence of renal cysts , the patient's renal function may decline to make a significant reduction in normal kidney tissue , renal function decline.

For the early symptoms of kidney cysts , I believe we already know , for patients in terms of friends , in their daily lives , should strengthen the understanding of renal cysts knowledge work , so whether it is for the prevention or treatment of renal cysts are very important . If you have any questions you can contact our online customer service .


Glomerulonephritis can be cured

Glomerulonephritis serious? Glomerulonephritis can be cured ? Patients want to know which is the problem. Glomerulonephritis serious not serious, can not be cured according to the patient's condition and treatment, there is no fixed measure , and therefore can not give a clear answer. Different patients due to the different conditions of different treatment methods , its performance is not the same situation , so a detailed analysis of this issue have kidney Chinese Academy of renowned experts for everyone .

Glomerulonephritis can be cured ?

Glomerulonephritis can not be cured , early decision rests directly what kind of treatment the patient , if the glomerular nephritis patients with early symptomatic treatment of science is entirely possible to control the disease , and for a long time is not easy to relapse , there are many after patients timely treatment science can learn and work like normal !

In the treatment of chronic nephritis glomerulonephritis as well as some common primary glomerulonephritis process, we must reasonably healthy with a good diet, patients were an important part of the diet with nutritional science but also to promote therapeutic effects and slow life !

In the diet : To control the dietary intake of protein , 30-40 grams of ordinary every day we can , try to eat high- protein low-protein can reduce glomerular pressure , reduce inflammation damage. Then is to apply anti-platelet drugs , stable renal function . Prevent exacerbation of renal injury factor with example , infection , dehydration, fatigue and application of nephrotoxic drugs , etc. to increase the rest time, pay attention to oral hygiene , etc. To ensure a low protein diet calories, limit sodium intake.

Glomerulonephritis can be cured ? Mental health is also very important aspect . Glomerulonephritis during treatment , patients must maintain a good attitude, do not have the emotional ups and downs , stable state of mind , optimistic mood. Actively cooperate with medical treatment .

Glomerulonephritis can be cured ? By analyzing these experts, I believe you also understand , glomerulonephritis serious not serious is the truth . So when the patient had glomerulonephritis disease , prompt treatment of such diseases , the development of disease control is the key , but can not be cured and that is something, and I hope the patient to actively cooperate with the treatment , a speedy recovery.

Just how severe the symptoms of renal insufficiency

Just how severe the symptoms of renal dysfunction ? With the improvement of living standards , many people pay attention to diet , which causes long as some other diseases , including kidney disease has become a focus of headaches , because a lot of people for kidney disease not very understanding, thus suffering from renal insufficiency did not understand the severity , treatment should not always think that ?
Symptoms of renal insufficiency
Renal dysfunction is caused by a variety of reasons , is divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal insufficiency. Of chronic renal insufficiency, renal severely damaged , the body comprehensive clinical syndrome disorder in the excretion of metabolic waste and regulate water and electrolyte , acid-base balance and so on.
So, the symptoms of renal insufficiency how serious ?
Renal disease damage has a greater ability to adapt is often said compensatory capacity. That is only part of the kidney damage or injury when mild kidney itself is completely self-regulation , the patient did not have renal failure performance. But this compensatory there is a certain limit , if it exceeds the tolerance range of the kidney , kidney damage occurs .
Renal function is not omnipotent live either renal insufficiency can be divided into the following four ? :
A : decompensated renal functional reserve . Because compensatory renal reserve capacity is large, and therefore the clinical renal function despite the loss, but its excretion of metabolites and regulate water and electrolyte balance may still meet the normal needs, not on clinical symptoms , renal function tests are normal range or slightly higher occasional phenomenon .
Two : renal insufficiency period . Glomerular damage has been more that 60% -75 % , there are certain obstacles , creatinine, urea nitrogen can be high or above normal kidneys excrete metabolic waste. Patients can anemia, fatigue, weakness , weight loss , mental focus and so easy . But often overlooked, if dehydration, infection, bleeding and other circumstances , then quickly obvious symptoms.
Three : renal failure . Renal function has been quite serious damage , 75% -95 % , you can not maintain a stable internal environment of the body, the patient fatigue , weakness, difficulty in concentrating and other symptoms intensified, anemia significantly , nocturia , serum creatinine , blood urea nitrogen increased significantly, and often acidosis. This period is also called azotemia .
Four : uremia , or end-stage renal insufficiency . This period has exceeded 95% of glomerular damage , with severe clinical symptoms such as severe nausea , vomiting, oliguria , edema, malignant hypertension , severe anemia , itchy skin , mouth , etc. urine smell of urine .
Just how severe the symptoms of renal dysfunction ? Renal dysfunction is divided into four periods , so the view of this patients with renal insufficiency should be treated promptly to avoid serious symptoms occur , bring greater harm to themselves , if You want to know how to treat renal insufficiency ? You can click on the expert advice online .

