
Clinical manifestations of uremic patients

In the event of kidney disease, there are many kidney patients or their families is a word most frequently asked uremic symptoms, what does?
The main fear of their illness development of uremia, then uremic symptoms, what does?
Uremia occurs when there are many of the clinical symptoms, the condition of each system has. In uremia, in addition to anemia, bleeding tendency, hypertension, water, electrolyte, acid-base balance disorders aggravated addition, sometimes the clinical manifestations may occur dysfunction of various organs or substance-induced metabolic disorders. Clinical manifestations of uremic patients are the following.
Uremic symptoms one: digestive symptoms
The earliest symptoms of uremia patients with digestive system is loss of appetite or indigestion; exacerbations can occur when anorexia, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Patients often complicated by gastrointestinal bleeding. Also nausea, vomiting, and also related to the central nervous system dysfunction.
Uremic symptoms two: the cardiovascular system symptoms
Chronic renal failure due to renal hypertension, acidosis, hyperkalemia, sodium and water retention, anemia and toxic substances can be heart failure, arrhythmias, and myocardial damage and so on. Severe pericardial cavity cellulose and bloody exudate appears.
Uremic symptoms three: neurological symptoms
Symptoms of nervous system symptoms of uremia. In the early uremia disease early, patients often have dizziness, headache, fatigue, comprehension and memory loss and other symptoms. As the disease worsens, there may be irritability, muscle tremor, convulsions; may eventually develop into apathy, lethargy and coma. These symptoms occur with the following factors:
① electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders;
② renal hypertension caused by cerebral vasospasm, hypoxia and increased capillary permeability, which can cause degeneration of brain cells and brain edema;
③ some accumulation of toxic substances may cause nerve cell degeneration.

There are many symptoms of uremia, the above are just some of the more common in clinical practice, if you want to understand the symptoms of uremia, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital can consult online doctor or go directly to the hospital to conduct interviews with experts.


