
Different symptoms of polycystic kidney and outside

Polycystic kidney parenchyma numerous cysts of varying sizes, who can be a great big, small may only be visible to the naked eye, so that the whole kidney volume increased, the surface was uneven cystic projections capsule is light yellow slurry, sometimes because of bleeding and dark brown or reddish-brown. Polycystic kidney polycystic kidney disease symptoms should be, two symptoms for kidney outside.
First, polycystic kidney symptoms:
1. waist, abdominal pain, typically lower back pressure, sometimes severe pain. May be continuous or intermittent seizures, and sometimes abdominal pain, pain or oppose, chest, abdominal or groin radiation, the pain may be due to events, running, sedentary aggravated forced bed rest, pain occurs mechanism may increase due to renal expansion kidney capsule capsule tension increases caused or compression of adjacent organs and tissues caused by the suspension traction.
2. urinary abnormalities: mainly as hematuria or proteinuria, is one of the symptoms appear earlier. It showed a microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria, seen in more than 50% of patients with enlarged kidneys and hypertension patients are more common. Proteinuria found in almost all cases, mostly mild and was sustained. When a urinary tract infection, urine may appear white blood cells, or even pus.
Second, polycystic kidney outer symptoms:
1, polycystic liver disease: 60 years of age found that 70% of patients with polycystic liver and autopsy material more common, more than 90% of the cases of a number of polycystic liver, incidence is not parallel with the severity of renal cysts, are generally more kidney cyst was found 10 years later, and to develop more slowly. Women (especially the mothers) and the incidence of early age of onset, the number of cysts are more likely to be female hormone involved in its formation.
2, intracranial aneurysms: incidence of 10% to 40%, 9% of the patients died of intracranial aneurysm rupture, is the greatest risk diseases combined.

3, heart valve abnormalities: It was observed that 26% of mitral valve prolapse, mitral or tricuspid regurgitation were 31%, 15%.
shijiazhuang patient vioce

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Polycystic kidney disease serious? What harm is polycystic kidney disease

shijiazhuang patient vioceSymptoms: kidneys normal size and shape, there are still echoes of the renal parenchyma, shows multiple sizes of echo area, do not connect to each other within the kidneys, which left kidney of a larger size of about 2.9 multiplied by 2.7 (cm) a right kidney pieces about the size of 2.3 multiplied by 2.3 (cm) liver and kidney function were normal. Q polycystic kidney disease serious? What harm is polycystic kidney disease? How is it treated?

Re: Hello patients have read your submission!. Considering the current situation is polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, appeared in numerous sizes show cysts kidney cortex and medulla, they gradually grow up, squeeze kidney tissue, causing renal damage the occurrence of renal dysfunction, renal clearance when loss of function of the body of waste, due to the accumulation of toxins, the final form of uremia and life-threatening. Treatment: Western medicine generally puncture fluid curing surgery, or decortication surgery, have a certain traumatic, due to the surrounding pressure to reduce the original cyst, small cysts will increase dramatically; the conservative treatment of TCM external treatment No danger, we can gradually make cyst back to the absorption, inhibit abnormal growth and repair tubular epithelial cells and its fiber-like discharge.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Check method of renal cysts

Currently more reliable inspection methods renal cysts X-ray contrast, renal B-mode ultrasound examination, radionuclide scan and CT examination. The next expert to find out more about inspection methods renal cysts.
Renal cyst destroying countless patients happy life, for this disease, Beijing sports kidney hospital experts pointed out that timely and effective treatment in order to better achieve the best therapeutic effect, followed by Beijing sports kidney hospital experts to find out more about kidney cyst inspection methods, we want to help patients with renal cysts.
Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital experts pointed out that the relatively reliable inspection methods renal cysts X-ray contrast, renal B-mode ultrasound examination, radionuclide scan and CT examination. When renal cysts, urinary tract X-ray contrast may see renal pelvis, calyx compression deformation, but the edge is smooth, without damage.
Renal cysts are not tumors, but can easily be confused with the tumor, so that renal cysts and renal cancer identification is very important. Both methods can be used to identify tomography or renal parenchymal renal arteriography.

When renal tomography imaging shallow parts cyst, tumor imaging deep; renal arteriography, vascular sparse cyst site, without contrast agent uptake, due to blood vessel-rich kidney cancer, contrast agent uptake. Cyst suspected malignant transformation, it can be cyst puncture, cyst fluid routine examination and cytology; also be injection of contrast agent into the cyst to check whether the tumor wall. B-mode ultrasound and CT is very easy to distinguish renal cysts and solid tumors kidney open, so ideal screening method.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


Renal atrophy diet What

What diet atrophy, fight back to health! Slogan by thousands of suffering renal atrophy adopted, in life, friends of patients often shouting these words, we can see, kidney atrophy Diet has a profound effect on how the treatment of renal atrophy ah! To help you more comprehensive understanding of renal atrophy diet to help you as soon as possible to restore health, small series to introduce several scientific diet.
1. Protein intake. It may be appropriate to eat meat, but it is best not to use beef and the like. Usually you want to limit protein intake, may be appropriate to the consumption of milk, meat, they contain more essential amino acids to supply the body needs.
2. fat you should consider eating monounsaturated fatty acid foods, such as vegetable oil. Limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys cause edema.
3. Yi Shi light digestible food, avoid seafood, beef, lamb, spicy food, alcohol and all the fat thereof. Do not stay up all night, sexual restraint, pay attention to rest, to avoid the cold, be happy.