Renal atrophy can be cured

Had renal atrophy how to do ? Renal atrophy can be cured? This is very worried about each patient 's problem, and that renal cysts in the end can not cure it ? Renal atrophy and seriously endanger the patient 's health, a great deal of pain to the patient , Therefore, the focus of treatment of renal atrophy . About renal atrophy can not be cured, it can not be unilateral , and renal atrophy can not cure the patient's illness, from multiple perspective, as long as patients choose the right treatment method is still reasonably well in control the disease progresses , the following experts for your detailed answer.
Renal atrophy can be cured ?
Renal atrophy can be cured? First let us understand what is simple to understand renal atrophy ?
Renal atrophy and renal volume is based on the person's age , gender and body height and weight compared with each other , relatively small or significantly reduce an anomaly . Prolonged kidney disease, resulting in renal units , especially in glomerular damage the entire kidney volume reduced renal atrophy occurs and renal function changes are complementary, when patients with renal atrophy when bound to have renal insufficiency or even renal failure - . uremia.
Through the above description , you can also understand what is right renal atrophy . Below you find a treatment for renal atrophy .
1 , dialysis treatment
Renal atrophy can be used to treat dialysis method , there will be some effect , but the dialysis temporarily relieve toxins on the human body injury, the treatment of kidney disease is not fundamentally
2 , treatment of kidney transplant
Renal atrophy can also be used to treat kidney transplant method , there will be some effect, but a greater risk of renal transplantation requires matching , high costs, the need for kidney transplantation has been taking anti-rejection drugs.
3 Integrative Medicine
Renal atrophy was highly suggestive of renal fibrosis and hardening into the shrinking process. At this time of kidney function has been a serious injury , hopes patients pay close attention ! Treatment must be justified at this time specification system ! Symptomatic treatment is recommended at the same time , focusing on the protection of the remaining renal units , repair damaged pathological damage , the gradual recovery of renal function , and prevent progression of fibrosis , which effectively control the disease ! therapy is recommended you currently using Chinese medicine treatment methods , this method for renal pathological damage , inactivation , degradation , apoptosis, repair , thus blocking up breaking the chain of worsening renal fibrosis purpose . In addition , through the expansion of the therapy of renal artery levels , increasing the effective perfusion , improve renal microcirculation, improving hypoxia, renal function will gradually recover , detoxification capacity gradually increased, eventually control the disease, prevent the gradual deterioration ! And this Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease is the signature treatments Beijing Beijing North Hospital 's first effective treatment of the patient's condition .

Common early symptoms of uremia

Common early symptoms of uremia ? Uremia treatment is very difficult , for which many patients are fully understood , but if found early in the disease, then the situation is not the same , if you can take timely treatment in the early , it will receive good treatment. Here is my brief hospital 's kidney specialist , early symptoms of the common early symptoms of uremia uremia common experts pointed out it :?? ① edema. Because the kidneys can not rid the body of excess water caused by fluid retention in the body tissue space , only early in the ankle and eyelid edema, disappeared after the break , if the development of persistent or generalized edema , the disease has no light . ② urine change. Since the kidney filtration function decline , some patients with disease progression will gradually reduce the amount of urine . Even normal urine , because urine discharge toxins reduce the decline in the quality , not too much waste from the body , so to some extent on the amount of urine and kidney function can not fully explain the good and bad . ③ hypertension, nephritis. Due to kidney natriuresis , drainage function , the body will occur when impaired renal function , sodium and water retention, in addition , when the kidneys secrete substances increase blood pressure . Therefore , the patient will have different degrees of early hypertension. If coupled with poor blood pressure or clotting mechanism prone to cause nose bleeding gums , you should seek medical attention. ④ loss of appetite . Common early symptoms of uremia it? This is due to the toxins in urine retention, affect the digestive function due. Until progression of the disease , there will be discomfort abdominal fullness , nausea , vomiting, or have even increased stool frequency pulpy mass , this time, the disease has been heavier. In short, as long as the alert is capable of early detection . ⑤ drowsiness , fatigue , pale yellow. Cause a lot of drowsiness , fatigue causes. Especially in the business " full fight " who mostly put the blame on work stress and fatigue, thus ignoring the disease. Common early symptoms of uremia it? Above is brought to us by kidney specialists in detail, now we have to understand it, want to be able to help everyone . Prevention is very important to do , I hope you can maintain a healthy body, if you still do not understand or want to understand the place, you can consult our online experts , kidney specialists will give you a detailed answer.

Renal cysts need to pay attention to what matters diet

What are the treatment of renal cysts! Renal cysts are more common kinds of kidney disease, the incidence of patients with different clinical needs of doctors give different treatment options, so in normal life, we need to understand something about the treatment of renal cysts common sense, here we come together to understand what treatment of renal cysts.
Some patients with renal cysts are congenital, in this case, the general patient without excessive anxiety. Normally congenital renal cysts are single, but also multiple, and sometimes liver, kidney cysts exist, the general said renal cysts is not much impact on human health.
About renal cysts treatment for some patients with acquired renal cyst pathogenesis, treatment needs to take the necessary measures. Generally too large for renal cysts. On the organ itself or its organs can be formed around compression symptoms or inflammation, available needle aspiration or surgical decompression therapy, use of antimicrobial drugs inflammation. Oppression does not form liver, kidney cysts can not be treated, and no effective treatment.
What is the treatment of renal cysts? Patients with renal cysts need to avoid doing strenuous exercise routine, avoid cyst rupture leads to serious consequences. But patients also need to do sports care, because this will be the health and enhance immunity. Because if so sedentary Games renal blood flow slows, heavier stasis and kidney sclerosis atrophy. Adhere to enhance the resistance movement on the one hand, on the other hand to strengthen the kidney blood flow, helping to repair damage and prevent glomerulosclerosis.
Treatment of renal cysts what common sense! Than we should all treatments for renal cysts have a certain knowledge and understanding, we need to pay attention is that the incidence of renal cysts in patients with different characteristics must be combined with specific conditions to take reasonable therapy in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

