
What is the diagnosis of lupus nephritis pay attention?

What is the diagnosis of lupus nephritis pay attention? Lupus nephritis refers to systemic lupus erythematosus different pathological types of autoimmune kidney damage, and kidney damage associated with significant clinical manifestations of a disease, systemic lupus erythematosus lupus nephritis is caused by kidney involving an immune complex glomerulonephritis, SLE major complications and is a major cause of death.
Pathological manifestations of lupus nephritis prognosis and guide treatment of the main basis. Reflect disease activity indicators: severe mesangial and endothelial cell proliferation, with or without granulocyte infiltration; nuclear debris; immune complex deposition in a large subendothelial; transparent thrombosis; glomerular basement membrane rupture; cells or fibers cellular crescents; capillary loops fibrinoid necrosis. Wherein the latter is more important. The indicators reflect the chronic lesions: glomerular sclerosis; fibrous crescent; tubular atrophy; interstitial fibrosis.
1 systemic manifestations: intermittent fever; malar erythema, due shaped like a butterfly, also known as butterfly erythema; painless oral ulcers; multiple joint pain; epilepsy or mental abnormalities; cold pale hand, foot, warm after turned purple, followed by recovery often color, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon.
2 Renal manifestations: hematuria or proteinuria; hematuria, proteinuria associated with edema, backache or hypertension, that nephritis-like performance; massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, ie nephrotic syndrome-like performance; hematuria, protein urine with renal sharp decline, the performance was rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis; chronic renal failure performance. Life can be expressed as one of the cases.
3 laboratory abnormalities: blood appeared neutropenia, or anemia, or thrombocytopenia; ESR fast; complement C3 low; antinuclear antibodies and autoantibodies. Biopsy only help diagnose lupus nephritis, a serious kidney damage more clearly the extent of the disease and beneficial to determine the correct treatment.
More common in young women who are asymptomatic mild hematuria without proteinuria or edema associated with hypertension, but the majority of cases may have proteinuria red white catheter urine. Rapid onset of a few cases, the rapid deterioration of renal function, the majority of patients with renal involvement arthritis rash etc. renal manifestations occur. Heavy serous cases involving cardiopulmonary disease often rapid hepatic blood-forming organs and other organs and tissues, and accompanied by appropriate clinical manifestations. About a quarter of patients with kidney damage as the first performance, for women of childbearing age have kidney disease should be a routine examination and serological indicators related to the disease.
How to diagnose: physical findings of acute fever is more common; most patients have anemia; facial butterfly erythema of the characteristic changes may be associated with hair loss, rash, joint swelling heart murmurs or pericardial effusion hepatosplenomegaly lymphadenopathy, and varying degrees of edema or pleural effusion, etc. symptoms.

Physical examination revealed acute phase of fever is more common; most patients have anemia; facial butterfly erythema is characteristic changes. Can be accompanied by joint swelling, hair loss, skin rashes, heart murmurs or pericardial effusion, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and varying degrees of symptoms of edema or pleural effusion, etc.


