
About the cd power

For renal failure patient, the patient must pay attention to diet. A balanced diet can ease the disease state.
The ckd patient can not eat foods:
First, potassium-rich food: it is because it is dangerous and can worsen the patient, Raision of a renal patient may insuffiance declining metabolic potassium regulatory function of kidney, so the patient can be in hyperkalemia and cardiac disorders and the voltage drop artérielleet and stops the heart and breathing to stop, so the renal failure patient should avoid taking foods potassium for example, organ, almond, and beef.
Secondly the protein-rich food: in everyday life, the renal failure patient should avoid eating food rich in protein, it is because when we have eaten a lot, he conducted a press function metabolism, therefore, we should eat foods low in high-quality protein, eg animal meat, milk, and eggs.
Third: The excessive phosphorus intake can cause problems of mineral metabolism, pax example: calcium, phosphorus and other Mineral, leading to hyperparathyroidism, causing itching, complications such as bone disease patients avoid rénale.Les usually take the offal, chicken, soy products, nuts (seeds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, etc.)
However, we should eat foods following:
foods rich in calories and vitamin: eat more vegetables and fruits, such as pears, apples, cucumbers and tomates.les foods rich in vitamin,

With a balanced diet, renal function was adjusted and restored.

The treatment for polycystic kidney disease

There is no cure for pkd, however, regular monitoring of kidney and treatments for associated complications can help maintain health and prolonged the life of a person.
Common complications and treatments include:
Trauma - consider avoiding contact sports if your kidneys, liver, spleen or abdomen are enlarged. A blow to the stomach could hurt affected organs.
Liver cysts - these do not affect the normal liver function. Non-surgical management may include avoiding hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as hormone therapy (HT). Surgery may be necessary to drain the cyst or remove diseased parts of the liver, it is rarely for a liver transplant.
Renal failure - this is treated by dialysis, which is a process for removing waste products and additional water from the body by filtering the blood through a special membrane. A kidney transplant is another treatment option. PKD does not redevelop in the transplanted kidney.

Urinaires- infection symptoms can include frequency of urination, painful urination and fever. Consult your doctor immediately about treatment with antibiotics. Untreated urinary tract infection can spread to the kidneys.

Symptoms of CKD

Initially, kidney failure does not appear specific symptoms, the most common is the index of abnormal creatinine and proteinuria.
• Blood pressure is increased because of fluid overload, vascular hormones created by the kidney, and the renin-angiotensine.Cela system will increase the risk of a patient with renal failure and hypertension.
• The potassiumes accumulate in the blood (most common is hyperkalemia), hyperkalemia does dévelolppe generally not until the rate of glomerular filitration falls below 20 to 25 mL / min / 1.732 in this cases, the kidneys will decrease the ability to excrete potassiums. Furthermore, hyperkaliéme CKD may be exacerbated by acidosis (which conduct extracellular potassium change) and the lack of insulin.
• synthesis of erythropoietin is reduced.
• Hyperphosphatemia: due to the reduction of phosphate excretion, following the reduction of glomerular filtration. Hyperphosphatemia is associated with cardiovascular risk, as a direct stimulus to vascular calcification.
• The volume of fluid overload: the symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening edema and pulmonary edema.
• Urea accumulates: leading to azotemia and uremia eventually (symptoms ranging from lethargy to pericarditis).
• metabolic acidosis due to the accumulation of sulfates, phosphates, uric acid, etc.

• Iron deficiency anemia which increases after renal function decreases and a patient who hemodialysis. Other causes teles c: increased inflammation, reduction of erythropoietin.

