
What are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a nephrotic syndrome, causing great harm, when patients suffering from this disease do not know when, when they often have found themselves at a later stage, so early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy recognition becomes very important. To identify the correct diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy is necessary to recognize the different symptoms of the various stages of diabetic nephropathy in different periods, in order to achieve some attention in the dietary treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Here I judge from diabetic nephropathy points, according to the progression of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy basis during the course describes the various symptoms of diabetic nephropathy.
Diabetic nephropathy judge points
1, some patients will experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort. 4. anorexia, weight loss, weakness. Since the blood glucose can not enter cells, the cells due to the lack of energy. Heartbeat fast, slow and deep breathing. Elevated blood glucose test values. Patient urine test results were positive.
2, there are associated symptoms of thirst, the patient will be particularly patients even feel thirsty to drink much water to no avail. Urine so that after the body of water is reduced, when the total body water is reduced from 1 to 2%, the thirst center in the brain can cause excitement and thinking drink, will produce extreme thirst physiological phenomenon.
3, the general high blood sugar in patients with the most prominent manifestation of this is urine, dry skin, dehydrated. Urine not only refers to the number of urine increased, but also increased urine output, 24 hours up to 20 times, up to 2-3 liters of urine and even as much as 10 liters. Even more foam urine, urine stains pale, tacky. Polyuria is due to elevated blood sugar, than renal glucose threshold (8.9 ~ 10mmol / l), into the urine sugar and more, so urinary frequency and increased urine output.
If you experience some of these symptoms, it must be related to early examination, diagnosis, and targeted treatment. A better understanding of what the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, in order to better achieve the "Early diagnosis and treatment," in order to better improve the prognosis of patients with diabetic nephropathy!
Based on the progression of diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy is caused by chronic kidney complications of diabetes. On diabetic nephropathy is divided into five periods (I - Ⅴ period), which does not occur in diabetic patients with multiple early stage (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ) kidney disease when no symptoms or only mild clinical manifestations, such as early morning eyelid edema and so on. Once diabetic nephropathy obvious symptoms, much has entered the late stage, a great deal of difficulty for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, early detection and early treatment can effectively prevent the deterioration of the patient's disease progression, prevent its development to become diabetic kidney failure, uremia, improve quality of life in patients with diabetic nephropathy fundamentally.
Based on the progression of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy symptoms are different:
1, proteinuria. Proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy is the first sign of symptoms. Early diabetic nephropathy, urinary albumin symptoms only for selective proteinuria, this state is sustainable for many years. With the progression of diabetic nephropathy in patients with persistent proteinuria symptoms began to appear, the glomerular filtration rate decreased, the severity of kidney disease will further increase. At this time, a large number of patients with diabetic nephropathy proteinuria, glomerular filtration rate below normal, worsening kidney patients progress will be difficult to control, will soon become diabetic renal failure.
2, edema, and nephrotic syndrome. Early diabetic nephropathy generally no edema; when the 24-hour urinary protein excretion in diabetic nephropathy in patients with more than three grams, edema occurs. Once patients with significant systemic edema, diabetic nephropathy is the disease state was sustained progress. Diabetic nephropathy patients body edema symptoms appear sick people more than half of which may be due to diabetic nephropathy lost a lot of protein in the urine caused by hypoalbuminemia due. The longer duration of diabetes patients with nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy induced edema more complications, wherein about 20% of diabetic patients have nephrotic syndrome appears.
3, high blood pressure. Hypertension in diabetic patients with kidney disease is common, it is a symptom of diabetic nephropathy late, persistent proteinuria occurred long period of diabetic nephropathy in patients with multiple symptoms of hypertension. Initially, only patients with diabetic nephropathy in blood pressure after exercise; when there is persistent proteinuria, sustained increases in blood pressure and more. Hypertension in patients with diabetic nephropathy will accelerate the deterioration of renal function the rate of progress, it is an effective control of hypertension in patients with diabetic nephropathy in terms very important.
4, renal failure. Diabetes occurs when kidney damage, which is a progressive disease process, eventually developed into azotemia, uremia. The early stages of diabetic nephropathy, in order to meet the needs of the body row of sugar, glomerular filtration rate increases, the level of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine is normal. Once the body of persistent proteinuria, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations in patients will increase, and thus the performance of renal insufficiency, when not controlled, patients with diabetic nephropathy and more development of uremia within a few years.
5, anemia. Diabetic nephropathy patients have significant azotemia, may have mild to moderate symptoms of anemia, iron therapy ineffective. Erythropoiesis disorder caused by anemia, which may limit the long-term patients with diabetic nephropathy protein diet, the occurrence of azotemia related.
6, other symptoms. With the progression of diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy symptoms can occur in patients. Although diabetic retinopathy caused by non-diabetic nephropathy, but often coexist with diabetic nephropathy. In addition, often accompanied by a variety of complications of diabetic nephropathy symptoms: heart failure and complications of diabetic nephropathy cystitis often affect renal function; ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma with circulatory failure, patients with diabetic nephropathy also acute renal failure; and so on.
Basis during the course of diabetic nephropathy
The first phase of diabetic nephropathy is no obvious symptoms, but kidney function tests can be found in the glomerular filtration rate increased.
The second phase of diabetic nephropathy, patients still no obvious symptoms, urinary albumin excretion rate at rest is normal, ie <20 micrograms / min, exercise stress urinary albumin excretion rate when increased. During this period, the patient may still higher glomerular filtration rate, or reduced to normal. If biopsy can be found early glomerular lesions.
The third phase of diabetic nephropathy, also known as the early stage of diabetic nephropathy, patients began to appear obvious exception of the period from the beginning, renal function tests persistent microalbuminuria, that urinary protein excretion rate has continued to 20-200 micrograms / min To do this on the mark, but still negative urine protein tests. This period was normal in patients with glomerular filtration rate, blood pressure began to appear. Once developed to the stage of diabetic nephropathy, a kidney disease is not reversible.
Diabetic nephropathy fourth clinical stage, the main feature of this period was massive proteinuria, urinary protein excretion> 3.5 g / day, urine protein-positive patients voiding performance can be found in a typical proteinuria, namely urine more foam, and foam for a long time can not be dissipated. In addition, patients with hypertension, edema, etc.
Five of diabetic nephropathy, which is the fifth stage renal failure, also often referred to as clinical end-stage renal disease. From the beginning of massive proteinuria, to accelerate the deterioration of renal function in patients until kidney failure. The amount of protein in the urine of patients diminished, patients showed significant blood pressure and edema, and anemia in this period, and because of late diabetic patients are often malnourished, so more prone to other complications, such as retinopathy.

Diabetic nephropathy early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment to improve the treatment of patients with hypertensive nephropathy effect has a positive meaning, has a very important role! Because a better understanding of what the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, as well as to improve the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in patients with quality of life plays an important role. Early clinical symptoms of diabetic nephropathy is not obvious until diabetic symptoms appeared more obvious when you have entered a relatively late stage, the treatment will increase the difficulty


