
CKD 4 patients do drink wine

As we all know,A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease.Can CKD 4 patients drink wine? With the development of society, chronic kidney disease patients older more attention to their diet of. Maintain a good healthy diet can not only reasonable supplement the body of the patient, but also to control the disease and prevent worsening of the disease. For patients with this problem in the next, we will give you a detailed answer.
Recently, an American, "Fox News," the report said, moderate consumption of wine is not only good for health, but also help protect the kidneys, prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Participated in this survey have 5852 people, including 1031 people suffering from chronic kidney disease and found that patients with moderate chronic kidney health benefits of drinking wine. Less than a day to drink a cup (about 4 oz, 113 g) wine chronic kidney disease patients compared to patients at all, which is a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease by 29%. Without chronic kidney disease who drink a glass of wine a day can effectively reduce the incidence of chronic kidney disease.
According to the survey, we can see, chronic kidney disease patients can drink wine, but never drank without limitation, about 100 grams per day is appropriate, drink, and will increase the burden on the kidneys, worse.

In addition, chronic kidney disease patients should receive prompt and effective treatment. The sooner the better therapeutic effect. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is the treatment of kidney disease hospital, here are the treatment of chronic kidney disease innovative therapies, such as micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, immunotherapy, blood purification therapy, traditional Chinese medicine bath spa therapy, foot therapy, spa treatments, etc. lap, breaking kidney disease difficult to cure the problem. If you still do not have effective treatments and distress, you can consult our online doctor for more treatment. If you have additional questions, you can leave a message below, we will reply to you at any time.


How should we control creatinine values ​​increased in the diet?

Elevated creatinine and diet have a lot of relationships, wrong diet can lead to increased creatinine, creatinine increase will lead to inappropriate medication, then the value of the high creatinine in patients dietary needs attention to? 1, creatinine can not eat high potassium foods high in potassium content of common foods are divided into categories:
A potassium content per 100 grams of food in more than 250 milligrams of common foods: cabbage, rape, spinach. 2 per 100 grams of food in the 150-250 mg of potassium content of common foods: Green 3 potassium content per 100 grams of food radish, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, celery, leek, oranges, etc. 150 milligrams or less common foods: onions, pumpkin, melon, eggplant, watermelon, apple, pear, pineapple and so on.
2, creatinine can not eat high protein-containing foods that are high: the supply of the total protein content of not more than 20-30 grams per day, including staple food plants in the amount of protein contained.
3, the patient can not eat high creatinine level ​​salty stuff, so you should keep a low-salt diet, that is, the amount of salt daily intake of no higher than 3 g.
4, high creatinine can not eat foods high in phosphorus: high phosphorus foods are aquatic, animal offal, sesame, peanuts, walnuts, honey, egg yolk, tea and some dried fruit.
5, high creatinine can not eat high-fat foods. ? So how can we control the food is not high in fat it should note the following two points:
1 vegetable oils contain less saturated fatty acids are preferred.

2 should put less cooking oil, we should not eat fried, fried and greasy foods.

Normal serum creatinine

Check renal function and serum creatinine is the most commonly used indicators. Normal serum creatinine measure each hospital is not the same, in general normal serum creatinine criteria: 44-133umol / L, when serum creatinine exceeds 133umol / L mean renal injury, has renal insufficiency, kidney failure. (133umol / L or more inflammatory injury period, 186umol / L for renal injury period, 451umol / L for renal failure).
A normal value
Men: 44-133umol / L
Female: 70-108umol / L
Pediatric: 25 ~ 69umol / L.
Creatinine values ​​higher than normal is called creatinine, creatinine, including serum creatinine and urine creatinine, but creatinine more meaningful measure of kidney function. So in general it refers to the high creatinine serum creatinine higher. Normal serum creatinine measure each hospital is not the same, in general normal serum creatinine criteria: 44-133umol / L, when serum creatinine exceeds 133umol / L mean renal injury, has renal insufficiency, kidney failure. (133umol / L or more inflammatory injury period, 186umol / L for renal injury period, 451umol / L for renal failure).
Normal serum creatinine: Men 44-133umol / L (0.8 ~ 1.2mg / dL)
2 value is high Cause
Changes in serum creatinine concentration mainly by glomerular filtration capacity (glomerular filtration rate) to decide. Filtration capacity decreased, the creatinine concentration. Most of mean serum creatinine higher than normal kidney damage, serum creatinine can more accurately reflect the situation renal impairment is not sensitive indicators. Because the glomerular filtration rate decreased to 1/3 of normal, serum creatinine was significantly increased. Meaning that, because human kidney metabolism ability, when kidney damage is generally less obvious discomfort, so a lot of people when the real nausea, vomiting, dizziness, in fact, have been severely injured kidney, serum creatinine at this time also began to rise significantly .
3 causes of low value

