
Seven factors of renal cyst formation

Seven factors of renal cyst formation
Renal cysts due to some reasons there are some cystic renal masses, these masses to discourage some patients kidney exchanges with the outside, giving the patient poses a serious injury, so for everyone concerned, should make the prevention of renal cysts ready, here we come to analyze the causes of renal cyst formation, hoping to help the patient.
1 adverse development of congenital
Congenital dysplasia is one of the main reasons to induce renal cysts can easily lead to cause medullary sponge kidney, polycystic kidney disease, such as dysplasia, congenital abnormalities of genes generally no exception, so it is genetic or gene mutations have difference.
2 mutations
Ridden due to chromosomal mutation caused by a variety of causes, generally divided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some parents are neither hereditary polycystic kidney disease patients, does not belong to congenital dysplasia of polycystic kidney disease, but during embryogenesis mutations.
3, various infections
Infection can easily lead to the patient's general endocrine disorders appear to produce beneficial gene cysts changing environmental conditions, the activity of the internal cyst enhancement factor such cysts can promote the generation grown; any infection of any part of the body, will thus affecting the kidneys through the bloodstream into the cyst, such as cyst infection, in addition to making clinical symptoms intensified, it will also promote further accelerate the growth rate of the cyst, and to aggravate renal dysfunction and so on.
4, toxins
Toxins in the human body, can produce various organs of the body are hurt, if severe life-threatening injury; while some people appear to produce genetic mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities such phenomena. Common toxins such as pesticides, certain chemicals, radiation, pollution and so on. Especially to be noted that some of the drugs also have renal toxicity, if used improperly it could easily lead to kidney damage.
5, diet
If improper diet, it is easy to make the patient appear secretion disorder, causing kidney cysts occur. Where improper diet are:
(1) diet, the nutritional deficiencies such as hunger; fullness is easy to hurt the stomach digestion, absorption and blood circulation disorders; overeating Feiganhouwei metaplasia is easy to heat.
(2) eating unclean, light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease, severe poisoning or even life-threatening.
(3) partial addicted to diet, such as eating more cold cold, then easily hurt the stomach yang, eat hot Xin Wen will enable the gastrointestinal accumulated heat, then there Gomi partial addicted persists, easily hurt organs. Effect of diet for the several body is obvious. They are also directly or indirectly affect the development of cystic changes in the disease.
6, too tired 
Many patients are due to do some physical work, the transition often tired, so their weakened immune system, resulting in the occurrence of renal cysts.
7, emotional factors

Emotions can easily lead to the body's endocrine disorders, thus changing the body's internal environment through neurohormonal effects. Abnormalities within the environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And poor people's emotions can be reduced immunity, thus contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn makes the cyst affected.