What patients with polycystic kidney disease should pay attention to diet

Patients with kidney disease often have a lack of calcium, which can cause severe renal osteopathy. for your calcium is within the normal range, you should take foods that can provide abundant calcium, such as broccoli, blackberry, date fruit, etc. I know that the power control is a bit difficult for everyone, but you need to pay attention to food in daily life. In addition to drugs, food plays an important role in the control of creatinine. Here is a brief introduction into daily life. I hope you can follow.
Pay attention to the protein intake
Meat contains high creatine can increase the level of creatinine. High creatinine patients had better not eat too much meat. Protein-rich foods such as fish, beef, sheep entrails of animals, poultry, red meat should be avoided. Because creatine is found mainly in foods rich in protein. Creatine can be divided into creatinine. However, protein is an essential substance for our body, so you should take proper high quality protein, which contains eight kinds of amino acids that can not be made worse by ourselves, such as fish, meat lean, milk, egg white, etc. How much protein should take depends on your health status. In general, 0.6 g / kg per day is recommended. If you are vegetarian, I suggest you take two egg whites a day.
Low-sodium foods
we need to reduce sodium intake. Kidney damage when there is excessive fluid and sodium accumulate in the body can cause patients to have high blood pressure and edema, so patients should choose foods that are lower in sodium in your diet. You should avoid salty foods like pickles, bacon, soup, potatoes, cheese, etc. taking less than 3g of salt a day.
foods rich in potassium and phosphorus

In general, patients with creatinine level is high, their kidneys can not filter potassium and phosphorus from the body. It is good that your phosphorus is at a normal level, but your potassium is lower than normal, so you should take more potassium-rich foods, such as: spinach, carrots, potatoes, grapes, banana and orange.

What is the important function of the kidneys?

The kidney is one of the vital organs of the human body, its basic function is to generate urine, in order to remove certain metabolites and waste, toxins, while retained by the reabsorption of water and other useful substances, such as glucose, protein, amino acids, sodium, potassium ions, sodium bicarbonate, etc., to adjust the balance of water and electrolyte and maintain acid balance -basique. The kidney and endocrine function, production of renin, erythropoietin, vitamin D3 active, prostaglandins, bradykinin, etc. These kidney functions to ensure a stable environment for the body, so be normal metabolism. Each kidney is made more than 100 million units.

The kidney as an important organ of the human body, has six important functions: First: the excretion of metabolites in the body and in the body of harmful substances in the body's metabolism all the time, this process is required to produce a body does not need or even hazardous waste, a small portion of the outer excreted from the gastrointestinal tract most excreted by the kidneys in order to maintain the normal physiological activity of the human body. In addition, the kidneys can not put it in the body of toxic substances from the body. If you have kidney disease, those subject to the excretion of harmful substances affects a lot of hard waste excreted through urine, there will be a lack of energy, fatigue, weakness, etc. If there will be problems on the kidneys, some protein and other nutrients excreted by the leaking urine.
if you have any questions you can ask our doctors, we will give you the free answers.


Renal insufficiency, what harm it

Renal insufficiency, what harm? Had renal insufficiency should be how do believe that many patients with renal insufficiency are very concerned about this issue. Renal dysfunction is a common type of kidney disease, the patient's health caused great harm to the disease. If you do not timely treatment of renal insufficiency or improper treatment, at any time threaten the lives of patients. But many people living in harm caused by renal insufficiency consciousness, often resulting in delays in patient treatment time, resulting in uremia, a threat to life and health. Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors free to provide you with a variety of messages.
Renal insufficiency hazards:
Hazard a: kidney hematopoietic system symptoms. Severe anemia is an important symptom of early patients have bleeding tendency, often accompanied by ecchymosis, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, even vomiting blood, blood in the stool, hematuria, intracranial hemorrhage, and more disease-month experience, the majority may have pericardial bleeding.
Hazard II: skin symptoms. Dry, scaly, dull. Some patients with darker skin, the Department of indemnity due to chronic melanin calm. Uremic discharged from the sweat glands will be cemented white crystals called "urea cream," comfort the skin and cause dermatitis and uremic pruritus (itching skin and secondary is also related to an increase in parathyroid hormone).
Hazard three: the cardiovascular system symptoms. Often hypertension, myocardial damage, heart rhythm disorders, and may have small arteries, retinal arteriosclerosis can affect vision and retinal hemorrhage. Severe cases may show pericardial friction rub (fibrinous pericarditis), the majority may have pericardial effusion, and even pericardial tamponade. By the late renal dysfunction will be more serious harm, easily lead to heart failure appear.