Description of renal function in patients with serum creatinine higher when there is a problem, the ability of the kidneys decreased metabolic waste, some of the body of harmful toxins not normally excreted, then what is opposed to low serum creatinine reason? Low serum creatinine is due by the kidney in violation of various causes, the first impaired renal intrinsic cells transformed phenotype, the formation of pathological changes, stimulate kidney fibroblasts into myofibroblasts converted, and at the same time violations and stimulate the inherent normal kidney tissue, the occurrence of the same disease, thus forming a kidney from point to plane, from local to global, expanding the spread of excitation type process to enter the device quality injury period (ie renal injury period) , this time due to the continuous renal damage, which excrete waste function decreased, causing a creatinine accumulation of toxins in the body, which appears in the blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased, decreased urine creatinine, renal filtration rate decline. At the same time patients will have high blood pressure, high degree of swelling and other symptoms elsewhere in the body

Creatinine index

A creatinine edit this section
Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism in the human body. Each 20g muscle metabolism can produce 1mg creatinine.
Creatinine is mainly excreted by glomerular filtration, serum creatinine from exogenous and endogenous two inside. Exogenous creatinine is meat product in the body metabolism. Endogenous Creatinine is a product of metabolism in muscle tissue in vivo. When meat intake is stable, the body's muscle metabolism has not changed, creatinine generation will be relatively constant.
2 creatinine index edit this section
Including serum creatinine, creatinine (Cr) and urine creatinine, serum creatinine (Cr) is an important indicator of renal function, serum creatinine increased mean renal damage. Mainly from the blood through urine creatinine glomerular filtration excreted in the urine creatinine. Pathological reduction Tip: acute and chronic renal failure and severe congestive heart failure, muscle atrophy and so on.
2.1 serum creatinine (Cr)
Is an important indicator of renal function, serum creatinine increased mean renal damage.
[Reference] men 53-106μ mOI / L, women 44-97μmol / L
[The clinical significance] pathologically elevated creatinine indicate ① reduce renal excretion, suggesting: renal failure, uremia, severe congestive heart failure; ② body creatinine generate excessive Tip: gigantism, acromegaly.
[Testing requirements] 12 hours of fasting venous blood.
2.2 urine creatinine
Mainly from the blood after glomerular filtration excreted in the urine creatinine.
[Reference] 8.4-1 3.25mmol / 24-hour urine
[The clinical significance] pathological reduce Tip: acute and chronic renal failure and severe congestive heart failure, muscle atrophy and so on.

[Testing requirements] urine specimens from 24 hours.

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    Nephrotic syndrome and its causes

    Nephrotic syndrome is a stubborn disease, a large clinical treatment difficult. Nephrotic syndrome is not a disease name, it is a clinical syndrome caused by a variety of causes, the most basic is characterized by high proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema and hyperlipidemia, clinical called "three high and one low "symptoms.
    Nephrotic syndrome causes:

    According to the etiology of renal disease syndrome can be divided into primary and secondary two categories. Primary nephrotic syndrome is the most common primary glomerular disease etiology performance. The secondary cause of nephrotic syndrome are more common with diabetic nephropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis, infections and drugs cause nephrotic syndrome. Pathological types of primary nephrotic syndrome more, there is minimal change nephropathy, focal segmental nephropathy, membranous nephropathy. Nephrotic syndrome belong to the scope of traditional Chinese medicine edema, back pain, Consumption, and other evidence of turbid urine. Chinese medicine believes that the development of nephrotic syndrome with patients over exertion, chronic illness mistreatment, loss of governance, weak health and eating unclean and other incentives related to these incentives the lung, spleen, kidney dysfunction, caused by lack of blood and viscera of yin and yang , resulting in the formation of human metabolic disorders nephrotic syndrome. To the late development of nephrotic syndrome, kidney increase, it will happen "Longbitong" and "off grid" and other evidence (uremia performance), to the point, the treatment more difficult, if not treated, would endanger the patient's life at any time.
    if you have any questions, you can ask our online doctor. we will give you answer. Or you can send an email to us. Email:kidneyservice@hotmail.com .

