
Hydronephrosis symptoms you know?

1 Low back pain is persistent dull or bulge discomfort.
2 waist and abdominal mass initially began under the costal margin, and gradually extend laterally abdomen and waist, big may cross the midline cystic mass for a smooth surface, the edge rule, there is a sense of volatility, tenderness obvious.
3 hematuria usually microscopic hematuria, hematuria aggravated after concurrent infection, stones or trauma.
4 little or no urine, if both kidneys, solitary kidney or renal function only appears on one side the water, while the patients with severe renal damage, the emergence of little or no urine.
5 oliguria and polyuria alternating seen in some patients with primary hydronephrosis, can be a lot of times the mass suddenly shrink after urination, and pain relief, when the mass increases rapidly decreased urine output, increased pain.
6 hypertensive patients with severe hydronephrosis about one-third of high blood pressure, was mild or moderately elevated, probably due to the expansion of the renal pelvis between the oppression caused by renal artery caused lobular ischemia.
7 in the absence of spontaneous rupture of renal trauma cases, due to secondary infection caused by rupture of the renal pelvis, causing kidney and urinary extravasation around the hematoma, manifested as sudden waist pain, generalized tenderness with muscle tension.
8 fever secondary infection when the temperature rises.
9 gastrointestinal symptoms may have abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, drink lots of water after the above-mentioned symptoms.
10. bilateral obstructive chronic renal insufficiency, uremia.

Hydronephrosis often without typical clinical manifestations, mainly for primary disease signs and symptoms, diagnosis when hydronephrosis, presence of hydronephrosis should first clear, then identify the causes of hydronephrosis, the lesion, degree of obstruction , with or without infection, and impaired renal function (Figure 1), collected through a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the symptoms and signs of history, as well as laboratory and comprehensive analysis of the various imaging tests, and more can confirm the diagnosis.

Kidney in a very localized thinning of the renal parenchyma What does it mean? How is it treated?

When physical examination found that B left renal cortical layer high echo 3.8x2.9CM renal cortical layer of oppression, it is recommended to do CT further examination. So I went to three A hospital for a check, Ct diagnosis: kidney in a very localized thinning of the renal parenchyma, I do not know what does that mean? How to treat
A) generous state
Discharge of urine from the renal pelvis blocked, causing increased pressure kidney, renal pelvis dilatation, renal parenchymal atrophy, called hydronephrosis.
(B) the clinical manifestations
Urinary system and its proximity to various diseases caused by urinary obstruction, and ultimately may cause hydronephrosis. Due to obstruction due to primary disease, location and extent of the differences in clinical presentation and course of hydronephrosis in different patients is not consistent. Congenital lesions, such as narrow PUJ, the lower pole renal vascular or fiber bundles oppression ectopic ureter caused by stagnant water, such as kidney, development has been relatively slow, long-term no obvious symptoms, abdominal mass occurs only up to a certain volume. Ministries of urinary stones, tumors, inflammation and tuberculosis caused by secondary hydronephrosis, clinical manifestations of primary signs and symptoms, rarely showing disease like hydronephrosis, often in complete obstruction and hair and when abrupt, such as renal and ureteral stones and renal colic incarcerated before they were found. Hydronephrosis secondary to infection, the primary disease symptoms usually increase.
Hydronephrosis was intermittent episodes sometimes called intermittent hydronephrosis. Ipsilateral severe abdominal attack cramps, nausea, vomiting, decreased urine output; after a few hours or longer, the pain disappeared, and then emit large amounts of urine. This situation is more common in ureteral obstruction.
Hydronephrosis caused by prolonged obstruction, will eventually lead to kidney function gradually decline. When completely solitary kidney or bilateral renal obstruction can occur without urine, resulting in renal failure.
Need to mention that during normal pregnancy often mild kidney, ureter water. In addition to the pregnant uterus oppression ureter, but is due to the secretion of progesterone during pregnancy causes muscle relaxation induced renal pelvis and ureter. This hydronephrosis is a physiological state, due to the anatomical relationships occur almost on the right.
(B) diagnosis
Should first determine the presence of hydronephrosis, and then to identify the cause of hydronephrosis, lesion extent, with or without infection, and renal damage situation. Differential diagnosis of abdominal mass should note that there may hydronephrosis. Tension hydronephrosis mass can not, such as tension lumps hard or soft lower, there is a sense of volatility person, then the possibility of renal water is very high. Some secondary hydronephrosis, the symptoms of their primary disease more significant, such as tuberculosis, cancer and so easy to ignore the presence of hydronephrosis. Urinary system urinary tract obstruction and renal water near the lesion caused by the frequently not diagnosed in time, even when renal failure or no urine to begin to be found. Laboratory tests should include blood tests, to understand whether azotemia, acidosis and electrolyte imbalance. Urine aspects, except for routine examination and culture, but if necessary to check the line and shedding of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells.
Urography in the diagnosis of significant value. When developing renal prolonged one of the typical manifestations of excretory urography. Because of reduced glomerular filtration rate, renal tubular slow the flow of urine and water reabsorption increases, so that the contrast agents gathered in the renal cortex, mainly in the proximal tubule, leaving renal angiography clearer. Thus, the emergence of concentrated shadow so acute renal obstruction characteristics. Large doses delayed excretory urography in the diagnosis of hydronephrosis more helpful; contrast dose can be increased 2 to 3 times, delay time can be up to 24 to 36 hours. When excretory urography is not clear enough, via cystoscopy for ureteral catheterization, line retrograde pyelography; pelvis after catheterization, if hydronephrosis may be spending a lot of urine, while the side renal function measured points. Such as retrograde intubation difficulties, renal biopsy may be diverted angiography. When retrograde puncture contrast angiography and should prevent the bacteria into the water in the kidney.
Ultrasound, CT, MRI examination can clearly distinguish the kidney is enlarged water or solid mass may find oppression urinary system diseases, due to the popularity of ultrasound has been and is non-invasive, can be carried out in the previous urography. Radionuclide scanning and kidney diagram can be used for diagnosis of hydronephrosis. For dynamic obstruction cases, can be observed in urography renal pelvis, ureter motility and emptying. Neurogenic bladder visible cystography shape of "pagoda" success trabecular and false diverticula.
(C) Treatment
According to its etiology, pathogenesis Jihuan, with or without infection, and degree of renal dysfunction, combined heart and lung function, such as patient age and comprehensive consideration.
1 cause of treatment best treatment is to remove the cause of hydronephrosis, retain suffering from kidney. As yet caused serious obstruction unrecoverable disease, after removal of the cause, get good results. Surgical method depends on the nature of the cause, such as congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction can be used for angioplasty of the renal pelvis, kidney, ureter stones feasible gravel or stone surgery, these procedures carried out in recent years, the endoscope can be used. Postoperative hydronephrosis and renal function will be improved.
2 nephrostomy in critical condition or cause hydronephrosis can not be removed if, should first drainage above the obstruction, to be infection control, and then remove the cause of surgical purposes. When the cause of obstruction can not be lifted, then as a permanent nephrostomy treatment.
3 nephrectomy severe hydronephrosis, the remaining renal parenchyma is too small, or with severe renal infection that empyema, such as the contralateral renal function, renal resectable disease.
(D) post-operative care of patients with hydronephrosis care issues
1Pc urine leakage
Related factors: associated with surgery
Care measures: (1) 10ml rinse with metronidazole for renal pelvis drainage tube, twice daily;
(2) TDP irradiation wound 30 minutes, once a day;
(3) note left kidney urine, wound drainage tube volume;
(4) dressings soaked inform your doctor promptly replaced.
(5) maintaining unobstructed drainage, the drainage tube properly secured to prevent compression, folding, twisting.
2 infection
Related factors: surgical trauma combined with indwelling catheter-related
Care measures: (1) use of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor;
(2) measuring the temperature four times a day;
(3) Daily cleaning with 0.1% benzalkonium bromide urethra twice daily to replace the drainage bag;
(4) maintaining unobstructed drainage, strict implementation of aseptic technique;
(5) After flatus, to encourage patients to drink more water, more than 3000ml per day, and eating
Nutritious diet.
3 Pain
Related factors: the surgical trauma
Care measures: (a) comfort the patient, so that relax the tension;
(2) to guide patients and their families the proper use of analgesia pump, protect the painful area, master alleviate
Methods of pain;
(3) analgesics prescribed to observe and record the results after treatment;
(4) Adjust the comfortable position.
4 there is the risk of skin damage
Related factors: bed-related postoperative
Care measures: (1) to patients and their families to explain the importance of keeping the skin intact, get their cooperation, and
Explain their skin self-care methods and risk factor for skin damage;
(2) the timing of order to help patients change position, and massage each bony protrusion at;
(3) underwear, mattresses remain soft, smooth, dry, clean and free of residue;
(4) to guide the patient in bed activity skills, develop bed activity plan.
5 constipation
Related factors: the bed-related
Care measures: (1) encourage patients to strengthen the bed activities;
(2) eat more vegetables, fruits and other foods containing high fiber, drink plenty of water;
(3) the patient may be given a physical defecation difficult to discharge;

