
Diet care of children with nephrotic syndrome

Children with nephrotic syndrome eating what?For children with nephrotic syndrome patients, except for formal, in view of the renal pathological damage and kidney overall rehabilitation of treatments, who also need to pay attention to diet specifications, reasonable diet is helpful to obtain a good prognosis effect.
Children with nephrotic syndrome, should pay attention to rest, to limit the child's activity level, diet should be low salt, high protein, meat, eggs, beans contain more protein, can increase the diet.Eat salt 1 ~ 3 grams per day, edema, serious when to completely avoid salt, water quantity and slightly.After treatment of urine increased, to increase the salt in the food, and potassium chloride, calcium and other oral.Low salt or avoid salt for long, will lead to low sodium symptoms, such as fatigue, vomiting, be agitated, bloody urine, lower blood pressure.
Children with nephrotic syndrome diet health should pay attention to the following:
1, children should not eat salty food.Children with nephrotic syndrome diet should pay attention to less salt, the blood pressure has not dropped to normal children, this is very important.But the food without salt would affect appetite, appropriate is used on a low salt diet.In edema and hypertension disappears, it can improve normal diet, but also to light, not too salty.Steamed buns and soda crackers also contains sodium, it is best not to give the child to eat.Can let the children eat some fresh vegetables and fruits, to supplement vitamin.
2, children should not be tired.Children self-discipline ability is poor, returned home from the hospital will feel very fresh, easy to play too tired, lack of sleep, parents pay special attention to arrange their children's work and rest time, try to get sufficient rest.
3, hypoalbuminemia patients of nephrotic syndrome in children diet notice: control protein intake.
A large amount of proteinuria is a symptom of children with nephrotic syndrome, 24 hours urinary protein for a large number of proteinuria persists for more than 150 mg.Human protein lower in protein malnutrition state, hypoalbuminemia decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, cause oedema stubbornly difficult to disappear, the body resistance drops, therefore, in the absence of renal failure should give appropriate high-quality protein diet, per kilogram of body weight 0.7 ~ 1.0 grams per day, can choose fish and meat, etc.This helps relieve hypoalbuminemia and then cause some complications, to repair kidney damage group provides stable body environment, conducive to the treatment of diseases.
4, children nephrotic syndrome of dietary hyperlipidemia with note: control the fat intake.
Children with nephrotic syndrome accompanied by hyperlipemia.Hyperlipidemia and glomerular injury can cause atherosclerosis, hardening and so on, thus we will strictly control the intake of fat in the treatment.
In general, the causes of nephrotic syndrome in children with hyperlipidemia were divided into two cases: (1), cholesterol;(2), elevated triglycerides.Different inducing factors of hyperlipidemia in the diet has different taboo, and thus for children should be kept separate.So should be limited animal internal organs, such as fat, some seafood rich in cholesterol and fat intake.
(1) children with hyperlipidemia caused by elevated triglycerides, total calorie intake should be restricted, easy to turn into body fat, high heat can cause obesity and secondary hyperlipidemia and lipid metabolism disorders.Therefore, this type of children with nephrotic syndrome have to control food intake, weight maintenance within the scope of the standard, children with high blood triglycerides of carbohydrates, especially for simple sugars such as glucose, fructose and disaccharides such as sucrose, sensitive, easy to attract to transit into a fat liver, so children should eat less sugar and sweets, especially refined refreshments, etc.

(2) for children with hyperlipidemia caused by cholesterol should limit foods high in cholesterol and saturated fatty acid content, such as high cholesterol, liver, brain, spinal cord, egg yolk, fish, shellfish, and some molluscs such as diet.Saturated fatty acid can promote the absorption of dietary cholesterol, and therefore control, diet dairy products, animal fat, palm oil, etc.At the same time, the children with nephrotic syndrome should be to increase unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates and low protein diet intake, such as a variety of vegetable oil and fish oil, etc.