    Chronic nephritis is caused by what?

    Induced chronic nephritis reasons: 1, low blood volume:
    Uremic patients because of severe restrictions of sodium and water, combined with a diuretic, reducing tubular sodium reabsorption, resulting in dehydration, resulting in hypovolemia, glomerular filtration rate, renal function further damage, if appropriate, to add volume , will enable the symptoms improved.
    2, high blood pressure:
    Uremic patients due to various reasons, a sudden increase in blood pressure, impaired renal function will increase, so that the blood pressure is maintained at an appropriate level, to achieve both buck and ensure a certain degree of kidney filtration rate, delaying the development of renal failure.
    3, excessive protein intake:
    Uremic patients the protein content in food, BUN content and degree of renal damage were parallel Therefore, protein intake should be based on renal function to determine . 5, acidosis: CO2-CP when the patient is less than 18mmol / L, in addition to giving basic drugs, actively looking aggravate acidosis factors are removed, can alleviate the symptoms of uremia.
    4, electrolyte imbalance:
    Uremic patients often have low blood calcium, high phosphorus, calcium deposition in the kidneys, resulting in the continued deterioration of renal function. Also due to insufficient potassium intake, diuretics, often seen hypokalemia, should be dealt with, or will cause serious consequences.
    5, the use of nephrotoxic drugs:
    When renal failure delayed excretion of drugs, easily accumulate in the blood and tissues, causing kidney damage, the use of these drugs aggravate renal dysfunction may be considered drug-induced.
    6, systemic diseases:
    Chronic uremia caused by renal damage may be primary, or secondary to certain diseases or be systemic diseases, such as connective tissue diseases, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc., caused by the above-mentioned diseases such as uremia, or because these diseases increase, so timely and correct treatment of these primary disease can get some degree of uremic condition improved or fully recovered.
    7, infection:
    Uremic patients because of the various effects of toxins, poor body resistance, decreased immune function, complicated by systemic infection, inevitably further aggravate renal damage. Therefore, a sharp deterioration of renal function in patients with uremia, unexplained fever who pyuria persons and has an easy concurrent infection of primary disease, must be given, if it is found to be active treatment after infection control uremic symptoms reduce, or even relieve uremic state.
    8, urinary tract obstruction:

    Within the upper urinary tract obstruction after increased pressure, urine reflux, causing kidney damage, uremia aggravated obstruction of a patient if there is reason promptly remove the obstruction, renal function may have different degrees of improvement.

    Whether nervous headache may be caused by nephritis?

    One, nervous headache
    Directly affected by nerve stimulation or reflex contraction caused by vascular spasm, ischemia leads to headaches.
    Which :( 1) trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal nerve in the region is paroxysmal, recurrent pain, divided into primary, secondary two. Primary cause is unknown, usually caused by secondary tumors, vascular malformations, skull deformities, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, arachnoiditis, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis and other causes, mainly in the elderly.
    Clinically, trigeminal area tear, power, cutting, burning, needle-like pain, a few seconds at 1 - 2 minutes, it will cause pain when hemifacial spasm, and some facial trigger points, then touch evoked. Often due to chew, brush your teeth, wash your face, talking, etc. induced. Ipsilateral facial possible rough, sparse eyebrows.
    (2) occipital neuralgia, paroxysmal pain in the rear, a large pillow with a small nerve tenderness, radiation to the head, was symmetry.

    Second, eat more fruits and vegetables, maintaining a good mood, good sleep, exercise, wash your hair to dry after winter to wear a hat, eating croissants compound tablets when pain


