
Diabetic nephropathy patients how to let oneself health through diet

饮食糖尿病肾病 - 既要保证足够的热量和营养,同时也限制碳水化合物,脂肪和蛋白质,所以如果条件应该是一个营养师的指导下,根据病情,调整膳食。关于采取蛋白质饮食的长期摄入的问题,可能会加重肾脏的高滤过状态,同时增加产量和氮潴留的毒性代谢产物的体内,造成进一步损害肾功能。因此,我们建议以限制饮食,以减轻肾脏损伤蛋白质的量。有患者认为,以素食为主或不吃肉类,奶制品,鸡蛋是一种低蛋白饮食,但在植物蛋白中必需氨基酸的素食含有较少,不能满足机体的需要,可能会导致长期食用蛋白质营养不良,不利于肾功能恢复。如何限制蛋白质摄入限制蛋白质的总量。一般建议,日常饮食中的蛋白质,根据0。6-0。为8g /公斤体重给定的标准,还要增加优质蛋白质的极限星范围内的比例。

的糖尿病肾病患者3,4是,在坚持糖尿病营养治疗的原则,而另一方面,有很好的每日摄入蛋白质的数量和质量,失去平衡,它可能是有益的,恢复肾脏。例如:身高170厘米,65千克,80毫克尿白蛋白/分钟的标准体重是早期糖尿病肾病。因此,总的每日膳食中蛋白质摄入量应为:.. 65×0 6-65×0 8 = 39克〜52克25克优质蛋白质应占多。当糖尿病肾病发展到终末期肾病时,蛋白质限制应更加严格。临床采用部分小麦淀粉作为食物的主要能量来源,而不是大米和面粉。因为大米和面粉等主食中含有较多量的非优质植物蛋白(每片含约4克50克),而小麦淀粉植物的蛋白质含量是最小的。但小麦淀粉生产是不容易的,所以它是目前可销售的玉米粉来代替。这样可以节省植物蛋白,补充了动物蛋白,从而更有利于满足人体的生理需要。

Chronic glomerulonephritis cold, eat what cold medicine

Patient Counseling : chronic glomerulonephritis cold, what to eat cold medicine , ask a doctor protein 1 +, 2 + ; erythrocyte 4000 , fever 37.8-38 4 , before it 's nephritis , doctors want to puncture , the patient did not want to do it ? . then the hospital, the doctor said , do not puncture can not cure , you say now how to treat a cold , eat what medicine is my relatives
Experts Re: ? Chronic glomerulonephritis cold, eat what cold medicine is really very easy to make a cold chronic nephritis fluctuate. Therefore, patients with chronic nephritis in peacetime should pay particular attention to cold. If you have a cold treatment should be promptly and timely control . Cold cold : runny nose , chills , sore throat is not severe, urine long , the temperature does not exceed 38.5 ° can be used cold heat particles ; Fengreganmao : Streaming yellow nose , very cold, severe sore throat , urine short red can be used SHL ;
Chronic glomerulonephritis cold, eat what cold medicine ? Any way related to the prevention of flu cases glomerulonephritis patients it ?
1 , appropriate exercise, enhance physical fitness , improve disease resistance. Climate change , pay attention to any change clothes , to prevent exposure to cold cold. Pay attention to environmental and personal hygiene to avoid predisposing factors .
Period 2 , the flu epidemic , under normal circumstances taking preventive : ① Radix granules, each time a package , 3 times a day . ② prevent colds toothpaste , brush your teeth three times a day . ③ Folium 15 grams , Radix, Guan Zhong , 30 grams , decoction behalf of the tea . ④ 10% solution of garlic daily intranasal 3-5 times, each time a drop . But do not rule out the special circumstances , that not all patients are suitable glomerulonephritis these drugs , so patients with glomerulonephritis attention to anti- influenza this one , paying particular attention to listen carefully to the doctor ordered .
3 , flu epidemic , attention isolation. Patients to wear masks , avoid going to public places activities to prevent cross-infection , indoor use vinegar fumigation , air disinfection, prevention of infection , steamed smoked two hours every day or every other day smoked 1.

Of course, mainly because of low immunity due to glomerulonephritis kidney disease caused by flu patients , so in order to avoid the emergence of the disease in patients with total recurrent , aggressive treatment of glomerulonephritis best to prevent the disease continues to attack, the method of treatment there are many, there are Western medicine , immunoadsorption , plasma perfusion , etc., but also the specific kind of approach depending on the patient 's needs may be , it is recommended that you provide a detailed analysis of the condition to help develop appropriate treatment plan.

Glomerulonephritis, can not eat wolfberry kidney

Patient Counseling : I have glomerulonephritis, can not eat wolfberry kidney 23 , sometimes when I'm no protein , occult blood three plus , my own feelings , often back pain acid, made ​​a mess of the night dream ? . Feeling a little urination, mostly white hair . Is not the kidney , I do not swelling, back pain is the feeling of acid , before that carelessness, alcoholism smoking
Experts Re: glomerulonephritis, kidney can not eat wolfberry wolfberry Gan , flat , owned by the liver and kidney , nourishing the liver and kidney , Liver eyesight , often with foxglove , chrysanthemum, yam, dogwood and other drugs ? with the use. Medlar body is a treasure , wolfberry tonic seminiferous for medicine or tea, sparkling wine , broth, if often drink , you can keep fit. Medlar leaves, flowers, roots also fine cuisine supplements. Modern medical research shows that it contains carotene , betaine , vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and calcium , phosphorus, iron , etc., with increased white blood cell activity, and promote liver cell regeneration pharmacological effects , but also lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar , blood lipids . But even so , nephritis patients taking should be cautious.
Glomerulonephritis, can not eat wolfberry kidney ? , What kind of method for treating glomerulonephritis ?
With the further development of medicine, in-depth study of renal pathology findings : kidney disease occurs because of the development of renal fibrosis caused by the aggravation of renal fibrosis , impaired kidney function units increases , the degree of impairment deepened, function progressive loss . Starting from this pathological factors , blocking renal fibrosis is an essential part of the treatment of glomerulonephritis . The previous treatment of glomerulonephritis unable to curb the progression of the reason is because there is no blocking process of renal fibrosis , but were symptomatic treatment.

Under the guidance of this theory , micro- penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapies blocking renal fibrosis and applied to practice family medicine at the birth of the tireless efforts of many experts and scholars. Symptomatic treatment including medicine and blocking renal fibrosis due to treatment . Micro-Chinese Medicine therapies blocking renal fibrosis Series penetration with previous drug treatment biggest difference and advantages: It does this by dilation of blood vessels ; anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant ; apoptosis and degradation ; repair four-step standard treatment , can damage kidney be repaired to avoid disease progression.

Occult nephritis can eat Chinese medicine is good ? Life needs attention

Patient Counseling : What next , my urine occult blood + + + + appears , then no urine protein abnormalities Does occult nephritis eat Chinese medicine can be good and then pay attention to what life is pre-pregnancy check check out, looks like ? ? there are urinating , 30 women married without a child , the diagnosis is nephritis, red blood cell analysis done , that is my occult nephritis normal urine protein
Experts Re: occult nephritis can eat Chinese medicine is good ?
The reason appears more occult , such as kidney stones , kidney cysts, nephritis , urinary tract infections are likely , but depending on your situation suspect from the kidney , said the investigation is unclear occult nephritis is the cause of proteinuria or hematuria from kidney present before treatment can generally find out what causes. For pure occult nephritis eat Chinese medicine is difficult to treat , the traditional cycle of oral drugs after organ role in the metabolism of only a small part of the lesion , the role of the drug was significantly weakened , in this case not only drug efficacy is also greatly reduced, so the effect is often slow to eat traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine only immunosuppressant , side effects, and withdrawal easy to relapse, the proposed combination therapy
Integrative treatment of nephritis , which is a method of treatment and cure symptomatic treatment simultaneously. Western symptomatic approach to eliminate the symptoms of nephritis , traditional therapy cure repair damaged renal intrinsic cells, combined with traditional therapy methods and Western medicine treatment of nephritis nephritis strengths, according to the pathogenesis of nephritis , the application of integrative medicine in the treatment of chronic nephritis played a good role in the treatment of
Micro-Chinese Medicine is currently used clinically in the treatment of not only symptomatic treatment , lowering indicators to treatment, while for blocking renal pathological damage to repair damaged renal intrinsic cells, as long as the blockade and restorative treatment in place, occult blood will naturally decline , the disease will be controlled to achieve clinical improvement purposes. Micro-Chinese Medicine by regulating the function of human organs , activation and enhance human medicine system in order to achieve recovery. Solve the medical problem of multiple kidney disease , refractory , easily repeated , so that the field of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of kidney disease was a huge breakthrough
Occult nephritis can eat Chinese medicine is good ? Then life should pay attention to what ?
First, to actively control and prevention of predisposing factors , particularly upper respiratory tract infections , frost , avoid over exertion.
Second, to provide high-quality high-protein diet , such as milk , eggs , fish, should be given plenty of vitamins , especially vitamin C, also usually in addition to pay attention to develop good habits and eating habits , as well as the prevention of colds , fever, avoid fatigue, prevent recurrent disease and progress .
Second, without the use of nephrotoxic drugs. There are many drugs are toxic to the kidneys , such as gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin , X- nephrotoxic contrast agents also should be avoided if possible , some medicine is also toxic to the kidneys , such as triptolide, etc. . So, because other diseases go to the hospital , the doctor would like to be clear that they are suffering occult nephritis , so some doctors misuse of drugs toxic to the kidneys .

