
Hematuria is a dangerous signal

At a gathering of friends, W lady called me to her side. Anxious expression on her face, I infer that she must have something on his mind. Sure enough, W lady told me that when the recent discovery of two days urine wash the meat watery urine, she did not know whether the situation is serious, or need to the hospital to be checked.
After listening to Ms. W's narrative, I asked her recently whether the medication, as well as eating the food situation. Because some drugs, such as rifampicin, Dilantin, phenothiazines, as well as certain foods, such as beets, senna, etc. make urine was red peppers, looks like gross hematuria, but the urine OK routine inspection, there is no red blood cells in the urine. If red blood cells in urine routine examination under the microscope more than three numbers, then it is called hematuria medicine. In rare cases, hematuria can, after menstruation or catheter inserted pollution caused by strenuous exercise. If you have not talked about the above mentioned situations, the urine is a dangerous signal.
Some hematuria patients feel good, no discomfort, very mild hematuria or flickering, this is the patient often careless, not timely medical treatment, resulting in delayed diagnosis and treatment. According to a group of 246 cases without symptoms hematuria statistics, found that there is a serious urinary tract lesions (22%), which accounted for 10% of malignant tumors; another group of 200 cases of hematuria, and urinary tract diseases accounted for 20% of severe, malignant tumor as much as 13%. So hematuria urinary tract disorders may have serious alarm, every patient hematuria patients should conduct a detailed and systematic checks.
Young, middle-aged, elderly patients cause hematuria are not identical. Order incidence of hematuria adolescents with urinary tract infections, glomerulonephritis, is a common congenital urinary tract malformations. Middle-aged places urinary tract infections, bladder stones and tumors as much. 40 to 60 year-old patient, men with bladder cancer, kidney or ureter cancer, women with urinary tract infections, stones, bladder cancer is common. Patients over 60 years of age, men with an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, urinary tract infections, women with bladder cancer, urinary tract infection is common.
As Ms. W, what is the reason caused hematuria, you need to carry out a series of checks to clear. General hospital examination procedure is to first define what hematuria from the site, do phase microscopy, see urine RBC morphology. Such as red blood cell morphology exotic, varied, significant differences in shape and size, the number of red blood cells per milliliter of urine over 8000, compared with glomerular disease caused by renal biopsy should be done, there is no need to do CT, cystoscopy, renal vascular there are both expensive check imaging and other damage, if the urine of normal red blood cell morphology, intravenous urography should check CT, B ultrasound, cystoscopy and so on. Through these inspections, the vast majority of patients with hematuria can determine what kind of illness due.

The next day, over the age of 50, according to my request, Ms. W was admitted to the hospital. Soon, was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Fortunately still early, surgeons carefully removed her tumor, is still alive and healthy.


