
Comprehensive Kidney patients how to drink milk?

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts have warned that the majority of patients with kidney disease kidney disease, must be strictly in accordance with the requirements of low-salt, low-protein to the diet. This is because kidney patients with renal insufficiency often occurs, resulting in excretion of protein metabolism disorders. Therefore, protein intake and renal excretion have the ability to adapt, thereby reducing the burden on the kidneys. Of particular note is that kidney patients to limit the intake of tofu, soy and other plant proteins, because they will increase the burden on the kidneys, increasing deterioration of renal function. However, the protein plays an important role in human health, nutrition and body in order to ensure the needs of kidney patients have moderate intake of quality protein, such as milk, eggs, lean meat and so on. In particular drink bag (250 ml) of milk a day is essential.
Since the protein content in milk quality may total about 80 percent protein, it contains not only the full range of essential amino acids, in sufficient quantity, but also with the human protein structures are very close, more conducive to nutrient absorption and utilization. In addition to protein, other nutrients in milk is also very beneficial for patients with kidney disease. Chronic renal failure patients often body calcium and phosphorus imbalance, while the proportion of calcium and phosphorus in milk appropriate, to correct this imbalance plays a significant role. Because fewer patients with kidney disease protein intake, so it was not overly restrict calorie intake. Milk fat content of about 2% -3.2%, rich in energy and easy digestion and absorption for patients with kidney disease, drunk also makes the skin moist, reduce patient because of illness caused by dry skin, brown hair, etc. symptoms. Carbohydrate contained in milk is lactose, the adjustment of gastric acid, promote bowel movements and digestive gland secretion of the stomach, but also to promote the absorption of calcium. Lactose content in milk is not high, only about 10 grams, so even patients with diabetic nephropathy, every day can drink a bag of milk, plus sugar can not, will not cause blood sugar fluctuations. For patients with advanced chronic renal failure, because of its often edema, oliguria and other symptoms, must be limited to water, milk contains more water, drinking water should also be considered to amount.

On the current diet is concerned, in general, kidney patients drank 250 ml of milk, eat an egg (to yellow), plus 60 grams of lean pork, the amount of protein intake is more appropriate. Visible, kidney patients can drink milk, but more constraints than average, but as long as the right to drink, can provide high-quality protein for the body, the effect is quite obvious.