4. Jichi: peas, green beans, peas, lentils, carob, soy milk, soy milk, curd, one thousand, dry sub, vegetarian chicken, spinach, seaweed, pepper, animal offal fritters, seafood, fish without scales, eggs, caviar, tobacco, shrimp and crab.
Viber/WhatsApp:+8618233197080 Skype:live:kidneyservice Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

What diet Renal atrophy

What diet renal atrophy. Diet more and more physicians are due to renal atrophy developed out of the world now, and why medical scientists would be so attention renal atrophy disease? First, due to the very high rate of occurrence of renal atrophy, followed by renal atrophy occurs, but also to the tremendous human disaster also incalculable consequences, even life-threatening. Let us work together, think about what there is renal atrophy diet.
1. substance uptake of water, electrolytes. Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys cause edema. Avoid eating too many foods containing potassium, such as bananas, dried fruit, beef, pork, sardines, soy sauce, lettuce and wheat. Eat more dark green vegetables. If some of the uncomfortable situation, we must promptly to the hospital to check treatment.
2. must abstain from alcohol and tobacco, but also pay attention to rest.
3. Usually pay attention to low-salt, low-fat diet, vitamin-rich foods, light digestible foods, avoid spicy. Avoid colds, infection, adequate rest to keep stool.
4. Note the substance intake water, electrolytes. Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys cause edema. Avoid eating too many foods containing potassium, such as bananas, dried fruit, beef, pork, sardines, soy sauce, lettuce and wheat. Eat more dark green vegetables

5. Protein: if normal renal function, the amount of protein diet can not strictly limited, the daily intake per kilogram of body weight lg; if proteinuria increased plasma protein low, normal renal function, can give high-protein diet, 1.2 kg of body weight per day ~ 1.5g; if there is azotemia, it is necessary to limit the intake of protein per day per kilogram of body weight can only supply 0.6 ~ O.8g, but also intake of essential amino acids and more protein.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Renal atrophy diet details

Had renal atrophy, do not feel terrible! Priority should be to adjust the attitude, and actively look for treatment of scientific and effective diet arrangement, yes, had renal atrophy, treatment is important, but diet is also key! A good diet can help patients accelerate the pace of recovery of health, in order to meet everyone's demands, small service for everyone to look at this, do something - diet renal atrophy detail.
1. pasta. Patients with renal atrophy appropriate edible pasta, but do not eat hard pasta, do not eat much.
2. must abstain from alcohol and tobacco, but also pay attention to rest.
3 .. usually pay attention to low-salt, low-fat diet, vitamin-rich foods, light digestible foods, avoid spicy. Avoid colds, infection, adequate rest to keep stool.
4. Note the substance intake water, electrolytes. Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys cause edema. Avoid eating too many foods containing potassium, such as bananas, dried fruit, beef, pork, sardines, soy sauce, lettuce and wheat. Eat more dark green vegetables

5. Water and salt: If there is swelling or severe high blood pressure, you should eat a low-salt or salt-free diet if serious edema, oliguria, heart failure, the daily amount of liquid people should be controlled at less than 1000ml.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


Creatinine 500 in the diet need to pay attention

Creatinine 500 in the diet needs attention? Elevated creatinine is an important sign of kidney damage, increased serum creatinine should pay special attention to the daily diet, otherwise it may aggravate burden on the kidney, leading to exacerbations, Here we explain what high serum creatinine diet should pay attention.
Creatinine 500 in the diet need to pay attention serum creatinine diet should pay attention to?:
1, serum creatinine, can not eat salty things and should be kept low-salt diet, namely the amount of salt daily intake should not exceed 3 grams.
2, serum creatinine, can not eat foods high in phosphorus, high phosphorus foods are fish, animal offal, sesame, peanuts, walnuts, honey, egg yolk, tea, and some dried fruit.
3, serum creatinine, can not eat foods high in potassium, potassium content of common foods are: onion, pumpkin, squash, melon, eggplant, watermelon, apple, pear, Beijing Pear, Red Shaw pears, pineapple, fresh cowpea , taro, carrot, radish, Radish, radish, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, Wara sub-rod, celery, leek, orange, mandarin, duck wide pears, persimmons.
4, high serum creatinine can not eat foods containing high protein supply should not exceed the total protein content of 20-30 grams per day, including the staple food of plant protein contained.
5, high serum creatinine can not eat high-fat foods that can be controlled by the following two measures: 1. put less oil when cooking, and should not eat fried, fried and greasy foods. 2. to contain less saturated fatty acids, vegetable oils are preferred.

Creatinine 500 in the diet needs attention? That is more than 500 Cr in the diet should be noted that a detailed description of what, kidney doctors noted that when the patient's serum creatinine was sustained high state, indicating that the patient's kidneys have been severely damaged, it in addition to diet than when treatment is also very important, otherwise it will aggravate the patient's condition deteriorate, endangering the lives of patients.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

How should I do when my creatinine increase

How should I do when my creatinine values ​​increased creatinine. Many people do not know what is creatinine, creatinine and some people will appear in the examination of the phenomenon of high time, for the high creatinine should be treated as soon as possible, then, for the people there do not understand the creatinine and creatinine high how to do? Here on this issue by a detailed answer for everyone!
Creatinine high how to do?
Said nephropathy is kidney function abnormal serum creatinine core indicators, also is a measure of kidney function in kidney damage assessment index core index, Renal failure is the most direct and most sensitive indicators. So how do high creatinine? Made the following detailed explanation, I hope all of you help patients with kidney disease.
If the higher number of serum creatinine in kidney and kidney function tests, which prompted the lower renal function in patients with nephropathy immune clearance capacity, the greater the burden of renal function. Clinically, patients with kidney disease in vivo creatinine increased renal compensatory deposition is the root cause of kidney disease pathogenic, and the current treatment of kidney patients the most fundamental is to inhibit nephropathy serum creatinine increased.