(4) Instruct patient to develop good bowel habits.


Diabetic nephropathy, creatinine 660 requiring dialysis do?

Diabetic nephropathy, creatinine 660 requiring dialysis do?
Diabetes itself is not terrible, terrible complications (such as blindness, heart disease, serious infections, diabetic foot, neuropathy, sexual dysfunction, kidney disease, etc.) caused by the occurrence of disability and death situation. Gastric bypass (GBP) surgery has made a breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes, has changed the traditional medical therapy for life "incurable" history of diabetes. Cure rate of 83%, the improvement rate of 99.2%, while more than 60% of diabetic complications get healed. In particular, the history is shorter, higher cure rates in patients with diabetes islet function better.
Consider you are diabetic kidney damage, blood pressure may be renal hypertension, but can not rule out the possibility of essential hypertension, pathological changes in the capillaries caused by diabetes involving the kidneys, causing kidney damage pathology is common in the history of more than Patients 10 years. Between capillary glomerulosclerosis is one of the major diabetic microangiopathy, our hospital with "non-hormonal non-immune complex renal dialysis quadruple therapy", combined with the use of high-tech gene processing technology to make "winter worm consolidate" series herbs cooked .
Acting on the renal tissue damage, the active substance has a certain medicine hypoglycemic effect, reducing blood sugar damages the progress of pathology, medicine active substances can expand the renal arteries, improve local micro-circulation to the kidneys to provide adequate blood and oxygen barrier off the progressive development of renal pathological damage, providing a variety of kidney repair needed nutrients, such as amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, renal pathology tissue damage has been repaired, the glomerular basement membrane have been restored, the protein is no longer leakage, creatinine natural decline by expanding systemic arteries, reducing blood pressure, thereby reducing the extent of hypertensive renal damage.
For the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, using the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy - Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy, not only can lead to immune complexes and remove diseased tissue glomerular basement membrane damage, but also can fix the glomerular basement membrane. Depending on the cause creatinine generation point of view, as long as the repair of the damaged basement membrane, changing the kidney structure, expanding the glomerular filtration area, serum creatinine will gradually decline, but this requires a process.

Patients with diabetic nephropathy can eat some grains, a variety of foods rich in soluble dietary fiber can slow the absorption of food, lowering postprandial glucose peak, will help to improve sugar, fat metabolism, and promote gastrointestinal motility. Promote consumption of green leafy vegetables, legumes, roots and tubers, coarse grains, fruits, and other low-sugar components.


Renal failure patients can not eat what food?

Renal failure patients can not eat what food?
Renal failure patients can not eat what food? For patients with renal failure, in addition to active treatment of diseases in the diet also made with some food for the treatment of renal failure patients is very unfavorable, and therefore should be avoided during treatment these foods! So, patients with renal failure diet taboos, including what it?
Renal failure patients can not eat what food?
Kidney experts pointed out: salt restriction is often not absolute, should refer to the actual disease patients with renal failure may be. No matter what kind of kidney disease, as long as there is swelling, it must restrict salt intake. When edema, should be limited to 1 g or less per day, severe even require salt-free diet. The purpose of low-salt diet is to reduce body water, sodium retention, edema and blood pressure drops so. Kidney failure diet, strict attention to salt intake, diet should be light-based.

Furthermore, in terms of fruits and vegetables may be noted that the high potassium content of some fruits and vegetables. Kidney patient, if the general urine normal, no oliguria and renal failure, renal failure diet should eat more vegetables, fruits to supply adequate vitamin. If patients decreased urine output, especially when less than 500 ml per day, will have to selectively eat vegetables and fruits. Because vegetables and fruits are generally rich in potassium, oliguria and renal disease patients, serum potassium levels were elevated. Hyperkalemia can cause cardiac arrest, life-threatening.

11 danger signals warning of renal failure

11 danger signals warning of renal failure
When kidney damage occurs, the body will issue a number of "distress signal", then do not ignore, you should visit as soon as possible, most of the acute nephritis can be cured, but early detection and early treatment, diet and patterns of life, the prevention of development has a significant role. Let's take stock of what the danger signals and kidney failure patients misunderstanding:
An edema
Eyelids, face, legs and other parts slight edema (patients will drink too much mistaken, weight gain, lack of sleep and other causes)
Second, boring
Lack of energy, fatigue, weakness and other Meijin Er feeling (the patient will think is too tired, or for other reasons)
Third, low back pain
Location kidney waist on both sides of the spine, so when the kidneys are sick, you will feel back pain.
Fourth, do not want to eat food
Do not want to eat, anorexia, nausea and even vomiting (some patients always go to gastroenterology or liver disease, stomach or see if it is not got liver disease, a stomach and liver did not look, they hold no matter)
Five, urine protein and urine occult blood
Sixth, there is a bubble in urine
From the kidneys leak protein into the urine, the urine will play a lot of foam.
Seven, urine oliguria
Frequent urination and urine too much or too little. Healthy people every day about 4-6 times the frequency of urination, urine output of about 800-2000 ml.
Eight, urinary tract infections
Recurrent urinary tract infections people, treatment is not complete, a long time, may cause renal insufficiency.
Nine, anemia
Renal excretion of waste in addition to other functions, as well as endocrine function, blood hormone secretion. When renal dysfunction, can also cause anemia (anemia in patients with anemia often go Hematology see)
Ten, diabetes
Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes.
Eleven, hypertension
Hypertensive nephropathy. Kidney disease can also cause high blood pressure, high blood pressure if, beware of is not got kidney disease.
Winter "kidney" most can not afford injuries
Winter, cold weather, cold and renal Accordingly, the most likely to damage the kidney yang. This resulted in two injuries on the body, one is prone to waist Leng Tong, susceptible to cold, nocturia, impotence, nocturnal emission and other diseases; addition, they hurt the yin yang qi deficiency, yin deficiency, the mouth and throat dry, dizziness, tinnitus disease also will be born. So winter is very important for the maintenance of the kidney.
Rubbing the ear by kidney
Diagnostic observation suggests that long-term, there will be reaction points on the ear when the body is sick. Because acupuncture points on the ear clouds, and through limbs, so Chinese medicine therapy is in certain parts of the ear pinna, especially the reaction zone acupuncture needle or reason, to achieve the purpose of treating disease.
Moxibustion help winter
Kidney is the birth of the stomach is the day after tomorrow. Spleen and an imaginary, righteousness is true, evil is filled. Therefore, your dependents righteousness in Warming spleen. Chinese medicine believes that warming person, than moxibustion, moxibustion who is Ai's Fire Attack, can Zhuang people yang, yin people are really beneficial. Moxibustion has 6 large effect: through the meridians, qi and blood, dampness by cold, reducing swelling, Yang deficiency, disease prevention and health care.
Adjustable feet