Experts advise: occult nephritis Although relatively occult disease , the patient does not feel obviously not, but pay no attention to such treatment , after sooner or later will develop uremia , the consequences are serious , to try to avoid this kind of unfortunate outcome, so once diagnosed with occult nephritis must be treated early and control.

Micro-Chinese Medicine therapy for kidney disease

③微中国医药医院设计充分吸收了国外西方的前沿技术,使中国医药治疗的理论得到了很好的诠释疗法的普及率。西医治疗肾病在当前国际前沿理论,组织发展的肾脏疾病理论从理论到理论细胞学的发病率,所以肾脏疾病的诊断,也从病理诊断为精的临床诊断。为此,肾病对细胞损伤的基础上,细胞功能障碍的情况进行分析的科学诊断成了。原有肾功能损害的理论今天将成为肾脏固有细胞功能损伤,损伤诊断理论。在此基础上,肾脏疾病的治疗中,将成为路边修复受损的肾脏继续固有的内在肾细胞和细胞功能。而你要修复肾脏固有细胞,它要解决的一个问题就是要彻底去除病因的肾脏固有细胞受损,罪魁祸首损害 - 肾脏固有细胞外基质。



Causes glomerulonephritis hematuria

1 urinary system diseases such as various nephritis ( acute glomerulonephritis, nephritis virus , genetic nephritis, nephritis ) , stones ( kidney, bladder, urethra ) , cardiac and renal tuberculosis, various congenital malformations , trauma, tumor and so on.
2 . Systemic disorders such as bleeding disorders , leukemia, heart failure, sepsis, vitamin C and K deficiency , hypercalciuria , neonatal disorders .
3 . Physical and chemical factors such as food allergies, after radiation exposure , drugs, poisons , and other sports. In order to clarify the cause, determine the occurrence of a very important part of hematuria , urine test cups can understand the source of hematuria , the method is very simple.
Glomerulonephritis hematuria how to identify

Take three cups , in a pee in front to take the first cup of urine , urine taken second cup , third cup of urine taken after the segment . If the first cup of urine indicates blood from the urethra ; third cup final is not hematuria hematuria , lesions in the bladder or urethra ; first cup , second cup , third cup showed that the whole bloody urine , suggesting that lesions in the kidney or more of the urinary tract in the bladder . Must be clear what kind of diseases caused by hematuria , or based on symptoms and physical signs , a variety of experiences , X-ray and CT scan , and even kidney biopsy biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Normal urine contains a very small amount of red blood cells. Urine without centrifugation under the microscope erythrocytes per high power field of 0 to 2 can , if more than this amount is hematuria.

The development and treatment of diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic patients with kidney disease, diabetes usually after 10 to 20 years , about half of the occurrence of renal insufficiency. Diabetes is mainly caused systemic capillary lesions, resulting in capillary basement membrane thickening , microcirculation abnormalities in the kidney glomerular basement membrane thickening that occurs , leading to glomerulosclerosis . Glomerular filtration rate decreased , leading to kidney failure .
Generally first appear asymptomatic proteinuria , suggesting that diabetic nephropathy has already begun. At the start of intermittent proteinuria may , thereafter, becomes persistent . The gradual emergence of edema, hypertension. Generally speaking , the longer history of diabetes , the more severe glomerular sclerosis , the greater proteinuria, if the urine protein greater than 3.5 grams per day , nephrotic syndrome may occur . The prognosis is poor , often die within five years of renal failure and cardiovascular disease.
There is a characteristic . When renal failure, renal no obvious narrowing .
Patients with diabetes , we must be well controlled blood sugar, can delay or reduce the incidence of diabetic nephropathy. A diet, proper application of two antidiabetic drugs , can prevent secondary kidney damage. Three diabetic nephropathy corticosteroids should not be used , it is not only ineffective for proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome , and will lead to infection, make blood sugar more difficult to control . Nephrotic syndrome more severe edema , diuretics available . High blood pressure , antihypertensive treatment is appropriate , ARB and vascular converting enzyme inhibitors reduce glomerular filtration pressure , not only the blood pressure, proteinuria, and delaying and reducing the incidence of renal failure , can be routinely used. Renal failure, renal failure and the general treatment of the same .

It should be noted that the occurrence of renal failure, diabetic nephropathy , should use insulin injections , diabetes, kidney disease requiring dialysis due when patients often have atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, retinopathy , severe coronary artery disease , peripheral vascular disease resulting in fistula for blood through difficulties and severe retinopathy is more appropriate peritoneal dialysis .

Comprehensive pediatric kidney complications - have a cold

Children with nephrotic syndrome , the causes of many children with nephrotic syndrome , a cold , the body 's immune cells in the body will devour invading bacteria and viruses and generate an antibody , then death , to destroy bacteria function to ensure that the human body is not affected. Children because of physical weak immune cells less than the normal person , immune function is not strong , so the immune cells may not only failed to devour the bacteria , but the bacteria to temporarily accommodate up in the body of bacteria and germs antibody binding itself into a immune complexes, with the blood circulation to the kidneys , the glomerular basement membrane is deposited to thereby have a damage to the kidney , the loss of large numbers of proteins , leading to nephrotic syndrome.
Nephrotic syndrome any age , but the youth and children prone. Minimal change nephrotic syndrome is more common in the age of onset in children 2 to 6 years old , and boys more than girls , vulnerable to relapse and persistent , longer duration . After exposure to the pathogen is usually 1 to 4 weeks of onset , in general, children with nephrotic syndrome have early symptoms of infection , it features three high and one low , that is the height of edema , proteinuria height , high cholesterol and low blood protein disease.
After 1-4 weeks of cold , the children of lower limbs , head, face, torso can have swelling, especially tissue loose parts more obvious , the most obvious is also the first appearance of the eyelids , severe swelling of the skin is thin and translucent , pleural effusion , ascites skin damage will be slight seepage .
Some sick children in inner thighs and upper arms , abdomen and chest, and appears similar to the skin of pregnant women white streaks or purple lines ; decreased urine output, check urine 3 to 4 plus proteinuria, a large number of proteins from the urine becomes lost the main cause of hypoproteinemia .
Nephrotic syndrome, longer course , easily repeated attacks . Adherence to treatment is critical ! General to maintain a year and a half to two years of standard therapy. According to clinical data , some children twenty-three age of onset of the disease to 10 to 12 years of age has not been good , repeated episodes of upper respiratory tract infection is the culprit . Long-term repeated attacks can affect the growth and development of children , making it extremely refractory nephrotic syndrome .
Focus on children suffering from kidney disease after treatment , to prevent colds , children should not eat more salty foods and high protein . Children's activities should be strictly limited quantity . Children should not wear long clothes do not change . Not just reduction or withdrawal. In addition, usually the child's urine should observe the situation , such as that child 's urine color changes, etc. , should be sent to the hospital for urine tests .
Children living kidney diet precautions :
(1) All kidney patients and their parents should feel comfortable, to establish the confidence to overcome the disease.
2 . Avoid colds , avoid over exertion appropriate activities based on individual circumstances , but not strenuous exercise .

3 diet principles : to eat high-quality protein and high calorie diet mainly edema and hypertension , salt limited to 3 grams per day or less , but should avoid long-term unreasonable avoid salt , renal impairment should be based on renal function , limiting protein intake , a significant edema accompanied by proteinuria , should eat more high-quality protein , such as milk, egg protein , fish, lean meat , etc. ; while poor appetite light-based diet , small meals ; low and potassium edible oranges , mushrooms and so on.

The concept of chronic kidney disease and chronic renal insufficiency installments

According to the American Kidney Disease Foundation (NKF) definition method K / DOQI Working Group: Chronic kidney disease is detected through biopsy or injury markers of kidney damage or confirmed glomerular filtration rate (GFR) sustained <60ml / min/1.73m ² ≥ 3 months. Markers of kidney damage include proteinuria, urine test strip or urinary sediment abnormalities or renal imaging abnormalities. GFR can be calculated by serum creatinine and based on a number of other variables including age, gender, race, and body surface area formula.
Phase I: chronic renal insufficiency compensatory deadline: when impaired renal units do not exceed the normal 50% (GFR50 ~ 80ml/min) renal decompensation and can not appear due to urea nitrogen (BUN) and other metabolites retention, serum creatinine (Scr) to maintain normal levels (serum creatinine 133 ~ 177ummol / l, 1.5 ~ 2.0mg/dl), usually clinically asymptomatic.
Phase II: chronic renal failure decompensation: nephron impaired renal function remaining below the normal 50% (GFR20 ~ 50ml/min) serum creatinine of 177 ~ 442umol / l (2 ~ 5mg/dl), urea nitrogen, increased by more than 7.1mmol / l, (20mg/dl), clinical fatigue, mild anemia, loss of appetite and other symptoms.
Phase III: renal failure: serum creatinine of 442 ~ 707ummol / l (5 ~ 8mg/dl), creatinine clearance rate dropped to 10 ~ 20ml/min, urea nitrogen increased to 17.9 ~ 28.6mmol (50 ~ 80mg/dl ). Patients with severe anemia, metabolic acidosis, calcium and phosphorus metabolism, water and electrolyte metabolism disorders.
Phase IV: uremia: serum creatinine of 707ummol / l (8mg/dl) above, at 10ml/min creatinine clearance less urea nitrogen 28.6mmol / l (80mg/dl) above, acidosis symptoms, systemic Each system symptoms are severe.
American Kidney Disease Foundation glomerular filtration rate is usually based on the chronic kidney disease is divided into five:
CKD1 period: renal impairment, GFR normal or elevated, GFR ≥ 90 (ml/min/1.73m ²) (hereinafter province);
CKD2 period: renal impairment, GFR decreased slightly, GFR 60 to 80;
CKD3 period: GFR moderate decline, GFR is located 30 to 59;
CKD4 period: GFR moderate decline, GFR 15 to 29;

