
Chronic renal failure dietary requirements

Renal insufficiency, renal failure refers to the failure of this period there are certain dietary requirements, but many patients do not understand the requirements of Friends, so I share with everyone some experience: Chronic renal failure dietary requirements.
1 intake of quality protein
Patients with renal failure, the need to limit the intake of protein, in order to reduce the burden on the kidney, but if you eat large and small, the consumption of the body's muscles and visceral tissues, it must eat properly and sufficient "quantity" and "quality" protein.
2. adequate intake of calories
Limiting protein intake, in order to avoid inadequate calorie intake can eat more high-calorie and low protein food to supplement. Vegetable oils (such as: soybean, peanut oil), low-protein starch (such as: Cheng flour, white powder and arrowroot flour) and sugar (such as: sugar, honey, ginger candy, fruit sugar), its caloric intake per day per kilogram of body weight 30 ~ 40 kcal appropriate.
3 Note moisture control
When renal failure and decreased urine, the water will accumulate in the load of the body, an increase in the cardiovascular system, the performance of edema, weight gain, shortness of breath, hypertension, heart failure, etc.

We should note that the so-called high-protein diet does not mean that absorb large amounts of protein in the diet, but the use of high-quality and less protein.