What are the treatment of renal cysts

What are the treatment of renal cysts ! Renal cysts are more common kinds of kidney disease, the incidence of patients with different clinical needs of doctors give different treatment options , so in normal life , we need to understand something about the treatment of renal cysts common sense , here we come together to understand what treatment of renal cysts .
Some patients with renal cysts are congenital, in this case , the general patient without excessive anxiety . Normally congenital renal cysts are single , but also multiple, and sometimes liver, kidney cysts exist, the general said renal cysts is not much impact on human health.
About renal cysts treatment for some patients with acquired renal cyst pathogenesis , treatment needs to take the necessary measures . Generally too large for renal cysts . On the organ itself or its organs can be formed around compression symptoms or inflammation, available needle aspiration or surgical decompression therapy , use of antimicrobial drugs inflammation . Oppression does not form liver , kidney cysts can not be treated , and no effective treatment .
What is the treatment of renal cysts ? Patients with renal cysts need to avoid doing strenuous exercise routine , avoid cyst rupture leads to serious consequences. But patients also need to do sports care , because this will be the health and enhance immunity . Because if so sedentary Games renal blood flow slows , heavier stasis and kidney sclerosis atrophy. Adhere to enhance the resistance movement on the one hand , on the other hand to strengthen the kidney blood flow , helping to repair damage and prevent glomerulosclerosis .
Treatment of renal cysts what common sense ! Than we should all treatments for renal cysts have a certain knowledge and understanding , we need to pay attention is that the incidence of renal cysts in patients with different characteristics must be combined with specific conditions to take reasonable therapy in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

Can Blueberries Be Bad for Your Kidneys?

If you're a fan of the little burst of flavor provided by blueberries, the good news is that they are not bad for your kidneys. Even if you have advanced kidney disease, blueberries are one of the few fruits that you can eat freely. The sugar and whipped cream that often accompany blueberries are more realistic dietary concerns.
Blueberry Nutrients
A 1-cup serving blueberries contains a few significant nutrients, the most abundant of which is vitamin K, or the clotting vitamin, with over 30 percent of your recommended daily intake. The only other substantial vitamin in blueberries is vitamin C, with roughly 20 percent of the recommended 75 milligram intake for women, and 15 percent of the recommended 90 milligram intake for men. The same serving delivers more than 20 percent of your recommended intake for manganese and 14 percent of your recommended intake of fiber.
Antioxidant Properties
The US Department of Agriculture measures the oxygen radical absorbance capacity of many foods. ORAC is a measure of the anti-oxidant capability of a food. While blueberries may be relatively low in nutrients, they are very high in anti-oxidants, with 6,520 micrograms of anti-oxidant compounds in a 100-gram serving. By way of comparison, cooked broccoli has only 1,552 micrograms in a 100-gram serving. Anti-oxidant-rich foods don't harm your kidneys. Rather, they help prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.
Low In Potassium
Those with advanced kidney disease often have to watch their potassium intake. While healthy kidneys keep potassium levels between 3.5 and 5.0 milliequivalent per liter, diseased kidneys are unable to do this. Potassium levels start to rise to dangerous levels, putting the patient at risk of irregular heartbeat and even heart attack. Although many fruits become off-limits for these patients, a 1-cup serving of blueberries has only 114 milligrams of potassium. To put this in perspective, the National Kidney Foundation classifies foods with more than 200 milligrams of potassium as a good source of potassium. According to kidney foundation guidelines, blueberries are a low-potassium food.

Low In Phosphorus
Those with advanced kidney disease often have to avoid high-phosphorus foods. With only 17.8 milligrams of phosphorus, a 1-cup serving of berries fits tidily within the 800- to 1,000-milligram limit recommended by the kidney foundation. Being able to eat healthy foods like blueberries is a relief for kidney patients, because they often have to follow very restrictive diets, especially with regard to fruits and vegetables.


What are common complications of nephrotic syndrome

About nephrotic syndrome kidney disease is not new, but for patients with nephrotic syndrome, we still have a few simple questions, then the question is what does?
What are common complications of nephrotic syndrome? Nephrotic syndrome is what kind of disease? Our patients what kind of disease symptom? Life we ​​are worried about their disease would endanger his life, then nephrotic syndrome will not endanger our lives it ? what the damage is it to us?
1, one of the complications of nephrotic syndrome: Our nephrotic syndrome symptoms have decreased plasma protein, so to influence the formation of antibodies. Adrenocorticotropic hormone and application of cytotoxic drugs, so patients with systemic defenses are weakened, prone to infection, such as skin infections, primary peritonitis, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, and even induce sepsis.
2, coronary heart disease and thrombosis in patients with nephrotic syndrome will become a complication, it is understood, the incidence of myocardial infarction eight times the life of nephrotic syndrome patients with higher than normal. Nephrotic syndrome patients prone to blood clots, especially in membranous nephropathy incidence of up to 25% to 40%.
3, as well as complications of acute renal failure in patients with nephrotic syndrome. Experts said that for us, our patients generally because of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, body and often in hypovolemic hypercoagulable state. District vomiting, diarrhea, use of antihypertensive drugs and diuretics lot of diuretic, can lead to acute renal failure. Furthermore, nephrotic syndrome, renal interstitial edema, tube blockage formation of tubular protein concentrate and other factors can also induce acute renal failure.
4, nephrotic syndrome patients also have symptoms of electrolyte and metabolic disorders, experts say, this is mainly due to the prolonged use of diuretics or patients unreasonably long ban salt, with a lot of adrenal hormones and diuretics cause a lot of urination, Without timely potassium, prone to hypokalemia.
What are common complications of nephrotic syndrome? These are a few kidney hospital experts, the hope of patients in their daily life, we must note that once any abnormality found in a timely manner to a regular hospital for kidney treatment.

