
High creatinine you can eat nuts

Diet high in patients with creatinine What is important to note it? When creatinine increase would mean the emergence of kidney disease, a good diet for its treatment have some help, for patients with high creatinine limit salt diet, the choice of quality protein, etc. are necessary. Director of kidney treatment center experts tell you how to diet in patients with high creatinine.
High creatinine can eat dried fruit it?
1, requires high-quality protein:
Because patient azotemia, renal insufficiency, renal function continued to deteriorate in order to control, protein intake should be controlled, the choice of high quality protein-rich diet. Such as fish, lean meat and so on.
2, requires vitamin supplements:
High creatinine renal failure patients should choose foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C foods.
3, requiring salt restriction:
Decompensated renal insufficiency, azotemia in patients began a variety of mild clinical symptoms, due to pathological damage is not heavy, renal insufficiency, renal failure, serum creatinine only high, but no oliguria, no swelling and the patient can not help but salt water, maintain a low-salt diet. If there is severe edema, and high blood pressure and even heart failure cases should be strictly limited ban salt. Principle is to eat less.
High creatinine can eat nuts it? For a certain understanding of how diet, but high creatinine What are the dangers of it, how it reduces creatinine values. Kidney disease treatment center for the treatment of high creatinine is to be able to drop in creatinine of drug impaired kidney area, repair damaged kidney cells and restore its function, to achieve the purpose of treatment.


