
24-hour urinary protein excretion what use is it

24-hour urinary protein excretion what use is it? In daily life, many people will appear in the examination when the phenomenon of high urinary protein, but do not know how to do that when the time with normal renal function, proteinuria in the normal range, sometimes there will be a high urine protein phenomenon, following on from a kidney specialist for everyone for a detailed answer to this question!
24-hour urinary protein excretion what use is it?
Normal daily urinary excretion of protein is generally 40 to 80 mg, the upper limit is 150 mg, called physiological proteinuria, which is the normal 24-hour urine protein. Due to less conventional laboratory testing was negative. And more than 150 mg / day, this is an unusual phenomenon that urinary protein.
Under normal circumstances, the body in strenuous exercise, heavy labor, emotional, cold, heat, and at the time of stress, urinary protein excretion may increase, called a transient urinary protein, in a few hours or a few days later can be restored to normal. Also patients with kidney disease may also occur in urine protein, called pathological urinary protein, which is more than 24 hours of normal urinary protein, to timely treatment.
Inspection methods urine protein checks and urine protein checks are often taken to check the method of urinary protein qualitative and quantitative examination of two checks. Qualitative examination is placed in the urine drug test or test strips, according to their degree of discoloration of urine to check for protein, quantitative examination is investigating the amount of protein in the urine contained copies a day, from these tests to understand kidney function Are there obstacles.

24-hour urinary protein excretion what use is it? Above is related presentations on 24 hours a day of normal urine protein, hoping to be helpful to everyone, to remind you, if once the examination revealed abnormal, should be treated promptly to avoid the body and life to bring greater harm.
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