From the perspective of Chinese medicine point of view, the function of human organs have corresponding points in the feet. Foot by foot yin is not only the starting point, or termination at the foot Sanyang, the root of this meridian points respectively at 6 feet, only had 33 points below the ankles, feet up to 66 points often can stimulate the foot Taichong feet, hidden white, too River, springs and ankle following points, which play a nourishing strength, strong waist gluten, conditioning organs, meridians, promote metabolism and aging effect, can prevent various organs disorders, indigestion, constipation, hair loss, hair loss, tinnitus and deafness, dizziness, loose teeth, insomnia, joint numbness embolism. (Editor: Li Zhen Huan)

IGA nephropathy history of five years can be cured?

IGA nephropathy history of five years can be cured?
IGA nephropathy is an autoimmune disease, autoimmune dysfunction lead to a lot of immunoglobulin IGA deposited into the kidneys, causing damage to the kidney filtration membrane, resulting in leakage of protein, protein greater than 1g continued leakage will increase kidney damage. FK506 is immunotherapy drugs, only for cell response.

IGA nephropathy history of more than five years now how to cure? Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital experts say: the disease based on the patient now has to explain the patient's condition is now in progress in the process, and the emergence of the phenomenon of elevated blood pressure, experts say it is now timely for the patient correct and reasonable treatment, medicine for the treatment of patients may have transient effect, however, will increase the performance of recurrence, Chinese medicine treatment of kidney is one of the best ways to kidney disease now, Shijiazhuang kidney Disease hospital, Chinese holographic kidney area iontophoresis treatment of kidney, first ionization reprocessing tech medicine, topical kidney area in position, and then turn on a high ion permeability tester, the medicine directly ions penetrate into the kidneys, passive stasis and new students, accelerate metabolism and kidney repair, removal of the kidney damaging substances. Thus eliminate the cause, eliminate induced; repair adjust the immune system, the body's balance of yin and yang, changing the structure of renal pathology, recovery of renal function.
IgA Nephropathy Patient On 60mg of Prednisone Has Insomnia


Long-term women in offices careful not to suffer from hydronephrosis

Long-term women in offices careful not to suffer from hydronephrosis
Hydronephrosis groups in the prevalence among women is very common, and why the incidence of women suffering from this disease are so high? Experts point out that, mainly because there are some white-collar women are not willing to work on the toilet, has been holding back, holding back the occasional can, but the long-term holding back urine can easily cause hydronephrosis, let's take a look at this disease in the end what harm?
Experts say the white-collar women often hold back, making the urine from the renal pelvis hampered row out, it will eventually lead to hydronephrosis, renal slowly expanding, kidney thinning, renal dysfunction, and if both sides have appeared obstruction, there uremia and other serious consequences occur. Urinary system and adjacent urinary tract obstruction caused by various diseases, and ultimately may cause hydronephrosis.
If white-collar women often appear lower back pain, it must be cautious. The most common symptoms of hydronephrosis is lower back pain. Suffering from acute hydronephrosis, when back pain is more obvious manifestations of chronic hydronephrosis blunt pain. Second, is the face, eyelid edema. In addition, the white-collar female patients will have chills, fever, pyuria, waist mass, difficulty urinating, etc. symptoms.
Experts say that, in addition to white-collar sedentary women during pregnancy is prone to hydronephrosis. Of course, this is due to the fetus during pregnancy oppression formation. During pregnancy, the fetus inside the uterus, kidneys would be oppressive to women. Pregnant women often have mild kidney, ureter water, often occurs on the right side, this is a physiological state of hydronephrosis, it will disappear after delivery.

Why women will suffer from hydronephrosis, saw the introduction of the above, you should now be clear now, kidney disease experts have warned that the majority of female friends, especially white-collar workers, at work do not develop the habit of holding back, so that not only the body no benefits, and is likely to form hydronephrosis. I wish you health.

Common symptoms iga nephropathy

Common symptoms iga nephropathy
Kidney disease among them, called iga nephropathy, the disease is a rare, but the disease harm is great, a lot of people suffering the disease. Learn the symptoms of the disease occur in early, can be timely treatment of disease, what are the symptoms of this disease in the end it? Here we take a look at how the experts say.
iga nephropathy in clinical symptoms occur:
1, proteinuria: iga nephropathy many patients suffering from the symptoms of proteinuria in the early city, but it is mild proteinuria, urinary protein typically <1g / 24h, a small number of patients, there may even nephrotic proteinuria sign. This is one of the common symptoms of IgA nephropathy.
2, asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and proteinuria: The symptoms are manifested in the body of children and adolescents, but the symptoms are not too obvious, so often found in the physical examination, can be expressed as a simple microscopic hematuria or microscopic hematuria with a small amount of proteinuria.
3, acute episodes of gross hematuria: more common in children. Its gross hematuria more in the upper respiratory tract infection, while some in the urinary tract infection or gastrointestinal attacks, mostly in the interval 24 to 48 hours. Gross hematuria sustainable ranging from several hours to several days, and then to persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria some patients may disappear, but often attack, reproduce gross hematuria attack, may be associated with mild systemic symptoms, such as muscle aches, urine pain, back pain, or a transient increase in blood pressure and blood urea nitrogen.

4, Other: Some patients with IgA nephropathy can occur nephrotic syndrome, rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome, renal failure, a few may appear waist and / or abdominal pain associated with hematuria.


Prevention of diabetic nephropathy self-reinforcing way

Prevention of diabetic nephropathy self-reinforcing way
Only people suffering from the disease, after suffering the disease, will regret it, why not pay attention to the prevention of disease before it? These include diabetic nephropathy, which is a complication of diabetes, is very harmful to people's big, how to prevent this disease, let's take a look.
Prevention of diabetic nephropathy
1, the prevention of the disease was work is very very important too, so that allows us to stay away from diseases brought us get hurt, Micro-Chinese Medicine treatment. Kidney disease in a timely manner was brought under control, repair damaged kidney function was to prevent the process of renal fibrosis was also supplemented by western medicine to control high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high cholesterol status. Another addition to drug treatment, but also with diet therapy, various means to exercise therapy, psychological therapy, diabetic nephropathy and education.
2, diabetic nephropathy was life there are many in need of prevention, changing environmental factors and life. Will lead to diabetes happened, various factors have to minimize the possibility. Diabetes may occur with excessive caloric intake, nutrition, obesity, lack of exercise and other factors are closely related, so in everyday life, you should pay attention to reducing caloric intake, to develop a "three low and one high" was eating habits, namely low salt, low sugar, low fat, high fiber. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat more whole grains, rice, do not eat ground too fine. In addition, a day to get moderate exercise.

