
How does Renal Failure Affect Our Body

Patient: I want to ask, what is the relation between renal failure and excreting nitrogenous wastes, concentrating urine and conserving electrolytes?
Doctor: We all know kidney failure affect our normal life through affecting our body; however, how does it affect our body?
Kidney is very important for human life and this is because kidney functions are of essence in maintaining our normal life. Kidney has many functions and they are excretion function, concentration function and regulation function, dilution function and filtration function. Under the effects of these kidney functions, our body is kept in a normal state.
Renal excretion function mainly focuses on excreting various waste products such as nitrogenous wastes. These wastes are harmful substance and too much of them will cause damages to our internal organs. In our body, these wastes are excreted by our kidneys and then get out of our body along with urine. When kidney failure occurs, renal excretion functional is failed, which allows large amounts of wastes accumulate in our blood. This is the reason why kidney failure patients always have increased BUN and creatinine in the blood.
Urine is formed through our kidneys and the amount of urine is based on how much water we drink. When we drink lots of water, our kidneys will concentrate much more urine and when we drink less water, our kidneys will concentrate less urine. In this way, our kidneys help to keep the balance of water in our body. For people with kidney damages, they have failed renal concentration function, so they always have increased or decreased urine volume. Kidney failure patients usually have reduced urine and this is because damaged kidneys can not concentrate urine.
It is widely know that people can not live a normal life, if he has imbalanced electrolytes. In our human body, our kidneys are in charge of regulating the balance of various electrolytes. Kidney failure makes our body is failed in displaying this function and as a consequence of this, electrolyte disturbance occurs.
Kidney failure affects our body in many ways, and with kidney failure, people can not live a normal life at all and they need to do dialysis or kidney transplant to live normally. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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