Four hazards: respiratory system performance. Exhaled gases Niaowei, susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Severe metabolic acidosis, can display libraries Secretary Ma big breath. Recognize the hazards of renal dysfunction, an early control of renal disease.

Common presenting symptoms of renal insufficiency

Common presenting symptoms of renal insufficiency, renal insufficiency, we know that is a malignant kidney disease, shijiazhuan kidney disease hospital, experts advise. To timely treatment, otherwise there will be serious consequences. To timely treatment is necessary to discover, to discover renal dysfunction is necessary to understand its associated symptoms. Less common manifestations of renal dysfunction, what does?
Renal insufficiency (renal insufficiency) is caused by a variety of reasons, glomerular serious damage to the body panics after clinical syndrome group in the excretion of metabolic waste and regulate water and electrolyte, acid-base balance and so on. Into acute renal failure and chronic renal insufficiency. Prognosis is serious, is one of the major life-threatening illnesses.
1, the skin manifestations of skin dull, dry, scaling;
2, the hematopoietic system is uremic patients must show anemia symptoms. In addition to anemia, easy bleeding there, such as ecchymosis, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, black stools, etc;
3, the cardiovascular system is often high blood pressure, long-term high blood pressure causes left ventricular hypertrophy expand, myocardial damage, heart failure, toxic substances can cause retention of myocardial damage, occurred uremic pericarditis;
4, respiratory acidosis performance and long deep breathing. Metabolites uremic retention can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, and a corresponding clinical signs and symptoms;
5, gastrointestinal symptoms of uremia in performance is the earliest and most frequently occurring. Beginning with anorexia, abdominal discomfort chief complaint, nausea after vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth odor of urine and oral mucosal ulceration, and even gastrointestinal bleeding and so on;
6, mental, neurological manifestations listlessness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, may have numb limbs, hands and feet burning and itching of skin, even the lower limbs unbearable itching, must constantly moving, you can not pause, etc. can occur late lethargy, irritability, delirium, muscle trembling or twitching, convulsions, coma.
The above is a brief introduction about the common manifestations of renal dysfunction symptoms, when found these disorders when they should take active steps to hospital for examination, early detection and early treatment to prevent the disease reaches the point can not be contained. I hope you have seen the future can be more understanding, but also hope that we can pay more attention to their health in the weekdays, I wish you a happy life and smooth work!

Under normal circumstances, what does the symptoms of kidney disease

Under normal circumstances the symptoms of kidney disease, what does? Mention kidney disease, is the life of metabolic diseases more common in our lives has caused a great impact, but also a serious threat to life and health, especially in the growing number of adverse factors in life today, which disease is extremely common. So we have to have some of the symptoms of kidney disease to understand.
First, abdominal mass, proteinuria, hypertension, and renal dysfunction is among the more common symptoms of kidney disease are. Kidneys enlargement most patients, small amount of urine in patients, usually within one day does not exceed 2g. Survey results show that half of the patients will have hypertension if renal function decline occurs, then the possibility of suffering from high blood pressure will be greater. In addition, patients are also likely to renal dysfunction occurred.
Second, microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. When hematuria episodes of low back pain symptoms was significantly enhanced, and the onset of the inevitable cyclical. If you extreme sports, infection or accidental trauma symptoms will deepen so hematuria.
Third, waist and abdominal pain. Pain and will not be particularly significant, only one or both sides of both or dull aching sensation, and pain, and lower back portion downward spread. However, if the cyst bleeding, then pain will intensify. If the clot blockage of the urinary tract hemorrhage, then you will be serious renal colic.

These are the symptoms of kidney disease which is related presentations made by experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, because many people the symptoms of kidney disease are not particularly aware of, when the characteristics of the disease already appeared, the disease from the patient but no judge has delayed the disease treatment of appreciation.

