
Chronic nephritis patients how to prevent colds?

Chronic nephritis patients how to prevent colds?
Patients with chronic nephritis due to immune dysfunction, less resistance, although very sensitive to cold, but also the most likely to suffer from colds, so experts believe that as chronic nephritis kidney patients should take all positive and effective measures to prevent the occurrence of colds. Specific preventive measures mainly in the following areas:
(1) some whatever physical exercise, such as walking, tai chi, do broadcast gymnastics, qigong, etc., in order to enhance health and improve disease resistance.
(2) pay attention to environmental and personal hygiene to avoid predisposing factors, living room should pay attention to ventilation.
(3) to keep warm in winter and spring, when climate change, pay attention to any changes in clothing to prevent exposure to cold cold.
(4) should avoid contact with cold or "flu" patients. In the "flu" or influenza epidemic, attention should be isolated to avoid public places, if necessary, the patient should wear a mask to prevent cross-infection. Vinegar can be used indoor air disinfection fumigation. UV radiation can also be disinfected once a day, the better.

(5) eat vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.


What checks do when suspected uremia

What checks do when suspected uremia
Uremia serious harm to health and even life-threatening. Given the seriousness of the disease, early discovery to early treatment. How can we do this? In fact, there are some signs of suffering from uremia give warning, just enough attention to their physical health, then find disease risk is very easy. Then do the inspection, the disease can be diagnosed. Specifically what to do when suspected uremic check it? Here we introduce specific.
1, blood tests: (1) patients with uremia urea nitrogen, creatinine increased; (2) hemoglobin generally 80g / L or less, end-stage can be reduced to 20-30g / L, platelets or white blood cells may be associated with higher; (3) arterial blood gases, pH measurement; often late PH value decreased, AB, SB and bE were lower, PaCO2 was reduced compensatory; (4) may be normal or decreased plasma protein; (5) electrolyte measurement may appear exception.
2, urine tests: The most common screening method uremia. (1) changes in urine may be due to different underlying cause vary, may have proteinuria, red, white blood cells or casts, you can also change the obvious; (2) specific gravity more than 1.018 or less fixed at 1.010 uremia between ~ 1.012, urine at night than during the day urine.
3, renal function test: (1) glomerular filtration rate, creatinine clearance decreased; (2) phenol red excretion test and urine tests were concentrated diluted loss; (3) for determination of abnormal water clear; (4 ) radionuclide renography and renal scintigraphy scan and also helps to understand kidney function.

4 Other uremia check: urinary tract X-ray or contrast, renal biopsy, to help diagnose the cause. According to a history of chronic kidney diagnosis, clinical manifestations related to urine, blood biochemical tests, can be confirmed.

What are the early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease

What are the early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease
Currently, there are already a lot of people suffering from polycystic kidney disease, the occurrence of the disease to the patient's body causing serious injury. Since many patients do not understand the polycystic kidney disease, only to lose the best time to treat polycystic kidney disease. So, what are the early symptoms of polycystic kidney disease? Below the kidney specialists to introduce us.
1, waist, abdominal pain
Generally lower back pressure, sometimes intense pain. May be continuous or intermittent seizures, and sometimes abdominal pain, pain or oppose, chest, abdomen or groin radiation, pain may be due to activities, running, sedentary aggravated forced to stay in bed, the pain may be due to the mechanism of occurrence of renal increased expansion , increased tension caused by cystic renal capsule adjacent organs and stretch or compression of tissue caused by the suspension. As the first symptom in most patients, was persistent or paroxysmal ranging from fatigue after the increase.
2, urine abnormality
Mainly as hematuria or proteinuria, is one of the symptoms appear earlier. Hematuria or microscopic hematuria can be presented, seen in more than 50% of patients, kidney enlargement and hypertension is more common. Proteinuria found in almost all cases, mostly mild and was sustained. When a urinary tract infection, white blood cells in urine can occur even pus.
3, hypertension

50% to 60% of patients may present with hypertension, high blood pressure is a manifestation of polycystic kidney disease exacerbations. Most are secondary to renal dysfunction, polycystic kidney disease due to hypertension due to external causes polycystic kidney cysts increased oppression of the normal kidney tissue, kidney blood vessels, kidneys and lack of blood supply and blood vessels caused by the continuous increasing oppression of some cysts increased intravascular kidneys, so that local blood flow, receptors within the kidney reflex make sense to generate an increase in renin after this signal, thereby angiotensin concentration, blood vessels, blood pressure increased between hypertension and renal dysfunction is a vicious cycle.

What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease

What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease
What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease is relatively common, can cause great harm to the patient. Kidney experts say, many people have been plagued with polycystic kidney, polycystic kidney disease need to understand clearly the specific cause of polycystic kidney disease prior to treatment, generally several factors that can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease:
1, toxins
Toxins in the human body, can cause a variety of cell tissue and organ damage, thus disease, even life-threatening, and also produce genetic mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities such phenomena.
2 mutations (non-genetic)
For polycystic kidney disease, it is mostly through genetic parents into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some parents are neither hereditary polycystic kidney disease patients, does not belong to congenital dysplasia of polycystic kidney disease, but during embryogenesis mutations. During embryogenesis, because of various factors, so that the gene mutated form of polycystic kidney disease, although such cases are rare, but can still happen, so some patients may not have parents polycystic genetic history .
3, various infections
Infection can occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, resulting in changes in gene conducive cysts environmental conditions, internal factors enhance the activity of the cyst, which can promote the generation of cysts grow up; any infection of any part of the body, and through the blood into the kidneys thus affecting the cyst, such as cyst infection, in addition to making clinical symptoms intensified, it will also promote further accelerate the growth rate of the cyst, and to aggravate renal dysfunction and so on. Common infections were upper respiratory tract infections (including colds), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, skin infections, trauma, infection, device infection, etc., ie whether it is a bacterial infection or a viral infection, can have a significant impact on the cyst.
4, congenital dysplasia causes of renal cysts
By a congenital dysplasia can produce a variety of diseases, for cystic kidney disease, the principal can cause medullary sponge kidney, polycystic kidney disease, such as dysplasia, congenital abnormalities of genes generally no exception, so it is with genetic mutations or there is a difference.
5, emotional factors
Modern medical research shows: bad mood can change the body's nervous and endocrine disorders, thus changing the body's internal environment through neurohormonal effects. Abnormalities within the environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And poor people's emotions can be reduced immunity, thus contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn makes the cyst affected. Large number of clinical practice has proved that negative emotions can aggravate their condition, especially cystic disease, and recuperating mood, not sad not impatient, the condition often can be gradually improved.

What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease? Would cause polycystic kidney disease described above, in order to be able to do due to treatment, improve the effectiveness of treatment in patients with polycystic kidney disease before treatment, the need for polycystic kidney disease patients detailed examination of the causes and diagnosis.

Polycystic kidney disease patients how to exercise good for it

Polycystic kidney disease patients how to exercise good for it
In real life everyone for polycystic kidney disease presumably no stranger to it! However, for this very strange disease is very common in today's society occurs, the disease is causing great harm to people, so many people want to be able to live in a stable condition and the treatment of manipulation, to a stable condition, then, patients with daily exercise is very important, how to make the patient's condition stable exercise it? Together we look at it!
Most are due to the cold weather, so that this will lead to polycystic kidney disease patients more reluctant to exercise, however, prefer to stay in this warm throughout the winter and even bed rest at home. So it is very wrong and dangerous practice, which often causes prolonged bed rest renal blood flow slowed down, so that it would aggravate stasis and kidney sclerosis atrophy.
Daily life in patients with polycystic kidney disease in the winter must pay attention to should stick reasonable exercise, because this aspect increase endurance, so that also prevent colds, but it strengthened the hand of kidney blood flow, but also contribute to injury repair, so that also prevents glomerular sclerosis. Many times this form of exercise to walk the main renal patients, so that when you try to participate in outdoor sports when this weather is nice, most are not suitable for outdoor activities should also take a walk in the room, so that it should not stay in bed.

The above is how we know today Xiaobian recommend exercise for patients with polycystic kidney disease is good information, I believe we have some common sense to help these polycystic kidney disease, disease detection and timely treatment to rehabilitation also help.