If clinical serum creatinine quantitative detection of less than 107, you are prompted for kidney disease at normal levels of serum creatinine. When kidney serum creatinine greater than 107, compared with abnormal renal function, renal insufficiency usually become, if serum creatinine 200, compared with renal failure stage, if the serum creatinine greater than 700, is the uremic stage, this time to closely observe kidney disease, recovery of renal function and treatment at the right time, controlling body creatinine content.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

How to efficiently treat high creatinine

Cómo tratar con eficacia alta de creatinina
How to efficiently treat high creatinine. Learn creatinine people know, human serum creatinine is an important indicator, if you examine the serum creatinine is too high, it means your kidneys can appear abnormal. So how high creatinine treatment is better
Serum creatinine is a product of the metabolism in the human body, the main reason is excreted by the glomerular filtration. Blood creatinine from exogenous and endogenous within two exogenous creatinine meat food product is metabolized in the body; and endogenous creatinine is a product of metabolism of muscle tissue in vivo. So, serum creatinine how to do it?
Creatinine is an important indicator of the level of kidney function, once creatinine than normal (human normal is 40-120umol / l), it means by the kidney damage, kidney damage without timely treatment could result in uremia. Therefore, high creatinine should immediately diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated, it can lead to high creatinine uremia. So what therapy for the treatment of uremic creatinine effect is good?

How high creatinine is a better treatment? Currently, the incidence of chronic kidney disease in up to 10%, while Western medicine treatment of the disease can not be solved simply on the patient. With the continuous progress and development of science and technology, stem cell technology is successfully used in various clinical studies, the majority of patients brought new hope.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

7 reasons of creatinine higher

7 reasons of creatinine higher
What is the reason for the high creatinine? High creatinine harm us realize everyone, which is why we have to take preventive measures high creatinine, creatinine increased understanding of the reasons, in life, we should try to avoid these reasons, away from the elevated creatinine Jeopardy! So because of the high creatinine have what it?
What are the reasons for the high creatinine performance?
1, the body of water loss, such as fever, sweating, reducing water intake, polyuria lead to blood concentration, decreased renal blood flow, there will be elevated creatinine.
2, life appears tired, rest well, do not pay attention to details of life, it can cause a range of serum creatinine.
3, urine abnormality, long-term hematuria, proteinuria people, elevated creatinine phenomenon occurs unconsciously.
4, kidney disease patients under unknown circumstances taking drugs damage the kidneys, can appear elevated creatinine, and even irreversible.
5, renal insufficiency who suffer infections (including influenza, pneumonia, intestinal infections, urinary tract infections, etc.), elevated creatinine phenomenon will occur in the short term.
6 patients with hypertension, unstable blood pressure, there will be high creatinine phenomenon.
7, patients with kidney disease, due to the relapse, resulting in elevated creatinine.

About high creatinine seven reasons, if there is any problem you can consult a doctor online Shijiazhuang kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney hospital through to kidney patients described.
Viber/Whatsapp:+8615176855086 Skype:live:kidneyservice Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com


Medication principle of hypertensive nephropathy

He pointed out that people with high blood pressure kidney disease if treatment is not timely treatment, will eventually develop into a hypertensive renal insufficiency, hypertension uremia. So you need to understand what the patients were under treatment principle is hypertensive nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy that disease control is very helpful, so following on from the treatment of kidney disease patients to introduce them for you.
First, you should choose not to affect kidney function antihypertensive drugs.
Secondly, generally diastolic blood pressure control in 12.0kPa (90mmHg) or so. Steady state of low pressure will be on the state of renal ischemia and hypoxia play a role in mitigation, help to slow the deterioration of kidney function in patients with essential hypertension.
Finally, the rational use of antihypertensive diuretic. Buck diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide, often not as a drug of choice. Potassium-sparing diuretics such as triamterene, spironolactone, etc., because of the danger caused by high blood pressure and kidney dysfunction should be careful. Furosemide, Lee uric acid in the renal damage associated with severe uremia, oliguria, anuria patients can try.

The above description is hypertensive nephropathy medication principle, I hope you have been able to pay attention to these principles patients. Also pointed out that the use of drug therapy in kidney disease, as far as possible under the guidance of experienced doctors to use, not own indiscriminate use, in order to avoid unnecessary harm.
Viber/Whatsapp:+8615176855086 Skype:live:kidneyservice Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com
Viber/Whatsapp:+8615176855086 Skype:live:kidneyservice Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

Notez le traitement de la néphropathie hypertensive

Quel est le traitement de la maladie rénale de l'hypertension devrait prêter attention à elle? Traitement de l'hypertension néphropathie est très critique, les symptômes de l'hypertension sanguine maladie des reins de pression est plus grave, néphropathie hypertensive provoquera une grande menace pour la santé humaine, la néphropathie afin hypertensive le patient doit être un traitement précoce, de la pression artérielle du patient dans le traitement de la maladie rénale besoin de faire attention? Ici pour expliquer à tout le monde par la!
1, au début, une hypertension légère et de l'urine était normale peut être un traitement non médicamenteux.
2, l'athérosclérose rénale maligne chez les patients ayant une fonction rénale détériorée rapidement dans le court terme, associé à l'encéphalopathie hypertensive, l'acuité visuelle diminue rapidement, hémorragie intracrânienne et de médicaments par voie orale ne peut être administré par voie intraveineuse, utilisé nitroprussiate de sodium, et nous nous efforçons à 12 ~ 24 heures pour contrôler la pression artérielle. Minoxidil peut rapidement abaisser la tension artérielle, le traitement initial de l'hypertension maligne.
3, pour le choix des médicaments antihypertenseurs:
1. diurétiques;
2. β-bloquants;
3. antagonistes du calcium;
L'inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine (IECA). Y compris les antagonistes calciques, inhibiteurs de l'ECA sur l'hémodynamique rénale est plus favorable, IECA réduire protéines urinaires que les autres médicaments antihypertenseurs.