CKD5 period: renal failure, GFR <15 or dialysis

how caused the renal atrophy

Common causes
Left kidney renal atrophy usually occur atrophy, atrophy of the right kidney and renal atrophy symptoms. Generally caused by renal atrophy following reasons :
First to be considered that renal atrophy congenital renal hypoplasia , followed by consideration of end-stage renal disease, ie renal failure, uremia , or some acute illness. Such as: acute renal disease, diabetes, renal cirrhosis , kidney transplant rejection , chronic glomerulonephritis, renal cortical necrosis , Alport syndrome, acute tubular necrosis , hypertensive nephrosclerosis .
Bilateral renal or kidney narrow side more than the cause of chronic pyelonephritis , which is also a common cause of renal atrophy .
Generally the development of chronic kidney disease kidneys shrink to renal insufficiency, especially renal failure, uremia , serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased, severe kidney damage, renal parenchymal injury , kidney will be reduced . So be sure to remind patients of renal atrophy great attention to this , a strong occult renal disease , if the glomerular filtration rate below 50 %, that is a serious clinical symptoms of kidney damage was consequential . Renal atrophy after diagnosis must actively find reasons to troubleshoot the condition.
Other reasons
Renal atrophy reason there are two things : renal tuberculosis ( unilateral renal narrow , with contralateral hydronephrosis or compensatory increase ) , renal artery stenosis and congenital hypoplasia.

Generally, renal atrophy and prolonged kidney disease are closely related, because the kidney diseases lead to renal units , especially in glomerular damage, the entire kidney volume reduction occurs . Renal atrophy and renal function are complementary, when patients with renal atrophy when bound to have renal insufficiency or renal failure until - uremia. In the hope of the disease in patients with renal atrophy attention early in time to be a systemic examination to exclude the possibility of renal failure , so as not to delay the disease.


Understanding renal atrophy -related information, to protect their kidneys

Renal atrophy and renal volume is based on the person's age , gender and body height and weight compared with each other , relatively small or significantly reduce an anomaly . Prolonged kidney disease, resulting in renal units , especially in glomerular damage, the entire kidney appeared smaller in size . Renal atrophy and renal function are complementary, when patients with renal atrophy when bound to have renal insufficiency or renal failure until - uremia. Therefore, improvement in the treatment of renal atrophy and renal disease control process is critical.
Renal atrophy is a pathological anatomy noun, ie renal atrophy , volume was significantly reduced, also known as end-stage kidney . Then the patient's glomerular renal atrophy , tubular ( ie renal units ) have most or all of the destruction , the physiological function of the kidneys have lost .
Typically patients with chronic renal failure kidney B -mode ultrasound examination , we can understand whether the kidneys with renal atrophy , and this screening method for patients with no damage. B- normal kidney is: left kidney diameter 8.1 to 11 cm, diameter 5.5 to 7 cm and a thickness of 4 to 5 cm ; kidney diameter 7.9 to 10.5 cm, diameter 5 5 ~ 7 cm , a thickness of 4 to 5 cm .
Renal atrophy occurs in patients with nausea and vomiting , fatigue , anemia. Continues to deteriorate uremia will occur. Renal atrophy patients will face leg edema, pruritus symptoms appeared , and also willing to be associated with swelling of the feet , and some patients with back pain will get worse , not sedentary . Kidney atrophy due to long-term kidney problems caused by overwork , suffering from renal atrophy , legs and feet have swollen phenomenon, and elevated blood pressure will be high with exacerbations. The body will gradually thin down.

Renal atrophy patients also may have hematuria , hematuria is the urinary excretion of abnormal increase in red blood cells , is likely to have severe disease of the urinary system signals . Centrifugation per high-power field in urine ≥ 3 red blood cells , or non- centrifuged urine more than 1 or 1 hour urinary red blood cell count over 100,000 , or 12-hour urine sediment counts more than 500,000 , are showing abnormal increase in red blood cells in the urine , is called hematuria. Light microscopy found only polycythemia , called microscopic hematuria ; severe watery appearance wash the meat or contain blood clots , called gross hematuria. That is visible , the urine was usually there 1mL per liter of urine or blood red when water samples were washed meat .


Why is high blood creatinine

High blood creatinine why? Blood creatinine increase is caused by what factors? Serum creatinine rises related to many factors, so we do not see the rise in serum creatinine very afraid, thought he had kidney disease, but should exclude a variety of indicators to promote abnormal creatinine possible factors, then make reasoned.
So, why is high blood creatinine? Serum creatinine and what factors do? Let's look at the presence of a normal serum creatinine forms: serum creatinine is muscle creatine metabolism, creatinine much in total body muscle-related, essentially independent of diet, high resolution and external factors affecting kidney metabolism, exogenous creatinine Under steady intake, the body naturally constant amount (daily 20mg/kg) cases, serum creatinine concentration depends on glomerular filtration rate. The clinical detection of serum creatinine is commonly used benchmark for understanding renal function. Although the relationship between diet is not, but there are some people in serum creatinine may be slightly higher than normal, this situation should be a vegetarian for three days and then go to the review and see creatinine situation.
High blood creatinine why? Blood creatinine increase is caused by what factors? If serum creatinine rises indeed exclude a variety of external factors, it is necessary to consider the problem of kidney function.
Elevated serum creatinine, renal what will change? This should be talking about the role of serum creatinine, renal intrinsic cells occurs when the phenotypic transformation, the formation of pathological changes in the kidneys to stimulate fibroblasts into myofibroblasts into, and at the same time stimulate the inherent infringement and normal kidney tissue, occurs equally lesions, thus forming a kidney from point to plane, from the local to the whole, expanding the spread of excitation-type process to enter the unit of mass trauma (ie renal injury period), this time due to the continuous kidney damage, its excretion function of waste has decreased, causing the condensation of creatinine and other toxins in the body, which appeared in the blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine in urine decreased renal filtration rate and so on. At the same time the patient will have high blood pressure, high degree of swelling and other symptoms elsewhere in the body.
From the above we know that high blood creatinine why? Creatinine renal cell damage occurs inherent increased, then it should start treating kidney damage from natural cellular repair.
In Chinese medicine treatment, TCM "cloud of fire living kidney" therapy method in terms of lowering serum creatinine played a significant role, with the advantages of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine can not be compared. Its main function is to eradicate the glomerular basement membrane damage leading to immune complexes and diseased tissue while repairing the glomerular basement membrane. As soon as the damaged basement membrane repair, alter kidney structure, expanding the glomerular filtration area, high creatinine situation will be significantly improved.

Clinical practice has shown that the adoption of this therapy in patients, as long as creatinine is 1300umol / L or less, 24 hours urine volume is more than 0ml dialysis does not exceed 10 times, with this therapy can be completely cured, but if it exceeds this range, this therapy is the cure bad.


What is the cause of acute renal failure occur ?

What is the cause of acute renal failure occur ? Recently, many people are consulting this issue. Kidney experts say , from acute renal failure diagnosis and treatment angles , you can cause acute renal failure reasons are divided into three categories.
First, pre-renal AIIP, the main cause prerenal A11P are:
1 effective hypovolemia, common in the gastrointestinal fluid loss ; using diuretics , extensive burns , hypoalbuminemia .
2 heart failure , found in cardiomyopathy, valvular dysfunction , pericardial tamponade .
3 systemic vasodilation , seen sepsis , anaphylaxis, anesthetic accidents, etc. .
Second, post-renal ARF, the leading cause of post-renal ARF include :
1 ureteral stones incarceration .
2 an enlarged prostate .
3 urinary tract injury and after surgery .
4 tumor compression .
Third, renal parenchymal ARF, the leading cause of renal parenchymal ARF are:
An acute tubular necrosis , seen in acute renal ischemia, use of nephrotoxic drugs , heavy metal poisoning, and so on.
2 . Bilateral renal cortical necrosis , seen in placental abruption , severe shock.
3 tubulointerstitial disease , seen in drug-mediated acute allergic reactions, infections and systemic diseases.

4 glomerular disease , leading A11F primary glomerular nephritis rapidly progressive disease after infection nephritis , IgA nephropathy, mesangial proliferative nephritis . Secondary nephropathy such as lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis.

Cause of daily life can cause acute nephritis What are the main

Children during acute nephritis is the most common form of kidney disease, and great harm to timely treatment. Can occur at any age, but this disease in the majority of children, then the main cause of acute nephritis, what does? Here we go specifically to find out.
1, the virus and rickettsial infections: hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis syndrome, chickenpox, mumps, rubella, vaccination, some influenza virus, typhus, some adenoviruses and cytomegalovirus, which is one of the causes of acute nephritis.
2, bacterial infections: acute pharynx (throat) inflammation, acute tonsillitis, scarlet fever, bacterial endocarditis, septicemia, pneumonia, syphilis, brucellosis, typhoid, leprosy and so on.
3, protozoan infection: toxic slurry protozoosis, Plasmodium falciparum malaria, trichinosis and so on.
4, fungal infections: fungal species.

