
Renal failure patients how diet go

A good diet can help kidney patients accelerate recovery speed. Thus, while the active treatment of kidney patients, but also to strive to do the diet care, in order to better help treatment can also control the progression of disease. Here's a look at it.
1, note that the sodium and potassium intake, because renal failure patients often have edema, prone to hyperkalemia, it should be based on different situations to control edema sodium salt intake. When elevated serum potassium should be appropriate to reduce the supply of potassium in the diet, so as to avoid an increase in exogenous potassium aggravated hyperkalemia. In addition to avoid eating foods high potassium content, you can also take the freezing and other methods to reduce the potassium content.
2, control salt intake: patients with the best control of salt intake in life, renal salt intake should be considered in patients with the disease.
3, protein: protein diet is the main source of the body's normal metabolism, where the main plant and animal protein is said, if we want to reduce the burden of renal function, it is necessary to allow protein intake and excretion ability to adapt. Requires a combination of reducing the extent of the value of the patient's muscle and liver complications severity.
4 Water: Patients in the treatment process, the urine can not be excluded in patients with normal metabolic waste to help solve this problem is that we increase the amount of urine, the day before the metabolites excreted, if there is no obvious edema, it can be appropriate water.
5 calories: protein for renal failure patients are very important, but we need to put them to good use on nutrients, rather than allowing them to consume, then the patient needs to take a low-protein diet, while timely replenish energy. Experts said that renal failure patients need at least 35 per kilogram daily calories.
6, to provide enough heat, kidney failure diet conditioning, heat is supplied mainly in easily digestible carbohydrate-based, you can eat more fruits, with wheat starch noodles, biscuits or other starch snacks, plus a small amount of rice or dilute porridge.
7, low-protein diet, oliguria renal failure patients in the daily diet should supply a small amount of protein, so not only take care of the patient's discharge capacity, but also consider to maintain the nutritional needs of patients. This is the kidney failure diet care more important point.

Through the introduction of the above, you have kidney disease diet should be clear now that a healthy body is one of the greatest capital, how to prevent kidney disease is particularly important in everyday life, a good diet and hygiene habits no matter what disease for both has a preventive effect. Oh, I wish you a speedy recovery.