Allergic purpura nephritis how else ?

Are allergic purpura allergic purpura nephritis secondary lesions, is a systemic autoimmune disease . In patients with allergic purpura , about one-third or more kidney damage can occur , which Youyi children aged less common. Therefore, understanding of allergic purpura nephritis is particularly important, while about allergic purpura nephritis induced factors manipulated to prevent the occurrence of allergic purpura nephritis .
What is the cause of allergic purpura ?
Most patients have flu or food to eat seafood ( such as fish, shrimp, crabs and clams , etc. ) before the onset of the case . Is due to the small number of children induced a guard such as antibiotics, iodine amine, isoniazid , salicylates , barbiturates and other drugs , and iodide . This occurs due to respiratory infection or pioneer seafood consumption of food, medicines and a red rash illness , called " purpura " clinically .
HSP expression
In addition to patients with allergic purpura hemorrhagic rash red outside , many accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting , swollen lymph nodes and other symptoms. When patients rash usually 4 to 8 weeks , the kidneys will be damaged to some extent . Allergic purpura nephritis patients with clinically isolated hematuria appeared for the outstanding performance , some patients with proteinuria, edema. Purpura nephritis How did it happen ?
When the body's immune function is normal, non-self antigens can generate both humoral and cell-mediated immunity , the body play a role in immune cherish . When the immune dysfunction , outside bacteria, seafood , drugs , etc. , then can cause allergic reactions, autoimmune disease or immunodeficiency diseases , to the detriment of human health. These in vivo antigen antibody binding virulence factors produced after formation of immune complexes, these immune complexes in the glomerular most easily precipitated , thereby initiating the process of renal fibrosis . Children 's immunity is weaker than adults, their natural resistance to disease worse . Especially in the cold season or cold, children with allergic purpura cold easily occur . After the invasion of children's cold body , is likely to form immune complexes in vivo antibody which acts on the kidneys, resulting in the occurrence and aggravation of allergic purpura , it is especially important to prevent colds .

Prednisone tablets side effects?

Prednisone tablets nephrotic syndrome patients are commonly used drugs belonging to the adrenal cortex hormones drugs, has multiple anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-rheumatic, immune suppression, which have anti-inflammatory effects and mechanism of immunosuppression. Of course, as a hormone drugs, prednisone tablets side effects, either.
What are the side effects of prednisone tablets?
Prednisone tablets side effects of adverse reactions are: large doses can lead to diabetes, peptic ulcers, and class Cushing syndrome symptoms, the hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal axis strong inhibition. Concurrent infection as the main adverse reactions.
For prednisone tablets side effects, note the following:
1, hypertension, thrombosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, mental illness, electrolyte metabolism, myocardial infarction, visceral surgery, glaucoma patients should not use the goods and adrenal corticosteroids in patients with a history of allergies disabled, fungi and infections were banned.
2, tuberculosis, or acute bacterial infections in patients, must give appropriate anti-infective therapy.
3, long-term medication should be discontinued tapering.
4, diabetes, osteoporosis, liver cirrhosis, renal dysfunction, hypothyroidism in patients with caution.
5, pregnant women can increase the use of placental dysfunction, reduce birth weight or incidence of stillbirth, animal experiments have teratogenic effects should be weighed against the use. Nursing mothers receiving high dose, you should not breast-feeding, prevention of drug excreted through breast milk, resulting in infant growth suppression and adrenal suppression and other adverse reactions.

What diet should pay attention to renal atrophy?

What diet should pay attention to renal atrophy? Renal atrophy is a pathological anatomy of a noun, is based on the human kidney volume with age, sex and body height and weight compared with each other, relatively small or significantly reduce an anomaly. Renal atrophy should be considered as a cause of congenital renal hypoplasia-stage renal disease or renal vascular disease and renal atrophy, leading to renal units, particularly glomerular damage, the entire kidney appeared smaller in size.
What diet should pay attention to renal atrophy? Renal atrophy, like other kidney disease in the course of treatment of kidney disease through diet manipulation renal atrophy is crucial, given the metabolic and renal atrophy with age in all aspects of the body, but also in accordance with the patient's details condition to be, then the diet renal atrophy pay attention to what?
What renal atrophy renal atrophy diet diet should pay attention to pay attention to?:
Limiting, protein diet: reducing protein intake, make creatinine, urea nitrogen decreased to reduce uremic symptoms, as well as help to reduce phosphorus and mitigate acidosis give 0.6g/kg of protein every day, still will not meet the body's needs. malnutrition. eating high protein biological competitive prices, such as fish, eggs, lean meat. Eat protein-rich plant substances, such as peanuts, soy products.
Fat intake: fat should consider eating monounsaturated fatty acid foods, such as vegetable oil.
High-calorie diet: high-calorie diet can reduce protein breakdown takes 125.6j/kg daily calories can eat sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes, apples, lotus root starch and other foods should contain B vitamins, Vc and folic acid. ..
Patients with renal atrophy appropriate edible pasta pasta, but do not eat hard pasta, do not eat much.
Other: normal salt diet, drink less, hypokalemia low phosphorus diet.