    Prevention of chronic renal failure 5

    Nephropathy in renal failure is more common, there are certain dangers of the disease is difficult to treat. Therefore, we should strengthen renal failure precautions to protect their kidneys are not hurt. So simple analysis method for prevention of chronic renal failure following.
    Specific methods of prevention of chronic renal failure:
    1, maintain a good diet kidney disease, promote low-protein diet. Rational, scientific diet, help to strengthen the self-conditioning, nutrition, and kidney.
    2, the best time is in the early prevention of renal failure, renal failure due to the early symptoms of mild, early prevention to prevent aggravation of the disease. Such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease and other refractory aggressive treatment to prevent the occurrence of chronic renal failure.
    3, renal failure prevention is very important, during the course of treatment of renal failure, and renal failure should pay attention to strengthening preventive measures. Strengthen the follow-up to detect the disease. For chronic renal failure did not enter kidney disease, active prevention; while for patients with chronic renal failure has entered the stage of the medication should be regularly referral, preferably every 3-6 months to check a second, that it was "two prevention "," tertiary prevention. "
    4, renal failure patients must be careful colds and infections destroy kidney function. Should be the law of life, early morning exercise can be carried out properly according to their physical condition, such as tai chi, walking, etc., of course, to avoid the wind, rain, snow and other weather out, and should pay attention to changes in 4:00, Tim promptly cut clothes. Keep indoor air fresh, circulation, keep warm and prevent cold.
    Diet should be light, try to eat less fried spicy tobacco goods, while turnover at any time to adjust their diets conform seasons according to the guidance of doctors. After the infection, should be under the guidance of a doctor medication, medication must be careful, strictly prescribed medication.

    5, renal failure patients should pay attention to controlling blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Some proper exercise to help strengthen their immune system, resistance to various diseases. However, during exercise and rest, time to make reasonable arrangements. Rest in patients with chronic renal failure is relatively more than the exercise time, minimize late at night, to minimize the transfer clock and maintain stable body states.

    What is the treatment of chronic renal failure

    The main principle of treatment of chronic renal failure is a reasonable regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance to stabilize the internal environment of the body, as well as the necessary symptomatic treatment aspects. The purpose is to save now intact nephron, prolong life.
    General treatment: primary disease should be actively treated, reduce the work, to avoid fatigue and cold, prevent colds, no use of nephrotoxic drugs, often reviewed renal function and accept the guidance of doctors and so on.
    Diet: give low-protein diet, adult daily intake of 20-30 grams of protein. Protein to animal protein contains essential amino acid-based, such as milk, eggs, fish and lean meat and so on. Digestible diet containing adequate vitamin, supplement some heat. Water intake and flexibility according to the principle of balance out.
    Control predisposing factors: such as various infections, diarrhea, vomiting, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders and kidney damage can lead to drug use and other symptoms of renal failure, control of predisposing factors, symptoms can improve or maintain the existing stage of renal decay process of development.
    Treatment of metabolic acidosis: mild acidosis (carbon dioxide combining power at 20-15.7 mmol / l) may by correcting water, electrolyte imbalance improved, also with sodium bicarbonate 4-8 g / day in divided orally. When the carbon dioxide combining power fell to 13.5 mmol / l or less, should intravenous alkaline liquid.
    Treatment of heart failure: causes of heart failure are mainly sodium retention, hypertension, anemia and toxic accumulation. The main treatment is hemodialysis and hemofiltration these two methods are most effective. Under no conditions, cardiac, diuretic, antispasmodic and vasodilators may also be used, but less effective. Correcting water, electrolyte imbalance:
    Dehydration and hyponatremia treatment: mild dehydration can be corrected by oral rehydration. Severe dehydration or rehydration urgently needed (such as severe vomiting, diarrhea) available intravenous rehydration. Lack of sodium in patients with mild can be adjusted through diet. There are blood pressure, heart rate of critically ill patients may be given intravenous supplement formula based on. Strict attention should complement satisfied heart function.
    Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia treatment: uremia hypokalemia generally oral potassium-based. Emergency situations, but also through intravenous supplement. Dose and speed should be strictly controlled. Common clinical hyperkalemia than hypokalemia, serum potassium more than 6 mmol / liter symptoms can occur, up to 8 mmol / h l, can be life threatening, need emergency treatment.
    Hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia: Chronic renal failure patients more associated with hypocalcemia, should be routine oral calcium. In the event of hypocalcemia convulsions, the time may be intravenous glucose or calcium chloride. For hyperphosphatemia should take aluminum hydroxide gel, but not long-term use, to prevent aluminum poisoning.
    Diuretic therapy: For no obvious edema patients should be given the right amount of water, sodium load, such as 3-6 grams daily oral administration of sodium bicarbonate. Then apply a strong diuretics such as furosemide 100-200 mg, intermittent use of diuretics.
    Renal Anemia Treatment: folic acid, vitamin B12, iron dextran treatment, but the effect is very emblem. Comparison of efficacy of erythropoietin exact. Ingredients transfusion or blood is one of the commonly used methods. Protein hormone synthesis applications.
    Chinese medicine treatment and symptomatic treatment: nausea and vomiting can be used metoclopramide, chlorpromazine. We can use Chinese medicine according to changes in symptoms, syndrome differentiation.
    Blood purification therapy:

    Kidney transplantation: is healthy allogeneic kidney transplant patient into a treatment, which is an ideal way to end-stage renal disease patients.