3, many diabetic patients have time nephropathy prevention can not be obtained with good, poor glycemic control, if there was a long-term hyperglycemia, may cause kidney blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, renal volume increases. But the glycemic control, kidneys return to normal.

To emphasis cause of diabetic nephropathy

To emphasis cause of diabetic nephropathy
Everyday life, people with diabetes are no longer a minority, in the past this disease is more common in the elderly, but in recent years, many young people suffering from the disease. Did you know? After suffering from diabetes, with the development of the disease, but also cause serious damage to the kidneys, which is a common clinical diabetic nephropathy, let's take a look, leading to what is the cause of the disease.
Of causes of diabetic nephropathy:
1, the genetic factors. This factor is the most major factors are responsible for diabetic nephropathy, many of the patients are suffering from this disease because of this factor in our lives there are a lot of good glycemic control may also occur in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Glucose transporter protein is the major glucose transporter in mesangial cells. And the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy also showed family aggregation.
2, high blood pressure. For this reason there is no significant relationship with the cause of diabetic nephropathy, but the time course of the disease to hypertension or microalbuminuria period after blood pressure can accelerate the deterioration of the progress of diabetic nephropathy and renal function, increased urinary excretion of albumin in some family history of hypertension in diabetic patients, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly higher than in patients with no family history of hypertension.
3, hyperglycemia. This factor and lead to a great relationship with diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy and high blood sugar closely related to poor glycemic control can accelerate the development of diabetic nephropathy, a good blood glucose control can significantly slow down its development. After the high blood sugar and glycation endproducts cause increased mesangial cell proliferation, extracellular matrix increased mesangial expansion, glomerular basement membrane thickening.
4, renal hemodynamic abnormalities. In diabetic nephropathy, and played a key role, and may even be the initial factor.
(1) high blood sugar, high glomerular perfusion, high filtration state, increased pressure across the capillary wall, the expansion of mesangial cells, epithelial cell foot process fusion and produce dense droplets, glomerular epithelial cells from the basal membrane shedding.
(2) the glomerular basement membrane collagen Ⅳ messenger sugar nucleic acid increased, the basement membrane thickening, and ultimately the formation of diffuse mesangial nodular lesions occur glomerulosclerosis.

(3) In the case of increased pressure, increased protein filtration, also deposited in the mesangial area and glomerular basement membrane, promoting stromal proliferation, creating a vicious cycle, and can cause nodular and diffuse glomerulosclerosis .

Nephritis: self-diagnosis method

Nephritis: self-diagnosis method
Nephritis has become a high prevalence, many patients have a better understanding of chronic nephritis, nephritic great harm, not treated lead to serious complications, so suffering from nephritis treatment in a timely manner, prevent harm to expand, how to determine what they are suffering from nephritis ? the following is an expert for diagnosis is based on the introduction of nephritis.
First, eyelid edema: Early prone to chronic nephritis eyelid edema main reasons are: renal excretion of water damage and regulatory function, so that the body of water and sodium in children increased, excessive water accumulated in the body loose organization, the eyelid is loose tissue more parts. Eyelid edema is characterized by a significant time in the morning, after hypoactivity.
Second, hematuria: hematuria gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria points. Gross hematuria hematuria is visible to the naked eye, wash the meat Secheng watery urine, cloudy and red, some children have bloodshot urine or blood clots folder; while microscopic hematuria only observed under a microscope can be found, the number of red blood cells per high power field under more than one. Most children hematuria is the most common symptoms of chronic nephritis patients. Of course many reasons for hematuria, nephritis only one. Therefore, when parents find child has unexplained hematuria, should seek immediate medical attention. Do the relevant checks in accordance with the doctor's recommendation, urine routine examination to be done when necessary to rule out the possibility of renal hematuria.

Third, increased urine bubble: increased urinary bubble, mainly in smaller bubbles, and together with the Internet, a long time can not be dispersed, suggesting that children with urine protein, high tension caused. Of course, the symptoms of poor accuracy. If you do not have some medical knowledge, are often neglected parents or children. The easiest way is to go to the hospital to check the urine to rule out the possibility of proteinuria. Because chronic nephritis is the earliest change urine.

Chronic nephritis disease do two treatment

Chronic nephritis disease do two treatment
Chronic nephritis disease do two processing? Diagnosis of nephritis, chronic nephritis is a group of multiple etiologies of chronic glomerular lesions mainly glomerular disease, but the majority of patients the cause is unknown, there is no clear relationship with streptococcal infection, according to Statistics only 15% to 20% from acute glomerulonephritis changes to, then how do deal with chronic nephritis, the following experts to answer your questions:
General treatment:
Protein intake in patients with chronic nephritis, not too much control about l ~ 1.2 grams per day, edema, hypertension should limit water, salt, renal dysfunction should adopt a low-protein diet.
Symptomatic treatment:
Including diuretic, swelling, control blood pressure, anticoagulation therapy, and should actively treat infections, especially potential infections, including asymptomatic bacteriuria and so on.
1) mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (including IgA nephropathy), proteinuria light available Tripterygium preparations; with massive proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome as the main performance, could glucocorticoids and cytotoxic drugs.
2) heavier mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, or membrane, hormones and cytotoxic drugs must be based on blood pressure and renal function, the phased application, should pay attention to anticoagulant and antihypertensive treatment.

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital specialists prompts you: do the two treatment of chronic nephritis disease diagnosis of nephritis, on the reaction of hormones and cytotoxic drugs are quite different, showing nephrotic syndrome and normal renal function, you can still use, where appropriate, possible? helps to improve the condition, reduce proteinuria, but avoid excessive medication or abuse hormones.


5.2 * 4.6 polycystic kidney hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +

5.2 * 4.6 polycystic kidney hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +
Problem: 5.2 * 4.6 polycystic kidney hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs urine protein + I is a polycystic kidney disease patients, but in a recent physical examination found proteinuria, ask adult polycystic kidney disease appears proteinuria it? If you need treatment of polycystic kidney disease proteinuria appears it?
Experts Re: Hello! For your questions, "polycystic 5.2 * 4.6 hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +" adult polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in normal renal function may have 15-30% of people proteinuria in renal insufficiency when the gradual increase in the number of renal failure in patients up to 80%. Mostly due to polycystic kidney or renal capsule portion of tubular lesions appear, rather than glomerular leakage of protein, so the primary and renal tubular reabsorption of proteins related to this, on the performance of the quantitative usually less than 1 g / 24 hours, qualitative in the "+" following the mild proteinuria, often persistent. If there has been a lot of proteinuria is illustrated again merged glomerular lesions. There is a certain degree of proteinuria relationship with impaired renal function.