Ce sont les patients atteints d'hypertension artérielle dans le traitement de la maladie rénale devraient être prises pour le problème, je ne sais pas si vous avez des problèmes avec la consultation en ligne, fournira une solution raisonnable pour vous!
Viber/Whatsapp:+8615176855086 Skype:live:kidneyservice Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

What are ways to treat high blood pressure kidney disease

Expansion of small renal arteries at all levels, because high blood pressure stimulation resulted in glomerular microvascular ischemia and hypoxia. Vasodilator purpose is to improve the blood supply Kidney blood circulation of each system, relieve renal ischemia and hypoxia each resident cells, preventing hypertensive renal vascular endothelial cell damage, promote blood circulation.
Reduce inflammatory cell infiltration, avoid inflammatory cytokines damage to endothelial cells. A fundamental solution to start an inflammatory response factors of renal fibrosis, blocking the process of renal fibrosis, protect the kidney inherent cells.
Reducing micro thrombosis of glomerular capillaries, lay the foundation for endothelial cell repair. Expansion levels kidney arteries and blood vessels around the body, effectively improve the hypercoagulable state.

Increased glomerular inflammatory cells stimulate excessive secretion of extracellular matrix, only the extracellular matrix proliferation to degradation from the body, it can play a role in repair.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


Mardi reserves after they are discharged Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

First, for patients after discharge from the hospital, you should know the campus in kidney disease. What campus to a patient kidney disease? It is infection. Like a virus and wicked. If the patient became infected kidney disease, will be affected by severe Altvalyat our treatment.
Second, the patient must avoid fatigue. If you work a lot of physical work, perhaps it can lead to a relapse in kidney disease and not the patient the opportunity to heal the total failure. In addition, the patient must be amended moral, because the main reason that morale is deteriorating kidney disease.
Third, the patient can not be used without the medication from a doctor, Dr. Page or Dr. proposal. Especially for the patient to kidney disease, because many drugs here then Ganbouaph kidney effects.
Fourth, he loves the patient that the appropriate and proper project works in everyday life. This is very important for the patient's kidney disease. Such as proper diet and physical exercise etc. Almansabh. You can click page "Healthy Living" to know more information about the patient's kidney disease reserves.

Fifth, when the patient needs the confidence and patience to win kidney disease. Kidney disease is a chronic disease. If the patient confidence and patience, will arrive in excellent treatment effectiveness. Is because when entering the medication to the patient's body, the drug needs to fit stage cystic etc., perhaps this stage will take a long time. For the patient to kidney disease, confidence and patience etc. are all necessary.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More
Treatment Cost In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

The extent to which events reach our treatment of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

The extent to which events reach our treatment of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital?
First, if your illness in Aloihab stage or in the first stage in chronic kidney disease. We can solve your question in kidney disease. Means can disclose your illness.
Second, if your illness to enter the stage of fibrosis in the overall function or in the second phase in kidney failure, here 50% success to show healing in kidney disease.
Third, if your illness in end stage renal failure, we can promise you, you have not dangerous. Dangerous in your life do not appear.

For the patient's kidney disease or kidney failure, in the daily Alhaah here many haraam things, such as diet and physical exercise and so on. You can read the article on the page "story sick" to know the events our treatment for patients with kidney disease.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Treatment Cost In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital how to treat kidney disease

how to treat kidney disease in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital 
Special treatment in our hospital of traditional Chinese medical treatment is characterized by many features.
What is the meaning of the many features? Traditional Chinese Medical is our treatment and do not have every single Almt_khash hospitals and all the comprehensive and large hospitals, both in the pharmaceutical or all methods or screening method. And how to cure the disease of our hospital? We have collected medicines and special methods of treatment and diagnostic techniques, which together constitute a unique method of treatment is different from the other hospitals in China.
What is our?
Our methods for treatment
Our methods for treatment suffers use traditional Chinese medicine treatment of the private, when Anaaljk.
Achteraana not only treat the Chinese needles, but we came up lame evaporation and treatment department of traditional Chinese medicine and the treatment of the application on the acupuncture points and the bathroom and the treatment of foot bath etc.
You can go to the Department of kidney disease of any hospitals for kidney disease and ask doctors, do you hear that these methods?
Our own medicines
We use some special herbs, when treat disease.
You can go to the Department of kidney disease of any hospitals for kidney disease and ask doctors, you can hear the medicines and medicines that Astkhaddmo this?
We can use some Western medicine to help cure during treatment. But the use of Western medicine, at the same time use
You can ask doctors from some large hospitals, pharmaceutical cycle Do you know? Do you use my bed?
You can ask them and do you know how to use?
Special Examination us
Style us your examination means we use the latest device in the world and the latest sign of the world, as well as the hospital does not use all of the third class in China.
Therefore, the hardware and the cursor is in the private screening at the hospital kidney disease. Such as
Examination in protein in the urine. This special screening in our hospital, the latest examination in China.
From this examination, we can know the type of disease and cystic in any macro-cell and cystic in any place and cystic etc. diuretic.
To examine in tubular epithelial cells. This special Fajs in total Disease Hospital in the city of Shijiazhuang. From this examination, we can diuretic in the patient's disease know, how to treat this disease and use any drugs test for the purification of the protein in the index in Alkbeba. This special screening at the hospital we have also. We enter this examination of the hospital and the famous foreign directly. From this examination, we can know the status of the overall function of the patient. You can tell Dr. and patient, when the patient's type of disease and how to use Dr. medicines etc.
Each private screening in the overall Disease Hospital in the city of Shijiazhuang, you can not be looking at the other hospital. Why work this new stuff?
Anne wants total Disease Hospital in Shijiazhuang City, the largest hospital in kidney disease hospital.

