
Renal failure patients can not eat what food?

Renal failure patients can not eat what food?
Renal failure patients can not eat what food? For patients with renal failure, in addition to active treatment of diseases in the diet also made with some food for the treatment of renal failure patients is very unfavorable, and therefore should be avoided during treatment these foods! So, patients with renal failure diet taboos, including what it?
Renal failure patients can not eat what food?
Kidney experts pointed out: salt restriction is often not absolute, should refer to the actual disease patients with renal failure may be. No matter what kind of kidney disease, as long as there is swelling, it must restrict salt intake. When edema, should be limited to 1 g or less per day, severe even require salt-free diet. The purpose of low-salt diet is to reduce body water, sodium retention, edema and blood pressure drops so. Kidney failure diet, strict attention to salt intake, diet should be light-based.

Furthermore, in terms of fruits and vegetables may be noted that the high potassium content of some fruits and vegetables. Kidney patient, if the general urine normal, no oliguria and renal failure, renal failure diet should eat more vegetables, fruits to supply adequate vitamin. If patients decreased urine output, especially when less than 500 ml per day, will have to selectively eat vegetables and fruits. Because vegetables and fruits are generally rich in potassium, oliguria and renal disease patients, serum potassium levels were elevated. Hyperkalemia can cause cardiac arrest, life-threatening.