5, Other: tumor drugs, heterologous protein, which is the cause of acute nephritis.

Renal failure patients how diet go

A good diet can help kidney patients accelerate recovery speed. Thus, while the active treatment of kidney patients, but also to strive to do the diet care, in order to better help treatment can also control the progression of disease. Here's a look at it.
1, note that the sodium and potassium intake, because renal failure patients often have edema, prone to hyperkalemia, it should be based on different situations to control edema sodium salt intake. When elevated serum potassium should be appropriate to reduce the supply of potassium in the diet, so as to avoid an increase in exogenous potassium aggravated hyperkalemia. In addition to avoid eating foods high potassium content, you can also take the freezing and other methods to reduce the potassium content.
2, control salt intake: patients with the best control of salt intake in life, renal salt intake should be considered in patients with the disease.
3, protein: protein diet is the main source of the body's normal metabolism, where the main plant and animal protein is said, if we want to reduce the burden of renal function, it is necessary to allow protein intake and excretion ability to adapt. Requires a combination of reducing the extent of the value of the patient's muscle and liver complications severity.
4 Water: Patients in the treatment process, the urine can not be excluded in patients with normal metabolic waste to help solve this problem is that we increase the amount of urine, the day before the metabolites excreted, if there is no obvious edema, it can be appropriate water.
5 calories: protein for renal failure patients are very important, but we need to put them to good use on nutrients, rather than allowing them to consume, then the patient needs to take a low-protein diet, while timely replenish energy. Experts said that renal failure patients need at least 35 per kilogram daily calories.
6, to provide enough heat, kidney failure diet conditioning, heat is supplied mainly in easily digestible carbohydrate-based, you can eat more fruits, with wheat starch noodles, biscuits or other starch snacks, plus a small amount of rice or dilute porridge.
7, low-protein diet, oliguria renal failure patients in the daily diet should supply a small amount of protein, so not only take care of the patient's discharge capacity, but also consider to maintain the nutritional needs of patients. This is the kidney failure diet care more important point.

Through the introduction of the above, you have kidney disease diet should be clear now that a healthy body is one of the greatest capital, how to prevent kidney disease is particularly important in everyday life, a good diet and hygiene habits no matter what disease for both has a preventive effect. Oh, I wish you a speedy recovery.

Chronic renal failure respiratory complications are there?

Chronic renal failure patients because of poor internal environment of disorders and immune function , and the occurrence of lung disease susceptible to pathogenic factors in vivo , mainly uremic lung, pulmonary edema , pleural effusion , etc.
( 1 ) uremic lung : also known as uremic pulmonary edema, pneumonia, uremia . Its symptoms are mild kidney disease , early symptoms of uremia caused by the body only , with the gradual emergence of kidney disease progression of mild to moderate cough, phlegm , and a small amount of breathing difficulties . The development of interstitial fibrosis , dyspnea, and cyanosis increased. Small amount of hemoptysis symptoms of kidney disease are also important . Need and cardiogenic pulmonary edema , pulmonary infection and pulmonary hemorrhage  nephritic syndrome phase identification.
( 2 ) uremic pleural disease: occurrence rate of 15 % to 20% , pleural friction rub , chest pain or chest discomfort , shortness of breath or fever . Pleural friction rub lasted 1 to 15 days and can be accompanied by exudation. No relationship between blood urea nitrogen and oozing .
( 3 ) pulmonary calcification : CRF often cause soft tissue calcification , the lung is the most common site . The clinical manifestations of chronic dyspnea or acute, sub acute respiratory failure, chest X-ray may be completely normal. Stop calcium, parathyroid resection , low phosphorus diet , oral application of alumina and calcium dialysate , increasing the number or duration of dialysis can reverse calcification.

( 4 ) uremic pulmonary edema: is one of the common acute renal unit . When patients with chronic renal failure , especially with oliguria , anuria , such as sudden severe dyspnea, orthopnea , with fear , a sense of suffocation , pallid , lips cyanosis , sweating , cough, expectoration, may with hemoptysis and a large pink frothy sputum , lungs filled with rales symmetry and wheeze , increased heart rate , pulse weak and should be considered in acute pulmonary edema.


Life of patients with renal failure ?

Because the symptoms of kidney failure , the patient is very painful , but also due to some wrong treatment , so that patients with kidney failure lose confidence in life , they often ask, how long had kidney failure can live there ?
See this problem , always ask this question imagine how many hearts frustration and disappointment . This nasty disease took much of the joy of family , has brought much bitterness and tears of frustration .
, No matter how serious the disease is indeed renal failure is not " death," we can not surrender in front of the disease, every patient should have to fight with the disease , do not lose hope and confidence in his own life .
How long had kidney failure can live there ? Really nobody answered correctly out of this problem. This requires the specific circumstances of the patient 's body to be. Survival time of patients and also patients with a history , physical and care about the measure itself .
And treatment of kidney failure can live either choose methods and means there is a certain relationship, if the choice of dialysis treatment, patients should have the line every once in a dialysis , dialysis interval depending on the patient's condition may be, patients with early symptoms can be mild week once , and thereafter will be extended with the duration of dialysis , and the number will gradually increase , then the patient's physical condition will get worse.
And with the increase in the number of dialysis patients will reduce appetite , symptoms of anemia and malnutrition . More serious is the chance of complications at this time will be greatly increased . So, these are the effects of renal dialysis patients survived more important factors that control the better , longer survival time .
Another way is to transplant , pre- transplant quality of life is better in principle than dialysis , but there is a risk kidney transplant , the survival rate of kidney transplants have certain restrictions. Timely successful renal transplant patients immunosuppression is later subject than others having a higher risk of getting infected

How long had kidney failure can live there ? Therefore, effective renal transplant patient survival time is generally 3-5 years, however, China has graft survival up to 18 years , which means that fair treatment , often the follow-up is to ensure long-term survival . Also to note is that younger patients may be two or more times the line surgery , of course, to the economic licensing and a matching kidney condition.

Experts say the kidney failure of any damage to the digestive system

Speaking of kidney failure of any damage to the digestive system, there are a lot of people don't understand this problem, in our life, there has been a lot of people very trouble because of suffering from kidney failure, so they have a lot of people to ask this question, so what kidney failure of any damage to the digestive system?Let's take a look at the below experts is how to say it.A, renal failure on the digestive system have harm?The digestive tract dysfunction, poor appetite, the early renal failure patients with high serum creatinine, toxin accumulation in the body can't discharge, cause gastrointestinal dysfunction, poor appetite.If need condition, will present abdominal MenZhang discomfort, nausea, vomiting, defecate number increase or mass to powder.This is obvious symptoms of kidney failure.So what are the main?
Second, renal failure on the digestive system have harm?High blood pressure: the symptoms of kidney failure is characterized by high blood pressure, due to the function of the kidney has a sodium, drainage, kidney function is damaged when the body will attack of sodium and water storage, in addition, the kidneys can secrete some material of elevated blood pressure
Three, kidney failure of any damage to the digestive system?Edema: this is a symptom of intuitive, easy to find.Mainly because the kidneys can't eliminate excess water in the body, thus cause fluid retention in the body tissue clearance, early in the ankle and eyelid edema, only after the break away, expand the persistent or systemic oedema, said has no light.

Failure of any damage to the digestive system?After watching the above expert's introduction, I believe that everyone must have some idea, if you still don't understand the question or want to consult other problems, you can always consult our online experts, experts will be sure to do a more detailed answer for you.

General can cure kidney failure

General can cure kidney failure?The treatment of renal failure problem is many patients are concerned about, many patients want to get rid of the disease, as soon as possible to live a happy life, but to do this, to patients with persistent treatment, only in this way can let the illness slowly getting better.In order to let everyone have a better understanding of, the following general can cure kidney failure, please?
General can cure kidney failure?Experts said: acute and chronic renal failure can be divided into, the rapid progression of acute renal failure, usually due to insufficient kidney blood supply (such as trauma or burn), impaired kidney caused by some factors blocking or poison damage, cause of acute renal failure.The main reason for chronic kidney disease and chronic renal failure, with time and the disease, the function of the kidney gradually decline, causing the occurrence of kidney failure.
1, to prevent infection
Is kidney failure patients need to stay away from infection, otherwise it is easy to cause recurrent illness, more serious harm to kidney health.So in daily to strict aseptic operation, strengthen the skin care and oral care, timing turn over, take back.Patients' daily living room to ultraviolet disinfection.
2, strict enforcement of intravenous fluids
A key point of this is health care, to avoid kidney failure patients in the treatment of adverse reaction appeared in the process of free has the very good prevention effect.In the process of infusion to closely observe any fluids too much, too fast to cause pulmonary edema, other side effects were observed.
3, psychological counseling.