Patients with diabetic nephropathy can eat celery do

In patients with diabetic nephropathy diet should pay more attention , because they do not make a careful diet diabetic patient's body and dangerous conditions , so the food I want to introduce is that we often see , and celery. So the following is diabetic nephropathy is not to eat celery introduced .
Patients with diabetic nephropathy can eat celery . Choose whole grains , such as cornmeal staple , however , buckwheat , oats noodles. Also, try to eat the recommended low- glycemic index vegetables such as cucumbers , tomatoes, and other vegetables . Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of diabetes , is one of systemic diabetic microvascular disease manifestations, clinical features of proteinuria , progressive renal dysfunction , hypertension , edema and other symptoms , late severe renal failure, diabetes is a major one of the causes of death . Diabetic nephropathy is more common in patients with diabetes duration of more than 10 years , proteinuria is the earliest manifestations of diabetic nephropathy . So Diabetic nephropathy is very scary , but that's not to say that terminally ill , diabetic nephropathy is completely curable , as long as able to accept reasonable and timely treatment. Let us introduce diabetic patients with nephropathy due attention to what diet :
( 1 ) vitamin supplements. Add some vitamins, including folate , primarily the treatment of anemia .
( 2 ) a high carbohydrate content and can eat cellulose ;
( 3 ) can eat more food high in dietary fiber foods such as buckwheat , oats , beans and other vegetables .
( 4 ) the sugar content of 3 % or less of vegetables such as : cabbage , cabbage , spinach , rape, leek, fennel dish, Abutilon tarragon, celery, kohlrabi , lettuce shoots, zucchini , tomato, melon , bitter gourd, cucumber, eggplant , gourd, kale , scoop dish, Narinosa vegetables, water spinach , amaranth , asparagus , green bean sprouts , mushrooms , seaweed and other flooding .
In patients with diabetic nephropathy usually can not eliminate foods containing protein , but not over- eat , so the amount of the best. Diabetic patients daily amount of protein per kilogram of body weight 1g appropriate. 2-3 times a week to eat fish protein , can improve blood vessel elasticity and permeability, increased urinary sodium excretion, thereby lowering blood glucose . Good healthy diet to restore the work to reduce the extent of the damage in patients with diabetic nephropathy has great significance , therefore , in patients with diabetic nephropathy usually have to eat more foods containing potassium , but also the amount of protein intake to promote their rehabilitation process smoothly. Friends know where patients under treatment of early diabetic nephropathy how or necessary .
These are some of my simple answer , I believe you diabetic nephropathy patients can eat celery do understand this issue , and hope that more people can receive treatment in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.


The real explanation about kidney failure

You may be one is suffering from kidney disease patients, regardless of chronic kidney disease (CKD) or actually iga nephropathy or nephrotic syndrome may develop into renal failure at last
Kidneys are the organs that help filter waste products from the blood. They are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body.
There are numerous causes of kidney failure, and treatment of the underlying disease may be the first step in correcting the kidney abnormality.
Some causes of kidney failure are treatable and the kidney function may return to normal. Unfortunately, kidney failure may be progressive in other situations and may be irreversible.
Symptoms of kidney failure are due to the build-up of waste products in the body that may cause weakness, shortness of breath, lethargy, and confusion. Inability to remove potassium from the bloodstream may lead to abnormal heart rhythms and sudden death. Initially, there may be no symptoms of kidney failure.
The diagnosis of kidney failure usually is made by blood tests measuring BUN, creatinine, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Treatment of the underlying cause of kidney failure may return kidney function to normal. Lifelong efforts to control blood pressure and diabetes may be the best way to prevent chronic kidney disease and its progression to kidney failure. Usually, kidney function gradually decreases over time.
If the kidneys fail completely, the only treatment options available may be dialysis or transplant.
But in the absence of finding the right kidney, we need to do is to maintain the existing kidney function, prevent he appeared more unfortunate situation.In this case, the patient can consider to shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital through micro Chinese medicine therapy and acupuncture therapy can make oneself maintain itself has its own renal function and improve kidney function, alleviate symptoms of kidney failure.If you have any questions, you can send mail to us, our E-mail is: kidney-arabic@hotmail.com and insuffisance-renal@hotmail.com.