In addition, here's the other test, you can read the article in your examination this page to your looking the other examination.
Hospital Charges and Treatment Cost In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital


The reason left foot swelling

The reason left foot swelling
Some people will be left foot swelling phenomenon, many times we do not know why there is swollen left foot, left foot swelling is due to some kidney disease, heart disease cause, then left foot swelling in the end what is the reason? Here then by a doctor for your detailed answers to this question!
[A], the body of adding too much water did not break out when, that is swelling. In general, most of the swelling is caused by kidney or heart disease, but sometimes liver ascites, protein deficiency caused by malnutrition or hormonal abnormalities and other menopausal disorders, can also cause swelling.
[Two], starting from the feet swollen, it may be a heart attack, hypoalbuminemia, cirrhosis. When swelling occurs, to limit the intake of water and salt; to be able to discharge excess water body, eat a lot of foods have a diuretic effect. Time standing or walking over, easy to make the foot muscle fatigue, lack of oxygen and nutrients to make blood provide, and the cell tissue, vascular water flow within the lymphatic vessels and loss of balance, resulting in fatigue, swollen feet.
[Three], some of the food can absorb body heat, although the refreshing effect, but eating too much will make the temperature drops, frozen dairy products, eat more will increase the burden on the stomach, and even sour food will cause the body product water, we must be careful attention!

[Four], on the other hand, often stays up late and great pressure of work people will slow down the body's metabolism so that the body tends to accumulate waste.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Causes leg swelling of kidney patients

Causes leg swelling of kidney patients
Some people will appear the phenomenon of leg swelling, leg edema result is more and more reason, then,
It causes leg swelling has what? Maybe a lot of people do not know much about, here to see the doctor to explain it!
The doctor said, what the reasons for the emergence of leg swelling is? Mainly in the following aspects can give us answers.
Heart failure and leg vein inflammation is caused by the two legs of chronic (long-term) swelling the main reason. According to clinical practice it shows that patients will only cause phlebitis - leg swelling caused by congestive heart failure will make two legs swollen;
Heart disease, hypertension, viral infection or heart valve disease and other illnesses myocardial become debilitating weakness, when the heart is unable to successfully blood into the lungs, blood began flowing back into the vein which will then flow into the sink located in the heart The following organs - the liver, so liver congestion and swollen. If the situation has not improved, even after blood reflux in the leg veins and leg swelling form.
People with severe kidney disease, will appear throughout the body swelling phenomenon, legs, face or fingers spared, why systemic swelling will occur, because the loss of too much protein in the urine caused.
More serious liver disease later stage, due to two mechanisms which cause leg swelling. One is because of damaged liver cells can not produce enough of the protein, as a result of the situation caused by kidney disease causing protein loss caused by the same; in order to balance the protein content in the peripheral blood vessels and vascular tissue, blood flows into the tissue fluid inside and cause tissue swelling.

Severe hypothyroidism can also cause systemic swelling of the body, of course, including the legs. It happens lesions formed such causes and symptoms of kidney and liver, as aforesaid, is to balance the protein content in the blood vessels and tissue, so that the liquid flows out from the blood vessels into the tissue and cause swelling.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Causes facial swelling

Causes facial swelling
Facial swelling a lot of friends doubt, facial swelling and sometimes slowly spread throughout the body, then the cause facial swelling what reason? Swelling are the symptoms of kidney disease? Learn the reason for the treatment and prevention of disease is very Help. Here we take a detailed look.
Causes facial swelling is edema nephrotic what symptoms it
Swelling is the body's extracellular water accumulation caused by local or systemic swelling. Many causes swelling and lesions related to many organs of the body, causing swelling and complex. Then the swelling is a symptom of kidney disease do? It is possible that the patient's own environment, lifestyle, behavior actions which so may be cause facial swelling.
Most of the swelling is caused by kidney or heart disease, though, and sometimes liver ascites, protein deficiency due to malnutrition or menopausal hormonal disorder caused by abnormal facial swelling reasons, can also cause swelling. Edema symptoms of kidney disease is it? If started swelling from the face, and then expanded to the whole body, the high probability of suffering from kidney disease, but there may be acute nephritis or nephropathy.

These are doctors to explain facial swelling, this time we should understand it, if there are any questions you can click online doctor consultation, and finally I wish you good health!

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Reasons produce renal edema

Reasons produce renal edema
First look at how renal edema is produced. Edema is a product of the body's sodium and water metabolism, and when sodium and water metabolism disorders, can cause sodium retention, weight more than 10% or more, there will be swelling. Kidney disease is often due to sodium and water retention caused by swelling, called renal edema.
Cause renal edema are:
Glomerular filtration rate; endocrine hormones; plasma colloid osmotic pressure, causing water transfer to the tissue space; nephritis edema occurs.
However, in some patients around us, even though it is due to kidney cells, kidney tissue has been destroyed, then the glomerular filtration rate drop very low, but because of renal tubular reabsorption capacity than the glomerular filtration through rate is even worse, no sodium and water retention, so the patient can no renal edema or swelling of the symptoms are very light.
Cases of renal edema occurred: the extent of different types of kidney disease, the showed edema are not the same, such as acute nephritis can cause edema, nephrotic syndrome, edema occurred on more and more serious, some chronic nephritis syndrome and acute renal tubule necrosis oliguria can also occur in renal edema, and chronic renal tubular disease, chronic interstitial disease, pyelonephritis, edema generally does not occur.
Thus, although the renal sodium retention and edema on the basis of all the water toward the tissue space, but because it produces different emphases swollen, edemas is not entirely consistent. The varying degrees of renal disease such a degree that there is no necessary correlation. That is no direct relationship between the degree of swelling and the degree of kidney damage.

Kidney disease due to appear swollen how to treat how to treat? Shijiazhuang kidney hospital therapy can repair using the original mechanical barrier and charge barrier, quickly remove deposited in the glomeruli of immune complexes, renal vascular improve body microcirculation, kidney gradually returning to normal tissue, which can eliminate the underlying renal edema that clinical symptoms, and then the treatment of kidney disease fundamentally.

