
How do high creatinine

One of the largest projects to check kidney patients is creatinine. When you see the decline in creatinine values, the patient will feel very at ease in mind, the condition is improving. If creatinine continues to rise, the patient will be insecure, seeking better treatment, in order to be able to come down as soon as creatinine. Southern Medical University Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine kidney center experts pointed out that high creatinine for kidney patients, really need to pay attention to the problem. This is because the muscles in the human body creatinine is a product of metabolism, mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. High creatinine renal excretory function described a problem. If the accumulated to a certain extent, there is a high creatinine hazards.
High creatinine usually cause damage to the body's various systems:
First, sodium metabolism disorders: high creatinine will appear hyponatremia or hypernatremia. Second, potassium metabolism disorders: often accompanied by high creatinine hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
Third, water metabolism disorders include: polyuria, nocturia, thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue; or systemic edema, elevated blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure.
Fourth, aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and other metabolic disorders.
Five, renal osteodystrophy: bone pain and proximal muscle weakness; pain often generalized to lower body weight discreet bone for bone deformities can cause short stature and other symptoms.
Six, metabolic acidosis: patients with high creatinine may have large and long deep breathing, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, irritability and even coma and other symptoms.
Seven, circulatory system diseases.
Eight, digestive disease.
Nine, blood system diseases, such as renal anemia and so on.
Ten, respiratory system diseases. High creatinine influence on the human body is relatively large. Therefore, patients are not worried about excess. The most important thing is to have a good way to be able to control the progression of the disease. Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Southern Medical Center kidney after years of clinical practice, through debate and treatment, herbal multi-target transdermal therapy for control of high creatinine get better results. What is creatinine and creatinine were normal renal function are what does that mean creatinine is often feel very strange when you hear the term will be patient. Southern Chinese and Western medicine combined with expert Hospital Medical Center kidney to answer your questions. Creatinine is produced in human muscle metabolism ... 296 is not nephritis high creatinine Creatinine is a metabolic product of muscle tissue. Creatinine mainly by glomerular filtration, renal tubular reabsorption little serum creatinine levels generally fairly constant.

Patient Counseling: diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, creatinine 160 checks, urine albumin protein 2+,, 28.5, 3.44 microglobulin. At present, in addition to eating antihypertensive drugs, insulin injections, there is no other way? Creatinine liter Description impaired kidney function, has exceeded its compensatory ability, this time to actively intervene and delay progression of renal function deterioration.