Kidney failure patients tend to think of oneself will not live for long, so prone to negative emotions down, the recovery is bad.General can cure kidney failure?Acute renal failure is one of the dispensary, therefore, should do well in psychological counseling, with the necessary psychological support to patients, disease related knowledge instruction, in order to reduce the patient's anxiety and fear.General can cure kidney failure?Above content is kidney disease expert introduction, believe everybody knew it.Remind everyone found timely treatment, such ability can guarantee a better treatment of patients with kidney failure can be, hope the broad masses of renal failure patients can understand this knowledge, let patients with kidney failure can be far away from diseases, we must special attention.If you have any other questions on this question, patients can accept consulting to normal hospital, in this wish patients can recover soon.

General can cure kidney failure

General can cure kidney failure?The treatment of renal failure problem is many patients are concerned about, many patients want to get rid of the disease, as soon as possible to live a happy life, but to do this, to patients with persistent treatment, only in this way can let the illness slowly getting better.In order to let everyone have a better understanding of, the following general can cure kidney failure, please?
General can cure kidney failure?Experts said: acute and chronic renal failure can be divided into, the rapid progression of acute renal failure, usually due to insufficient kidney blood supply (such as trauma or burn), impaired kidney caused by some factors blocking or poison damage, cause of acute renal failure.The main reason for chronic kidney disease and chronic renal failure, with time and the disease, the function of the kidney gradually decline, causing the occurrence of kidney failure.
1, to prevent infection
Is kidney failure patients need to stay away from infection, otherwise it is easy to cause recurrent illness, more serious harm to kidney health.So in daily to strict aseptic operation, strengthen the skin care and oral care, timing turn over, take back.Patients' daily living room to ultraviolet disinfection.
2, strict enforcement of intravenous fluids
A key point of this is health care, to avoid kidney failure patients in the treatment of adverse reaction appeared in the process of free has the very good prevention effect.In the process of infusion to closely observe any fluids too much, too fast to cause pulmonary edema, other side effects were observed.
3, psychological counseling.

Kidney failure patients tend to think of oneself will not live for long, so prone to negative emotions down, the recovery is bad.General can cure kidney failure?Acute renal failure is one of the dispensary, therefore, should do well in psychological counseling, with the necessary psychological support to patients, disease related knowledge instruction, in order to reduce the patient's anxiety and fear.General can cure kidney failure?Above content is kidney disease expert introduction, believe everybody knew it.Remind everyone found timely treatment, such ability can guarantee a better treatment of patients with kidney failure can be, hope the broad masses of renal failure patients can understand this knowledge, let patients with kidney failure can be far away from diseases, we must special attention.If you have any other questions on this question, patients can accept consulting to normal hospital, in this wish patients can recover soon.


Proteinuria in patients with kidney disease diet appears?



What is the harm to human urinary protein





What is the harm high creatinine


What is the normal creatinine

Many patients see their kidney function test results will be confused , why would high creatinine of it . Some people will think this is not important , feel no symptoms , do not get sick . Because they do not know creatinine is normal, do not know the clinical significance of serum creatinine is high , thus ignoring the further examination and treatment , resulting in serious consequences. So to understand the normal and clinical significance of serum creatinine is very important. To this end , the experts we summarize below.
Experts said that to understand the significance of serum creatinine , and serum creatinine have to first understand what is . Serum creatinine was one of the items of renal function tests , it can reflect renal function . Usually the creatinine serum creatinine , which is the human muscle metabolism, the resulting product , which is a small molecule , it is possible by glomerular filtration. Creatinine is rarely renal tubular absorption, so basically all of them into the urine out of the body . Then when kidney damage occurs , serum creatinine is not properly discharged , it will abound in the blood . So when doing renal function tests , serum creatinine will be high .
So how much concrete is considered normal serum creatinine it ? Experts say , because each person's muscle mass is not the same , so the value of serum creatinine will vary, but there are differences between men and women. China is a normal serum creatinine 42 ~ 104umol / L, while the international standard is <133umol / L. Is standard in China , with more than 104umol / L indicates kidney damage occurs .
When serum creatinine is high , beyond the normal time , it means impaired renal function . Glomerular filtration rate , renal excretory function decline. This will result in a large accumulation of toxins in the body , can not be ruled out, and will be accompanied by acidosis, potassium or potassium , high phosphorus and other symptoms. These symptoms considerable harm to the human body . May have the following symptoms : ① water metabolism disorders, such as polyuria, nocturia , and fatigue. ② human element imbalance. ③ bone disease , bone pain, skeletal malformations. ④ acidosis, nausea , loss of appetite , headache, coma and other symptoms. ⑤ anemia. Therefore, high serum creatinine very serious consequences , can not be ignored. Patients should immediately go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Kidney specialist hospital , said that once identified higher serum creatinine can not be overlooked. Authority shall go the hospital .

How do high creatinine what can we do if we have

High creatinine found how to do ? Creatinine is a common understanding of the main methods of renal function , serum creatinine higher than normal in most mean kidney damage , serum creatinine can more accurately reflect the situation of renal damage , not a sensitive indicator . So, how high creatinine done? Then you come to us by the experts talk about how to do high creatinine found hope that we can take preventive measures, early restoration of health.
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Discover how to do high creatinine ? Creatinine is due to the emergence of high human glomerular filtration rate down to 1 /3, serum creatinine was significantly increased in healthy subjects. Meaning that , because human kidney metabolic ability , when kidney damage is generally less obvious discomfort , so a lot of people when the real nausea , vomiting, dizziness , in fact, a serious kidney damage already , then began to rise significantly in serum creatinine .
Reduced creatinine drugs are medical charcoal , this drug can quickly reduce creatinine values ​​, but need to point out is that this therapy can not cure the root cause, can only increase the toxins discharged from the number of other ways to temporarily relieve high creatinine symptoms did not resolve the problem of high creatinine fundamentally . Long-term use side effects, but once the patient withdrawal, creatinine values ​​will rise rapidly , and creatinine values ​​even higher than before . So, how high creatinine done?
In Chinese medicine treatment, immune balance naturally played a significant role, with Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine can not match a bit . Its main function is to clear the glomerular basement membrane damage leading to immune complexes and diseased tissue while repairing the glomerular basement membrane . As soon as the damaged basement membrane repair , alter kidney structure , expanding the area of ​​glomerular filtration , serum creatinine will gradually decline , but this requires a process , then we must prevent colds , diet and emotions, not tired , control of blood pressure , blood sugar and other factors , protecting renal function.
Creatinine high treatment is important for the patient in terms of the hospital's kidney Micro-Chinese Medicine therapy has a significant role in terms of patients , no side effects , effective, and is the best choice for patients.

what can we eat if we are high creatinine patient

There are a lot of patients that creatinine is high time to check your body , but do not know how high creatinine patient diet , in fact, these patients usually a lot of friends should be careful not to over- drink , do not smoke . The kidney is the organ of our body as detoxification , alcohol contains a lot of toxins , smoking and drinking even if you suffer from kidney disease , will directly increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys , increasing the rate of deterioration of renal disease. Kidney hospital experts , the next question for everyone to talk about how the diet is high creatinine appear sick.
Because many high creatinine harm to the body , people with kidney disease and high creatinine nursed a friend to take the necessary means in the diet is a very important thing.
First reasonable supply of protein : creatinine high because the patient suffered serious kidney damage , when the glomerular filtration of blood in our body , it will tend to lose some protein from the blood , causing swelling , thus controlling the amount of protein intake is very the key thing.
Then intake of essential vitamins : the patient 's creatinine suitable high intake of vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin A rich foods .
Second, to limit salt intake : kidney disease , experts say : Some high creatinine in patients with decompensated renal insufficiency , azotemia , and there are many mild symptoms , but this situation is moderate injuries , according to the patient blood pressure and edema reasonable control salt intake .
If the patient is just that there is a high creatinine symptoms , no swelling, salt and water can be limited to keep the amount of salt intake , if the patient is more serious in the water , and have high blood pressure and heart failure conditions should be strictly forbidden salt .

About how diet high creatinine patient through the above I believe we will know something about this , if you need to know more , you can also consult your doctor to contact the website , your doctor will make a detailed answer , creatinine high noted that signs of kidney failure has begun , this time each patient needs is a professional medical organization and a good doctor, I know a lot of medical skills of doctors, clinical work for many years and has extensive experience in the treatment of kidney disease , doctors say the service has always been good for the patient , the doctor will give the patient to develop a detailed rehabilitation program that allows every patient as soon as possible out of the troubled kidney nephropathy . Finally, I wish every one kidney patients can recover soon .


Micro-Chinese Medicine to solve the difficulties of treatment of uremia


微中国医药不再是难以克服的尿毒症!微中国医药研究是生物学领域的今天挑战性和吸引力,及其在生命科学,为肾脏病的治疗革命性的新疗法引起了现场应用提供了新的突破之一。美国总统奥巴马说,“微中国医药将让身患绝症或不治之症的话消失。” 微中国医药确实发送到尿毒症患者的曙光在绝望中,在冬天,雪和冰,送木炭!

what can u do if we suffer from Congenital PKD (polycystic kidney) ?



IgA nephropathy can do to cure early nephropathy ?

