
Diarrhea, acute renal failure, oliguria to be alert

Even a little diarrhea can cause acute renal failure? It turned out that the human body can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration, if you do not replenish moisture, renal ischemia situation will arise, causing acute renal failure. If severe diarrhea accompanied by oliguria, or even no symptoms of the solution, you should seek immediate medical attention.
Diarrhea did not care, and eventually even lead to kidney failure it! Xiao Zhou is a representative of the company, three days ago, and friends gathering to eat hot pot restaurants. After returning home he began to stop diarrhea, toss a night is not enough, the next morning and pulled several times. Xiao Zhou too troublesome to the hospital, they casually ate diarrhea medicine. Eat for two days of medicine, diarrhea stopped, may appear small weeks furrow eyes, his face sallow, urine solution no symptoms. Doctors quickly diagnosed, Xiao Zhou is acute renal failure caused by severe diarrhea.
Why would hurt diarrhea kidney?
? Why diarrhea will hurt the cause of acute renal failure, the kidneys it is mainly divided into three categories: pre-renal, renal parenchymal after renal. Among them, the most common pre-renal renal failure, mainly due to a serious shortage of effective blood volume leads to renal hypoperfusion blood and cause kidney dysfunction. Xiao Zhou diarrhea causes the body to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, loss of nutrients, the body's internal environment destruction. Patients with severe water shortages will, if not able to replenish moisture, under hypovolemia case, there will be cases of renal ischemia, causing acute renal failure.
Diarrhea, acute renal failure will lead to it? Experts say not necessarily. Severe diarrhea leading to higher risk of renal failure, renal failure, low probability of mild diarrhea caused. If diarrhea, nausea, decreased amount of urine, weakness, leg edema and other symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor immediately, to exclude the possibility of acute renal failure.
Diagnosed with acute renal failure, after early treatment, most patients can resume normal renal function. Clinical data show that kidney function is still 10% to 20% of patients can not be fully restored, and gradually develop chronic renal failure, requiring long-term dialysis. So, do not diarrhea also carrying avoid catastrophe, lifelong regret.
How to prevent dehydration?
Recognize early symptoms of dehydration, especially in mild to moderate dehydration, family therapy can begin promptly. For mild dehydration, it can be a way of oral fluids. The best homemade rehydration drink soup. (Rice soup production methods: first boil a liter of water, then pour a bowl of rice, then boiled for 5 to 10 minutes, until a thin paste of water into the cooked rice into the container, add a tablespoon of sugar. and salt. when the liquid to be cooled down to room temperature, a thin paste, rice on the production well.
Secondly, you can go to the drugstore to buy oral rehydration salts, is one good way to correct dehydration. For older children, but also drinking beverages containing electrolytes and sugar sold in supermarkets. Because of these correct dehydration fluid smells bad, children do not want to accept. Should take a few times approach. If vomiting occurs after the baby is taking it from a small start, every 10 to 15 ml every 15 to 30 minutes. After the baby can tolerate, and added to each 30 ml, 60 ml. If the baby continues to diarrhea, you do not need to limit the total amount of children taking.

Critical fluids is uniform, slow. Especially in patients with small babies. Sometimes, in order to adjust the speed of the liquid to drink, the liquid can be dipped in the towel and let the baby sucking towels. More than 1 year old child can also be used to suck popsicles way. If, after the family are not satisfied after rehydration therapy, has grown to one of severe dehydration, or factors that cause dehydration persists, it should go to the hospital for a doctor's guidance, if necessary, intravenous infusion.