The reason female leg swelling

The reason female leg swelling
Many female friends symptoms of foot edema, do not know what causes it. So female foot edema is how it happened? The doctor said that the reason there are many possibilities leg edema, some are physical in nature, some are pathological, it should be careful to check the cause. What foot edema is how it happened? Let us explain this in detail.
Studies suggest that the cause of edema may be physical in nature, caused by cirrhosis of the liver, heart failure caused by kidney disease caused, and medication-induced and other categories. Among the most common physical edema, occur in women.
Most women edema occurs in about five days of the onset of menstruation, but most of these patients, the onset of menstruation edema no obvious relationship. So foot edema is how it happened? Such physical nature of edema, which feature no edema when getting up in the morning, but in the afternoon the powerful leg swelling, weight and even increased by up to one kilogram. Bed rest at night, urine, and is particularly high. A small portion of women because of menstruation due to edema, the swelling will disappear after menstruation.
In addition, patients with cirrhosis of the liver caused by edema, in addition to a history of liver disease may have chronic, or long-term drinking, but often have jaundice. Edema means that the liver function has been severely damaged. Heart failure patients is due to edema disease, such patients to walk, climb stairs will have wheezing and breathing difficulties, and even climbed to the second floor that is to walk, need to stop and rest.

In addition, the foot swelling is how it is, may be related to kidney disease. Edema caused by kidney disease, we need to urinate accompanied by the presence of foam. Mainly because of a large number of protein excreted in urine, low blood protein caused. Also some people are renal severe recession, it can not be completely discharged caused by water and salt.

The reason appears swollen kidney patients

The reason appears swollen kidney patients
The kidneys are vital organs of the body, if the kidney problems emerged influence on the body is relatively large, some kidney patients can appear swollen phenomenon, easily swollen phenomenon will form a clinically called nephrotic edema, harm is very large, here we ask kidney doctors to explain in detail why kidney patients will appear swollen.
First, the common reason is because the body's kidneys did not work properly, damage has occurred, it is not excess water excreted by the human body to go, which is to say nephropathy clinical edema. Since the kidney is the main organ of the human body for removing the water, if the kidney illness, the water can not be discharged, retention in the body, edema will occur.
Secondly, when a patient suffering from kidney disease, for some reason in making the skin and subcutaneous tissue there is excess moisture, there will be swelling or edema. It can cause many causes kidney swelling, edema due to kidney disease caused by renal called edema, renal edema is a common cause of swelling in children, but also an important feature of the common symptoms and kidney disease.

Later, when the body contains a lot of water, accounting for 70% of body weight, which in addition to the water present in the cells, blood and foreign, most organizations stored in the extracellular between, called interstitial fluid. Interstitial fluid components and plasma components is almost, but not so much protein. This way there will be swelling resulting situation.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


Polycystic kidney disease and multiple renal cysts are not the same thing

Although people eat and drink to wear a lot better than before, but the increasing incidence of various diseases, which is why? Experts point out that the culprit is people's bad habits, such as irregular meals, smoking, drinking, irregular work and rest and so on. Polycystic kidney disease in the Nephrology is a very common disease, then, how do we determine if they are suffering from the disease do? Here's a look.
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary cystic kidney disease, which is substituted by large and small kidney cyst. Thus some people think and polycystic kidney cyst is a disease, especially multiple renal cysts and polycystic kidney as are balloon. In fact, multiple renal cysts and polycystic kidney disease must not be confused.
From the family point of view, there is typically a family history of polycystic kidney disease, there is infantile and adult type of points, infantile often due to kidney does not function, often die soon after birth. Adult more than 40 years after onset. And there was no family history of multiple renal cysts.
From a clinical performance, polycystic kidney disease patients without a medical examination if, after the 40-year-old will be a lot of low back pain, infection, hematuria, dysuria and other symptoms, and polycystic kidney disease patients with hypertension often. Many of multiple renal cysts also stumbled in the physical examination, and some patients have back pain performance, but does not have high blood pressure and other complications.
From the laboratory tests, the polycystic kidney disease patients urinalysis, renal function abnormalities will check, but multiple renal cysts various tests were normal.

From imaging, the CT showed polycystic kidneys covered with different sizes, countless cysts, kidney cysts were located. Multiple renal cysts despite multiple, but generally occurs in unilateral renal and number of cysts is relatively much less, rarely more than three cysts situation.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Reasonable diet glomerulonephritis

In everyday life we ​​have all learned very much protein a day, always think eating more protein is good for our health. Yes, our bodies absorb some of the daily protein needs, but too much protein, it is harmful to our body, below is a reasonable diet-related glomerulonephritis, which I believe you'll experience a lot.
Principle One: Limit the amount of protein intake
The human body needs a daily intake of protein to repair tissue, build muscle, protein in the body break down waste produced urea. When chronic glomerulonephritis occurs in patients with impaired renal function, urea can not be promptly removed from the body, resulting in azotemia. Therefore, patients need to control chronic glomerulonephritis protein intake to avoid excessive accumulation of urea.
Mild hematuria, proteinuria in patients with renal dysfunction is not serious, you do not strictly limit the intake of protein, but not more than 1g / kg body weight per day, the total should be slightly less than healthy people; proteinuria and renal function When severe damage (creatinine clearance <60ml / min), the condition should limit the intake of protein, usually 0.6 ~ 0.8g / kg of body weight is appropriate.
Second principle: to ensure energy supply
Patients with chronic glomerulonephritis due to the need to limit the intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates as the body needs to ensure that energy intake by ingestion of other types of food. If long-term energy shortage will cause degradation of the bones, malnutrition, anemia, decreased immunity, affecting life and work. If excessive energy intake, is converted to fat deposition in the body caused by obesity, prone to high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, fatty liver, gout, gallstones and other diseases.