Iga nephritis must first know how it is, because the IgA nephritis clinical manifestations , pathological types vary, so diagnosis and treatment are not the same , and treatment may be longer . Some patients require renal biopsy to confirm the diagnosis , treatment and determination of disease progression , patients are subject to a basic understanding of the relevant knowledge , you can abate the blind fear and strengthen cooperation with doctors .
IgA nephritis patients in addition to the regular symptomatic treatment of the disease helps the rehabilitation of patients with IgA nephritis addition , self- praise in everyday life rehabilitation measures against the disease IgA nephritis patients also have a role.
IgA nephritis patients to ensure adequate sleep . When sleeping in bed , there is more blood flow back to the kidneys , is conducive to the recovery of IgA nephritis . To ensure that every adult sleep 7-8 hours . Sleep environment should be quiet , warm water foot bath before bedtime to help sleep. Do not drink tea before bedtime drink coffee , do not eat the food , otherwise impede sleep. Moderate exercise work . For mild or stable disease patients should be encouraged to participate in whatever work and moderate exercise. Such as walking , exercise, tai chi is a good choice . But the need to pay attention to that work and exercise to compliance gradual, moderate relaxed , the principle of fair time , avoid over exertion and strenuous exercise.

Chronic IgA nephritis patients should taste bland , avoid alcohol and spicy foods , there should limit the intake of dietary protein renal damage to eggs , milk, meat and other animal -based protein and essential amino acids oral agent to prevent malnutrition .


Some congenital polycystic kidney medication?

某些先天性多囊肾药物治疗​​吗?例如:75岁,190 * 90约多囊肾患者,肾结石,现在9 * 8MM,那些日子剧烈的疼痛,用药黄柏胶囊,每日三次,每次一片。先天性多囊肾病是无法治愈的,但还是想知道有没有什么好的药物先天性多囊肾治疗?
We can determine the patient 's problem was as polycystic kidney disease associated with kidney stones, cysts and stones will gradually increase with age , so oppressed four weeks of normal kidney tissue, leading to kidney tissue constantly undermined. For multiple renal cysts , doctors use more decortication and puncture fluid technique for processing. However , after the removal of large renal cyst small cysts which will reduce the pressure of rapid growth , so will result in a vicious cycle of patients with kidney injury.

On the other hand , patients with polycystic kidney disease associated with kidney stones , kidney stones can also cause kidney existence capital increase the burden on already damaged , making it faster to worsen renal function . Thus, for the analysis of the current condition of the patient is recommended conservative treatment of traditional Chinese medicine , the use of the disease outside the rule approach , the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of active substances by micro kidney area in the form of skin penetration , positioned so that the direct effect of the lesion site , expansion wall of blood vessels , accelerate blood circulation, cystic fluid away quickly .

Renal insufficiency with serum creatinine 670 good governance it ?

Decompensated renal insufficiency , renal insufficiency, failure stage , the formation of fibrosis in the kidney . This period of the previous month to re pathological damage , complications began to appear, such as high blood pressure , anemia , dizziness, headache , fatigue, loss of appetite , serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen began to rise. After this period the repair kidneys damaged tissue and restore kidney function , eliminate symptoms , serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen will return to normal , preventing progression to uremia , avoiding dialysis and kidney transplant. But if this lack of attention and treatment of the disease will continue to increase, will be developed to ESRD .
Uremia and renal insufficiency , renal scarring is almost more than 90% loss of nephron function , this period can only be alleviated through treatment complications , prolonged dialysis * large degree intervals , or get rid of dialysis .
Generally reversible clinical stage renal fibrosis , renal function continued to deteriorate as long to stop , timely repair of renal function , clinical treatment and enable patients to achieve a virtuous sick relative survival possible . At this point it is the treatment for renal insufficiency focus is conducted from the source block , correct vasospasm , to ensure smooth blood circulation ; addition to a variety of pathogenic inflammatory mediators induced renal toxicity factor inactivation , and promote the inherent reversal of the healthy tissue cells after phenotypic transformation. So, how to treat renal insufficiency * good strategy?

Kidney hospital after years of clinical experience, finding out a signature treatments - Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy, traditional Chinese medicine has played an active substance disordered state to improve the patient environment , improve renal ischemia and hypoxia , anti-inflammatory , anti-thrombotic , providing all kinds of nutrients needed to repair multiple effects , the ultimate realization of renal intrinsic cells to repair and restore kidney function , to avoid repeated illness ultimate therapeutic purposes .

Development of chronic renal failure can be divided into several stages ?




当肾小球滤过率下降到正常的11%〜20%的减少,内部环境具有长期的,持续异常,有一个显著氮质血症,贫血亦较明显,浓缩功能障碍常表现出显著为等渗尿,夜尿,以及水,电解质紊乱,如轻,中度代谢性酸中毒,水钠潴留,低钙血症,高磷血症等。一般无高钾血症,可有轻度胃肠道,心血管和中枢神经系统症状。这一时期往往是血肌酐451〜707μmo1/ L之间


The incidence of chronic renal failure stage

肾功能损害不符合的1/2总台,不产生血尿素氮和肌酐增高代谢平衡,有((血液SCR)和肌酐在133-177μmol/ L(2mg/dl))没有症状。
肾功能水平低于50%,同比增加血清肌酐肌酐(Scr)水平,以177μmol/ L(2mg/dl)以上,升高血中尿素氮(BUN)水平> 7.​​0毫/升(达20mg/dl),患者出现乏力,食欲减退,夜尿多,轻度贫血等症状。
当内生肌酐清除率(Ccr)下降到25ml/min时以下,BUN水平高于17.9 - 21.4mmol / L(50¯60mg/dl),血肌酐升至442μmol/ L(5mg/dl)以上,患者贫血,血磷水平上升,血钙降低,代谢性酸中毒,水电解质紊乱。

下面肌酐清除率10ml/min时,血肌酐升至707μmol/ L以上,酸中毒明显的症状出现各个系统,甚至昏迷。


How to control rising creatinine

Everyone understand the serum creatinine is often used to understand the main method of renal function, serum creatinine work means we have damaged kidneys, serum creatinine can truthfully reflect our kidney damage.So how to control high creatinine?Li li, please experts to introduce the below.
First high creatinine eat what drug, lowering creatinine drugs, there is love in the main, the drug can quickly reduce the creatinine values, but need to note is the therapy can cure can't cure, can only increase the number of in vivo toxin from other way out, to temporarily relieve the symptoms of high creatinine, did not fundamentally solve the problem of high creatinine.Patients with long-term use of side effects, and once after drug withdrawal, creatinine values will rise rapidly, and creatinine value higher than previously.
High creatinine eat what food?This need according to the creatinine in which stage of the renal insufficiency, creatinine level is different, the diet also have differences, but no matter what stage have to follow the principle of kidney diet: low salt, low fat and small amounts of high quality protein, avoid is acrimony.
Creatinine is high in the diet taboo: tobacco and alcohol
Tobacco contains a variety of harmful substances, can damage the liver and kidney function, inhibiting renal unit repair, therefore the kidney patients must be determined to quit smoking.The fusel oil of alcoholic and can make the kidney tissue degeneration and carcinogenic nitrosamines, so kidney disease should be teetotal, lest the liver and kidney damage.First is treated, then noticed that, to make high creatinine down!
Due to some diet can affect the generation of creatinine, all also want more regulation from the aspects of diet at ordinary times
Limit salt intake: generally speaking stage renal insufficiency compensatory, nitrogen qualitative hematic disease patients while high serum creatinine, and began to appear all sorts of mild clinical symptoms, but as a result of pathological moderate damage, visible presence of high blood pressure and edema, to control the intake of salt, were given low salt or salt-free diet.
Protein supply: because rescheduled the patient appear nitrogen qualitative hematic disease, renal insufficiency, in order to control the worsening renal function, should control protein intake, choose rich in high quality high grade protein diet.
Vitamin intake: renal failure patients high creatinine appropriate chooses are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C food.In particular the dialysis patients, in the process of dialysis will consume some nutrition, all should be timely added.
"Cell repair combination of dynamic balance therapy" according to the different situation of the patient as a whole, comprehensive dialectical treats, a disease of a method, with the add and subtract.Boosting the overall kidney function, enhance immunity, improve renal anemia, renal hypertension, renal edema disease, kidney disease patients recover gradually.

Above is kidney disease experts of high creatinine should be how to control the related introduction, believe everybody know that hope to better help to you, wish your body recover at an early date finally!

The purpose of low protein diet can act as creatinine?

Kidney disease consultation:
Experts hello, glomerulonephritis, 56, 201 doctor suggested that low protein diet, creatinine is a low protein diet can achieve the goal of reduced creatinine?
The expert answers:
Much affected by diet serum creatinine levels, note creatinine diet will be good for the patient, prevent high serum creatinine in heightening, aggravate the burden of the kidney, prompting his kidney disease deterioration.So, low protein diet can lower creatinine?

Kidney disease experts for low protein diet can drop creatinine, to some extent is a positive attitude.All the vegetables are relatively low protein food, legume food proteins are relatively rich, sweet potato leaves (longevity grass) protein also relatively rich.So we say most of the vegetable protein is relatively small.Low protein can use intravenous albumin, food is given priority to with milk, fish, and limit protein diet is the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and, especially, an important link in the process of chronic renal failure.The main role in reducing nitrogen qualitative hematic disease, improve metabolic acidosis;Increasing insulin sensitivity;To improve protein metabolism improve the level of serum albumin;Reduce albuminuria excretion, delay the progress of chronic kidney disease (CKD).