These are on the "polycystic 5.2 * 4.6 hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +" of detailed answers, proteinuria adult polycystic kidney disease occurs mostly caused by renal dysfunction, therefore, the treatment necessary to protect kidney function based. Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy polycystic kidney disease in blood circulation, increase blood flow microcirculation, reduce cyst fluid formation. Reduce intracapsular pressure, reduce cysts on the kidneys oppression, protect renal function.

iga nephropathy diet taboos which

iga nephropathy diet taboos which
In the course of the treatment of many diseases, the diet is very important, when IgA nephropathy diet, the patient should not aggravate the situation to ensure that the burden on the kidneys, and maintain coordination body of nutrients in the diet do not eat or eat less will increase IGA nephropathy food, here to introduce the next iga nephropathy diet taboos.
iga nephropathy food taboos are there?
For patients with IgA nephropathy in terms of diet should eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, if IgA nephropathy patients with microscopic hematuria, no edema, may be more water, eat apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and so on.
iga nephropathy food taboos:
1, animal offal, millet, mushroom, seaweed, soy, oranges, melon seeds, peanuts, bananas, non-vegetable oil;
2, fishy spicy food, seafood, beef, lamb, fried, crab, garlic, raw onions, parsley, vinegar, wine, beef, mutton, coffee, spiced materials and all the big hair thing;
3, lentils, spinach, lychee, chocolate;

4, high potassium foods: citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on. In contrast to patients with low potassium consumption.

Clinical manifestations of uremic patients

In the event of kidney disease, there are many kidney patients or their families is a word most frequently asked uremic symptoms, what does?
The main fear of their illness development of uremia, then uremic symptoms, what does?
Uremia occurs when there are many of the clinical symptoms, the condition of each system has. In uremia, in addition to anemia, bleeding tendency, hypertension, water, electrolyte, acid-base balance disorders aggravated addition, sometimes the clinical manifestations may occur dysfunction of various organs or substance-induced metabolic disorders. Clinical manifestations of uremic patients are the following.
Uremic symptoms one: digestive symptoms
The earliest symptoms of uremia patients with digestive system is loss of appetite or indigestion; exacerbations can occur when anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Patients often complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding. Also nausea, vomiting, and also related to the central nervous system dysfunction.
Uremic symptoms two: the cardiovascular system symptoms
Chronic renal failure due to renal hypertension, acidosis, hyperkalemia, sodium and water retention, anemia and toxic substances can be heart failure, arrhythmias, and myocardial damage and so on. Severe pericardial cavity cellulose and bloody exudate appears.
Uremic symptoms three: neurological symptoms
Symptoms of nervous system symptoms of uremia. In the early uremia disease early, patients often have dizziness, headache, fatigue, comprehension and memory loss and other symptoms. As the disease worsens, there may be irritability, muscle tremor, convulsions; may eventually develop into apathy, lethargy and coma. These symptoms occur with the following factors:
① electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders;
② renal hypertension caused by cerebral vasospasm, hypoxia and increased capillary permeability, which can cause degeneration of brain cells and brain edema;
③ some accumulation of toxic substances may cause nerve cell degeneration.

There are many symptoms of uremia, the above are just some of the more common in clinical practice, if you want to understand the symptoms of uremia, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital can consult online doctor or go directly to the hospital to conduct interviews with experts.


What are the main hazards polycystic it

What are the main hazards polycystic it
Polycystic kidney disease is a rare genetic kidney disease, sick parents will have a great chance of genetic disease to their children, normal incidence is very low, only a few parts per thousand, but it did great harm to the not inconsiderable. Since it is generally less understanding of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease so I do not know what specific hazards, in order to help everyone fully understand polycystic kidney disease, experts for patient specific description.
1, polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, polycystic kidney harm would make the whole covered with large and small cysts, polycystic kidney cysts that increases with age and grow, so will the oppression kidneys, so structural damage to the kidneys, reducing the number of nephrons produce urine, polycystic kidney harm to later damage to the kidneys can not maintain normal human life, then there will be kidney failure.
2, polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney failure harm to the emergence of the, polycystic kidney disease patients often have varying degrees of polycystic kidney failure after complications occur, such as high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and discomfort, and more patients with cystic kidney renal failure often occurs when it is realized that the dangers of polycystic kidney disease, treatment, treatment of this difficult time in narrowing cysts also need to repair damaged kidneys. Thus, the key to the treatment of polycystic kidney function under conditions of reduced protection cysts, reduce cysts oppression kidney tissue thereby affecting kidney function.
3, kidney damage, polycystic kidney disease increases with cystic kidney function may occur during cell injury, polycystic kidney disease polycystic kidney damage also will produce that result in chronic uremia end-stage renal failure occurs.
4, repeated dialysis, polycystic kidney disease patients are often not noticed early polycystic kidney harm careless not good for their condition after the later start to the occurrence of polycystic renal insufficiency, especially in end-stage renal failure uremic after the occurrence of disease, polycystic kidney disease businessman toxins can not be properly excreted, long-term retention of toxins in the body after the onset of symptoms, in order to realize the dangers when you have to polycystic kidney dialysis.

What are the dangers of polycystic kidney disease? These are the experts on the introduction of polycystic kidney damage, which is a healthy patient alarm sounded, hoping to cause the patient's attention, timely discovery of polycystic kidney disease, and to formal professional hospital treatment . Many treatment programs polycystic kidney disease, if not carefully choose the wrong patient therapy, it is difficult to take to cure polycystic kidney disease.

What are the complications of renal failure?

What are the complications of renal failure?
Often complicated by high blood pressure, anemia, heart failure, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, hydropower disorders and acid-base imbalance, renal osteodystrophy, fractures, infections.
In addition to the above system complications, long-term dialysis chronic renal failure who also have the following complications:
1 aluminum poisoning
ESRD patients with conventional dialysis complicated aluminum poisoning.
2 dialysis-related amyloidosis
Dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA) is a long-term dialysis patients seen in bone and joint disease. The clinical symptoms and incidence and duration of dialysis time are closely related.
3 trace elements change
Impact of renal failure and dialysis on trace element metabolism is great, they accumulate in various parts of the body can cause toxicity.
(1) Aluminum: See aluminum poisoning.
(2) Copper: dialysis patients with chronic renal failure without making plasma copper levels are often normal, but can also be slightly lower.

(3) Zinc: eating a low-protein diet in chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and massive loss of protein in the urine is often very low plasma zinc.