Divided into several common types of kidney failure

Divided into several common types of kidney failure
Sometimes sick trying everything, there is no clear cause of the disease on the wild due to heal, there will be misdiagnosis, delay the disease, such as kidney failure, the type of kidney failure is very large, it is sometimes hard to tell in the end what is the cause of the disease caused by causing unnecessary harm.
Renal failure, which has several common types:
Acute renal failure is also called acute renal failure, acute renal failure is a syndrome. Caused by a variety of causes, the rapid decline in the glomerular filtration rate to below 50% of normal, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine increased rapidly and cause water, power quality disturbances and acid-base balance disorders and acute symptoms of uremia. Type of kidney failure are the following types:
Infected with renal failure: For a virus, kidney failure caused by bacteria, we call it infectious kidney failure. Acute renal failure occurs viral infection mainly viral pneumonia, encephalitis, hepatitis and epidemic hemorrhagic fever. Hemolytic renal failure: blood transfusions do not match, a lot of old blood transfusion, mechanical hemolysis can be complicated by acute renal failure. The main principle is that the incidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Ischemic: In shock, trauma-induced early renal failure, glomerular no more changes have proximal tubule degeneration, tubule epithelial cell cilia loss, there may be severe renal tubular cell necrosis, inflammation around the necrotic area cell infiltration, distal convoluted tubule and collecting tube cavity expansion, there lumen tube. Kidney toxin: the proximal tubule epithelial cells were fused necrosis, necrotic cells and exudate filled lumen, serious damage to the small tube rupture. Distal convoluted tubule may also be involved, necrosis, and degenerative changes. There are varying degrees of renal interstitial edema and inflammatory cell infiltration. Glomerular intact.
Shock renal failure: renal failure, shock due to various reasons, caused triggered, we call shock and renal failure. Common cause of bleeding, water and electrolyte imbalance, cardiac and circulatory failure. Pressed renal failure: renal failure due to internal kidney serious squeeze, and the formation of what we call pressure type of kidney failure. Its etiology and clinical course of renal failure is extremely complex. It is a type of common and clinically important.

The contents of the above, I believe we can make for the type of kidney failure simple judgment, once suffering from renal disease, we must go to the hospital, with the doctor to find the treatment plan, a speedy recovery. Also the author reminds us, adhere to exercise, maintain a good positive attitude is a good way of disease prevention. May you happy every day!

There are several stages of chronic renal failure

There are several stages of chronic renal failure
Renal failure is a kidney disease, with the improvement of living standards in recent years, suffering from such diseases is constantly expanding population. Suffering from kidney failure, the incidence of symptoms are different symptoms at different times, the incidence of chronic renal failure at different times also represent its severity, then there are several stages of chronic renal failure in it, the following experts to answer them.
Experts say chronic renal failure generally refers to the function of the kidneys can not maintain stability in vivo environment, is the final outcome of all progressive kidney disorders. The prevalence of chronic renal failure is usually divided into four stages and at different stages of illness symptoms exhibited different. Four stages of chronic renal failure whose details are as follows:
The first stage renal decompensation. This period GFR ≤ 80 ml ​​/ min, reduce renal units about 20% to 25%. Although this time the loss of kidney function reserve, but excreted metabolites, regulate electrolyte and acid-base balance of hydropower capacity is still good, there is no specific clinical manifestations.
The second stage renal decompensation. GFR ≤ 50 ml / min. Its most obvious feature is azotemia, namely blood urea, creatinine levels, uric acid metabolites protein significantly increased.
The third stage renal failure. GFR ≤ 20 ml / min. At this time severely impaired renal function, can not maintain normal metabolism of the body, the body can not maintain a stable environment, resulting in acidosis, sodium retention, low calcium, high phosphorus, potassium and other balance disorders performance.
The fourth stage uremia. GFR ≤ 10 ml / min. This period is the end-stage chronic renal failure, renal failure, these symptoms become more pronounced, patients may experience gastrointestinal, neurological, cardiovascular, hematopoietic system, respiratory system, skin and severe symptoms of metabolic systems.

Experts explain to you the four stages of renal failure, we all know it, would like to draw you attention Oh, in addition, because it is very troublesome kidney treatment, improper treatment is worse. It is recommended that you go to a regular hospital treatment, reduce the risk of disease, I wish you a speedy recovery.

Chronic renal failure should be how to correct home life

Chronic renal failure should be how to correct home life
Nowadays more and more people pay attention to health, so home life with chronic renal failure who should do it correctly? We all know that exercise daily life, as well as a balanced nutritious diet conditioning on the health of patients is particularly important. Now we take a look as renal failure in everyday life should be how to properly proceed.
Living with chronic renal failure is important, first of all to adapt to climate change in seasons. Spring and summer season, the weather turned hot from the cold, there is a corresponding change in the patient in addition to the decrease in the clothing, but also should be early hours, to do some outdoor activities, such as walking, so as to clear the blood, boost yang. However, absolute bed rest except those. Must also be taken to ensure adequate rest, not to the degree of fatigue was not fatigue, or easy to make it worse. Fall and winter season, cooler temperatures drop, the patient should pay attention to warm cold, so cold and induced infections and should adjust work schedules so that hidden in the sex fluid, yang will not frivolous. In this case should go to bed early nights, mostly in indoor activities. Severe cases to be absolute bed.
For sexual problems in patients with chronic renal failure, should be modest, lust injury, kidney injury wine and women, often due to clinical restless passions, strong co-housing, resulting in kidney essence deficiency, kidney damage, so has the decline of the spleen and more wasting, severe illness. Therefore, patients with chronic renal failure should convince their sexual restraint, in order to maintain the essence Yang Shen.

Finally, I hope renal failure patients to follow the above recommendations, develop correct and reasonable diet according to their physical condition, better security in everyday home life Yang Shen, healthy and happy life.

How do fever patients with renal failure

How do fever patients with renal failure
Many people have experienced a fever, especially when cold, some people are low-grade fever, some people are a high fever. But you know what? In addition to the cold, there are many diseases have symptoms of fever. If people are suffering from other diseases, based on the emergence of symptoms of fever, they need extra attention and can not be healed. For example, if you suffer from chronic renal failure patients on but the emergence of a fever, then you need extra attention.
Treatment main points:
1) should rest the symptoms are apparently bed rest, no cardiac symptoms apparently amount to avoid manual labor; edema, hypertension apparently low-salt diet should spear.
2) anti-infective active infection prevention, removal of infected lesions; antihypertensive treatment of high blood pressure, edema diuretic swelling.
3) anticoagulation can be used anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, the former with heparin, coumarin, which can be used aspirin or dipyridamole (dipyridamole) orally.
So, once suffering from chronic renal failure patients but accompanied by fever, in the course of therapy, be sure to inform your doctor of the province suffering from chronic renal failure patients in advance. Only in this way, doctors can be targeted for treatment, do not conduct their own free medication treatment to prevent worse. Also, be sure to properly pay attention to rest.

Tips: For a fever caused by kidney failure, treatment is crucial, and must be under the guidance of professional doctors and reasonable medication, do not take aspirin, those with renal toxicity cold medicine can not cure the disease but heavier burden on the kidneys, in addition, care is also critical, I wish you a speedy recovery. If you have any questions you can consult experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.


Dyslipidemia can damage the kidneys

Dyslipidemia can damage the kidneys
Over the years, as newspapers, magazines and other media organizations on health knowledge popularization masses, making a general increase in awareness of everyone's health. Most people can recognize dyslipidemia will accelerate the hardening of the arteries. So there is the risk of inducing coronary heart disease. However, dyslipidemia also damage the kidneys, especially for patients who already have kidney disease will be worse. This point, not many people know really.
Lipid refers to plasma lipids, mainly cholesterol and triglycerides, etc. These components require a special lipid ball protein binding, to be able to operate in the plasma. This particular protein called apolipoprotein protein. Plasma lipoprotein lipids can be transported to the liver, so liver breaks down, the risk of blood cholesterol and triglycerides and the like caused by high cholesterol and triglycerides opportunity deposited in the vessel wall. Has a protective effect on the human body, low-density lipoprotein, fatty deposits in the blood vessel wall is to promote human health adversely.
Patients suffering from nephrotic syndrome, abnormal blood lipid changes occurred; such as plasma triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein levels, if elevated lipid when urine, you will find in favor of the human apolipoprotein lost in the urine. Experiments confirmed that the majority of patients suffering from kidney disease, if diet, bulimia Feiganhouwei, high cholesterol plasma appears, can cause increased glomerular, some glomeruli may sclerosis, kidney tissue damage, which kind of damage and elevated blood lipids proportional, ie lipids higher damage higher.
Healthy people. Hyperlipidemia, does not cause direct kidney disease, but has been suffering from kidney disease patients if blood low-density lipoprotein increased, it will specifically bind to the cell membrane lines the kidney, resulting in the proliferation of cell lines, promote kidney hardening of the ball, it will be worse; induced renal failure and life-threatening.
Dyslipidemia will not only increase the risk of coronary heart disease, but also make patients suffering from kidney disease aggravated damage, therefore, patients with kidney disease should be checked regularly for lipids tests, if abnormal, treatment should be given promptly. In addition to medication, diet is usually a reasonable basis for prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia, because it is a cause of treatment.
Hyperlipidemia caused more due to improper diet, if change their eating habits, often get satisfactory results. Even patients due to genetic factors or due to other factors, proper diet and nutrition can also get a certain effect. Reasonable diet can adjust the body's lipid metabolism, its advantage is that it is not as intense and with a variety of adverse effects of drugs. Reasonable diet, will help to improve blood coagulation status, the prevention of thrombosis, protect the vessel wall and improve heart function and so on. Thus the prevention of coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes and other undoubtedly also played a good role.
For kidney patients, the kidney damage it caused for hyperlipidemia have a protective effect. Chronic kidney disease sufferers are constrained, eating salt, protein, water. When eating cholesterol foods also limited. In general, healthy adults daily cholesterol intake should be less than 300 mg have been suffering from high cholesterol, especially in terms of also suffering from chronic kidney disease patients, they can not more than two hundred milligrams is appropriate.
Cholesterol in nature mainly in animal foods among plants no cholesterol, but there is structurally very similar to cholesterol substances called plant sterols, cholesterol, it is not the same animal, if you eat into the plant sterols and cholesterol in the intestine will battle. They got into the intestinal cells and are attracted into the bloodstream, and their cholesterol but was squeezed out from the stool.