    Chronic renal failure usually pay attention to what the diet?

    Renal failure is mainly controlled protein intake, and intake is based on creatinine, urea, albumin, total protein and other results to calculate the general requirements for a day of low-protein diet protein intake does not exceed 40g, about co-staple food 4 two, one two lean meat, an egg, 100g yogurt. If the recovery of renal function properly, protein intake can be increased, if the continued deterioration of renal function, you should maintain a low-protein diet.
    As we all know, renal failure accounted for more than half of the requirements of high quality protein, high-quality protein, including eggs, milk and dairy products, meat. Non-quality protein include fresh beans, soy products. But some experts believe that soy products in the production process, will have some side effects kidney removed, so patients with renal failure may be appropriate to use a small amount of soy, but it is best to eat fresh beans.
    In order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, but also to avoid excessive intake of purines, such as broth, meat, fine, animal offal.
    Fruit intake mainly to see whether the patient is accompanied by diabetes, renal failure because many will be caused by diabetes. If blood sugar higher than normal, you should choose low-sugar fruits such as papaya, kiwi, dragon fruit, grapefruit, big tomatoes, cucumbers and so on. If blood sugar is normal, it should be based on biochemical tests in calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium cases to supplement suitable fruits and vegetables. Because hunger situation renal failure patients have electrolyte disturbances, such as occurs when hypophosphatemia should add more phosphorus and more foods such as kelp, whole grains, peanuts.

    More choices contain B vitamins and vitamin C foods to correct nutritional hypermetabolic bring consumption.

    Chronic renal failure dietary requirements

    Renal insufficiency, renal failure refers to the failure of this period there are certain dietary requirements, but many patients do not understand the requirements of Friends, so I share with everyone some experience: Chronic renal failure dietary requirements.
    1 intake of quality protein
    Patients with renal failure, the need to limit the intake of protein, in order to reduce the burden on the kidney, but if you eat large and small, the consumption of the body's muscles and visceral tissues, it must eat properly and sufficient "quantity" and "quality" protein.
    2. adequate intake of calories
    Limiting protein intake, in order to avoid inadequate calorie intake can eat more high-calorie and low protein food to supplement. Vegetable oils (such as: soybean, peanut oil), low-protein starch (such as: Cheng flour, white powder and arrowroot flour) and sugar (such as: sugar, honey, ginger candy, fruit sugar), its caloric intake per day per kilogram of body weight 30 ~ 40 kcal appropriate.
    3 Note moisture control
    When renal failure and decreased urine, the water will accumulate in the load of the body, an increase in the cardiovascular system, the performance of edema, weight gain, shortness of breath, hypertension, heart failure, etc.

    We should note that the so-called high-protein diet does not mean that absorb large amounts of protein in the diet, but the use of high-quality and less protein.


    Prednisone treatment of lupus nephritis effect you?

    Prednisone treatment of lupus nephritis effect you? Prednisone treatment of lupus nephritis is mainly eliminated by the immunosuppressive effects of clinical symptoms, the effect is worth for sure, but the majority of patients with late effects should know: easy to relapse. Described in detail below.
    Prednisone treatment of lupus nephritis mainly through:
    1 anti-inflammatory effect: to reduce and prevent tissue response to inflammation, thereby reducing inflammation performance. Hormone suppression of inflammatory cells, including macrophages and leukocytes at sites of inflammation, the accumulation, and inhibition of phagocytosis, lysosomal enzyme release and synthesis and release of chemical mediators of inflammation.
    2 immunosuppressive effects: to prevent or inhibit the cell-mediated immune response, delayed hypersensitivity reactions, reduction of T lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils number, the ability to reduce the binding of immunoglobulin to cell surface receptors and inhibit the synthesis and release of interleukin, thus reducing the T lymphocyte transformation of lymphoblastoid cells, and reduce the extension of the primary immune response. Immune complexes can be reduced through the basement membrane, and can reduce the concentration of complement components and the immunoglobulin.