Patients with renal insufficiency which points to note

Patients with renal insufficiency which points to note? Shijiazhuang kidney disease  hospital experts renal insufficiency is a chronic disease that is not only to patients with severe physical pain, returned to the patient's psychological cause a serious blow, but also to bring the patient's family serious burden, then the normal life in patients with renal insufficiency which points to note?
1. Drinking water should be more in peacetime, if patients with loss of appetite, nausea and other symptoms should promptly to the hospital for examination.
2. The daily dietary protein intake should be limited, the patient can eat some potatoes, milk, eggs and other foods.
3. The right kidney function should avoid taking damage drugs.
4. allow yourself adequate rest, reducing the intensity of work, but also should avoid cold and flu, colds occur once the patient, to timely treatment.
5. In the course of treatment should be to maintain a good attitude, have a positive upbeat attitude, believe they can overcome the disease.

These are patients with renal insufficiency which points to note related presentations made, I believe we have a certain understanding, renal dysfunction is a serious disease, we must pay attention, if there are any questions you can consult Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease hospital online experts.


Diabetic Nephropathy diet

We all know that suffering from diabetes means that we will be what kind of harm, not to mention diabetic nephropathy this disease? Since suffering from the disease should be treated immediately, and also to pay attention to the issue of care for diabetic nephropathy, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctor tells you about the disease diet attention.
1, calcium phosphorus diet
Diabetic nephropathy electrolyte imbalance with low calcium high phosphorus is a common, it should pay attention to calcium phosphorus diet. But often high calcium foods containing phosphorus is also high, so high calcium phosphorus diet emphasizing low phosphorus.
2, high-fiber diet
High-fiber diet helps keep the stool, to maintain the body metabolic balance.
3, high-quality low-protein diet
Excessive protein intake can increase the burden on the kidneys, so to control the amount of protein intake. Eat as much as possible of plant protein, appropriate restrictions staple food (flour, rice also contains certain plant protein), may be appropriate to add milk, egg white, fish, lean meat and other animal protein. In general, patients with serum creatinine levels higher, lower endogenous creatinine clearance, protein intake should be strictly controlled.
4, moderate calorie low-fat diet
Diabetes diet is low-fat diet to control total calories, and calories add diabetic nephropathy should be appropriate. Heat supply, make renal function serum creatinine, urea increased. Caloric intake is too high, not conducive to glycemic control. Fat calories available more low-fat diet requirements.

Diabetic nephropathy in the diet need to pay attention when any kind of problem, I believe that at the moment you have understanding for diabetic diet, of course, not only for the treatment of diseases for the diet, the same you need to know more about the disease nursing knowledge.