How long can Patients live with stage 5 renal failure without dialysis

How long can patients live with stage 5 renal failure without dialysis? I am afraid you will not get a exact answer about this question. Due to the different physical condition and illness condition, life span of stage 5 renal failure patients without dialysis various from individual to individual. How long can one with stage 5 renal failure without dialysis can be affected by many factors and if you are fortunately enough to avoid these factors, you can live a relatively longer time.
1. Serious complications
Common complications of end stage renal failure include heart failure, anemia, high blood pressure, electrolyte imbalances, hemorrhage, bone fractures and lowered immune response and so on. Compared with stage 5 renal failure patients who are suffering these complications, these patients without complications can live longer.
2. Regular life style
Life style affect our physical condition directly. Irregularly life style makes our body produce lots of toxins. Without dialysis, these toxic substances pile up quickly in our blood and damage our other internal organs more easily. Therefore, regularly life can help stage 5 renal failure patients to live a longer life.
3. Reasonable daily diet also helps to prolong patient′s life
Some foods with high protein, high salt or high potassium can increase burden to our kidney. Heavy burden accelerate the progression of kidney disease, which can thus make kidneys are totally failed within a short term. With totally failed kidneys, patients diet of serious complications more easily, so arranging a reasonable diet is essential to prolong stage 5 renal failure patient′s life.
Many factors can produce influence on the life span of stage 5 renal failure and if patients want to live a longer life, they must avoid these factors strictly.

Do you have any question? You can leave a message , Or you Could describe your symptoms to our expert. Our expert will reply you as soon as possible. Please make sure you have left your contact information to us.

Is Renal Failure Serious or Not

Caused by various factors, Renal Failure refers to a serious damage to glomerulus, which induces a group of clinical symptoms, including both disorders in metabolism and in balance of water and electrolyte, as well as in acid-base balance. Besides, with serious prognosis, Renal Failure is one of the most dangerous diseases, threatening human life. So, is Renal Failure severe or not? In fact, in different stages, the severity of renal failure is changeable. The following is the phases of Renal Failure for your reference.
First Phase―Renal Insufficiency Compensatory Stage. Serum Creatinine Level: 133~177umol/L. Due to powerful compensatory ability, renal ability to excrete metabolin and balance water-electrolyte still can meet the normal need, although renal function has already slacked down slightly in clinic. In this stage, no clinic symptoms occur and even renal function test shows normal or a little high level.
Second Phase―Renal Insufficiency De-compensatory Stage (also known as Renal Insufficiency Azotemia Stage). Serum Creatinine Level: (Scr)177~443umol/L. The quantity of renal induration and fibrosis increases, and 60%-75% function is damaged. At same time, kidney has a certain obstruction in discharging metabolin and serum creatinine urea nitrogen is a little higher or over the normal range. Besides, Anemia, Infection, weight-lose, failing to concentration etc can be found in patients but all these symptoms are usually neglected. In addition, the disease will aggravate, if the following symptoms occur: Dehydration, Infection, Hemorrhage and so on.
Third Phase― Renal Failure Stage. Serum Creatinine Level (Scr) 443-707umol/L. In this stage, Glomerulus Induration, Tubular-interstitial Fibrosis and Renal Vessels lead to a serious damage in renal function, obvious Anemia, Nocturia, an elevated level of serum creatinine and blood urine nitrogen, followed by Acidosis. If the disease can’t be controlled by regular treatment, it may aggravate to End Stage Kidney Disease, improving treatment difficulty.
Fourth Phase― Uremia Stage or End Stage of Renal Insufficiency. Serum Creatinine Level (Scr):>707umoll/L. In this phase, the damage of glomerulus has already been up to 95%, which is followed by serious symptoms, such as severe Nausea, Vomiting, Oliguria, Dropsy, Malignant Hypertension, severe Anemia, Pruritus, urine smell in mouth and so on.
So, how to treat Renal Failure?
It can be seen that Renal Insufficiency Stage is a key transition phase. If it can’t be treated effectively, it easily aggravates to Renal Failure Stage, even Uremia Stage. Then, how to stop the aggravation of the disease? The answer is to treat from the root. According to the most advanced theory― Kidney Fibrosis Theory, Renal Insufficiency is caused by renal intrinsic cells, which fails to complete kidney function. Therefore, the treatment should focus on repairing kidney intrinsic cells, only in this way, Renal Failure can be removed from the root.

Even in the same stages, your conditions may also be different from others, which asks for different details of treatment. Our online doctors are glad to provide detailed suggestions for your recovery. Offering service to you you is our duty.

The Common Sense of Renal Failure

The causes of Renal Failure can be various. Renal Failure is a serious problem and can impair Renal Failure patients’ lives. When the glomerulus is severely damaged, the renal function extremely declines, which lead to dysfunction of excretion, metabolism, and the regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance. As a result, a lot of symptoms occur.
Renal Failure patients may have to get up many times to urinate at night, for their kidneys can not work as usual kidneys to concentrate the urine. It can affect patients’ sleep. Clinically, this is why Renal Failure patients have the symptoms of frequent urination and nocturnal micturition. Chronic Renal Failure patients often have the symptoms like hypertension and edema because the damaged kidneys of Renal Failure patients can not discharge the excess water and salt out of body. To make the matter worse, hypertension can lead to apoplexia and heart failure for Renal Failure patients. It is of significance to bring the blood pressure under control.
As patients with Renal Failure show many symptoms like hypertension, edema and proteinuria etc. they have to pay more attention to their diet. When people have Renal Failure, their kidneys cannot get rid of extra phosphorus that builds up in the blood. This may cause calcium to leave their bones and make bones weak. Foods that are high in phosphorus are dairy products, beans, peas and nuts. It is also found in liquids such as beer, cocoa and cola drinks. Less high-protein food can improve azotemia, relieve the renal damage caused by proteinuria and be helpful to reduce the phosphate in blood and relieve acidosis, for the protein intake is often accompanied by phosphorus and inorganic acid ionic intake. Generally speaking, the 0.6g/kg protein intake can satisfy the physiological requirements of human organism.
Clinical statistics has showed that placebo has some effect in the treatment of renal fibrosis and some kidney disease, which indicates the certain curative effect of psychological adjustment. In contrast, worry and anxiety all day will aggravate the ill condition so one has to have a good psychology to fight against disease.

Therefore, patients with Renal Failure have to eat healthy food which is proper for them according to their specific illness condition. Besides, to keep a healthy psychology is also important. Of course, timely and effective medical treatment is necessary. The combination Funeng therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine iontophoresis has proven effective in treating Renal Failure. If you want to know more about how to take care of patients with Renal Failure and the effective treatment for it, feel free to contact our experts online, We are glad to help you!

How does Renal Failure Affect Our Body

Patient: I want to ask, what is the relation between renal failure and excreting nitrogenous wastes, concentrating urine and conserving electrolytes?
Doctor: We all know kidney failure affect our normal life through affecting our body; however, how does it affect our body?
Kidney is very important for human life and this is because kidney functions are of essence in maintaining our normal life. Kidney has many functions and they are excretion function, concentration function and regulation function, dilution function and filtration function. Under the effects of these kidney functions, our body is kept in a normal state.
Renal excretion function mainly focuses on excreting various waste products such as nitrogenous wastes. These wastes are harmful substance and too much of them will cause damages to our internal organs. In our body, these wastes are excreted by our kidneys and then get out of our body along with urine. When kidney failure occurs, renal excretion functional is failed, which allows large amounts of wastes accumulate in our blood. This is the reason why kidney failure patients always have increased BUN and creatinine in the blood.
Urine is formed through our kidneys and the amount of urine is based on how much water we drink. When we drink lots of water, our kidneys will concentrate much more urine and when we drink less water, our kidneys will concentrate less urine. In this way, our kidneys help to keep the balance of water in our body. For people with kidney damages, they have failed renal concentration function, so they always have increased or decreased urine volume. Kidney failure patients usually have reduced urine and this is because damaged kidneys can not concentrate urine.
It is widely know that people can not live a normal life, if he has imbalanced electrolytes. In our human body, our kidneys are in charge of regulating the balance of various electrolytes. Kidney failure makes our body is failed in displaying this function and as a consequence of this, electrolyte disturbance occurs.
Kidney failure affects our body in many ways, and with kidney failure, people can not live a normal life at all and they need to do dialysis or kidney transplant to live normally. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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What are children with nephrotic syndrome diet matters needing attention

What are the diet attention pediatric nephrotic syndrome?Diet for patients should pay special attention to the thing, the role of diet can prevent disease, may also be induced by the cause of the disease.Patients with infantile nephrotic syndrome should be attention to the problem of what food?In order to solve all the doubts, the following is by our experts to detailed introduce for everybody.
1. After pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome appear edema, should control the amount of salt, lest make more severe edema, and the amount of salt for no more than two grams a day, and for curing patients should ban food to eat, should put less monosodium glutamate and salt when cooking, by the time the edema disappeared and plasma protein returned to normal, can restore normal diet.
2. When the onset of children with nephrotic syndrome, patients with glomerular basement membrane will more fully, and patients in addition to the loss of protein in urine, also lose some trace elements associated with protein, such as calcium iron zinc, therefore should give on food supplement.
3. When patient morbidity, a large number of plasma proteins from the eduction in urine, thus the body appear lower protein lead to malnutrition, and hypoalbuminemia can reduce plasma colloid osmotic, cause oedema, very stubborn and difficult to eliminate, so that the body's resistance to drop, so in renal failure, the diet of children with nephrotic syndrome should be given priority to with the protein of high quality.
4. If patients with long-term patients with hyperlipidemia, will lead to the happening of arteriosclerosis and glomerular damage and hardening, so children with nephrotic syndrome should not eat animal internal organs and fat meat and seafood contain high levels of cholesterol and fatty foods.

