
What is the normal creatinine

Many patients see their kidney function test results will be confused , why would high creatinine of it . Some people will think this is not important , feel no symptoms , do not get sick . Because they do not know creatinine is normal, do not know the clinical significance of serum creatinine is high , thus ignoring the further examination and treatment , resulting in serious consequences. So to understand the normal and clinical significance of serum creatinine is very important. To this end , the experts we summarize below.
Experts said that to understand the significance of serum creatinine , and serum creatinine have to first understand what is . Serum creatinine was one of the items of renal function tests , it can reflect renal function . Usually the creatinine serum creatinine , which is the human muscle metabolism, the resulting product , which is a small molecule , it is possible by glomerular filtration. Creatinine is rarely renal tubular absorption, so basically all of them into the urine out of the body . Then when kidney damage occurs , serum creatinine is not properly discharged , it will abound in the blood . So when doing renal function tests , serum creatinine will be high .
So how much concrete is considered normal serum creatinine it ? Experts say , because each person's muscle mass is not the same , so the value of serum creatinine will vary, but there are differences between men and women. China is a normal serum creatinine 42 ~ 104umol / L, while the international standard is <133umol / L. Is standard in China , with more than 104umol / L indicates kidney damage occurs .
When serum creatinine is high , beyond the normal time , it means impaired renal function . Glomerular filtration rate , renal excretory function decline. This will result in a large accumulation of toxins in the body , can not be ruled out, and will be accompanied by acidosis, potassium or potassium , high phosphorus and other symptoms. These symptoms considerable harm to the human body . May have the following symptoms : ① water metabolism disorders, such as polyuria, nocturia , and fatigue. ② human element imbalance. ③ bone disease , bone pain, skeletal malformations. ④ acidosis, nausea , loss of appetite , headache, coma and other symptoms. ⑤ anemia. Therefore, high serum creatinine very serious consequences , can not be ignored. Patients should immediately go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Kidney specialist hospital , said that once identified higher serum creatinine can not be overlooked. Authority shall go the hospital .


