
The existing basis for the work of the kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Chronic kidney disease and chronic renal failure is a serious harm to people's health and lives of common diseases, according to the statistics, the prevalence of American adults with chronic kidney disease 109000/100 million, or chronic renal failure prevalence rate of up to 76000/100 million, or so The prevalence of large groups, and no effective treatment, leading to chronic renal failure in 5-year survival rate is about 70% -80%, 10-year survival rate is about 35% -55%. The best treatment for kidney disease is a physician and seek common aspiration majority of patients, with the progress of regenerative medicine with stem cell-based, it is possible to find the ideal treatment of chronic renal disease from the perspective of stem cells. Stem cell transplantation in the treatment of many scholars through continuous improvement and development, thus forming a special live cell therapy disciplines. In recent years, with the rapid development of stem cell technology, stem cell transplantation in the treatment of applications for cell therapeutics has brought new vitality, open up good prospects for the development of cell therapeutics. Stem cells are self-replicating, highly proliferative and differentiation potential cell populations, these cells can divide to maintain their population size cell by cell, and can be further differentiated into various tissue cells, which constitute the body's complex organizations organs. Treatment of tissue and organ damage or dysfunction to disease, trauma, aging, and genetic and other factors provided a new way of thinking. Although stem cell therapy has a very broad clinical application, scientists from various countries also continue to make new achievements and progress, but the majority of clinical application of research results from a large gap exists. Stem cell therapy as a new means of human diseases, the exact mechanism of action remains to be further study, the clinical application of the effectiveness and safety are still the focus of attention and controversy scientists are currently a large number of experimental and clinical studies have shown that stem cell transplantation for multiple prophylactic and therapeutic effect of kidney disease, for the treatment of refractory renal disease provides new hope.
Kidney disease in the current situation and development trend of domestic and foreign:
Registration data from the US Renal Data System shows that from 1995--2004 United States began renal replacement therapy in patients with increased incidence rate of 279.5 / million population to 339.4 / million population. US ESRD (ESRD) annual incidence increased gradually recently been Markov model to predict the United States in 2015 patients with end-stage renal disease entered could reach 712,290 people. This is undoubtedly a great challenge to the existing health resources.
Data China 1999 National Dialysis Transplant Registry reports showed that patients new to dialysis that year accounted for 41.7% of the total number of dialysis patients, indirectly suggesting that the upward trend China ESRD incidence. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data show the United States third, CKD patients in various stages, ESRD patients only 0.6%, showing growing behind the ESRD patient, but also hidden more relatively early stage of CKD patients. No doubt there is a similar phenomenon in China. China's health system was added to the current lack of epidemiological data CKD, some doctors lack knowledge of kidney disease, resulting in a considerable part of the lack of clinical symptoms in patients with early stage CKD missed, mostly direct clinical realization, renal impairment or end-stage development only kidney was found that these patients missed the best time for treatment. The incidence of chronic kidney disease increased year by year trend, chronic kidney disease, a common treatment for hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis does not improve renal parenchymal damage is a fundamental pathological lesion, can not prevent the occurrence of various complications, kidney transplant to treat kidney parenchymal damage from a fundamental, but a serious lack of donor and immune rejection after transplantation problem is difficult to achieve substantial breakthroughs. So the search for effective treatments is one of the key kidney disease research, the development of stem cell technology for the treatment of chronic kidney disease has brought new hope.
Stem cells are a class of self-replication of pluripotent cells, under certain conditions, it can differentiate into a variety of functional cells. Stem cell transplantation for treatment of chronic kidney disease can not only improve the dual pressures of physical and mental perennial dialysis patients brought, but also become the key to solve the source of the lack of treatment of a kidney transplant, you can replace the damaged kidney function, but also can be subjected to in vitro gene recombinantly modified, the appropriate genes into the body, which may play a better therapeutic effect, it is expected to be an important measure to stem cell transplantation as a renal replacement therapy.
Basis of existing work, characteristics and advantages:
Shijiazhuang kidney hospital technological advantages in the treatment of kidney disease can be summed up in two aspects: First, the original of the innovative use of traditional Chinese medicine - micro osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine; the second is the full integration of existing kidney disease treatment technology, formed a set of three-dimensional treatment system Shijiazhuang kidney hospital characteristics, which consists of three unique core technology and a security technology, namely: the micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration treatment of kidney disease as the core technology features a full range of treatment, played a blocking + Repair + reconstruction results; to immunoadsorption as the core characteristics of blood purification technology, its role is to purify the blood environment for stem cell transplantation in the treatment and micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to provide a sustainable treatment relaxed environment; stem cell transplantation therapy, kidney repair + provides a new means of reconstruction. In the current Chinese medicine and Western medicine treatment for the protection of existing treatment techniques, referred to as: "Three special a security" core technology system. The huge size of the hospital, have kidney disease patients from all over the world, but also patients from foreign countries, pathogen is adequate for the treatment of carry basis. Also hospital also built in line with GMP standard laboratory, one hundred two laboratories, one thousand six laboratories, in addition to one thousand infusion chamber 2, the patient's infusion provides a clean environment. The laboratory has advanced equipment, have carried out the desired cell biology, molecular biology experiments various laboratory instruments, such as: biological safety cabinets, clean benches, carbon dioxide incubator, flow cytometry, height (often speed) Frozen (room temperature) centrifuges, fluorescence microscopy, automatic homogenizer, PCR detection systems, microplate reader, ultra-low temperature freezer, liquid nitrogen storage tank, and has a number of skilled technical personnel of cell culture experiments. A dedicated quality control personnel to each of our cells do careful quality control, our production escort to ensure the safety approval we produce every cell.
Here, we will explain in detail:
Mesenchymal stem cells [mesenchymal stem cells, MSC] is an important member of the family of stem cells derived from early development of mesoderm and ectoderm. MSC was originally found in the bone marrow, because of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell engraftment support and promote the immune regulation and self-replication features and increasing people's attention. Such as mesenchymal stem cells in vivo or in vitro under specific induction conditions, differentiate into fat, bone, cartilage, muscle, tendons, ligaments, nerves, liver, cardiac muscle, endothelial and other cells, continuous subculture and cryopreservation still have pluripotent, it can be used as an ideal seed cells for tissue and organ repair damage caused by aging and disease. Umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells not only maintain a mesenchymal stem cell biological characteristics, but also have the following advantages:
① placenta and umbilical cord stem / progenitor cells are more primitive, a stronger proliferation and differentiation.
② relatively immature immune cells, functional activity is low, do not trigger an immune response and cause graft-versus-host disease.
③ easy to separate stem cells, high purity, non-tumor cell contamination.
Cultured ④ amplification system can be unified, easy quality control.
⑤ can be made cell freezing seed, multiple use, small cell loss after freezing.
⑥ chance of infection and the spread of latent viruses and pathogens is relatively low.
⑦ when collecting on maternal and newborn without any harm and damage.

⑧ collection convenient, easy to store and transport, less ethical controversy. This umbilical cord between the mesenchymal stem cells may become bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells ideal substitute, and has greater application potential. Numerous studies indicate umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells under certain conditions can differentiate into glomerular cells, mesangial cells, renal tubular epithelial cells of parenchymal cells, and umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells can selectively fix found outside marrow some tubular interstitial necrosis, renal tubular structure and function recovery.


