
5.2 * 4.6 polycystic kidney hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +

5.2 * 4.6 polycystic kidney hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +
Problem: 5.2 * 4.6 polycystic kidney hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs urine protein + I is a polycystic kidney disease patients, but in a recent physical examination found proteinuria, ask adult polycystic kidney disease appears proteinuria it? If you need treatment of polycystic kidney disease proteinuria appears it?
Experts Re: Hello! For your questions, "polycystic 5.2 * 4.6 hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +" adult polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in normal renal function may have 15-30% of people proteinuria in renal insufficiency when the gradual increase in the number of renal failure in patients up to 80%. Mostly due to polycystic kidney or renal capsule portion of tubular lesions appear, rather than glomerular leakage of protein, so the primary and renal tubular reabsorption of proteins related to this, on the performance of the quantitative usually less than 1 g / 24 hours, qualitative in the "+" following the mild proteinuria, often persistent. If there has been a lot of proteinuria is illustrated again merged glomerular lesions. There is a certain degree of proteinuria relationship with impaired renal function.

These are on the "polycystic 5.2 * 4.6 hypertension eating antihypertensive drugs in urine protein +" of detailed answers, proteinuria adult polycystic kidney disease occurs mostly caused by renal dysfunction, therefore, the treatment necessary to protect kidney function based. Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy polycystic kidney disease in blood circulation, increase blood flow microcirculation, reduce cyst fluid formation. Reduce intracapsular pressure, reduce cysts on the kidneys oppression, protect renal function.


