
What diet Renal atrophy

What diet renal atrophy. Diet more and more physicians are due to renal atrophy developed out of the world now, and why medical scientists would be so attention renal atrophy disease? First, due to the very high rate of occurrence of renal atrophy, followed by renal atrophy occurs, but also to the tremendous human disaster also incalculable consequences, even life-threatening. Let us work together, think about what there is renal atrophy diet.
1. substance uptake of water, electrolytes. Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys cause edema. Avoid eating too many foods containing potassium, such as bananas, dried fruit, beef, pork, sardines, soy sauce, lettuce and wheat. Eat more dark green vegetables. If some of the uncomfortable situation, we must promptly to the hospital to check treatment.
2. must abstain from alcohol and tobacco, but also pay attention to rest.
3. Usually pay attention to low-salt, low-fat diet, vitamin-rich foods, light digestible foods, avoid spicy. Avoid colds, infection, adequate rest to keep stool.
4. Note the substance intake water, electrolytes. Renal atrophy patients should limit water, salt intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys cause edema. Avoid eating too many foods containing potassium, such as bananas, dried fruit, beef, pork, sardines, soy sauce, lettuce and wheat. Eat more dark green vegetables

5. Protein: if normal renal function, the amount of protein diet can not strictly limited, the daily intake per kilogram of body weight lg; if proteinuria increased plasma protein low, normal renal function, can give high-protein diet, 1.2 kg of body weight per day ~ 1.5g; if there is azotemia, it is necessary to limit the intake of protein per day per kilogram of body weight can only supply 0.6 ~ O.8g, but also intake of essential amino acids and more protein.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang city, capital of Hebei Province, which is adjacent to the capital of China, Beijing. It was founded in 1986 and his name has become more widely known in recent decades.....Read More


