
Kidney Disease

Kidney DiseaseBrief introduction
Kidney means kidney function, and need to be different symptoms modulating. Kidney yin and yang deficiency, kidney deficiency metaplasia, Zheng Jian spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation
, urinary dribbling after endless, urinating more often and clear, waist and knees, hearing loss, shortness of breath, limbs not warm, weak pulse, etc., treatment with kidney based.

Are part of the urinary system kidney in traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys are one of the five internal organs. Kidney is the innate, inherent human life is fundamental, the relationship between human beings to survive and multiply. Kidney and related gains and losses in addition to the kidney tissue reaction healthy or not, but also represents vitality is busy is weak. Kidney disease manifestations in the so-called kidney, impotence, kidney and renal covered by the blood circulation, or renal function associated with the organs and tissues, such as the associated urinary, reproductive system and other issues, some of the concepts and Western anatomical term kidneys vary.

TCM explains
Kidney essence days successively , into the kidney essence , in which the body has warmth, excite , excitement, steaming , sealing possession and restrict other actors chill called yang, also known as Yuan Yang, really positive , real fire ; the body have a moist, tranquility, forming and curb excessive sun heat and other actors called yin, also known as yuan yin , really overcast , real water . Kidney can promote the body 's metabolism that gasification process , and promote blood, body fluids and make metaplasia into energy , the body speed up the process a variety of physiological activities , increased heat production , spirits ; yin then inhibit or slow down excessive body's metabolic processes , so that the body fluid and blood into energy reduction , the body slows down the process a variety of physiological activities , reduced heat production , and to gather forming gas and for the fine blood fluid, serene spirit tends to keep within two those opposite and complementary , common regulation controls the body 's internal organs and blood and body fluids of activities and metabolic processes .

Chinese medicine, kidney yin and kidney yang points , according to different symptoms do different treatment. Kidney mostly for long-term accumulation into the illness , which must not be anxious because of the drug with nourishing tonic , or use of unknown composition kidney impotence drugs. Instead, slowly conditioning .

Yang and symptoms: waist and knee pain , or back Leng Tong , aversion to cold , especially in the lower extremities is staggering ; dizziness , listlessness , pale white or Leahey ; pale tongue, white, weak pulse ; Men Yi impotency premature ejaculation, infertility women Yi Gong cold ; or fecal long time to vent more than, end grain is not based, Diarrhoea ; or swelling below the waist is staggering , according to the depression can not afford to , and even then abdominal pain , palpitations cough . Deficiency symptoms: weak knees , legs , weakness, dizziness , tinnitus, alopecia teeth loose, night sweats , insomnia, sleep talking teeth , dry mouth, dark urine , dry stools , man Yang Qiang Yi cite or impotence , premature ejaculation , nocturnal emission, less by women after closed , or see bleeding , emaciation , hot flashes , night sweats, five upset hot , dry throat zygomatic red , yellow urinate then dry, red tongue, little fluid, rapid pulse . The birth of the kidney and kidney yin essence , is a source of Yin Ye total . Sex fluid loss can cause a variety of diseases, such as dizziness, tinnitus, weak knees , Gu Zheng , hot flashes, diabetes ( diabetes ) and so on.

With regard to prevention , due to the onset and hither and indulgence should ascetic quit hand / kinky ; such as with general weakness , malnutrition or related physical and mental fatigue , nutrition should be increased or attention to work and rest , sexual abstinence .

Kidney symptoms
1 , kidney symptoms in mental aspect of the performance : inattention, lack of energy , reducing efficiency , memory loss ; memory loss .

2 , the symptoms of kidney performance in emotional terms : bad mood , emotional self-control is often difficult , dizziness, irritability , restlessness , anxiety, depression and so on.

3 , kidney deficiency symptoms will regard as follows: no self-confidence, lack of confidence, work without passion , life without passion, no goals and direction.

4 , kidney symptoms in sexual function as follows: decreased sexual function , reduce male sexual desire , decreased libido , impotence or penis move without kin , spermatorrhea , nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, you can see the microscopic examination of sperm or sperm reduction decreased activity , infertility . Women uterine hypoplasia , such as infantile uterus , ovarian failure, amenorrhea , irregular menstruation, decreased libido , infertility and so on.

5 , kidney symptoms may include: premature aging forgetfulness, insomnia , loss of appetite, bone and joint pain, weak knees , intolerance fatigue, weakness , vision loss , hearing attenuation. White hair , hair loss or premature graying , loose teeth and so easy to fall .

Face premature aging eye bags, dark circles, dull dull, rough skin , dry , wrinkles , pigmentation , middle-aged acne, skin lacks elasticity ; gradually gruff voice , the female breasts begin to sag , waist , abdominal fat accumulation ; men bald early and so on.

Note that a lot of people think we can pass kidney diet tonic treatment , it is unscientific . Kidney therapeutic approach can improve kidney symptoms were alone is not enough tonic . Male kidney cause impotence , premature ejaculation, severe symptoms , you can use traditional Chinese medicine wine modulating. In recent years, domestic wine aphrodisiac study more, most studies on the treatment of impotence and premature ejaculation treatment wine is yes . With Yuyang and wine ( fresh ginseng , hippocampus , Gecko, antler , deer , etc. , 2500ml liquor soaked every night before going to bed drink 35ml, 2 -month course of treatment ) , the treatment of impotence 197 cases , 166 cases results markedly effective in 12 cases , efficiency of 94%.

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