What are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a nephrotic syndrome, causing great harm, when patients suffering from this disease do not know when, when they often have found themselves at a later stage, so early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy recognition becomes very important. To identify the correct diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy is necessary to recognize the different symptoms of the various stages of diabetic nephropathy in different periods, in order to achieve some attention in the dietary treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Here I judge from diabetic nephropathy points, according to the progression of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy basis during the course describes the various symptoms of diabetic nephropathy.
Diabetic nephropathy judge points
1, some patients will experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort. 4. anorexia, weight loss, weakness. Since the blood glucose can not enter cells, the cells due to the lack of energy. Heartbeat fast, slow and deep breathing. Elevated blood glucose test values. Patient urine test results were positive.
2, there are associated symptoms of thirst, the patient will be particularly patients even feel thirsty to drink much water to no avail. Urine so that after the body of water is reduced, when the total body water is reduced from 1 to 2%, the thirst center in the brain can cause excitement and thinking drink, will produce extreme thirst physiological phenomenon.
3, the general high blood sugar in patients with the most prominent manifestation of this is urine, dry skin, dehydrated. Urine not only refers to the number of urine increased, but also increased urine output, 24 hours up to 20 times, up to 2-3 liters of urine and even as much as 10 liters. Even more foam urine, urine stains pale, tacky. Polyuria is due to elevated blood sugar, than renal glucose threshold (8.9 ~ 10mmol / l), into the urine sugar and more, so urinary frequency and increased urine output.
If you experience some of these symptoms, it must be related to early examination, diagnosis, and targeted treatment. A better understanding of what the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, in order to better achieve the "Early diagnosis and treatment," in order to better improve the prognosis of patients with diabetic nephropathy!
Based on the progression of diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy is caused by chronic kidney complications of diabetes. On diabetic nephropathy is divided into five periods (I - Ⅴ period), which does not occur in diabetic patients with multiple early stage (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ) kidney disease when no symptoms or only mild clinical manifestations, such as early morning eyelid edema and so on. Once diabetic nephropathy obvious symptoms, much has entered the late stage, a great deal of difficulty for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, early detection and early treatment can effectively prevent the deterioration of the patient's disease progression, prevent its development to become diabetic kidney failure, uremia, improve quality of life in patients with diabetic nephropathy fundamentally.
Based on the progression of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy symptoms are different:
1, proteinuria. Proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy is the first sign of symptoms. Early diabetic nephropathy, urinary albumin symptoms only for selective proteinuria, this state is sustainable for many years. With the progression of diabetic nephropathy in patients with persistent proteinuria symptoms began to appear, the glomerular filtration rate decreased, the severity of kidney disease will further increase. At this time, a large number of patients with diabetic nephropathy proteinuria, glomerular filtration rate below normal, worsening kidney patients progress will be difficult to control, will soon become diabetic renal failure.
2, edema, and nephrotic syndrome. Early diabetic nephropathy generally no edema; when the 24-hour urinary protein excretion in diabetic nephropathy in patients with more than three grams, edema occurs. Once patients with significant systemic edema, diabetic nephropathy is the disease state was sustained progress. Diabetic nephropathy patients body edema symptoms appear sick people more than half of which may be due to diabetic nephropathy lost a lot of protein in the urine caused by hypoalbuminemia due. The longer duration of diabetes patients with nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy induced edema more complications, wherein about 20% of diabetic patients have nephrotic syndrome appears.
3, high blood pressure. Hypertension in diabetic patients with kidney disease is common, it is a symptom of diabetic nephropathy late, persistent proteinuria occurred long period of diabetic nephropathy in patients with multiple symptoms of hypertension. Initially, only patients with diabetic nephropathy in blood pressure after exercise; when there is persistent proteinuria, sustained increases in blood pressure and more. Hypertension in patients with diabetic nephropathy will accelerate the deterioration of renal function the rate of progress, it is an effective control of hypertension in patients with diabetic nephropathy in terms very important.
4, renal failure. Diabetes occurs when kidney damage, which is a progressive disease process, eventually developed into azotemia, uremia. The early stages of diabetic nephropathy, in order to meet the needs of the body row of sugar, glomerular filtration rate increases, the level of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine is normal. Once the body of persistent proteinuria, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations in patients will increase, and thus the performance of renal insufficiency, when not controlled, patients with diabetic nephropathy and more development of uremia within a few years.
5, anemia. Diabetic nephropathy patients have significant azotemia, may have mild to moderate symptoms of anemia, iron therapy ineffective. Erythropoiesis disorder caused by anemia, which may limit the long-term patients with diabetic nephropathy protein diet, the occurrence of azotemia related.
6, other symptoms. With the progression of diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy symptoms can occur in patients. Although diabetic retinopathy caused by non-diabetic nephropathy, but often coexist with diabetic nephropathy. In addition, often accompanied by a variety of complications of diabetic nephropathy symptoms: heart failure and complications of diabetic nephropathy cystitis often affect renal function; ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma with circulatory failure, patients with diabetic nephropathy also acute renal failure; and so on.
Basis during the course of diabetic nephropathy
The first phase of diabetic nephropathy is no obvious symptoms, but kidney function tests can be found in the glomerular filtration rate increased.
The second phase of diabetic nephropathy, patients still no obvious symptoms, urinary albumin excretion rate at rest is normal, ie <20 micrograms / min, exercise stress urinary albumin excretion rate when increased. During this period, the patient may still higher glomerular filtration rate, or reduced to normal. If biopsy can be found early glomerular lesions.
The third phase of diabetic nephropathy, also known as the early stage of diabetic nephropathy, patients began to appear obvious exception of the period from the beginning, renal function tests persistent microalbuminuria, that urinary protein excretion rate has continued to 20-200 micrograms / min To do this on the mark, but still negative urine protein tests. This period was normal in patients with glomerular filtration rate, blood pressure began to appear. Once developed to the stage of diabetic nephropathy, a kidney disease is not reversible.
Diabetic nephropathy fourth clinical stage, the main feature of this period was massive proteinuria, urinary protein excretion> 3.5 g / day, urine protein-positive patients voiding performance can be found in a typical proteinuria, namely urine more foam, and foam for a long time can not be dissipated. In addition, patients with hypertension, edema, etc.
Five of diabetic nephropathy, which is the fifth stage renal failure, also often referred to as clinical end-stage renal disease. From the beginning of massive proteinuria, to accelerate the deterioration of renal function in patients until kidney failure. The amount of protein in the urine of patients diminished, patients showed significant blood pressure and edema, and anemia in this period, and because of late diabetic patients are often malnourished, so more prone to other complications, such as retinopathy.

