
What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease

What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease
What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic kidney disease is relatively common, can cause great harm to the patient. Kidney experts say, many people have been plagued with polycystic kidney, polycystic kidney disease need to understand clearly the specific cause of polycystic kidney disease prior to treatment, generally several factors that can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease:
1, toxins
Toxins in the human body, can cause a variety of cell tissue and organ damage, thus disease, even life-threatening, and also produce genetic mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities such phenomena.
2 mutations (non-genetic)
For polycystic kidney disease, it is mostly through genetic parents into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some parents are neither hereditary polycystic kidney disease patients, does not belong to congenital dysplasia of polycystic kidney disease, but during embryogenesis mutations. During embryogenesis, because of various factors, so that the gene mutated form of polycystic kidney disease, although such cases are rare, but can still happen, so some patients may not have parents polycystic genetic history .
3, various infections
Infection can occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, resulting in changes in gene conducive cysts environmental conditions, internal factors enhance the activity of the cyst, which can promote the generation of cysts grow up; any infection of any part of the body, and through the blood into the kidneys thus affecting the cyst, such as cyst infection, in addition to making clinical symptoms intensified, it will also promote further accelerate the growth rate of the cyst, and to aggravate renal dysfunction and so on. Common infections were upper respiratory tract infections (including colds), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, skin infections, trauma, infection, device infection, etc., ie whether it is a bacterial infection or a viral infection, can have a significant impact on the cyst.
4, congenital dysplasia causes of renal cysts
By a congenital dysplasia can produce a variety of diseases, for cystic kidney disease, the principal can cause medullary sponge kidney, polycystic kidney disease, such as dysplasia, congenital abnormalities of genes generally no exception, so it is with genetic mutations or there is a difference.
5, emotional factors
Modern medical research shows: bad mood can change the body's nervous and endocrine disorders, thus changing the body's internal environment through neurohormonal effects. Abnormalities within the environment in turn had an impact on the cyst. And poor people's emotions can be reduced immunity, thus contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, which in turn makes the cyst affected. Large number of clinical practice has proved that negative emotions can aggravate their condition, especially cystic disease, and recuperating mood, not sad not impatient, the condition often can be gradually improved.

What factors can cause the onset of polycystic kidney disease? Would cause polycystic kidney disease described above, in order to be able to do due to treatment, improve the effectiveness of treatment in patients with polycystic kidney disease before treatment, the need for polycystic kidney disease patients detailed examination of the causes and diagnosis.


