
Causes glomerulonephritis hematuria

1 urinary system diseases such as various nephritis ( acute glomerulonephritis, nephritis virus , genetic nephritis, nephritis ) , stones ( kidney, bladder, urethra ) , cardiac and renal tuberculosis, various congenital malformations , trauma, tumor and so on.
2 . Systemic disorders such as bleeding disorders , leukemia, heart failure, sepsis, vitamin C and K deficiency , hypercalciuria , neonatal disorders .
3 . Physical and chemical factors such as food allergies, after radiation exposure , drugs, poisons , and other sports. In order to clarify the cause, determine the occurrence of a very important part of hematuria , urine test cups can understand the source of hematuria , the method is very simple.
Glomerulonephritis hematuria how to identify

Take three cups , in a pee in front to take the first cup of urine , urine taken second cup , third cup of urine taken after the segment . If the first cup of urine indicates blood from the urethra ; third cup final is not hematuria hematuria , lesions in the bladder or urethra ; first cup , second cup , third cup showed that the whole bloody urine , suggesting that lesions in the kidney or more of the urinary tract in the bladder . Must be clear what kind of diseases caused by hematuria , or based on symptoms and physical signs , a variety of experiences , X-ray and CT scan , and even kidney biopsy biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Normal urine contains a very small amount of red blood cells. Urine without centrifugation under the microscope erythrocytes per high power field of 0 to 2 can , if more than this amount is hematuria.