Diabetic nephropathy early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment to improve the treatment of patients with hypertensive nephropathy effect has a positive meaning, has a very important role! Because a better understanding of what the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, as well as to improve the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in patients with quality of life plays an important role. Early clinical symptoms of diabetic nephropathy is not obvious until diabetic symptoms appeared more obvious when you have entered a relatively late stage, the treatment will increase the difficulty


High creatinine eating walnuts can it?

Creatinine is affected by many factors. High creatinine eating walnuts can it? For patients with high creatinine, creatinine, a control diet is a very important aspect. We in the end how the diet attention? High creatinine eating walnuts can it? Today we have invited experts to talk about high creatinine eating walnuts can it?
High creatinine can not eat high-fat foods, which controls the following principles:
1, should put less cooking oil, and should not eat fried, fried and greasy foods.
2, in order to contain less saturated fatty acids of vegetable oils is preferred.
High creatinine patient can not eat foods high in potassium, potassium content of common foods are as follows:
1, the amount of potassium per 100 grams of food at 150 milligrams or less of common foods: onions, pumpkins, squash, melon, eggplant, watermelon, apple, pear, Beijing Pear, Red Shaw pears, pineapple, etc.
2, the amount of potassium per 100 grams of food in the 150-250 mg of common foods: fresh bean, taro, carrot, radish, Radish, radish, cabbage, cabbage, Wara sub-rod, celery, leek, oranges, citrus, duck wide pear, persimmon and so on.

3, the amount of potassium per 100 grams of food in more than 250 milligrams of common foods: fresh peas, lentils, potatoes, yams, lotus root, water chestnuts, cabbage, rape, spinach, amaranth, lettuce, garlic, green onions, cauliflower, yellow tomato , fresh mushrooms, mushrooms, white fungus, black fungus, kelp, seaweed, grapefruit, peaches, apricots, dates, red berries, bananas.

High creatinine you can eat nuts

Diet high in patients with creatinine What is important to note it? When creatinine increase would mean the emergence of kidney disease, a good diet for its treatment have some help, for patients with high creatinine limit salt diet, the choice of quality protein, etc. are necessary. Director of kidney treatment center experts tell you how to diet in patients with high creatinine.
High creatinine can eat dried fruit it?
1, requires high-quality protein:
Because patient azotemia, renal insufficiency, renal function continued to deteriorate in order to control, protein intake should be controlled, the choice of high quality protein-rich diet. Such as fish, lean meat and so on.
2, requires vitamin supplements:
High creatinine renal failure patients should choose foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C foods.
3, requiring salt restriction:
Decompensated renal insufficiency, azotemia in patients began a variety of mild clinical symptoms, due to pathological damage is not heavy, renal insufficiency, renal failure, serum creatinine only high, but no oliguria, no swelling and the patient can not help but salt water, maintain a low-salt diet. If there is severe edema, and high blood pressure and even heart failure cases should be strictly limited ban salt. Principle is to eat less.
High creatinine can eat nuts it? For a certain understanding of how diet, but high creatinine What are the dangers of it, how it reduces creatinine values. Kidney disease treatment center for the treatment of high creatinine is to be able to drop in creatinine of drug impaired kidney area, repair damaged kidney cells and restore its function, to achieve the purpose of treatment.