Friends of chronic kidney disease diet should try to arrange edible soybean oil, sesame oil, eat more fiber and vitamin C-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables to increase cholesterol from faeces, herbal tea pot every day: Hawthorn fifteen grams, Alisma ten five grams, for the treatment of hyperlipidemia there.

What is obvious early symptoms of kidney cyst

What is obvious early symptoms of kidney cyst
Development of the disease feelings like male and female friends to begin your obedience, over time, the feelings faded, people will cool. Development of the disease is a gradual process, many of the early patients found no presence of renal cysts, distress and harm caused by subsequent treatment. Accordingly, early treatment of the disease is critical. So, there is no obvious early symptoms of kidney cysts?
What is obvious early symptoms of renal cysts experts pointed out that some patients with asymptomatic renal cysts, some patients due to the cyst itself and intracapsular pressure increased and the infection appears early symptoms of kidney cysts are?:
Early renal cysts in patients with proteinuria generally not more days, protein in the urine within a day will not exceed 2g.
Renal cysts will oppress the kidneys, forming renal ischemia, so that an increase in renin secretion, causing high blood pressure. Renal cysts in patients with renal dysfunction, the incidence of hypertension than 50%.
Waist and abdominal pain
The reason is because patients with back pain kidney enlargement and expansion, increasing the renal capsule, renal pedicle is pulled or squeezed so that adjacent organs caused. Meanwhile, the cause of renal cysts in patients with renal water content increases, the kidneys become heavy and fall back pain caused by stretching. If kidney stones, then there will be renal colic.

Early renal cysts have any obvious symptoms? By introducing the experts, I believe everyone on the early symptoms of renal cysts are aware, I hope to better help you find these symptoms change, to pay attention to timely symptomatic treatment is the key.

Early symptoms of acute nephritis, renal pelvis and Prevention

Early symptoms of acute nephritis, renal pelvis and Prevention
Acute pyelonephritis is the essence of renal pelvis mucosa acute infectious diseases, mainly E. coli infection, in addition to Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other causes. Acute pyelonephritis is the most serious complication of toxic shock.
Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis:
(1) Clinically, the most common is urgency, urinary frequency and dysuria, etc., accompanied by dripping bladder irritation and urinary symptoms.
(2) In addition to the above, some patients will pyelonephritis hematuria symptoms.
(3) there will be a high fever, headache, fever and fatigue, and discomfort associated with the province, as well as in patients with symptoms of nausea will appear.
Prevention of acute pyelonephritis:
(1) daily life should drink boiled water, urinating, frequent cleaning of the vulva and anus, pay attention to menstrual and sexual health.
(2) Regular exercise, proper diet with the only way to improve their ability to resist, to avoid repeated infections.
(3) Because the symptoms of patients with acute pyelonephritis can not disappear, and give up treatment, should adhere to the treatment under a doctor's guidance has been recovered.

(4) as well as in patients with gynecological pelvic inflammatory disease, should be thoroughly treated to prevent infection causes acute pyelonephritis.


Patients with renal cysts how to care

Patients with renal cysts how to care
Renal cysts of varying sizes is a general term that do not communicate with the outside world appeared cystic mass in the kidney, renal cysts can be divided into common adult polycystic kidney disease, simple renal cysts and acquired renal cysts. Renal cystic disease comprises a group that can appear in different parts of a single or multiple cystic kidney disease. Mostly congenital, may occur in one or both. Prevalent in the 35-45 years of age.
Mainly bloating, (exacerbated during exercise, relieve supine) abdominal pain, abdominal mass, hypertension, hematuria, anemia, polycythemia small number, 50% suffer with liver cysts, pancreas, lung, spleen, bone, testis , ovarian, thyroid can have cysts, a few may have small intracranial aneurysms.
Most patients with kidney infections and stones. Late by chronic renal failure. If the baby is often associated with other malformations type, multi-weeks to January the number of deaths at birth.
So, how it performed on human health in order to reduce the harm it?
1, can work and live, large liver, kidney cysts, you should avoid local trauma.
2, palm diagnosis of liver, kidney cyst is very reliable, generally do not have to do more checking.
3, liver, kidney cysts generally develop slowly, not cancerous, the prognosis is good.
4, oversized liver and kidney cysts. On the organ itself or its organs can be formed around the compression symptoms or inflammation, can needle aspiration or surgical decompression therapy, use of antimicrobial drugs inflammation.
5, mostly congenital kidney cysts, there are single, but also multiple, and sometimes liver, kidney cysts exist, the general said kidney cyst is not much impact on human health.

6, do not form oppression liver, kidney cysts can not be treated, and no effective treatment.

Seven factors of renal cyst formation

Seven factors of renal cyst formation
Renal cysts due to some reasons there are some cystic renal masses, these masses to discourage some patients kidney exchanges with the outside, giving the patient poses a serious injury, so for everyone concerned, should make the prevention of renal cysts ready, here we come to analyze the causes of renal cyst formation, hoping to help the patient.
1 adverse development of congenital
Congenital dysplasia is one of the main reasons to induce renal cysts can easily lead to cause medullary sponge kidney, polycystic kidney disease, such as dysplasia, congenital abnormalities of genes generally no exception, so it is genetic or gene mutations have difference.
2 mutations
Ridden due to chromosomal mutation caused by a variety of causes, generally divided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some parents are neither hereditary polycystic kidney disease patients, does not belong to congenital dysplasia of polycystic kidney disease, but during embryogenesis mutations.
3, various infections
Infection can easily lead to the patient's general endocrine disorders appear to produce beneficial gene cysts changing environmental conditions, the activity of the internal cyst enhancement factor such cysts can promote the generation grown; any infection of any part of the body, will thus affecting the kidneys through the bloodstream into the cyst, such as cyst infection, in addition to making clinical symptoms intensified, it will also promote further accelerate the growth rate of the cyst, and to aggravate renal dysfunction and so on.
4, toxins
Toxins in the human body, can produce various organs of the body are hurt, if severe life-threatening injury; while some people appear to produce genetic mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities such phenomena. Common toxins such as pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so on. Especially to be noted that some of the drugs also have renal toxicity, if used improperly it could easily lead to kidney damage.
5, diet
If improper diet, it is easy to make the patient appear secretion disorder, causing kidney cysts occur. Where improper diet are:
(1) diet, the nutritional deficiencies such as hunger; fullness is easy to hurt the stomach digestion, absorption and blood circulation disorders; overeating Feiganhouwei metaplasia is easy to heat.
(2) eating unclean, light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease, severe poisoning or even life-threatening.
(3) partial addicted to diet, such as eating more cold cold, then easily hurt the stomach yang, eat hot Xin Wen will enable the gastrointestinal accumulated heat, then there Gomi partial addicted persists, easily hurt organs. Effect of diet for the several body is obvious. They are also directly or indirectly affect the development of cystic changes in the disease.
6, too tired 
Many patients are due to do some physical work, the transition often tired, so their weakened immune system, resulting in the occurrence of renal cysts.
7, emotional factors

Emotions can easily lead to the body's endocrine disorders, thus changing the body's internal environment through neurohormonal effects. Abnormalities within the environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And poor people's emotions can be reduced immunity, thus contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn makes the cyst affected.

Induced renal cyst disease etiology What?

Induced renal cyst disease etiology What?
1, toxins
Is one of the causes induced renal cysts, this toxin can cause a variety of cell tissue and organ damage, toxins in the human body. Thus the occurrence of the disease, even life-threatening, and also the occurrence of congenital abnormalities, such as gene mutation is one of the causes of renal cysts.
2, diet
A good diet for the treatment of renal cysts have a certain role. But bad habits will only result in the occurrence of a lot of awareness of the disease. Of course, produce cystic disease, an important factor in the development and changes of the main ones, such as hunger are undernourished; fullness is easy to hurt the stomach digestion, absorption and blood circulation disorders; overeating fatness.
3, poor congenital developmental
The incidence of renal cysts may be due to congenital dysplasia caused. The primary cause medullary sponge kidney, polycystic kidney disease dysplasia, so it genetic or gene mutation is different congenital abnormal gene generally no exception.
4, work and rest Shiyi
If longer excessive force or strenuous exercise is easy to overwork, is the cause of renal cysts.

After the above detailed description, I believe we already have more understanding. There are many causes of renal cysts, depending on the cause, take a different treatment, proper treatment.

