
What are children with nephrotic syndrome diet matters needing attention

What are the diet attention pediatric nephrotic syndrome?Diet for patients should pay special attention to the thing, the role of diet can prevent disease, may also be induced by the cause of the disease.Patients with infantile nephrotic syndrome should be attention to the problem of what food?In order to solve all the doubts, the following is by our experts to detailed introduce for everybody.
1. After pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome appear edema, should control the amount of salt, lest make more severe edema, and the amount of salt for no more than two grams a day, and for curing patients should ban food to eat, should put less monosodium glutamate and salt when cooking, by the time the edema disappeared and plasma protein returned to normal, can restore normal diet.
2. When the onset of children with nephrotic syndrome, patients with glomerular basement membrane will more fully, and patients in addition to the loss of protein in urine, also lose some trace elements associated with protein, such as calcium iron zinc, therefore should give on food supplement.
3. When patient morbidity, a large number of plasma proteins from the eduction in urine, thus the body appear lower protein lead to malnutrition, and hypoalbuminemia can reduce plasma colloid osmotic, cause oedema, very stubborn and difficult to eliminate, so that the body's resistance to drop, so in renal failure, the diet of children with nephrotic syndrome should be given priority to with the protein of high quality.
4. If patients with long-term patients with hyperlipidemia, will lead to the happening of arteriosclerosis and glomerular damage and hardening, so children with nephrotic syndrome should not eat animal internal organs and fat meat and seafood contain high levels of cholesterol and fatty foods.

What are the diet attention pediatric nephrotic syndrome?Parents must have gone through the introduction of the pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome should be paid attention to dietary problem had wanted to know, hope to you in the prevention and treatment and nursing can help.Experts remind you that if their children patients with pediatric nephrotic syndrome, should be timely to normal hospital for treatment.