Why smelly mouth renal failure patients

Clinically, chronic renal failure, chronic renal failure has been called , is the result of a variety of chronic kidney disease worsening . However, with the development of chronic renal failure , also lead to the occurrence of uremia . Have you ever found that chronic renal failure patients often feel the mouth odor, which is why?
Chinese medicine believes that the kidney Division gasification , to make " a shade under cloud awakened ," the dregs of human waste that is discharged from the toilet, to maintain normal physiological functions. If the kidney qi deficiency exhausted , gasification is not entitled , then overcast cloud while the other way up, then now the mouth of urine .
Chronic renal failure patients often feel in the mouth there is a smell, different opinions, such as " ammonia odor ", " Niaowei ", " fertilizer taste" , " stink" and so on. Experienced doctors based on the size of the smell from the patient's mouth exudes the smell of blood urea nitrogen values ​​can roughly estimate the level of the patient and make judgments disease patients in a stable or deteriorating . So the smell in the end is how it goes ?
Chronic renal failure is a progressive kidney disease caused by a variety of chronic , severe metabolic syndrome, a group of disorders and other damage composed . Chronic renal failure is a slowly progressive course of the process is an irreversible , but not incurable. With the development of science ( such as dialysis , kidney transplantation , etc. ) , so many patients survive longer, some patients may be long-term survival .
Common cause of glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis , hypertension, diabetes and obstructive nephropathy . In addition , polycystic kidney disease , hereditary kidney disease, lupus nephritis , sickle cell disease are more common. Rare disease because of acute renal failure is not restored, multiple myeloma nephropathy, renal amyloidosis , leprosy , renal tuberculosis, nodular nodosa , Wegener's teeth swollen flesh , nephrocalcinosis psychosis. It should be noted that due to my friends not to be fooled by the illusion of chronic renal failure , due to the early manifestation of CRF 's not typical , but symptoms can occur in any one system , therefore, easily misdiagnosed as a disease of a system , especially those without significant patients with chronic kidney disease , where there is weakness, fatigue , physical decline , abdominal pain , diarrhea, vomiting or gastrointestinal bleeding friend ; and general weakness , paleness , anemia , skin itching symptoms to the doctor , often misdiagnosed as digestion tract disease , cancer , aplastic anemia, peripheral neuritis and other diseases , delayed treatment , missed the best time and remorse lifelong treatment .
Patients also have this experience, when her condition improved mouth Niaowei small , sicker population of urine when large , this is why ? Because patients with renal failure, the body of toxins , such as urea nitrogen is not properly discharged , accumulate in the body, the gut bacterial urease to break down urea into ammonia and stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa , so from the mouth exudes a different odor , commonly known as " Niaowei ." Given this mechanism , it is not hard to understand the size and the level of the mouth of urine , blood urea nitrogen values ​​are closely linked .
In addition to kidney disease patients outside of regular treatment , in everyday life the most important thing is prevention and maintenance of kidney patients , only correct for prevention and care , in order to make kidney disease exacerbations , early rehabilitation . Oh, I wish you a speedy recovery .

How do fever patients with renal failure

Many people have experienced a fever , especially in the cold , when some people are low-grade fever , some people are a high fever. But you know what? In addition to the cold , there are many diseases have symptoms of fever . If people are suffering from other diseases , based on the emergence of symptoms of fever , they need extra attention and can not be healed. For example , if you suffer from chronic renal failure patients on but the emergence of a fever , then you need extra attention .
Treatment main points:
1 ) Rest
Obvious symptoms should rest in bed , the mind, there is no obvious symptoms to avoid manual labor ; edema, hypertension should be obvious when the low-salt diet.
2 ) anti-infective
 Actively prevent infection , removal of infected lesions ; antihypertensive treatment of high blood pressure , edema diuretic swelling .
3 ) anticoagulation
You can choose anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, the former with heparin , coumarin , which can be used aspirin or dipyridamole ( dipyridamole ) orally.
So, once the suffering associated with chronic renal failure in patients with fever but , in the course of therapy, be sure to inform your doctor of the province suffering from chronic renal failure patients in advance. Only in this way , doctors can be targeted for treatment , do not conduct their own free medication treatment to prevent worse. At the same time , we must pay attention to rest properly .
Tips: For a fever caused by kidney failure , treatment is crucial , and must be under the guidance of professional doctors and reasonable medication , do not take aspirin, those with renal toxicity cold medicine can not cure the disease but heavier burden on the kidneys , in addition, care is also critical , I wish you a speedy recovery .

What is lupus nephritis diet should pay attention to ?

What is lupus nephritis diet should pay attention to ? Lupus nephritis is a common skin lesions , the usual diet for the rehabilitation of the disease has a very big role , then together we know what the next lupus nephritis diet should pay attention to .
What diet should pay attention to lupus nephritis Lupus nephritis diet principles are: ? High protein , nutritious, and easy to digest diet , avoid spicy foods , limiting sodium intake , specifically described as follows:
1 , when the deficiency symptoms : suitable for nourishing foods, such as hawthorn , reed rhizome juice , with sweet and sour fruit drinks as well, such as sour plum . The same can not eat dry, spicy diet. Note the water supply , turtle, turtle meat is also a good tonic .
2 , Heat phases: diet should be easily digested refreshing fruit juice. You can eat watermelon juice , pear juice, reed rhizome juice, water chestnuts sauce , shepherd's purse , horse blue top. Do not eat spicy dry foods such as chili , beef, mutton , horse meat, leek, onion , pepper , cinnamon and so on. Taboo tobacco, alcohol , tea, coffee. Shijiazhuang kidney disease lupus nephritis to the hospital .
What is lupus nephritis diet should pay attention to ? Through the above description, you should already know . Kidney experts say that for lupus nephritis hope that we pay more attention to diet , a reasonable diet to improve the condition of great significance . If you have any important questions can contact me through the message board , I will provide you with free health -related advice.


High serum creatinine in the diet should pay attention to what ?