Hospital traditional treatment of renal failure

Hospital traditional treatment of renal failure
Treatment of chronic renal failure include medical therapy, dialysis and renal transplantation, dialysis and kidney transplantation in patients with end stage renal failure is undoubtedly the best treatment choice, but because these treatments are expensive and not always available for a limited renal origin acceptable for most patients, in addition, some patients with kidney disease progress to end-stage renal failure before, through reasonable medical therapy can delay the progress of the disease progression, a few are still capable of completely reversed, therefore, should pay attention to chronic renal failure of conservative treatment.
1 primary disease treatment and incentives: For CRF patients the initial diagnosis, we must attach importance to the diagnosis of active primary disease, chronic nephritis, lupus nephritis, nephritis, IgA nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy, etc., are required to maintain long-term treatment, it also should be actively looking for a variety of predisposing factors CRF reasonably correct these incentives may make the disease and reduce or stabilize a greater degree of improvement in renal function.
2 Diet: Chronic renal failure diet over the years is considered to be its basic treatment measures for national scholars respected, following to diet therapy is generally limited to the application of low-protein diet, but long-term low-protein diet may affect the nutritional status of patients Research shows that malnutrition in chronic renal failure rate as high as 20% to 50%, severe malnutrition is now considered to be an independent risk factor for CRF, was directly with the prevalence and mortality are related, and therefore, the current diet are more likely to patients develop a more rational nutrition regimen.
(1) determine the index patients with chronic renal failure malnutrition: chronic renal failure patients on nutritional status monitoring and evaluation methods include biochemical, ergonomic measurements, body composition analysis and dietary assessment (Table 2), each of which method has some limitations, must be considered.
(2) formulate nutritional therapy in patients with CRF: CRF patients with nutritional therapy program to be based on the level of kidney function in patients with different causes (such as diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, chronic nephritis, etc.), nutritional status, food intake and digestion, eating habits etc. to develop, as far as possible individual, in principle, should help patients maintain a good nutritional status, or to malnutrition improved; for pre-dialysis patients, should be considered to help control kidney underlying diseases, protect renal function , when developing nutrition therapy, patients should first ensure protein - amino acids full intake, and taking into account the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients intake, has emphasized the role of high-protein diet in renal disease progression in the pathogenesis, therefore, for pre-dialysis patients with CRF is still low-protein diet based, and according to the degree of renal damage varies, generally Ccr 20 ~ 40ml / min (Scr 176.8 ~ 353.6μmol / L) when the protein intake (PI) for 0.7 ~ 0.8g / (kg · d); Ccr 10 ~ 20ml / min (Scr 353.6 ~ 707.2μmol / L), PI of 0.6 ~ 0.7g / (kg · d); Ccr <10ml / min (Scr≥707.2 μmol / L), PI was 0.6g / (kg · d).
The diet is now widely used in protein intake 0.6g / kg body weight, of which 64% of the protein is plant protein, animal protein 46%, per day may provide 35kcal / kg calories, 0.6g / kg protein, 600mg of phosphorus, 110g 320g of lipids and carbohydrates, in addition, would like to add a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins.
For the quality of the protein should also be considered, containing essential amino acids are generally administered (EAA) high content of food, the main source of calories as the staple food, the selection of the lowest possible protein foods (Table 3) for hemodialysis patients is no need to strictly limit protein intake, the general should keep 1.0 ~ 1.4g / (kg · d), essential amino acids or α- keto acid supplements for chronic renal failure patients has its own unique effect, because in CRF patients had significantly advanced the necessary amino acid deficiency, while the ordinary dietary protein essential amino acids were lower than 50%, it is difficult to meet patient needs, and exogenous essential amino acids, the essential amino acids the body can / essential amino acid imbalance was corrected, and thus help to improve protein synthesis, also can reduce the formation of nitrogen metabolites.
α- keto acid (α-KA) is an amino acid precursor, through the transfer of an amino group or an amino role in the body can be converted to the corresponding amino acid, and its effect is similar to the EAA, and has the following advantages:
① urea nitrogen generation rate and BUN decreased more significantly, the rate of protein synthesis and degradation increased.
② can reduce phosphorus alkaline phosphatase and PTH levels.
③ In animal experiments, α-KA no cause elevated GFR or albumin excretion phenomenon.
④ delay CRF progress.
Commercially available α-KA preparations renal Tablets based, usually every 4 to 8, 3 times / d, side effects of long-term use is not obvious, a minority of patients (5%) may appear hypercalcemia, withdrawal or reduction after the drug can heal, so caution in patients with hypercalcemia or disabled.
EAA supplement by oral and intravenous infusion performed in two ways, the latter is more suitable for patients with loss of appetite, oral usual dose is 4 times / d, each 14.5g, intravenous infusion of 200 ~ 250ml / d or 0.2 ~ 0.3g / (kg · d), currently in clinical many advocates low-protein diet with EAA or α-KA and other combination, it was reported that this program not only applies to the pre-dialysis patients, but also for dialysis patients without causing severe malnutrition, calorie intake generally should be 30 ~ 35kcal / (kg · d), nitrogen (g) calories (kcal) intake ratio should be 1:300 - 1:400, in order to ensure the rational use of protein and amino acids to reduce tissue protein decomposition, to really add protein, amino acids negative effects caused by nitrogen, which carbohydrates should account for about 70% of caloric intake; fat intake should be noted that polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) ratio ≥1, increasing the PU-FA intake, patients can improve lipid metabolism, reduce the extent of atherosclerosis.
Note added water-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and folic acid, according to the condition supplement minerals and trace elements such as iron and zinc.
In addition, nutritional therapy in patients with CRF also includes some supplementary drug applications, past application of testosterone propionate, Nandrolone and other drugs to promote protein synthesis, but due to limited efficacy, does not currently recommend, in recent years, reported the human recombinant growth factor (r-hGH) and insulin-like growth factor (r-hIGF-1) treatment in patients with CRF malnutrition, efficacy is still good, others such as correction of acidosis and electrolyte imbalance, giving gastric motility drugs such as domperidone (domperidone), orally active vitamin D and correcting renal anemia preparations r-hEPO, etc., to correct malnutrition CRF have a certain effect.
3 replacement therapy include: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation, the highest quality of life in renal transplantation, serum creatinine greater than 707μmol / L or GFR <10ml / min (diabetic patients <15ml / min), and the patient began to appear when uremia clinical manifestations can not be relieved by the treatment, they should do the dialysis treatment, the patient had to be mentally prepared for hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or a kidney transplant to make a choice, usually a period of dialysis should be considered only kidney transplant, dialysis therapy of renal excretory function alternative, but not a substitute for endocrine and metabolic functions, similar to hemodialysis (referred to hemodialysis) and peritoneal dialysis (PD for short) effect, each with its advantages and disadvantages, in clinical applications can complement each other.
(1) hemodialysis: should advance (before hemodialysis weeks) do move - arteriovenous fistula (vascular access); dialysis time weekly ≥12h, usually done three times a week, every 4 ~ 6h; adhere to adequate and reasonable dialysis, which can effectively improve the quality of life of patients, many patients can survive more than 20 years.
(2) peritoneal dialysis: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) the efficacy of uremia and hemodialysis same, CAPD especially for cerebral vascular complications in patients determined to diabetes, the elderly, children or patients do move - arteriovenous fistula difficulties, CAPD is continuous dialysis, uremic toxins continuously been cleared, a small hemodynamic changes and protect residual renal function than hemodialysis for patients with cardiovascular disease compared with hemodialysis security, use double-system, the incidence rate of complications such as peritonitis was significantly reduced.

(3) renal transplantation: a successful kidney transplant can restore normal renal function (including endocrine and metabolic functions), at present, the 1-year graft survival rate of about 85 percent, five-year survival rate of about 60%, by the body or kidney transplant relative kidney (by siblings or parents for kidney), to the ABO blood typing and a suitable basis for HLA typing, select the kidney donors, HLA matching good person, graft survival time longer need kidney transplant Long-term use of immunosuppressive agents to prevent rejection, commonly used drugs as corticosteroids, cyclosporine, azathioprine, and (or) mycophenolate mofetil (mycophenolate mofetil), etc., because the use of a large number of kidney transplantation immunosuppressive agents, and the incidence of infection in patients with increased malignancy.

