
Common presenting symptoms of renal insufficiency

Common presenting symptoms of renal insufficiency, renal insufficiency, we know that is a malignant kidney disease, shijiazhuan kidney disease hospital, experts advise. To timely treatment, otherwise there will be serious consequences. To timely treatment is necessary to discover, to discover renal dysfunction is necessary to understand its associated symptoms. Less common manifestations of renal dysfunction, what does?
Renal insufficiency (renal insufficiency) is caused by a variety of reasons, glomerular serious damage to the body panics after clinical syndrome group in the excretion of metabolic waste and regulate water and electrolyte, acid-base balance and so on. Into acute renal failure and chronic renal insufficiency. Prognosis is serious, is one of the major life-threatening illnesses.
1, the skin manifestations of skin dull, dry, scaling;
2, the hematopoietic system is uremic patients must show anemia symptoms. In addition to anemia, easy bleeding there, such as ecchymosis, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, black stools, etc;
3, the cardiovascular system is often high blood pressure, long-term high blood pressure causes left ventricular hypertrophy expand, myocardial damage, heart failure, toxic substances can cause retention of myocardial damage, occurred uremic pericarditis;
4, respiratory acidosis performance and long deep breathing. Metabolites uremic retention can cause bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, and a corresponding clinical signs and symptoms;
5, gastrointestinal symptoms of uremia in performance is the earliest and most frequently occurring. Beginning with anorexia, abdominal discomfort chief complaint, nausea after vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth odor of urine and oral mucosal ulceration, and even gastrointestinal bleeding and so on;
6, mental, neurological manifestations listlessness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, may have numb limbs, hands and feet burning and itching of skin, even the lower limbs unbearable itching, must constantly moving, you can not pause, etc. can occur late lethargy, irritability, delirium, muscle trembling or twitching, convulsions, coma.
The above is a brief introduction about the common manifestations of renal dysfunction symptoms, when found these disorders when they should take active steps to hospital for examination, early detection and early treatment to prevent the disease reaches the point can not be contained. I hope you have seen the future can be more understanding, but also hope that we can pay more attention to their health in the weekdays, I wish you a happy life and smooth work!


