
It appears serious 2+ proteinuria

2+ proteinuria appears serious? People appear 2+ proteinuria are more confused, do not appear to know how it was 2+ proteinuria. In fact, patients with kidney disease should no stranger to this. In order to allow everyone a good understanding of 2+ proteinuria, urinary protein 2+ serious? Following on from the kidney specialists for you on the next 2+ proteinuria.
2+ proteinuria appears serious?
First, let's take a look at the urine protein, urine protein after heating by acidifying the urine turbid and detected proteins. The normal range for 24-hour urine protein ≦ 0.15g, routine laboratory urine protein test is negative. Such as the detection of proteinuria> 150 mg / day, hour urine protein that is positive, indicating that the amount of protein in urine increased significantly discharged from the body, are abnormal urinary protein. Urinary protein remains positive, often on behalf of kidney lesions occurred. Kidney and urinary protein 2+ represents a problem.
In addition, experts say testing, 24-hour urinary protein excretion of normal reference value of 10 to 150 mg. If 150 to 500 milligrams, for microalbuminuria,> 500 mg clinical proteinuria. Tip microalbuminuria in early diabetic nephropathy, need long-term control of blood glucose, to reverse or delay kidney disease and retinopathy progression of some significance.
Normal urine contained no or only trace amounts of protein, test results were negative (-), when urine protein content up to a certain amount is to check the result is positive (+). 2+ proteinuria appears very serious? Urinary protein 2 + (++, two plus) is doing a result 24 hours urine protein detection. Also can be expressed as two plus proteinuria, urinary protein +2, several statements is a meaning. Urinary protein mean plus two 1L urine contains protein 1.0 ~ 2.0g, namely 1.0 ~ 2.0g / L.

2+ proteinuria appears serious? These are the experts to explain 2+ proteinuria on! I hope you can understand that if there is anything you do not understand where you can click on the online experts for consultation, the experts will make a detailed answer to your problem!
anyquestions you can ask Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital doctors. They will give you the best free advices.