What are the symptoms of renal failure has

What are the symptoms of renal failure has
① oliguria. Decreased urine output, resulting in the occurrence of hyperkalemia, water intoxication (severe edema, elevated blood pressure, pulmonary edema or cerebral edema), metabolic acidosis, and acute uremia symptoms. Hyperkalemia and water intoxication as the main cause of death.
② polyuria. After regeneration of tubular epithelial cells gradually increased urine output, so that potassium, sodium decreased, sustained multiple urine of patients may die from dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
③ recovery. After much reduced urine of normal urine, blood Bun, creatinine (Scr) and electrolyte levels were normal, but normal renal tubular function and structure will take 3 to 6 months. Failed to restore those chronic renal failure. Although the urine of non-oliguric lot, but blood Bun, Scr daily rise and symptoms of poisoning, kidney damage due to light, so the prognosis is good.


Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy from which to proceed

What is the cause of diabetic nephropathy? Perhaps some people to understand, is not this kind of diabetes complications, what, indeed, in short, diabetic nephropathy, diabetes and kidney disease are mutually reinforce each other to promote the development of the disease. Therefore, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, and comprehensive consideration of both the symptoms and the condition of both the history and here's a look:
Currently, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy were diagnosed mainly in three aspects.
First, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy from medical history and symptoms to diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy:
Patients with a history of diabetes, and kidney damage and the extent of the clinical manifestations of glomerular sclerosis were positively correlated.
Microalbuminuria occurs when diabetes has more than 5 to 6 years, the clinical diagnosis of early diabetic nephropathy, without any clinical manifestations;
About 80% of patients over 10 years of clinical development of diabetic nephropathy, namely urinary protein excretion greater than 0.5g / 24h, hematuria usually no obvious clinical manifestations of edema, hypertension; once persistent proteinuria appeared, accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, anemia, suggesting that chronic renal insufficiency have occurred.
Diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy from medical aspects can also be used to diagnose diabetic nephropathy:
Varying degrees of hypertension, edema, can occur in severe clinical symptoms of ascites, pleural effusion and multiple diabetic retinopathy, etc. These are all diabetic nephropathy.
Final diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy can be diagnosed from the inspection aspects:
A urinary albumin excretion (UAE) 20 ~ 200μg / min, is an important indicator of early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy; sustained when UAE greater than 200μg / min or routine examination of urine protein positive (urine protein greater than 0.5g / 24h), namely diagnosis for diabetic nephropathy. Urine general change is not obvious, more white blood cells when prompted urinary tract infection; large number of red blood cells, suggesting that there may be other causes of hematuria.
2 fundus examination, fundus when necessary for fluorescence imaging, visible micro-aneurysms and other diabetes retinopathy.
3 radionuclide dynamic renal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and B-increase measure kidney volume increase, in line with early diabetic nephropathy. When uremia GFR decreased, but not significantly reduced kidney volume often.
4 Qualitative urine is a simple method of screening for diabetes, but can occur in diabetic nephropathy false negative or false positive, so the blood glucose is the main basis for diagnosis.

5. advanced diabetic nephropathy, creatinine clearance rate and blood urea nitrogen, creatinine increased.

Patients with diabetic nephropathy dietary requirements

In recent years, more and more people suffering diabetes, and common complications of the disease diabetic nephropathy, the incidence is increasing. The disease to bring a lot of damage, so patients must pay attention to prevention in all aspects of life, then, how to prevent it? Here we take a look.
For diabetic nephropathy we should not be very strange, diabetic nephropathy in the diet is very particular, there is a lot of food is not edible, but some patients with this disease diet is not clear enough, often eat the wrong foods, resulting in aggravate the disease, so patients with diabetic nephropathy diet is kind of how we look in detail below.
Patients with diabetic nephropathy how diet:
Should eat foods: patients with diabetic nephropathy can eat starchy staple food rice; surface; cornmeal; sorghum flour; soba; millet. Patients with diabetic nephropathy eat vegetables are cabbage; rapeseed; pea seedlings; shepherd's purse; radish; pumpkin; loofah; melon; cucumber; zucchini. Patients with diabetic nephropathy eat fruit watermelon; bayberry; kiwi; strawberries. Patients with diabetic nephropathy fish eat lean meat; eggs; turtle; eel; carp; bream. Patients with diabetic nephropathy edible vegetable fat has rapeseed oil; sesame oil; corn oil; cottonseed oil.

Jichi Food: patients with diabetic nephropathy can not eat starchy foods are sweet; potatoes; taro; arrowhead. Patients with diabetic nephropathy can not eat carbohydrate foods are sugar; sugar; maltose; glucose; honey; chocolate; fruit sugar; canned fruit;; preserved soft drinks; jam; sweet bread; variety of pastries. Patients with diabetic nephropathy can not eat fruits are bananas; orange; litchi; grapes; visceral fat; brain; egg yolk; egg.

How to relieve it of diabetic nephropathy

Clinically, diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of diabetes, when suffering from the disease, patients with hypertension, edema, etc., and even lead to kidney failure, damage is great. Now, the incidence of diabetes showed a gradual upward trend, resulting in the probability of diabetic nephropathy also increased. If the attention of diabetic nephropathy diet nursed back to health, but also to a certain extent, help alleviate the condition, here's a look.
1, diabetic nephropathy diet should pay attention to controlling blood sugar. Because the body's blood sugar can cause persistent elevated fat and cholesterol metabolism, promote glomerular lesions, while making the kidney capillaries intimal thickening, hardening and lesions, resulting in the loss of its normal function. Therefore, control of blood glucose is the key to the diet. From the following three aspects: restricted calorie intake; hypoglycemic long-term use of the drug; patients should control their emotions and avoid excitement or external infection caused by blood sugar fluctuations.
2, patients with diabetic nephropathy diet should reduce salt intake. Due to excessive salt will increase the burden on the kidneys, so patients should normally light, low-fat low-sugar foods, reduce the load on the kidneys, in order to protect kidney function. Patient's daily salt intake should be limited to less than 7 grams. Patients should also be noted that, when developed severe renal failure, but also the amount of water should be limited.
3, the patient's diet should also be restricted potassium and protein. Because diabetic nephropathy easily lead to acidosis and hyperkalemia, and these symptoms can lead to heart rhythm disorders and hepatic coma, therefore, diabetic nephropathy should be reduced potassium diet drinks, potassium fruits and high protein intake. Patients edible fish, lean meat and other easily digestible food, protein supplement.
4, patients with diabetic nephropathy need to add a lot of vitamins and trace elements, such as vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, iron, zinc, etc., they can play a role in protecting the kidneys. In addition, diabetic nephropathy diet also need taboo mustard, chili and other foods will stimulate the kidneys. Patients also need to pay attention to dietary calcium phosphorus, but, like organ meats, shrimp, bone meal, ribs, etc. Although calcium but also high phosphorus foods should be avoided. Also, patients daily staple food should be controlled at less than 300 grams, as rice, bread, soy and other protein-containing high quality, should eat more fruits and vegetables.

Introduction read the above, your daily diet care of diabetic nephropathy, it should now be clear, we must attach importance to everyone for their bodies to be a lot of attention, such problems do not take it lightly, as soon as possible to the hospital for examination and treatment to kidney disease in order to avoid deterioration. I wish you health.