High serum creatinine is an important feature of renal failure , nephrotic general condition of the patient at this time has been quite serious , body retention did not break out a lot of toxins , then in addition to the treatment of kidney patients to eat what is particularly important at this time . If the diet is not scientific, it will aggravate kidney disease , or even life-threatening. So, high serum creatinine in the diet should pay attention to what ?
First, high serum creatinine can not eat salty things and should be kept low-salt diet , that the amount of salt daily intake should not exceed 3 g .
Second, high serum creatinine can not eat foods high in phosphorus , foods high in phosphorus mainly fish ( including aquatic plants ) , animal offal, sesame, peanuts, walnuts , honey, egg yolk , tea , and some dried fruit .
Third, high serum creatinine can not eat foods high in potassium , potassium content of common foods are: onions , pumpkins , squash , melon, eggplant , watermelon , apple, pear , Jingbaili , red Shaw pears, pineapple, fresh cowpea , taro , carrot , radish, radish , radish , Chinese cabbage, cabbage , Wara sub rod , celery, leek , orange , citrus , ducks wide pears, persimmons , etc.
Fourth, serum creatinine can not eat high protein-containing foods that are high , the supply should not exceed the total protein content of 20-30 grams per day , including the staple food of plant protein contained .
Fifth, high serum creatinine can not eat high- fat foods , can be controlled by the following two measures :
1 put less oil when cooking , and should not eat fried , fried and greasy foods.
2 to contain less saturated fatty acids, vegetable oils is preferred.

Above that is high serum creatinine in the diet should pay attention to what 's described in detail , kidney specialists pointed out that when the patient's creatinine was persistently high state , indicating that the patient's kidneys have been severely damaged , then in addition to diet therapy is outside very important , otherwise it will aggravate the deterioration of kidney disease patients Weihai patient's life.


What are the early symptoms of kidney failure ?

Renal failure is the development of a variety of chronic kidney disease to kidney or part of the latter caused by the loss of all of the pathological state . Usually in the clinic, can be divided into acute and chronic renal failure , acute renal failure progression fast , usually caused by insufficient blood supply of the kidney ( such as trauma or burns ) , kidney function due to some factors causing damage or being blocked poison damage, acute renal failure caused by generation . And chronic renal failure was mainly due to long-term kidney disease, along with the time and the disease, decreased kidney function , resulting in renal failure .
About the early symptoms of kidney failure , the clinic there are many, such as sleepy tired , no strength : this is an early symptom of the kidney , but the most easily overlooked due cause drowsiness , no reason really too much effort . Especially those who struggle in their careers , most would say the reason is because the work panic and exertion. If symptoms improved a little rest , it is easier to ignore. And a pale yellow : anemia caused by kidney disease early due , because this performance is very slow onset and expand , so do not be too short a period of time does not render a clear " contrast " as hard to find people to meet each morning and evening kind of slow changes , I think we are all the same.
In addition, the clinical symptoms of edema is a relatively easy to find , because the kidneys can not remove excess water in the body and lead to fluid retention in the body tissue space , only early in the ankle and eyelid edema, disappeared after the break , if expanded to when persistent or generalized edema , indicating that the disease has ' no light . There are changes in urine : kidney filtration function due to land , some patients with the disease will gradually reduce the amount of urine pause . Even normal urine , because urine to eliminate toxins that reduce the quality of land , you can not get rid of excess waste , so to some extent on the amount of urine your kidneys do not function very well explain the good and bad .
Experts advise patients with renal failure , remember that early symptoms of kidney failure in the clinic , the aggressive treatment, so as to avoid harm to the body disease.

What disease complications of renal failure ? Should eat what medicine ?

What disease complications of renal failure ? If you do not pay attention to this problem, then you will regret disease complications of renal insufficiency what ? Patients with renal insufficiency must understand the disease complications , when our body some exceptions , we can ... what disease complications of renal failure ?
Renal insufficiency disease complications are there? Patients with renal insufficiency must understand the disease complications , when our body some exceptions , we can quickly understand where their bodies signs, as for the treatment of renal dysfunction is necessary . Let our experts give you detailed nephropathy explain about the disease complications of renal dysfunction which , I hope we can have a new understanding.
Renal insufficiency disease complications are there?
Complications of renal insufficiency which
A neurological symptoms : neurological symptoms are the main symptoms of uremia . In the early uremia, patients often have dizziness , headache , fatigue, comprehension and memory loss and other symptoms. As the disease worsens , there may be irritability, muscle tremors , convulsions ; may eventually develop into apathy, lethargy and coma. Those symptoms occur with the following factors :
① some accumulation of toxic substances may cause nerve cell degeneration ;
② electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders ;
③ renal hypertension caused by cerebral vasospasm , hypoxia and increased capillary permeability , which can cause degeneration of brain cells and brain edema.
2 , digestive symptoms: The earliest symptoms of digestive uremic patients is loss of appetite or indigestion ; exacerbations can occur when anorexia , nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Those symptoms may occur with urease intestinal bacteria break down urea into ammonia , ammonia stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa causing inflammation and multiple small superficial ulcers and so on. Patients often complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding. Also nausea , vomiting, and also related to the central nervous system dysfunction .
3 , cardiovascular system symptoms: chronic renal failure due to renal hypertension , acidosis, hyperkalemia, sodium and water retention , the role of toxic substances such as anemia and heart failure can occur , such as arrhythmias and myocardial damage . Since urea ( possibly uric acid ) stimulation , can also occur aseptic pericarditis, patients determined before the pain ; smell and pericardial friction rub physical examination . Severe pericardial cavity cellulose and bloody exudate appears.
4 , skin symptoms: itchy skin is a common symptom in patients with uremia , may be toxic products on the skin receptors stimulation ; others believe with secondary hyperparathyroidism related , because the removal of the parathyroid , can immediately which relieve painful symptoms. In addition, patients with dry skin, scaling and was brown . Changes in skin color , previously thought to be the increase in urinary pigment so , but check with the absorption spectrophotometer proved mainly for skin pigment melanin . Exposed parts of the skin , slight contusion can cause skin ecchymosis . Due to a higher concentration of sweat urea , urea thus opening sweat white crystals , called urea cream .