Most renal cysts are caused by infection

Most renal cysts are caused by infection
Most kidney cyst infection caused by the need to pay attention
Cause of renal cysts are many. One of the more common reasons is because infection. Most renal cysts caused by infection. This requires attention to the next.
Experts: Most renal cysts caused by infection. Various infections, abnormal body environment can change, resulting in changes in gene cysts beneficial environmental conditions, the activity of the internal cyst enhancement factor such cysts can promote the generation grown; any infection of any part of the body , will thus affect the kidneys through the bloodstream into the cyst, such as cyst infection, in addition to making clinical symptoms intensified, it will also promote further accelerate the growth rate of the cyst, and to aggravate renal dysfunction and so on.
Moreover, what reason is easy to cause renal cysts?
① diet. Poor diet can cause many diseases produce, of course, produce cystic disease, an important factor in development and change.
② degrees exertion. Overwork should include three aspects: excessive labor, excessive trouble, excessive sexual intercourse.

③ toxins. Toxins in the human body, can cause a variety of cell tissue and organ damage, thus disease, even life-threatening, and also produce genetic mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities such phenomena.


Polycystic kidney blood pressure to 180 serious yet

Polycystic kidney blood pressure to 180 serious yet
Polycystic kidney blood pressure to 180 serious? Polycystic kidney hypertension is the main reason for the increase of the blood vessels in the kidney cysts oppressed, so that renal ischemia, hypoxia, low perfusion in the kidneys, the kidneys reduce the local blood supply, which felt receptors within the kidney signal after reflex increased production of renin, angiotensin concentration increased further, vasoconstriction, causing the whole body of a patient blood pressure polycystic kidney disease.
Polycystic kidney blood pressure to 180 serious? Hypertensive patients with polycystic kidney disease now appears, indicating renal damage is imminent or has already occurred, so the specification to lower blood pressure also should treat damaged kidneys. If not promptly controlled hypertension, renal pathology will continue to increase damage, severe renal fibrosis, serum creatinine increased, so that deterioration will continue to rise in blood pressure can cause heart enlargement, heart failure. Some patients rapid progression of kidney tissue pressure, impaired renal function occurs in chronic renal failure, eventually leading to uremia.

Polycystic kidney blood pressure to 180 serious? For the treatment of hypertension, polycystic kidney disease, the first is to control blood pressure. You can make use of antihypertensive drugs to maintain. Polycystic kidney disease caused by renal hypertension and essential hypertension is different for polycystic kidney disease caused by high blood pressure, treatment should be placed on critical treatment of polycystic kidney disease, reduce stress cysts on the kidneys, reducing kidney cyst substance oppression, delay or block the process of renal fibrosis, so as to treat high blood pressure from the roots.

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic risk much of it?

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic risk much of it?
Polycystic kidney disease is not only affected by genetic factors, but also the patient's age and geographical location also has a certain relationship. With hereditary polycystic kidney disease can be divided into two categories: adult polycystic kidney disease is autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive infantile polycystic kidney disease is hereditary.
Department of polycystic kidney cortex and medulla of numerous cysts appear as a genetic disease. Polycystic kidney disease Genetic rate it? Experts pointed out that according to the mode of inheritance can be divided into autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and inherited autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. Genetic adult polycystic kidney disease incidence rate is about 0.2%, mainly in the kidney cyst, increased development and the number of features, often accompanied by the formation of cysts in other organs, the liver is more common, pancreas, ovary, gastrointestinal tract can also be seen. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney rule is: both parents heterozygous, homozygous offspring, the incidence probability of 25%. No gender and ethnic differences.
Cause autosomal polycystic law is dominant hereditary polycystic kidney disease: pathogenesis chance for men and women want to wait; either parent illness, 50% of children get sick cyst genes, if the parents are sick, children, increased incidence to 75%; does not carry the sick child cyst genes.

Polycystic kidney disease is higher than it's related to the genetic introduction, for your reference, hope gallbladder polyps in patients with early treatment to avoid serious problems, in addition, if you do have any questions about the high rate of genetic polycystic kidney disease Please consult the online expert!


Five plays the role of traditional Chinese medicine cure kidney disease

Five plays the role of traditional Chinese medicine cure kidney disease
First, the diuretic effect
Diuresis medicine Chinese medicine has a positive diuretic effect, such as Polyporus, Poria, Alisma, plantain, loosestrife, lobelia, etc., herbal diuretic drugs can increase with warming kidney diuretic effect, has been reported by the study, warm kidney drug may improve renal blood flow, improve kidney filtration rate, and diuresis drugs can reduce the renal tubular reabsorption, so both can be combined to improve the diuretic effect.
Second, the immunomodulatory effects
According to reports, in traditional Chinese medicine tonics, blood drugs and drug detoxification can increase reticuloendothelial phagocytic function, some herbs on immune function two-way adjustment, chills wins wet Chinese medicine has anti-allergic effect, especially tripterygium glomerular nephritis have significant therapeutic effect, according to the study confirmed that the drug can inhibit immune complex formation, reduce glomerular inflammation.
Third, the role of excretion of metabolic waste
Such as rhubarb can promote the excretion of urea nitrogen and creatinine, and thus play a role to reduce azotemia.
Fourth, improve renal function
Traditional medicine has been reported to improve renal blood circulation, relieve hypercoagulable state, promote the absorption of fibrous tissue, has the potential to partially repair the waste with varying degrees of renal units, there are reports of Chinese medicine Cordyceps have improved renal function .
Five, renal toxicity

Individual Chinese nephrotoxic effects, if any, reports of wood through 60g, Jianshui Dayton clothing, causing acute renal failure, but no significant toxic effects the amount used, triptolide also has renal toxicity, mainly caused by renal tubular necrosis, the only clinically Tripterygium preparations can be used, such as Tripterygium glycosides, etc. In addition, there have been reports defense, but also when the sward renal toxicity, centipedes, etc. overdose.

Symptoms of renal hypertension are there?

Symptoms of renal hypertension are there?
Hypertension, renal hypertension symptoms also exists, not repeat them. Here are just some of the special aspects of the performance of renal hypertension make a profile.
Compared with the same level of essential hypertension, renal hypertension essential hypertension compared with more progress to malignant hypertension, which occurs in approximately 2-fold. Which, IgA nephropathy, especially sclerosis, or hardening of IgA nephropathy secondary to malignant hypertension, especially common. Also, comparison with primary malignant hypertension, renal parenchymal malignant hypertension worse prognosis, some authors statistics, the former five-year kidney survival rate was 60%, while the latter one and a half years renal survival is only 4%.
Renal hypertension is often severe retinopathy, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications occur more often. This is because in addition to hypertension, other cardiovascular risk factors often compound the presence of renal parenchymal disease, such as lipid metabolism disorder nephrotic syndrome, and glucose metabolism during diabetic nephropathy, anemia, renal insufficiency, and hyperuricemia disease, high homocysteine​​, uremic toxins, metabolic acidosis, and micro-inflammatory state, these complex factors will significantly increase the incidence of cardiovascular complications.
In this, the need to emphasize that especially affect renal hypertension and chronic kidney disease on the basis of renal disease progression. Chronic renal disease was before the glomerular arterioles diastolic state, the system is very easy to pass the glomerular hypertension, resulting in glomerular hypertension, high perfusion and high filtration, this "three high" that can accelerate the remaining glomerulosclerosis; Meanwhile, long-term high blood pressure can lead to kidney arteriosclerosis, including hyaline afferent arterioles, interlobular artery and arcuate artery intimal thickening of the muscle, so that small artery wall thickening luminal narrowing , secondary to renal ischemia
Damage (glomerular ischemic collapse was to ischemic sclerosis, tubular atrophy and renal interstitial fibrosis). Therefore, renal hypertension is not well controlled will significantly accelerate renal parenchymal disease progression, creating a vicious cycle.
Urinary protein quantity glomerular disease, hypertension and kidney damage effect is more obvious, because both effects overlay. Now known proteinuria, especially in a large number of glomerular proteinuria can be caused by a high pressure, high perfusion and high filtration promote glomerulosclerosis; And, filtered proteins (including complement and growth factors, etc.) and in combination with protein certain substances (including lipid and iron, etc.) after being tubular reabsorption, tubular cells can activate the release of pathogenic factors (such as transforming growth factor β, etc.) to promote renal interstitial fibrosis. Therefore, in patients with renal hypertension with proteinuria, more should be strictly controlled hypertension.

The main points of renal hypertension diagnosis are: patients generally younger; previous history of kidney disease; limbs often clammy, pale and more; higher diastolic blood pressure in a small pulse, blood pressure is characterized by small fluctuations; often nephropathy signs such as anemia, hematuria, proteinuria, nocturia, varying degrees of renal damage; B ultrasound showed renal parenchyma diffuse lesions, such as renal cortical thinning.

Etiology of renal hypertension

Etiology of renal hypertension
Renal parenchymal disease caused by high blood pressure are: 1 primary glomerulonephritis, such as acute nephritis, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis; 2 secondary glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis in common; 3 and more. cystic kidney; 4 congenital renal hypoplasia; 5 chronic pyelonephritis; 6 radiation nephritis; 7 renal tuberculosis; 8 giant hydronephrosis; .. 9 kidney cancer; 10 kidney stones; 11 renal amyloidosis ; 12 medullary cystic disease.

