
Why susceptible to kidney disease during pregnancy? How to avoid?

After pregnancy, the body of the physiological functions of the system will change a lot, some changes are physical in nature, while others are manifestations of the disease. After pregnancy, kidney compensatory increase in size, the uterus oppression ureter, can cause renal calyx, renal pelvis, ureter expansion, glomerular filtration rate and plasma flow were increased, a small amount of protein and sugar in the urine appear, etc. . Special attention is needed, kidneys during pregnancy is very vulnerable to disease. How do you know whether the kidney disease after pregnancy it? Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts pointed out that as long as the attention to changes in physical condition and regular hospital check-ups, can be resolved. Pregnancy weight gain is normal, but do not increase too much; If the original normal blood pressure, elevated blood pressure after pregnancy, and certainly is not normal; always check urine, according to the protein appears in urine, red blood cells, casts, pus cells can be diagnosed with any disease.
Beware of urinary tract infections
Growth and development of the fetus in the womb, the uterus an increased day by day, the inevitable compression of adjacent organs such as the bladder, rectum, ureter, leading to poor urine, retention occurs, it is likely to have bacterial growth and reproduction. If pregnancy fever, back pain, painful urination, increased frequency of urination, urinary tract infection symptoms often.
Starting from the beginning of pregnancy, it should be checked regularly to the hospital routine urine urine culture, according to the culture of the bacterial species and for which drug sensitive and choose the most effective antibiotics, thorough treatment. Of course, the choice of drugs for kidney and fetus must be without any side effects. Some drugs, such as gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, long-term heavy use can cause acute kidney damage, severe pathogenic people no urine, edema, elevated blood pressure, and even develop into acute uremia ; Similarly, these drugs will enter the fetus, so that the child is born deaf, hearing loss, etc., but difficult to cure. Therefore, the application of the drug should be especially careful.
After a few pregnant recurrent pyelonephritis, Chinese medicine, Western medicine can not effectively control the infection, may gradually develop into chronic pyelonephritis. In this case, we should first pay attention to the diagnosis is correct, whether there are kidney stones, kidney or ureter, etc., in addition to pay attention to the type and dose of antibiotics is correct and effective. Can be combined with two or more antibiotics, with traditional Chinese medicine, the better.
After 3 months of pregnancy, often times increase in the urine or a burning sensation, check urine is normal, this is because growing up in the bladder caused by compression of the uterus, bladder irritation called on medicine. This case does not require treatment. Of course, you must go to the hospital to check urine, and urine culture, everything is normal before they can be considered normal, not neglect, in order to avoid delays in treatment.
Toxic alert pregnancy kidney disease
This is a disease most serious harm pregnant women, a high incidence in pregnant women, the young and high early primipara mothers were more common. In addition, where polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, gestational hypertension and those with kidney disease or pregnant women, are also susceptible to the disease. According to the severity, clinical manifestations of pregnancy edema, gestational hypertension, mild pre-eclampsia, severe pre-eclampsia, mainly manifested as proteinuria, edema, hypertension, may be associated with severe headache and blurred vision, vomiting, convulsions, coma, and high mortality. Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts pointed out that if early diagnosis and timely treatment can prevent progression of the disease.
Pregnant women in general about six months, began to appear two lower limbs, dorsal edema, should immediately go to the hospital to check urine. If the protein appears in urine, blood pressure began to rise, indicating that the toxicity of kidney disease in pregnancy has occurred. Then you must stay in bed, close observation of edema, blood pressure, proteinuria and renal development, appropriate restrictions on the amount of water and salt. Oral diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, and oral captopril tablets, can effectively lower blood pressure, reduce swelling, prevent heart and brain damage.
Put an end to the terrible pregnancy with acute renal failure

In recent years, due to the hospital prenatal check-ups, pregnant women, the standard of living, health status continues to improve, as well as to carry out the work of perinatal care, the incidence of infectious abortion less and less, the incidence of the disease began to fall . In the causes of maternal mortality, there is a part of the pregnancy with acute renal failure. In the early months of pregnancy morbidity 3 and end three months of pregnancy is generally believed that 10 to 1 2 weeks 34 to 40 weeks, as the peak of this disease, usually caused by abortion, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, etc. cause. Some because of placental abruption, amniotic fluid embolism, bleeding caused. During pregnancy edema, hypertension and proteinuria, three danger signals, three caught with even more dangerous. Once edema, hypertension and proteinuria is increasing, then oliguria, renal dysfunction, acidosis, indicating acute renal failure have been formed. In addition to the drug treatment