Renal failure patients can eat lamb it?

Eat mutton kidney failure okay ? Mutton both low-grade cold , they can make up the body of the common cold cough, chronic bronchitis, asthma, body chills , impotence impotence , abdominal Leng Tong , weak cold, waist and knees, anemia , illness or postpartum body virtual loss , etc. are all imaginary shape treatment and tonic effect , best suited to winter eating , it is called winter tonic , welcomed by the people .
Renal failure patients with eating dogs, sheep meat , beef and other products should be cautious. Chinese medicine believes that dog meat, mutton, beef fat objects , easy to lead disease recurrence or worsening of estrus , the exact appear too clinical or chronic nephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus patients with renal failure and to eat cattle, mutton sicker even after the death of the last phenomenon but is this a coincidence, pending further inspections. Therefore, chronic renal failure , or not to eat meat is the best!
Diet is very important for patients with renal failure . Patients with renal failure not only should always pay attention to their diet , and most importantly, the choice of therapy. Patients must be timely to regulate professional kidney hospital examination and treatment .
Eat mutton kidney failure , okay? Chronic renal failure , a variety of causes kidney damage and deterioration of the results . Chronic renal failure is not an independent disease . Renal failure in the diet needs to pay attention to these aspects: should eat soft food , do not eat hard food and fried foods in patients with chronic renal failure due to the retention of toxins in the body and blood microcirculation and other causes frequent gastrointestinal mucosa congestion, erosion status, such as eat hard foods , fried foods such as fried chicken , etc. ; diet should be the best light, not spicy or bland food

New Treatment for ADPKD

ADPKD is the common type of PKD, 50% of which will lead to end-stage renal failure which need dialysis or kidney transplant. Hence people with ADPKD need to receive early treatment to prevent growing of cysts on kidney. There is a new treatment for PKD in China. It is micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy.
Surgery is one way for PKD treatment. It can remove the largest cyst on kidney. But the removing of cyst provides growth space for small ones. Besides, many cysts grow on kidneys. Too many surgeries will damage kidneys.
In recent decades, a new technique has been developed--Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine has function of dilating blood vessels. It is very effective to prevent renal fibrosis in early stage. Once the medicine is osmosed into kidneys, blood circulation on cyst wall will be improved greatly, which can help changing conditions of ischemia and anoxic from root. Meanwhile, it can prompt sac liquid being reabsorbed back to blood vessels. Therefore the size of cysts will be shrunk even to minimum size, which will relieve the pressure to surrounding tissues and organs. Thus recovery of renal function can be achieved.
Effective treatment with the addition of a good state of mind can help improve the prognosis. If a proper treatment is used, the patients in early stage of ADPKD can avoid uremia effectively.
What’s more, patients with ADPKD need to prevent developing of cysts on kidney. In fact, cysts growing can be caused by people’s habits such as drinking alcohol, coffee, smoking, and so on. Hence it is better to have good living habits, which can also help preventing developing of ADPKD.

Top Facts You Need to Know about Dialysis

Many patients who are going to receive dialysis are concerned about what will happen if they start dialysis. Here are the main facts which they should know.

1. Risks
You will experience some side effects or complications from dialysis. For example, muscle cramps, itchy skin, lack of interest in sexual life, poor sleep, etc.
2. Diet
Your diet may be strictly arranged by your doctors. For peritoneal dialysis, you may need to eat a high –protein diet. And for hemodialysis, you may need to restrict the intake of salt, potassium and phosphorus, etc.
3. Time
Dialysis affects your time schedule so you have to rearrange your activities surround your dialysis treatment. Hemodialysis must be done 3times a week with 3 to 4 hours each time, and for peritoneal dialysis, you have to do it every day.
4. Travel
When you start your dialysis, your travel need may needs to be planned carefully. If you want to travel away from home, you may need to find a dialysis center there.
5. Money
Dialysis is usually not free, instead, they are often expensive. You may need to worry about things on paying for dialysis.
6. Poor Substitution
Dialysis is just a not too qualified substitution of your kidneys. After all, dialysis does not cure your kidneys at all.
7. Hard to dispense
If you start dialysis, it is usually hard for you to get rid of dialysis, which is because most patients will die within a few weeks after they stop dialysis.
Dialysis does not mean that you take only it, in fact, besides dialysis, you have to take some medicines every day so as to coordinate with your dialysis.
According to the defects of dialysis, our hospital proposes Immunotherapy to treat Kidney Disease including Kidney Failure, to be more specific, Immunotherapy can help you recover your damaged kidneys, so it is a big difference from dialysis.
Dialysis used in our hospital is just a method to create more time for reparation of kidneys, if you just rely on dialysis but do not use any other treatments, your kidneys will eventually become useless.
So, before your kidneys are completely lost its functions, you may adopt our Immunotherapy to save your kidneys, by this method, you have great possibility of getting rid of dialysis.