Either unilateral or bilateral renal parenchymal disease, kidney disease almost every kind can cause high blood pressure. Typically glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, polycystic kidney disease, congenital renal hypoplasia and other diseases, and if more extensive lesions associated with vascular disease or renal ischemia were more extensive, often accompanied by high blood pressure. Such as diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis often due to widespread disease, severe renal ischemia, hypertension is very common so; contrary, minimal change disease, focal proliferative glomerulonephritis rarely hypertension. Renal tuberculosis, the chance of kidney stones, renal amyloidosis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis simple, Medullary Cystic Disease and other major manifestations of interstitial damage lesions produce less of hypertension. But once the development of these diseases often affect glomerular function hypertension. Therefore, the functional status of the incidence of renal hypertension and glomerular close. Glomerular dysfunction, blood pressure tends to rise, the incidence of end-stage renal failure, hypertension up to 83%.


Cola Causing Kidney Disease

Cola Causing Kidney Disease
Cola is a kind of carbonated beverage that most people like. Cola’s main ingredient include caffeine, caramel, phosphoric acid, carbonated water, etc. Most young people like it because of the fresh-tasting. Drinking coke is gradually becoming a habit. But everybody should know that it will harm the kidney.
The sugar content of cola is quite high, which is the equal of ten cube sugar. Besides, there are plenty of phosphate in it that will induce kidney stone and other kidney disease. Therefore, drink too much cola certainly will harm our kidney. Meanwhile, the phosphoric acid in our body can decrease calcium, which will cause rarefaction of bone. The caffeine in cola can result in sleep disturbances, which will cause insomnia, excitement and tension. Patients with kidney disease need good rest, it will cause severe health problem because of long-term of such status. The investigation revealed that some patients drink too much carbonated beverage or drink it as water arise acute kidney failure and other kidney disease.
The following people is unfit to drink cola that is summarized by Shijazhuang kidney disease hospital.
Ⅰ. Children. Caffeine can excites central nervous system, that will cause irritability and without discipline and also will harm bones and teeth. It will influence children’s growth and development, so children should not drink it.
Ⅱ. Child-bearing age women and pregnant women. Caffeine will increase the difficulty of conception and restrain the fetal growth and development.
Ⅲ.Patient with high blood pressure.
Ⅳ. The caffeine and other substances in cola can cause blood lipids elevating that will lead to arteriosclerosis. If patients with hypertensive nephropathy drink too much, it will cause condition aggravation.
Ⅴ. Fracture patients. Cola cause calcium excretion and prevent fracture healing.

Cola never can replace the status of water. Do not drink too much cola for your health.

The Diet Rules of Patients with Chronic Nephritis

The Diet Rules of Patients with Chronic Nephritis
Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital experts hold that diet therapy can eliminate protein of patients with chronic nephritis in some degree. And it also has a big influence of improving kidney function and enhancing the immunity. The diet rules should be regulated according to patients condition and physical condition. It relieves chronic nephritis condition tremendously. The diet rules for patients with chronic nephritis as follows:
Ⅰ. Protein supplement. Decide the protein intake according to the damage of kidney function. Patients with Long course and severe kidney function damage should not limit protein intake strictly. Everyday intake less than 1g per kg weight. The high quality protein take above 50%.
Ⅱ.Moderate carbohydrates and fat intake. The carbohydrates and fat should increase correspondingly to supply calories because some patients’ protein intake limited. Patients with kidney disease need supply 126-147 kj(kilojoule ) calories per kg weight everyday.
Ⅲ. Controlling sodium salt intake. When patients occur severe edema and hypertension, the sodium salt intake should be limited under 2g per day, even salt-free diet. In general, low-salt diet is fine.
Ⅳ. Controlling potassium salt intake. The potassium salt intake should be determined by the potassium salt. When the potassium blood level increasing, the potassium intake should be limited.

Ⅴ. Vitamin supplement, especially vitamin C. Because patients who have chronic nephritis may occur anemia, so supply vitamin C to increase the absorption of iron.


Kidney hospital lupus nephritis patients with advanced interpretation possible discomfort?

Kidney hospital lupus nephritis patients with advanced interpretation possible discomfort?
Lupus nephritis occurs early symptoms, many patients will have misunderstood the situation misdiagnosed appear. Kidney hospital lupus nephritis patients with advanced interpretation possible discomfort? Believe that patients with lupus nephritis were wondering, do not want to worsen their condition to the late, increasing the difficulty of treatment. Let us look at the Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital specialists for lupus nephritis explanation.
Lupus nephritis let everyone know, it also belongs to a kidney disease, the patient's health is a certain threat, which if not timely and effective disease control, then the condition is likely to worsen as kidney failure, uremic psychosis, seriously endanger the patient's life. Kidney hospital experts say, lupus nephritis in order to discover, early treatment, then we must understand their symptoms, so you can not apply for the first time in the event of treatment, avoiding the deterioration of the condition.
First, the late symptoms of kidney damage in lupus nephritis performance:
1, hematuria and proteinuria
Patients with edema and hypertension are not only light to moderate proteinuria and hematuria domain.
2, nephritic syndrome
Often accompanied by edema or hypertension, proteinuria and hematuria. Acute onset of clinical manifestations similar to acute nephritis, may be associated with renal dysfunction. Part of the case of rapid onset, rapid deterioration of renal function, progression to renal failure in the short term, was acute nephritis carried through, such as the high mortality rate is no active clinically effective treatment. There can be no part of the case when the onset of renal dysfunction, urine does not change significantly, but after several years of gradual development of chronic renal failure.
Second, the symptoms of kidney late manifestations of lupus nephritis:
1, the general symptoms
Common fatigue, weight loss and fever.
2, the performance of multi-system damage
Common rash, telangiectasia, alopecia, superficial lymph nodes, liver and spleen enlargement. 90% of cases joint pain, 30% had myalgia. Cardiac involvement is also more common, more performance for pericarditis, a small number of myocarditis. When the nervous system involvement usually presents psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, headache, chorea, peripheral neuropathy, and retinopathy. Other visible anemia, purpura, parotid gland enlargement, such as interstitial pneumonia and pleurisy. Or can occur more than effusion.

Kidney hospital lupus nephritis patients with advanced interpretation possible discomfort? Order to discover that he is not suffering from lupus nephritis, first of all we must know what symptoms indicate you are suffering from lupus nephritis, if found himself lupus nephritis the case, then it must be timely diagnosis and treatment, so the best time to delay treatment to disease progression opportunities to bring their own greater pain. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, experts have warned, must be timely and correct treatment, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts say, the disease will be of great help to the patient, the patient's condition can be alleviated to some extent, alleviate the suffering of patients, while patients The body does not hurt, as soon as possible to help patients recover.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a 24-hour urinary protein excretion more than 2 grams

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a 24-hour urinary protein excretion more than 2 grams
Question: I am diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, now with hormones. I want to consult this disease can fully recover it? Performance I'm nothing special, mainly urinary protein is relatively high, 24-hour urinary protein excretion was more than 2 grams. I am a woman, 23 years old, discovered two years. B surreal renal parenchymal thinning strong echo. No problem renal function, creatinine is not high.

Experts answer: Obviously your condition controlled is not stable, you do not know what drugs are used prior to treatment in patients with traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine we advocate the best Chinese medicine-based??. Our hospital lupus nephritis and nephrotic syndrome secondary to primary renal disease is a medicine used in the treatment of foreign law: Micro-Chinese Medicine therapy, herbal therapies used in the treatment through subtle activation, administered by the patient's waist kidney area, direct role in kidney disease patients, blood circulation can repair the damaged renal unit patients. Because this is an external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, it is not caused by long-term oral medicine patients psychologically tired. Also, because there are many important points waist is kidney-related, so this administration can also play acupoint stimulation efficacy, efficacy is more powerful than mere oral! So as to clear the meridians, conditioning organs, balance yin and yang, righting remove the purpose of evil. This long-term stability for the patient's condition is obviously helpful! Not let the patient always repeated attacks, but not long-term stability. If you want a more detailed understanding, please consult online experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, or directly call the hotline to communicate!

What are the symptoms of IGA nephropathy?