What are the diet attention pediatric nephrotic syndrome?Parents must have gone through the introduction of the pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome should be paid attention to dietary problem had wanted to know, hope to you in the prevention and treatment and nursing can help.Experts remind you that if their children patients with pediatric nephrotic syndrome, should be timely to normal hospital for treatment.

Children with nephrotic syndrome to eat what fruit

Children with nephrotic syndrome to eat what fruit?The child's diet with adult diet is different, especially in children with nephrotic syndrome, but also should pay attention to diet, how to eat won't affect children's development, today we will learn about the first, children with nephrotic syndrome to eat what fruit is good.
Children with nephrotic syndrome to eat what fruit?Can eat a few contain vitamin more fruits such as apples, pears and so on, also need to pay attention to the patient's electrolyte assay conditions, such as low potassium can eat banana orange orange, also can eat a cucumber, tomatoes.
In addition, high potassium, sodium high fruit to be fast, such as: banana, orange, orange, hawthorn, peach, orange juice, persimmon and watermelon, tomato, apple and so on, because hyperkalemia may result in nephrotic syndrome patients with sudden death, high sodium intake can worsen renal failure patients, must remember to remember.Nephrotic syndrome patients should eat more contain vitamin rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, such as spinach, shepherd's purse, lemon and so on.
Children with nephrotic syndrome to eat what fruit?Avoid general dietary appropriate edema, severe and urine, appropriate limit water;During large dose hormone therapy or have edema, should give a low salt diet.Protein intake in order to maintain the needs and combined with urine loss amount, the former is usually daily per kilogram of body weight a gram.Long-term excessive eating protein, can no longer, and can increase the kidney burden, leading to increased renal damage.Should eat more contain vitamin rich in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Children with nephrotic syndrome to eat what fruit?We do, if you also want to know more diet of children with nephrotic syndrome, can consult our online experts.

What can children have who suffer from kidney disease?

What are the considerations pediatric kidney diet?For pediatric patients with kidney disease, except for formal, in view of the renal pathological damage and kidney overall rehabilitation of treatments, who also need to pay attention to diet specifications, reasonable diet is helpful to obtain a good prognosis effect.
Children with nephrotic syndrome diet health should pay attention to the following:
1, children should not eat salty food.Children with nephrotic syndrome diet should pay attention to less salt, the blood pressure has not dropped to normal children, this is very important.But the food without salt would affect appetite, appropriate is used on a low salt diet.In edema and hypertension disappears, it can improve normal diet, but also to light, not too salty.Steamed buns and soda crackers also contains sodium, it is best not to give the child to eat.Can let the children eat some fresh vegetables and fruits, to supplement vitamin.
2, children should not be tired.Children self-discipline ability is poor, returned home from the hospital will feel very fresh, easy to play too tired, lack of sleep, parents pay special attention to arrange their children's work and rest time, try to get sufficient rest.
3, hypoalbuminemia patients of nephrotic syndrome in children diet notice: control protein intake.
A large amount of proteinuria is a symptom of children with nephrotic syndrome, 24 hours urinary protein for a large number of proteinuria persists for more than 150 mg.Human protein lower in protein malnutrition state, hypoalbuminemia decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, cause oedema stubbornly difficult to disappear, the body resistance drops, therefore, in the absence of renal failure should give appropriate high-quality protein diet, per kilogram of body weight 0.7 ~ 1.0 grams per day, can choose fish and meat, etc.This helps relieve hypoalbuminemia and then cause some complications, to repair kidney damage group provides stable body environment, conducive to the treatment of diseases.
4, children nephrotic syndrome of dietary hyperlipidemia with note: control the fat intake.
Children with nephrotic syndrome accompanied by hyperlipemia.Hyperlipidemia and glomerular injury can cause atherosclerosis, hardening and so on, thus we will strictly control the intake of fat in the treatment.
Experts recommend herbal recipe for pediatric kidney disease:
A medicinal food: two bamboo tea Chen
Dried tangerine or orange peel 10 grams, 20 fresh bamboo leaves, white sugar right amount.Decoction for boiling, add white sugar, the function of herbal tea, water swelling, suitable for nephritis edema wet pixu (spleen deficient)
Medicinal food 2: dry corn stigma soup
Will dry corn stigma 60 grams 500 ml 500 ml water till, served at a time, in the morning and once, 1 gram of potassium, 3 times a day.Function of the medicinal food, water, suitable for nephritis dropsy.
Medicinal food three: Chinese cabbage coix seed porridge
Chinese cabbage 500 grams, coix seed 60 grams.Coix seed cooking gruel, washed clean and cut baby cabbage, hot dishes, not for a long time to cook.No salt or low salt, 2 times a day.The medicinal food is suitable for use in acute nephritis dropsy oliguria.
Medicinal food 4: garlic steamed watermelon
Garlic 30 ~ 45 grams, a watermelon (about 1500 grams).First dig a hole in the watermelon skin, garlic peeling into watermelon, reoccupy melon is plugged the hole, dug out of the hole will be upward with a small dish cover, and water steam.Strike by several times in one day is finished.The medicinal food function, water swelling, applicable without acute nephritis.

In addition, the onset of infantile acute nephritis period should eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and so on can supply a variety of vitamins, can promote the recovery of renal function, the supply of calories and fat, then supply should be sufficient for sugar

Diet care of children with nephrotic syndrome

Children with nephrotic syndrome eating what?For children with nephrotic syndrome patients, except for formal, in view of the renal pathological damage and kidney overall rehabilitation of treatments, who also need to pay attention to diet specifications, reasonable diet is helpful to obtain a good prognosis effect.
Children with nephrotic syndrome, should pay attention to rest, to limit the child's activity level, diet should be low salt, high protein, meat, eggs, beans contain more protein, can increase the diet.Eat salt 1 ~ 3 grams per day, edema, serious when to completely avoid salt, water quantity and slightly.After treatment of urine increased, to increase the salt in the food, and potassium chloride, calcium and other oral.Low salt or avoid salt for long, will lead to low sodium symptoms, such as fatigue, vomiting, be agitated, bloody urine, lower blood pressure.
Children with nephrotic syndrome diet health should pay attention to the following:
1, children should not eat salty food.Children with nephrotic syndrome diet should pay attention to less salt, the blood pressure has not dropped to normal children, this is very important.But the food without salt would affect appetite, appropriate is used on a low salt diet.In edema and hypertension disappears, it can improve normal diet, but also to light, not too salty.Steamed buns and soda crackers also contains sodium, it is best not to give the child to eat.Can let the children eat some fresh vegetables and fruits, to supplement vitamin.
2, children should not be tired.Children self-discipline ability is poor, returned home from the hospital will feel very fresh, easy to play too tired, lack of sleep, parents pay special attention to arrange their children's work and rest time, try to get sufficient rest.
3, hypoalbuminemia patients of nephrotic syndrome in children diet notice: control protein intake.
A large amount of proteinuria is a symptom of children with nephrotic syndrome, 24 hours urinary protein for a large number of proteinuria persists for more than 150 mg.Human protein lower in protein malnutrition state, hypoalbuminemia decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, cause oedema stubbornly difficult to disappear, the body resistance drops, therefore, in the absence of renal failure should give appropriate high-quality protein diet, per kilogram of body weight 0.7 ~ 1.0 grams per day, can choose fish and meat, etc.This helps relieve hypoalbuminemia and then cause some complications, to repair kidney damage group provides stable body environment, conducive to the treatment of diseases.
4, children nephrotic syndrome of dietary hyperlipidemia with note: control the fat intake.
Children with nephrotic syndrome accompanied by hyperlipemia.Hyperlipidemia and glomerular injury can cause atherosclerosis, hardening and so on, thus we will strictly control the intake of fat in the treatment.
In general, the causes of nephrotic syndrome in children with hyperlipidemia were divided into two cases: (1), cholesterol;(2), elevated triglycerides.Different inducing factors of hyperlipidemia in the diet has different taboo, and thus for children should be kept separate.So should be limited animal internal organs, such as fat, some seafood rich in cholesterol and fat intake.
(1) children with hyperlipidemia caused by elevated triglycerides, total calorie intake should be restricted, easy to turn into body fat, high heat can cause obesity and secondary hyperlipidemia and lipid metabolism disorders.Therefore, this type of children with nephrotic syndrome have to control food intake, weight maintenance within the scope of the standard, children with high blood triglycerides of carbohydrates, especially for simple sugars such as glucose, fructose and disaccharides such as sucrose, sensitive, easy to attract to transit into a fat liver, so children should eat less sugar and sweets, especially refined refreshments, etc.

(2) for children with hyperlipidemia caused by cholesterol should limit foods high in cholesterol and saturated fatty acid content, such as high cholesterol, liver, brain, spinal cord, egg yolk, fish, shellfish, and some molluscs such as diet.Saturated fatty acid can promote the absorption of dietary cholesterol, and therefore control, diet dairy products, animal fat, palm oil, etc.At the same time, the children with nephrotic syndrome should be to increase unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates and low protein diet intake, such as a variety of vegetable oil and fish oil, etc.