Energy is a food protein, fat and carbohydrate catabolism after released. Each gram of fat thermogenesis 9kcal (lkcal = 4.19kJ). And every gram of protein and carbohydrate heat production are 4kcal. The following methods can increase energy intake while maintaining protein intake limit: increase unsaturated fats (vegetable oil, olive oil) intake; increase carbohydrates (sugar, fruit sugar, honey, etc.) intake.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

How to identify renal failure, renal failure symptoms What are the specific?

Renal failure both chronic renal failure, also have acute kidney failure, many people can not found early symptoms of kidney failure, resulting in the best treatment delay time, Now, Xiao Bian give you a brief introduction What are the symptoms of renal failure?
1. sudden feeling of fatigue.

The initial symptoms of kidney failure is fatigue, mainly due to the causes of anemia. Anemia, the body does not have enough blood cells, so the body will feel tired, but the main reason is renal failure, renal secretion of erythropoietin longer, can not trigger the bone marrow manufacture red blood cells, resulting in fatigue symptoms.

2. shortness of breath.
Damage to the kidneys, so that produce acidic metabolic waste, long-term accumulation in the body. And the lungs in order to allow the body to breathe more fully, it will rule out more carbon dioxide, which leads to difficulty in breathing, shortness of symptoms.

3. The body itching symptoms.
The main reason causing itching body occurs because an excess of phosphorus in the blood. In fact, many foods contain phosphorus, especially dairy products contain more phosphorus. Healthy kidneys filter out most of the phosphorus, but when renal failure occurs, you can not exclude too much phosphorus, causing skin itching.

4.The urine changes.
Renal failure can cause changes in the urinary system, tubular damage resulting in frequent urination urine disease, this is just an initial. More severe renal failure occur proteinuria, hematuria and other symptoms.
5. The body appears swollen part.
When kidney function decline, the body will be a big range edema, swelling occurs in the majority of the hands, feet and face, when severe, the body fluids will be concentrated in the lungs caused by congestive heart failure.

Clinical symptoms of chronic renal failure

Clinical symptoms of chronic renal failure, emotional changes can not be ignored, dirty tone, such as kelp, further observation. Improve the body's defenses, / above renal failure end-stage renal failure is often associated with low calcium hyperphosphataemia metabolic acidosis, clinically accompanied by nausea, glomerular filtration rate and increased secretion of aldosterone. Abdominal pain, but the excretion of metabolites, renal failure but also long to live not only with each person's body is different about the prevention and treatment of chronic.
What is the concrete manifestation of the symptoms of a deterioration in renal function, patients had the headaches, for their own health and family happiness, kidney failure kidney hospital experts for your dedicated service.
Second, Tips, and dietary protein can be gradually improved, vitamin-rich diet, active treatment.
Third, to prevent water intake, a common infection sites were respiratory tract, lung uremia, necrotic cells and exudate filled lumen.
Clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure, what does, in, to see more, because the queue to see a doctor and medication, if two or more cold medicine while taking the equivalent of increasing the dose.
Etiology of a tubular sodium reabsorption increase, if he has residual renal function, the daily protein intake for adults is about, seriously ill.
Second, the emergence, for the cause of the treatment is treatment of chronic nephritis, kidney failure from the source, radiotherapy and other cancer lines, Dan abnormal to timely hospital treatment.

Clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure, what does have Tongfuxiere cloud, appropriate treatment measures should be chosen as early as possible renal toxicity or low toxicity without effective antibiotics, I believe that through.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


Micro-Chinese Medicine treatment of diabetic nephropathy

By diabetes complicated by diabetes and kidney disease is a lifelong concomitant diseases such as diabetes and diabetic nephropathy disease failed to be well controlled, the accompanying renal hypertension occurred in patients also will persist, adding to the treatment of diabetic nephropathy difficulty, but also the threat of a major factor in long-term survival of patients with diabetes. Diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease concentrated in one person, in respect of clinical medicine system, standard treatment, not because of taking hypoglycemic, antihypertensive drugs cause kidney damage further.
Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts highlighted here: WM symptomatic treatment alone is clearly not effective and reasonable control of the disease. To cure diabetic nephropathy, note the following three points:
First, strict control of blood sugar levels
Including diet, with the use of hypoglycemic drugs.
Second, aggressive treatment of diabetic complications
Such as lowering blood pressure associated with the patient, or to reduce the patient three high (high perfusion, high filtration, high internal pressure) state, thereby reducing proteinuria in the patient's symptoms and delay the occurrence of renal failure patients.
Third, for the patient such cases, the most critical is to repair the damaged kidney patients
With Chinese medicine in clinical practice, diagnosis and treatment, the use of the active ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, such that the effective renal blood flow increased gradually improving ischemia and hypoxia kidney disease, remove the kidney renal fibrosis induced accumulation of immunity complexes, to repair damaged kidney pathology purposes. Once kidney damage repair can be rebuilt, kidney filtration function will be improved kidney function will continue to recover, at this time, proteinuria symptoms will disappear naturally. And increased serum creatinine also will continue to come down, because the kidney function gradually improved, the patient accumulation of excess metabolic waste and toxins such as creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, will be able to timely clearance in the body. [Online consulting experts]
[Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine treatment of diabetic nephropathy]
Micro-Chinese Medicine Chinese medicine molecule penetration therapy will be further crushed into more small particles, the drug active ingredient fully overflow, improve penetration of traditional Chinese medicine, so they can quickly penetrate the lesion, combined with kidney immune complexes to valence bond structure change, thus crushing, decomposition, and finally excreted. This process can effectively enhance the glomerular repair, impaired glomerular gradually restore function, relieve renal impairment due to the increase in blood pressure caused by renal arteriosclerosis resulting eventually ease proteinuria, hematuria and other symptoms, thereby preventing renal failure.
For diabetes, "three high and one low" specific symptoms, give low-salt, low-fat, high-protein diabetic diet conditioning, supplemented by hemodialysis, anti-infection treatment, some in serious condition in a patient blood, calcium, correct acid, correct electrolyte imbalance, control blood sugar, a diuretic swelling and other symptomatic treatment.
While external Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy, the corresponding micro-based traditional Chinese medicine oral liquid oral treatment after mating, internally and externally, the increase of drug concentration affected strengthened to maximize efficacy, gradually blocking the fundamental condition The further development of the renal failure, uremia, diabetic nephropathy progress containment
Fourth, the clinical course of treatment, patients with diabetic nephropathy in daily life should do protection work.