  Kidney enlargement may be due to poor diet caused

Kidney enlargement may be due to poor diet caused
Speaking of renal cysts people are not familiar with, and now that the disease has become a common clinical medicine kidney disease, renal cystic kidney enlargement causes are many, and because many of their friends are not very understanding, leading to kidney cyst kidney swelling disease, damage to health. And because the early symptoms of the disease is not very obvious, so resulting in many patients have missed the best time for treatment of the disease, in order to allow the patient a speedy recovery, we should first look at the enlargement of renal cysts renal etiology, here we look in detail.
One, by the adverse effects of congenital developmental.
Experts said that the presence of renal cystic kidney enlargement occurs certain congenital. The factors that cause the disease, very easily lead to other diseases, and therefore requires a high degree of attention.
Second, the impact of poor diet is one of the causes of renal cystic kidney enlargement.
Poor eating habits will bring many diseases, should arouse widespread attention. If you are chronically malnourished or blood circulation disorders occurred, this time can easily lead to the disease.
Third, the damage of various infectious diseases.
Life, if suffering from urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, if not treated in time, it will cause abnormal internal environment of the body, thereby increasing the risk of suffering from kidney enlargement of renal cysts.
Fourth, renal cystic kidney enlargement reason, the gene mutation is a common one of the reasons.
This is generally the period during embryogenesis, gene mutation causing the disease occur.
Fifth, the experts pointed out that renal cystic kidney enlargement occurs, but also to toxins have a certain relationship.
Occurs when the body's body tissue, organ damage, the toxin is easy to act on the human body, this time will bring a series of reactions of the human body. Even life-threatening. It will easily lead to the occurrence of the disease.

Above is the expert for renal cystic kidney enlargement-related causes of introduction, we want to help, want to completely cure cystic kidney disease kidney enlargement, we must first understand the root causes of disease, and the only way to help patients early pain.


Urinary protein will produce under what circumstances

Urinary protein will produce under what circumstances
How urine protein produced, many patients appear after checking urine protein will have this question, then, urine protein under what circumstances arise? Address this issue, we work with kidney specialist hospital experts together to find out. I hope to help patients and their families.
Urinary protein produced under what circumstances? Causes urinary protein
First, temporary urinary protein: when the patient has a fever, intense exercise, taking painkillers, acute illness, pregnancy, lower blood pressure and other conditions that may occur transient proteinuria.
Second, postural urine protein: a relationship with the patient's body position changes. Postural proteinuria more often in young people. The average patient in the morning urine lack of protein, but after prolonged exercise, after standing, urine protein will appear when the patient lying on the measurement, will disappear. In general, patients with less than three years old, and urine protein less than 2 grams per day.

Third, intermittent urinary protein: repeat infections pyelonephritis, urinary protein appears under control once the infection, urine protein will disappear, and high blood pressure, heart failure and other diseases vary with the condition and quality of intermittent urinary eggs.

Diagnosis of persistent proteinuria

Diagnosis of persistent proteinuria
Many people want to know about the diagnosis of persistent proteinuria introduction of, because they are not very understanding of this, the following, let Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital specialists for us to detail about it.

For persistent proteinuria diagnosis, experts, persistent proteinuria mostly pathological proteinuria, depending on the proteinuria mechanisms can be divided into glomerular proteinuria and tubular proteinuria.

Glomerular proteinuria

Proteinuria may be mild to severe range. Such as urinary protein than 3.5g / d, is undoubtedly the glomerular proteinuria. Common causes are:

① primary glomerular disease;

② secondary glomerular diseases, such as lupus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, renal amyloidosis, etc.;

③ hereditary nephritis.

Tubular proteinuria

Urinary protein excretion is usually less than 1g / d, small molecule protein-based. Common causes are:

① chronic pyelonephritis (kidney reflux disease);

② unexplained chronic interstitial nephritis;

③ antibiotics caused by renal tubular interstitial disease;

④ painkillers kidney disease;

⑤ gouty kidney disease.

High urine protein appears how it is

High urine protein appears how it is
Many people will find themselves after suffering into the urine test urine protein high, then high urine protein is how it happened? Address this issue, we will be concerned with the understanding of kidney disease experts together! Hope you can help to patients with friends.
Experts said that if urine protein> 150 mg / day, when that urinary protein, indicating that the human urinary protein excretion was significantly increased, abnormal urine protein belongs. Urinary protein remains positive, often on behalf of kidney disease occurs, it can be based on the number of clinical urinary protein to determine the effect of the degree of damage and kidney disease kidney disease treatment. Therefore, abnormal urine protein, we must effectively control and eliminate, prevent disease progression progress.

Under normal circumstances, the body does not contain protein or urine contains only traces of protein, but when kidney disease occurs when the flow of the protein with the blood circulation flow through the kidneys, since leaving the protein reduced kidney filtration function of "slipping through the net." Protein leakage into the urine from the urethra to form a proteinuria. The higher urinary protein kidney filtration function described worse, this is an important measure of kidney function.

What is the reason for the high urinary protein?

What is the reason for the high urinary protein
As a magic you know why you're patient urine protein high? Many people are not very understanding, if you are interested, please follow the experts your questions with a detailed understanding of the reasons together urinary protein high bar.
What is the reason for the high urinary protein? Proteinuria generally due to kidney damage caused by more common in glomerular damage, renal artery stenosis or renal weeks anatomical structural abnormalities caused by ischemic nephropathy, resulting in kidney damage and then proteinuria ; the other hand, the long-term causes of hyperuricemia is high protein in urine, it also causes renal interstitial injured, mild proteinuria, but generally abnormally elevated blood uric acid and gout associated with performance, unilateral obvious renal atrophy rare, it should be excluded due to renal function decline caused by increased blood uric acid. Therefore, the following checks should go to the hospital to identify the cause, in order to facilitate further treatment.

In addition, patients should pay attention to rest of urinary protein, diet, limiting animal offal diet; appropriate the water; promote uric acid or taking drugs inhibit production of uric acid, sodium bicarbonate and taking drugs to alkaline urine; such as the presence of renal artery stenosis, according to narrow circumstances, decide whether renal artery dilatation; taking some have and kidneys, and kidney function in Chinese traditional medicines.


Renal failure do eat tofu?

Tofu, although it contains a lot of protein, but kidney specialists stressed that kidney failure patients the best eating tofu, that is why here we take a look at how the experts analyze?:
Because Tofu also contains fat, carbohydrates renal failure patients with renal function decline. Under normal circumstances, people eat plant proteins into the body through metabolic changes, and finally became the majority of nitrogenous waste out of the body by the kidneys.
Old people, the ability of the kidneys excrete wastes fall, then if not pay attention to diet, eat a lot of tofu and excessive intake of vegetable protein, is bound to make increase the body of nitrogenous waste generated, increasing the burden on the kidneys, the renal function further decline is not conducive to good health. Rot contains very rich in protein, eating too much time not only hinder the body's absorption of iron, protein and easily cause indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.
Lead to iodine deficiency. Tofu soybeans contain a substance called saponin, which not only can prevent atherosclerosis, but also promote excretion of iodine in the human body. Long-term excessive consumption of tofu can easily lead to iodine deficiency, leading to iodine deficiency disease. Promote gout. Tofu purine more patient purine metabolism disorders gout patients and hematuria acid concentration increased more food easily lead to gout attacks, especially gout patients to Eat.

Renal failure can eat tofu it? Visible, tofu is good, we should not eat every day, once eat too much. Elderly and kidney disease, iron deficiency anemia, gout, arteriosclerosis patients are more to control consumption. Chinese medicine believes that tofu belong to cold food, cold stomach fat and very easy to diarrhea, bloating, spleen and those who often appear emission of impotence were not suitable to eat tofu.