How do high creatinine nephropathy

Annual physical creatinine values are between 115 to 117, there have been two times is about 123. Recently inspected once every six months to two years, creatinine values are between 115 to 123. Urine routine examination were normal, with a little occult blood.
Organism per 20 grams of muscle metabolism mg creatinine every one, if not strenuous exercise, the amount of creatinine in the daily endogenous fairly constant. Except for a small, mainly filtered by renal tubular excretion by glomerular outside to the original urine, renal tubular reabsorption no longer lead.
Check before serum creatinine, should pay attention to control of exogenous creatinine (ie, lean meat and other protein foods) balanced intake and physical activity, can be done to check the endogenous creatinine clearance, if necessary, it is the judgment of glomerular damage sensitive indicators.

Daily Notes, suggestions usually should pay attention to rest, daily diet should be the law, as little as possible to stay up late. Especially in today's society work pressure, many people in a healthy condition, usually have to pay attention to rest and relax.

How do high creatinine

One of the largest projects to check kidney patients is creatinine. When you see the decline in creatinine values, the patient will feel very at ease in mind, the condition is improving. If creatinine continues to rise, the patient will be insecure, seeking better treatment, in order to be able to come down as soon as creatinine. Southern Medical University Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine kidney center experts pointed out that high creatinine for kidney patients, really need to pay attention to the problem. This is because the muscles in the human body creatinine is a product of metabolism, mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. High creatinine renal excretory function described a problem. If the accumulated to a certain extent, there is a high creatinine hazards.
High creatinine usually cause damage to the body's various systems:
First, sodium metabolism disorders: high creatinine will appear hyponatremia or hypernatremia. Second, potassium metabolism disorders: often accompanied by high creatinine hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
Third, water metabolism disorders include: polyuria, nocturia, thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue; or systemic edema, elevated blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure.
Fourth, aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and other metabolic disorders.
Five, renal osteodystrophy: bone pain and proximal muscle weakness; pain often generalized to lower body weight discreet bone for bone deformities can cause short stature and other symptoms.
Six, metabolic acidosis: patients with high creatinine may have large and long deep breathing, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, irritability and even coma and other symptoms.
Seven, circulatory system diseases.
Eight, digestive disease.
Nine, blood system diseases, such as renal anemia and so on.
Ten, respiratory system diseases. High creatinine influence on the human body is relatively large. Therefore, patients are not worried about excess. The most important thing is to have a good way to be able to control the progression of the disease. Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Southern Medical Center kidney after years of clinical practice, through debate and treatment, herbal multi-target transdermal therapy for control of high creatinine get better results. What is creatinine and creatinine were normal renal function are what does that mean creatinine is often feel very strange when you hear the term will be patient. Southern Chinese and Western medicine combined with expert Hospital Medical Center kidney to answer your questions. Creatinine is produced in human muscle metabolism ... 296 is not nephritis high creatinine Creatinine is a metabolic product of muscle tissue. Creatinine mainly by glomerular filtration, renal tubular reabsorption little serum creatinine levels generally fairly constant.

Patient Counseling: diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, creatinine 160 checks, urine albumin protein 2+,, 28.5, 3.44 microglobulin. At present, in addition to eating antihypertensive drugs, insulin injections, there is no other way? Creatinine liter Description impaired kidney function, has exceeded its compensatory ability, this time to actively intervene and delay progression of renal function deterioration.