It should be taken to prevent colds, infections and all the patient's condition may worsen kidney predisposing factor. In addition, it should pay strict attention to eating habits, low-salt, low fat, low sugar, low moderate amount of quality protein, low potassium, high fiber "five low and one high" kidney patients diet.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Diabetic nephropathy muscles how to treat liver over 400

400 prompt muscle liver kidney failure decompensation, from renal insufficiency of only a step away.
Diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy is a popular thing to say, "diabetes" and "kidney" of the complex, the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, two aspects that can not be missing. You mentioned that insulin for treatment of diabetes, and the "kidney" You did not have treatment for that area.
We recommend that you use traditional Chinese medicine conservative treatment, that you mentioned, I can recommend one, that is, micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, clinical effect is good, that messages between diabetic patients also have word of mouth. You can try to understand the rational choice.
Micro-Chinese Medicine infiltration therapy is not directed against the external symptoms of kidney disease, but against the root causes of kidney disease patients' renal fibrosis "to block and restorative treatment, renal fibrosis is blocked, all kinds of kidney disease symptoms will gradually disappeared the same time, the natural decline in muscle liver, the disease can be effectively treated kidneys restore the original structure and function.

Also we need to remind you that the micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration oral therapy is not a medicine, but medicine by ultrafine grinding and penetration through the skin of the way through the kidney lesion site, without having to take medicine when the pain, but also the efficacy to maximize and improve the recovery rate condition. Chinese medicine treatment biggest advantage is that no side effects.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More

Bahrain kidney patients to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

September 27, 2008 10:00 am When people are to celebrate the "Ten • A" and rejoice when Mohammed (pseudonym) from thousands of miles away from the Kingdom of Bahrain, has entered into China this ancient land. The traveled to China, came to the one he had never heard of Hebei Province - Shijiazhuang, the purpose is not to trip sightseeing, but to experience it in Chinese medicine, "magic."
Long before did not come to China we've had hundreds of e-mails sent each other, through dozens of phone, then we communicate in English, his voice did not sound findings, hearty rich, but today, when I was in The first time I saw the airport in a wheelchair sitting Muhammad never imagined when he was only 46 years old is coming frost snow beard. Heiyou's face filled with tired. Although he still smiled and shook my hand, and I politely greeting, but in a smile behind the endless agony of pain and suffering.
In fact, it is no wonder, it has been receiving dialysis treatment he dragged his sick body, after thousands of miles journey, transnational doctor, who can not playing enough spirit, let alone of a diabetic uremic patients.
So I quickly arranged car to take him to the final destination to China kidney hospital. Let him receive treatment to prevent excessive serum creatinine may lead to complications as soon as possible,
14:26 pm, we arrived at a kidney hospital. Several experts and medical staff came out to personally greet the patient from afar, while arrangements ward Apartments, easy Mohammed relieve travel fatigue. As has "ceremonies" reputation of the Chinese people, so that every patient has come to feel at home treatment is both our duty and our responsibility.
15:30 pm, experts Mohammed arranged for emergency dialysis, at the same time to see his players brought various drugs currently classify records and queries, and arrange matters relating to the inspection of the first off dialysis patients can be performed well.
Mohammed trip to Stone purpose is very simple, just want to personally experience the Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease was peculiar. Although in their countries, the cost of treatment of kidney disease can be dispensed with, but who do not want Haozhe own body twice a week dialysis waiting for a kidney ......
This time to accept the traditional Chinese medicine in China due to his brother-Kayi Lai (not his real name, to come together with him this time), Kayi Lai order to be better able to help him on the Internet and search for treatment of kidney disease treatment methods, and I finally found a hospital official website in English, his kidney hospital for micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine have a strong interest. So according to available online mailbox linked to kidney hospital consultants. Consultants answering for his doubts, explain Pharmacology function while several recently returned 卡伊莱 kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang Arab patients treated telephone, easy and he has more on the efficacy of Chinese medicine treatment understanding. When Muhammad and his brother made contact with them, and confirmed the efficacy of the decision made to China immediately after treatment. He also imagine them as much as possible to extend the time interval of dialysis to reduce the pain.
Mohammed patients with diabetic nephropathy treatment track

Muhammad has come to diabetes uremia, diabetic nephropathy is the V of his 15-year history of hypertension, diabetes, a history of 10 years, in June 2005, in their national routine physical examination, he was found in his urine There appears protein test results show urinary protein (+++), creatinine up to the 800umol / L, the local doctor immediately for dialysis treatment, the beginning of dialysis twice a week, and opened dozens of Western control sugar, pressure control, detoxification, control of complications, but with the passage of time, deterioration of the condition, the doctor had advised him to dialysis once for two days, so as to ensure safety. Although he and his family knew of such treatment would not be very optimistic about the situation continues, can only local Western medicine, the hospital can only recommend this. Muhammad's this frustration in our hospital for treatment of all foreign patients have the same feeling.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More