What are the symptoms of IGA nephropathy?
IGA nephropathy differential diagnosis must first understand what the symptoms of IGA nephropathy?
IgA nephropathy symptoms:
1, episodes of gross hematuria: It is usually in the upper respiratory tract infections (tonsillitis), after infection, even after vaccination or strenuous exercise acute gastroenteritis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, such as herpes zoster. The most common upper respiratory tract infection with a very short time intervals (24 to 72 hours, even a few hours can be as short) after gross hematuria, so it was called pharyngitis sync hematuria. Gross hematuria continued for several hours to several days, usually less than three days. There are repeated episodes of gross hematuria characteristics.
2, microscopic hematuria with / without asymptomatic proteinuria: mostly in checks and screening for students to join the army, marriage and other routine health inspection found for biopsy and diagnosis. For children and young people with IgA nephropathy major clinical manifestations.
3, proteinuria: IgA nephropathy Most patients showed mild proteinuria, ECTkey = 24-hour urinary protein excretion 24-hour urinary protein excretion nephrotic syndrome.
Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome: not common. Many patients with persistent hematuria, proteinuria. Abrupt deterioration of renal function in a short time, may have edema and mild to moderate hypertension. Glomerulonephritis, both acute and chronic pyelonephritis. If we can get effective treatment of acute, almost always cured, if it is difficult to turn into a chronic cure. Nephrotic syndrome, IgA nephropathy, purpura nephritis is generally difficult to cure. Nephritis, uremia stage renal disease often appear, if not treated, most patients die within six months.
IGA nephropathy and identification of other illnesses:
1, acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis:
With IgA nephropathy also prone to young men, hematuria upper respiratory tract infection (or acute tonsillitis), the may have proteinuria, edema and hypertension, or renal damage. The difference between the two is that patients with IgA nephropathy after a very short interval of upper respiratory tract infection (1-3 days) that hematuria, elevated serum IgA levels in some patients. The acute nephritis often seen in about 2 weeks after streptococcal infection clinical symptoms of acute nephritic syndrome, decreased serum C3, IgA levels were normal can help identify.
2, non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis:
Non-IgA mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis incidence in China, about 1/3 of the patients presented with hematuria. Clinically difficult to identify with IgA nephropathy. Required by the immune pathology biopsy to identify.
3, thin basement membrane nephropathy:
Thin basement membrane nephropathy main clinical manifestations of recurrent hematuria, about 1/2 of the patients had a family history. Clinical manifestations of benign process. Urine Pf4 levels of IgA nephropathy can help with identification. Must rely on electron microscopic examination and biopsy IgA nephropathy identification.
4, allergic purpura nephritis:

Patients may present with hematuria or microscopic hematuria. Renal biopsy may have the same extensive mesangial IgA deposition with primary IgA nephropathy. But purpura kidney patients often typical skin purpura, abdominal pain, arthralgia performance.


What is the normal creatinine?

When patients suffering from kidney disease, when renal function is serum creatinine in the necessary item, if it is higher than the normal value, it means that there us a more serious renal damage. So we live in a normal serum creatinine values ​​should pay attention to whether it is within the normal range. So how much creatinine is normal? Following on from our experts to give us a look at in detail.
Each of the local measure is not the same normal serum creatinine, creatinine normal standards :44-133umol / L, when the creatinine exceeds 133umol / L means kidney damage occurs, have renal insufficiency, renal failure. Creatinine is normal to consider a lot of factors, many may be unclear as to what is creatinine, only clearly know the disease can be very good for the treatment of kidney disease, so that the right medicine.
Serum creatinine, creatinine many people do not understand what things I often written as "serum creatinine" or even "blood backbone." In fact, the body's endogenous creatinine product of muscle metabolism. In muscle creatine and creatinine is formed mainly by slowly irreversible non-enzymatic reaction of dehydration, and then released into the blood, the excretion with the urine. Therefore, the total amount of creatinine closely with the body muscles, less susceptible to diet shadow. Creatinine is a small molecule substances by the kidney glomerular filtration, little absorption in the renal tubules, creatinine body produces daily, almost all with the urine, urine is generally not affected. Clinical serum creatinine is one of the commonly used methods of the renal function.

The above is for "normal serum creatinine is how much?" Presentation, you want to find yourself whether elevated creatinine must be regular to regular kidney hospital for a physical examination. After the discovery of elevated blood anhydride, creatinine, patients need timely conduct physical examination, and an early stage renal disease, protect the remaining kidney, lower creatinine method can choose detox drugs, dialysis, but creatinine patients need to choose according to their condition ensure their physical therapy suitable choice.

Symptoms of high creatinine What?

Symptoms of high creatinine What?
We must keep abreast of some of the symptoms of the disease in their daily lives, which will help us find the condition, ready to make the best treatment. For patients suffering from kidney disease, we should always observe the symptoms of high creatinine, to avoid repeated illness. Here is creatinine kidney specialists to give us a detailed description of the symptoms of high performance. Chronic kidney disease if symptoms of high creatinine, has entered on behalf of chronic renal failure; Creatinine is a muscle in the body's metabolism is mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. Serum creatinine renal function often as clinical examination is an important indicator.
High creatinine symptoms: polyuria, nocturia, increased thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue, or edema, blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure, breathing deep and long, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness weakness, headache, irritability and even coma and other symptoms.
After entering chronic renal failure, when patients with high creatinine in addition to outside, there will be a number of other high creatinine symptoms:
A water metabolism disorders: include polyuria, nocturia, thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue.
(2) Sodium metabolic disorders: hyponatremia or hypernatremia.
3 potassium metabolism disorders: hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
4. Metabolic acidosis, the patient may have breathing deep and long, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea.
5 aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and metabolic abnormalities.

These are symptoms of an expert on high serum creatinine give us, we should have a certain understanding, we hope to bring some life to help, if you have any questions, you can continue to consult Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital the online experts. They will make a detailed answer for us.

High uric acid, creatinine High how to do?

High uric acid, creatinine High how to do?
High uric acid, creatinine High how to do it? Have many friends concerned about this issue. We must first understand these two phenomena are the early symptoms of kidney disease. After this happens, it means that our body has hurt, this time on the need to immediately correct treatment to achieve recovery. High uric acid, creatinine together on this issue we look at the next Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts give us high how to do.
High uric acid, creatinine, creatinine high how high should do the right treatment, the specific approach should be in life?:
1, multi-sport, we must not not do strenuous exercise, the best choice for swimming, aerobics, tai chi and the like.
2, drink plenty of water, it is best to drink soda, alkaline water, or at least water, a daily urine output to be controlled at around 2000ml is the best. Difficult to tea, coffee, so nephritis patients understand the "high uric acid and creatinine high how to do, "the question is necessary
3, multi-vegetarian, but not all have to eat vegetarian, eat Purple eggplant, Shanghai green lettuce. Vegetables avoid spinach, then all should eat or not eat beans.
4, less meat, why I did not say "no meat" mean? Course, is to eat a little meat, animal fat and animal protein with other foods is irreplaceable, and it is necessary for the body, but it must be controlled good amount! seafood and animal offal and fondue is to strictly taboo. otherwise, excessive eating meat, you will come to naught.
5, beer, wine, red wine is sure to be taboo! Alcoholism if indeed, the amount of drink white bar!
6, all treatment gout drugs, the kidneys, the liver side effects are very large, rely on drugs lowering uric acid is the most worth the wait! About how to do high uric acid high creatinine problem Integrative Medicine nephritis, which is a symptomatic simultaneous treatment with the cure treatment. Method Western symptomatic eliminate the symptoms of nephritis, renal medicine cure inherent to repair damaged cells, combined with traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine treatment of nephritis nephritis strengths, according to the pathogenesis of nephritis, the application of integrative medicine in the treatment of chronic nephritis treatment very good effects.

The above description is about how to do high uric acid and creatinine, we know it! Expert online Chinese best kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital to help you solve the problem.


Why susceptible to kidney disease during pregnancy? How to avoid?

After pregnancy, the body of the physiological functions of the system will change a lot, some changes are physical in nature, while others are manifestations of the disease. After pregnancy, kidney compensatory increase in size, the uterus oppression ureter, can cause renal calyx, renal pelvis, ureter expansion, glomerular filtration rate and plasma flow were increased, a small amount of protein and sugar in the urine appear, etc. . Special attention is needed, kidneys during pregnancy is very vulnerable to disease. How do you know whether the kidney disease after pregnancy it? Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts pointed out that as long as the attention to changes in physical condition and regular hospital check-ups, can be resolved. Pregnancy weight gain is normal, but do not increase too much; If the original normal blood pressure, elevated blood pressure after pregnancy, and certainly is not normal; always check urine, according to the protein appears in urine, red blood cells, casts, pus cells can be diagnosed with any disease.
Beware of urinary tract infections
Growth and development of the fetus in the womb, the uterus an increased day by day, the inevitable compression of adjacent organs such as the bladder, rectum, ureter, leading to poor urine, retention occurs, it is likely to have bacterial growth and reproduction. If pregnancy fever, back pain, painful urination, increased frequency of urination, urinary tract infection symptoms often.
Starting from the beginning of pregnancy, it should be checked regularly to the hospital routine urine urine culture, according to the culture of the bacterial species and for which drug sensitive and choose the most effective antibiotics, thorough treatment. Of course, the choice of drugs for kidney and fetus must be without any side effects. Some drugs, such as gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, long-term heavy use can cause acute kidney damage, severe pathogenic people no urine, edema, elevated blood pressure, and even develop into acute uremia ; Similarly, these drugs will enter the fetus, so that the child is born deaf, hearing loss, etc., but difficult to cure. Therefore, the application of the drug should be especially careful.
After a few pregnant recurrent pyelonephritis, Chinese medicine, Western medicine can not effectively control the infection, may gradually develop into chronic pyelonephritis. In this case, we should first pay attention to the diagnosis is correct, whether there are kidney stones, kidney or ureter, etc., in addition to pay attention to the type and dose of antibiotics is correct and effective. Can be combined with two or more antibiotics, with traditional Chinese medicine, the better.
After 3 months of pregnancy, often times increase in the urine or a burning sensation, check urine is normal, this is because growing up in the bladder caused by compression of the uterus, bladder irritation called on medicine. This case does not require treatment. Of course, you must go to the hospital to check urine, and urine culture, everything is normal before they can be considered normal, not neglect, in order to avoid delays in treatment.
Toxic alert pregnancy kidney disease
This is a disease most serious harm pregnant women, a high incidence in pregnant women, the young and high early primipara mothers were more common. In addition, where polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, gestational hypertension and those with kidney disease or pregnant women, are also susceptible to the disease. According to the severity, clinical manifestations of pregnancy edema, gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, mainly manifested as proteinuria, edema, hypertension, may be associated with severe headache and blurred vision, vomiting, convulsions, coma, and high mortality. Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts pointed out that if early diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent progression of the disease.
Pregnant women in general about six months, began to appear two lower limbs, dorsal edema, should immediately go to the hospital to check urine. If the protein appears in urine, blood pressure began to rise, indicating that the toxicity of kidney disease in pregnancy has occurred. Then you must stay in bed, close observation of edema, blood pressure, proteinuria and renal development, appropriate restrictions on the amount of water and salt. Oral diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, and oral captopril tablets, can effectively lower blood pressure, reduce swelling, prevent heart and brain damage.
Put an end to the terrible pregnancy with acute renal failure

