
Common causes of kidney stones

Common causes of kidney stones
Kidney stones are common causes what is it, this is a question friends of patients are very concerned about the vast number of nephrotic syndrome, renal if abnormal, then it means that the whole body circulation problems, so experts suggest that to understand the causes of kidney stones, related prevention measures help.
The reason is the formation of kidney stones more baking, generally considered to be caused by certain substances in urine crystal substance concentration rises or decreased solubility, was too saturated, crystalline precipitation and local growth, accumulation, and ultimately the formation of stones. In the process of stone formation, a decrease in urine formation and crystallization inhibitor content in the urine supersaturated crystalline material is the most important of the two factors.

In daily life, the cause of kidney stones induced factors are the following:

1, do not eat on time, memory left bile in the gallbladder too long prone to stones.

2. Long-term ingestion of high-sugar, high-fat diet, could cause the bile of three lipids (cholesterol, lecithin, bile acid) imbalance caused by combination of cholesterol-fed stones.

3, certain hemolytic disease or cirrhosis, can also lead to gallstones (but this stone is mostly black stones).

4, conventional low protein, crude carbohydrate diets, prone to bilirubin stones.

5, biliary tract infection, inflammation of the gallbladder wall, their systolic dysfunction, bile flow barriers.

6, due to bacterial infections, stones can be hydrolyzed to free bilirubin bilirubin, free bilirubin particles in exfoliated cells, parasite eggs as the core Huai just like pregnancy, a long time before people see it , mucin in the bile help continue the deposition, the formation of stones.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital


