
How do high creatinine nephropathy

Annual physical creatinine values are between 115 to 117, there have been two times is about 123. Recently inspected once every six months to two years, creatinine values are between 115 to 123. Urine routine examination were normal, with a little occult blood.
Organism per 20 grams of muscle metabolism mg creatinine every one, if not strenuous exercise, the amount of creatinine in the daily endogenous fairly constant. Except for a small, mainly filtered by renal tubular excretion by glomerular outside to the original urine, renal tubular reabsorption no longer lead.
Check before serum creatinine, should pay attention to control of exogenous creatinine (ie, lean meat and other protein foods) balanced intake and physical activity, can be done to check the endogenous creatinine clearance, if necessary, it is the judgment of glomerular damage sensitive indicators.

Daily Notes, suggestions usually should pay attention to rest, daily diet should be the law, as little as possible to stay up late. Especially in today's society work pressure, many people in a healthy condition, usually have to pay attention to rest and relax.