In recent years, due to the hospital prenatal check-ups, pregnant women, the standard of living, health status continues to improve, as well as to carry out the work of perinatal care, the incidence of infectious abortion less and less, the incidence of the disease began to fall . In the causes of maternal mortality, there is a part of the pregnancy with acute renal failure. In the early months of pregnancy morbidity 3 and end three months of pregnancy is generally believed that 10 to 1 2 weeks 34 to 40 weeks, as the peak of this disease, usually caused by abortion, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, etc. cause. Some because of placental abruption, amniotic fluid embolism, bleeding caused. During pregnancy edema, hypertension and proteinuria, three danger signals, three caught with even more dangerous. Once edema, hypertension and proteinuria is increasing, then oliguria, renal dysfunction, acidosis, indicating acute renal failure have been formed. In addition to the drug treatment

Comprehensive Kidney patients how to drink milk?

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts have warned that the majority of patients with kidney disease kidney disease, must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of low-salt, low-protein to the diet. This is because kidney patients with renal insufficiency often occurs, resulting in excretion of protein metabolism disorders. Therefore, protein intake and renal excretion have the ability to adapt, thereby reducing the burden on the kidneys. Of particular note is that kidney patients to limit the intake of tofu, soy and other plant proteins, because they will increase the burden on the kidneys, increasing deterioration of renal function. However, the protein plays an important role in human health, nutrition and body in order to ensure the needs of kidney patients have moderate intake of quality protein, such as milk, eggs, lean meat and so on. In particular drink bag (250 ml) of milk a day is essential.
Since the protein content in milk quality may total about 80 percent protein, it contains not only the full range of essential amino acids, in sufficient quantity, but also with the human protein structures are very close, more conducive to nutrient absorption and utilization. In addition to protein, other nutrients in milk is also very beneficial for patients with kidney disease. Chronic renal failure patients often body calcium and phosphorus imbalance, while the proportion of calcium and phosphorus in milk appropriate, to correct this imbalance plays a significant role. Because fewer patients with kidney disease protein intake, so it was not overly restrict calorie intake. Milk fat content of about 2% -3.2%, rich in energy and easy digestion and absorption for patients with kidney disease, drunk also makes the skin moist, reduce patient because of illness caused by dry skin, brown hair, etc. symptoms. Carbohydrate contained in milk is lactose, the adjustment of gastric acid, promote bowel movements and digestive gland secretion of the stomach, but also to promote the absorption of calcium. Lactose content in milk is not high, only about 10 grams, so even patients with diabetic nephropathy, every day can drink a bag of milk, plus sugar can not, will not cause blood sugar fluctuations. For patients with advanced chronic renal failure, because of its often edema, oliguria and other symptoms, must be limited to water, milk contains more water, drinking water should also be considered to amount.

On the current diet is concerned, in general, kidney patients drank 250 ml of milk, eat an egg (to yellow), plus 60 grams of lean pork, the amount of protein intake is more appropriate. Visible, kidney patients can drink milk, but more constraints than average, but as long as the right to drink, can provide high-quality protein for the body, the effect is quite obvious.


How do the treatment of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a common autoimmune disease, in recent years the incidence is relatively high, has caused a lot of people's attention. So what had nephrotic syndrome treatment methods? Here to tell you about it.
Treatment of nephrotic syndrome is a relatively common disease, its symptoms are a lot of harm but also relatively large, so the question became worried about the treatment of the disease in all patients, the following gave you under the treatment of nephrotic syndrome should be how do I hope everyone has to help.
Nephrotic syndrome treatment is generally based on cortisol, mainly just want to maintain edema control water and electrolyte balance, to achieve the purpose of infection control, as well as protecting kidney function, specifically down below to find out more:
I. General symptomatic treatment
First, the usual symptoms for rest and activity is very important, we must meet the good, in serious condition with the rest mainly to the situation after a good point to do some regular exercise to prevent the formation of limb thrombosis, but movement can not be too severe, or just the opposite, which is the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, a basic requirement.
Second, the diet: the patient's diet to light digestible based. Suffering and not to eat pickled foods can moderate intake of protein daily 1 ~ 1.5g/kg help alleviate complications and hypoproteinemia caused.
Second, diuretic swelling treatment
1, thiazide diuretics: works by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium and chloride, which increases potassium excretion.
2, the retention of potassium diuretics: Na Pai Pai mainly to chlorine, ideal for patients with hypokalemia, but the effect is not very good when used alone, can be used in combination with thiazide diuretics.
Third, the suppression of the immune and inflammatory response to treatment

Glucocorticoids: Patients can use some hormone therapy, hormone therapy can inhibit the inflammatory response, while controlling the secretion of antidiuretic hormone, therefore eliminate the effect of urine protein.

Symptoms of chronic renal failure in different periods are there?

Different stages of chronic renal failure symptoms are there? Kidney patients should know that kidney failure is the deterioration of renal function demonstrated to a certain extent, then what about the different stages of chronic renal failure symptoms know? Manifestations of chronic renal failure symptoms varied, renal failure which has a relatively long duration are closely associated, the severity of the symptoms of chronic renal failure, renal failure, straightforward relationship to the treatment of disease. Here we take a look at what the different stages of chronic renal failure symptoms?
About renal failure patients, we must grasp the different stages of renal failure symptoms which, when these symptoms occur when the body is able to timely medical treatment, the deterioration of the biggest limiting, control of the disease, progressive renal failure patients quality of life for all. Once the progress of disease progression, will move forward one step in the direction of uremia without effective control of chronic renal failure advance. Part of the high value of creatinine, renal failure has been in kidney disease patients in the range of feel-good, itself no obvious symptoms occur in vitro, in fact, it has suffered a serious kidney destruction, neglect the importance of treatment will be straightforward threat to its healthy life.
In the clinic, at different stages of chronic kidney failure symptoms can be different from the following detailed description of several aspects: Initial: renal failure patients have no symptoms, abnormal renal function can only be found by laboratory tests. Mild to moderate: Check with chronic renal failure patients blood urea nitrogen indicators of high, renal failure patients may have mild symptoms. At this stage, the renal failure patients, since the night can not absorb moisture from the kidneys in the urine as it is normally concentrated, so the patient may need to urinate several times during the night, nighttime sleep affected.
End-stage chronic renal failure: chronic renal failure patients can not effectively control the disease, with the duration of persistent, toxic substances in the blood of patients with renal failure increased, so that the patient appeared frail, fatigue and other symptoms unresponsive. With the gradual increase of toxic substances, the patient may experience muscle and neurological symptoms, including muscle twitching, muscle weakness and spasms. At this point, the end of the patient's limbs, kidney failure will occur needle-like pain and even some parts of the body may lose any sense. Meanwhile, if the patient's blood pressure is too high or renal toxic substances in the blood caused by abnormal brain dysfunction would lead to convulsions (seizures). Patients with renal failure caused by the body muscles, the nervous system in an excess accumulation of toxic substances in the body, while increasing toxic substances can affect the patient's digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, oral mucosal inflammation (stomatitis) and bad breath and other symptoms .

Finally, experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in the majority of patients Reminder: For your own health and happiness of the family must choose a professional regular medical institutions! If you still want to know more information, feel welcome to consult our online experts and call the hotline.

Daily care nephrotic syndrome how to do

Nephrotic syndrome daily care to how to do? This is an issue of concern in patients with kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, the main clinical symptoms of the disease appear high proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia occurred, the body appeared edema, hyperlipidemia , occurs hyperlipidemia hypertension, etc., and lingering illness is not easy to cure diseases, recurrent and often appear heavier phenomenon. This requires patients and friends to do the daily care of the disease. So nephrotic syndrome daily care to how to do? Take a look
First, to take a section of the diet: fruits and vegetables, although patients can lead to loss of appetite, but patients should adopt a strict diet section, you must not eat too much, lest there be pressure to increase the role of the kidneys. For example, while having watermelon diuretic swelling, clearing away heat effect, but eat, then it will cause frequent urination, will increase the burden on the kidneys, plus watermelon sugar accumulates in the body of the patient is also a potential cause of disease exacerbation.
Second, the proper conduct of some of the movement: some appropriate rehabilitation sport would be beneficial to the disease. For example, a walk, playing tai chi, Qigong and so on. It should be noted that the time to exercise, it is best carried out in the morning and evening, be sure not to noon when the sun is strong or exercise. But also pay attention to their own health, prevention of infection, to prevent recurrence of nephrotic syndrome or aggravate the disease.

