
Symptoms of high creatinine What?

Symptoms of high creatinine What?
We must keep abreast of some of the symptoms of the disease in their daily lives, which will help us find the condition, ready to make the best treatment. For patients suffering from kidney disease, we should always observe the symptoms of high creatinine, to avoid repeated illness. Here is creatinine kidney specialists to give us a detailed description of the symptoms of high performance. Chronic kidney disease if symptoms of high creatinine, has entered on behalf of chronic renal failure; Creatinine is a muscle in the body's metabolism is mainly excreted by glomerular filtration. Serum creatinine renal function often as clinical examination is an important indicator.
High creatinine symptoms: polyuria, nocturia, increased thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue, or edema, blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure, breathing deep and long, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea, vomiting, weakness weakness, headache, irritability and even coma and other symptoms.
After entering chronic renal failure, when patients with high creatinine in addition to outside, there will be a number of other high creatinine symptoms:
A water metabolism disorders: include polyuria, nocturia, thirst, dry mucous membranes, fatigue.
(2) Sodium metabolic disorders: hyponatremia or hypernatremia.
3 potassium metabolism disorders: hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
4. Metabolic acidosis, the patient may have breathing deep and long, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and nausea.
5 aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and metabolic abnormalities.

These are symptoms of an expert on high serum creatinine give us, we should have a certain understanding, we hope to bring some life to help, if you have any questions, you can continue to consult Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital the online experts. They will make a detailed answer for us.