Third, to maintain a suitable environment room: nephrotic syndrome is best to furnished bedroom bright and spacious, ventilation must be good, to maintain the proper temperature. The room temperature is not too low, to prevent colds and aggravate disease patients. Daily care nephrotic syndrome how to do


Chinese medicine can cure chronic renal failure do

Chinese medicine can cure chronic renal failure do? Recent years, getting better and better living conditions, but people suffering from kidney disease, but more and more, mainly people's habits and unhealthy eating habits caused. Eating certain nutrients (such as carbohydrates, fats, etc.) too much, reduce the daily activities; work pressure, mental too nervous, lack of sleep, smoking, alcoholism and all kinds of environmental pollution caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity is a cause the main reason for the various kidney disease. In a variety of kidney failure due to rule on the basis of wrong treatment and gradually develop into chronic renal failure.
Another reason not to be sneezed followed by drug abuse or drug-induced irregular drug-induced renal damage is also increasing year by year in the kidney, such as various analgesics, aristolochic drugs, etc.; There are a variety of infections (such as hepatitis, tuberculosis , AIDS, schistosomiasis, etc.), the incidence of primary or secondary immune-mediated renal disease is still high.
With the development of society, human longevity, aging of the population has become more evident, the elderly (over 65 years) of each organ function with age and gradually showing degradation trends, so that the elderly, especially elderly (over 80 years) population in kidney disease was significantly increased.
As more and more patients with kidney disease, various treatment methods have been born. Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure, which has an absolute advantage. Chinese medicine treatment using look, smell, and asked, cutting, and eight principal dialectic, then the selection of candidates targeted therapies and herbs depending on the card, the whole process only means of common laboratory instruments, to understand the disease and patients about checking indicators (If serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, hemoglobin) combine as a criterion, the other does not require large equipment, from that point on to save a lot of expenses for patients, making it suitable for the majority of patients with chronic renal failure, and is a traditional Chinese medicine treatment means the disease, medicine everywhere without geographical restrictions, easy to be accepted by the majority of patients with chronic renal failure.

The effect of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure was affirmed in general, the advantages of the patient has been recognized and endorsed. But experts also need to remind patients choose Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure, you need to choose a regular hospital, otherwise it will affect the treatment effect.

End-stage renal failure can be cured

End-stage renal failure can be cured
End-stage renal failure can be cured? Patients with end-stage renal failure, renal and basically no longer "work", and this time the body's other organs in patients with a corresponding emergence of a variety of complications, and the patient's body can be described as very weak, this stage can be cured? treatment of end-stage renal failure as well as a good hope? usual in other aspects of their daily routines should pay attention to what?
Kidney experts on end-stage renal failure can be cured, patients need to explain something, and end-stage renal failure is uremia. Uremia is end-stage renal disease, at this stage, the patient's kidneys are severely damaged, there renal fibrosis, glomerular filtration rate decreased, resulting in toxins and metabolic waste can not be excreted creatinine values ​​high. If poor disease control, will lead to various complications, causing patients dizziness, headache, hypertension, heart failure, nausea, vomiting, pruritus and a series of symptoms. The main treatment for the disease is kidney transplantation, hemodialysis and conservative traditional Chinese medicine. Patients can choose the appropriate treatment according to their economic status and disease development.
On the daily diet, it is recommended in patients with more attention to rest, choose low-salt diet on a diet to light foods, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate amounts of vitamin supplements, but note that intake of quality protein, such as milk , eggs, lean meat and so on.

These are the challenges associated with end-stage renal failure can be cured related presentations, kidney failure patients can hope to build up confidence to face the disease. If you have any questions, please consult China kidney service website online experts.

Why drug treatment of kidney disease can cause kidney damage to the contrary?

Due to the increasing number of kidney patients, patients taking the drug treatment of kidney disease and kidney damage also showed an increasing trend year by year. Drug treatment of kidney disease, the application of medicine side effects occurring hormone, kidney disease and other adverse allergic reactions everywhere, Yidu side effects of the features and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, there have been so-called "nephrotoxicity" phenomenon. In the end, why did the drug treatment of kidney disease caused damage to the kidneys do?
Western medicine treatment of kidney disease is not strictly grasp the indications of drugs
Western medicine in the treatment of kidney disease clinical course, the use of steroids, cyclophosphamide and other immunosuppressants very confusing, to become one of the main effects of efficacy in patients with kidney disease and lead to iatrogenic renal damage. Although the study of kidney disease in the medical field has gone deep into the immunopathology level proposed in the regulation of immune therapies, however, clinical proved immunosuppressants used in the field in a strict indications.
For example, the clinical diagnosis of clear and minimal change nephropathy, immunosuppression certain extent, you can receive good treatment, but no positive effect on other types of kidney disease. Minimal change nephropathy and renal disease in the population after the ratio occupied by a very small number, so the majority of kidney disease is the use of hormones is not immunosuppressive indications. Looking at the status quo in the field of medicine, there are various types of kidney patients experience hormonal drugs of abuse, causing kidney problems permanently.
Chinese medicine treatment of kidney failure to abide by the principles of TCM
Nowadays, more and more Chinese are also applied to the fields. Western medicine use, from a key differentiation produce toxic side effects of medicine, but also lead to abuse of the root causes of kidney disease medicine. Some level of general doctors, know Astragalus may play a diuretic effect, so they think Astragalus treatment for kidney disease has a broad role in it as a conventional drug treatment of kidney disease, kidney disease on an encounter with astragalus respond. As everyone knows, to treat kidney disease treatment issues, astragalus both its indications, also has its contraindications. From the TCM perspective, there are many different types of kidney patients Yin, damp, heat and other toxic or spleen, and differentiation of different types of kidney patients are using astragalus treatment, regardless of whether or not to adapt, eventually leading to kidney patients sicker the examples are numerous.
Not just astragalus, other herbs such as rhubarb, cordyceps, Hook, etc., tend to abuse exists, thus resulting in a large number of kidney patients is the best time delay kidney disease treatment. While these traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of kidney disease may play a positive role, but these drugs Lan Fu, but the opposite treatment. These unrelated to medicine negligence, only a doctor's prescription before.
Experimental clinical theory does not equal the actual results
Treatment of refractory chronic illness because of kidney disease has become the focus of the characteristics of research in the medical field. In the study of kidney disease treatment, some medicine is still in the experimental stages of development, the effect of treatment on the kidney problem is difficult to make a clear judgment, the experiment proved effective medicine may no practical effect on the clinical application, but may cause toxic effects produced by the kidney because the course, pathophysiology and other factors and constraints.
The field of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of kidney disease, most studies are limited to a small number of single herbs in the analysis of the component. The field of medicine used in the treatment of kidney disease, it is impossible single herb credit, it should be emphasized TCM principles of compatibility based prescription medication and treatment.

The above is information about the "why drug treatment of kidney disease but hurt the kidneys," the. For, in addition to kidney hospital created a micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also fully integrate existing kidney disease treatment techniques, forming a three-dimensional treatment of nephrotic kidney hospital system has the characteristics of a set, which includes Micro-Chinese Medicine penetrate the core of the resistance therapy off treatment of renal fibrosis + + reconstruction technique to repair renal functional units of the kidney. While immunosorbent blood purification technology as the core security technologies; into the surface recovery of renal function.

What are the causes of acute renal failure

What are the causes of acute renal failure? Renal failure caused friends to patients suffering greatly, the incidence of acute renal failure is more urgent, and the treatment should also be treated, otherwise it will only make their condition worse. Helps to understand the etiology of acute renal failure in the treatment of disease.
What are the causes of acute renal failure experts say, in general, the emergence of acute renal failure caused mainly by trauma, infection, disease and other organs cytoplasm poisoning caused by such factors, we can look at specific?:
Trauma: acute renal failure caused by war trauma, and mortality is closely related to war injuries. In recent years, due to the development of transport, so that the wounded in the hospital can be reached within a short time after the injury, severe trauma such as crush injuries, burns, traumatic shock, trauma, infections, etc. can be a timely manner. Therefore, the numbers of acute renal failure mortality statistics have dropped significantly.
Infection: the biliary or gastrointestinal surgery, some of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria often cause sepsis or Noxious shock; severe acute pyelonephritis, renal papillary necrosis, can lead to acute renal failure, often extremely difficult to cure.
Cytoplasm poisoning: acute barbiturate poisoning, shock can occur quickly, no urine, pulmonary edema and death. Carbon tetrachloride poisoning, sometimes causing acute tubular necrosis occurred simultaneously extensive liver damage and even acute yellow atrophy of the liver; acute renal failure, although successful treatment, the patient may die of liver failure.

What are the causes of acute renal failure? Now friends Shijiazhuang kidney hospital by specialists details are clear that we are not the cause of acute renal failure, what does? For acute renal failure caused by friends, we must attach great importance.