    Many patients taking prednisone there is a certain effect, but the side effects are great, but palliatives. Mainly due to the prednisone can suppress the immune response, but can not clear the immune complexes, can not repair damaged renal intrinsic cells, so often there will be repeated illness phenomenon. It is recommended to consider the side effects of other drugs, kidney hospital on the basis of this existing domestic immunosuppressive drugs and technology, the introduction of foreign latest, more suitable for a range of low immunosuppressive therapy effective drug side effects and technology, first, to block the immune response, followed by immunological tolerance. Immune complex deposition in the kidney, the Department may be completely eliminated in a short time, so let's efforts to adapt to human pathogenic foreign matter deposited on the fact that the kidney tissue to stop the immune response. Then is to get the immune mediation stage, adjustments to work within the environment of the immune system, enhance human immunity. On the basis of immune regulation, based on the introduction of protective immunity in patients with stage repair podocytes and mesangial cells. The last resort is immune clearance, which should take appropriate immunosorbent assay based on the actual condition of the patient, plasmapheresis and blood purifier.

    What is the diagnosis of lupus nephritis pay attention?

    What is the diagnosis of lupus nephritis pay attention? Lupus nephritis refers to systemic lupus erythematosus different pathological types of autoimmune kidney damage, and kidney damage associated with significant clinical manifestations of a disease, systemic lupus erythematosus lupus nephritis is caused by kidney involving an immune complex glomerulonephritis, SLE major complications and is a major cause of death.
    Pathological manifestations of lupus nephritis prognosis and guide treatment of the main basis. Reflect disease activity indicators: severe mesangial and endothelial cell proliferation, with or without granulocyte infiltration; nuclear debris; immune complex deposition in a large subendothelial; transparent thrombosis; glomerular basement membrane rupture; cells or fibers cellular crescents; capillary loops fibrinoid necrosis. Wherein the latter is more important. The indicators reflect the chronic lesions: glomerular sclerosis; fibrous crescent; tubular atrophy; interstitial fibrosis.
    1 systemic manifestations: intermittent fever; malar erythema, due shaped like a butterfly, also known as butterfly erythema; painless oral ulcers; multiple joint pain; epilepsy or mental abnormalities; cold pale hand, foot, warm after turned purple, followed by recovery often color, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon.
    2 Renal manifestations: hematuria or proteinuria; hematuria, proteinuria associated with edema, backache or hypertension, that nephritis-like performance; massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, ie nephrotic syndrome-like performance; hematuria, protein urine with renal sharp decline, the performance was rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis; chronic renal failure performance. Life can be expressed as one of the cases.
    3 laboratory abnormalities: blood appeared neutropenia, or anemia, or thrombocytopenia; ESR fast; complement C3 low; antinuclear antibodies and autoantibodies. Biopsy only help diagnose lupus nephritis, a serious kidney damage more clearly the extent of the disease and beneficial to determine the correct treatment.
    More common in young women who are asymptomatic mild hematuria without proteinuria or edema associated with hypertension, but the majority of cases may have proteinuria red white catheter urine. Rapid onset of a few cases, the rapid deterioration of renal function, the majority of patients with renal involvement arthritis rash etc. renal manifestations occur. Heavy serous cases involving cardiopulmonary disease often rapid hepatic blood-forming organs and other organs and tissues, and accompanied by appropriate clinical manifestations. About a quarter of patients with kidney damage as the first performance, for women of childbearing age have kidney disease should be a routine examination and serological indicators related to the disease.
    How to diagnose: physical findings of acute fever is more common; most patients have anemia; facial butterfly erythema of the characteristic changes may be associated with hair loss, rash, joint swelling heart murmurs or pericardial effusion hepatosplenomegaly lymphadenopathy, and varying degrees of edema or pleural effusion, etc. symptoms.

    Physical examination revealed acute phase of fever is more common; most patients have anemia; facial butterfly erythema is characteristic changes. Can be accompanied by joint swelling, hair loss, skin rashes, heart murmurs or pericardial effusion, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and varying degrees of symptoms of edema or pleural effusion, etc.


    How melamine-induced renal failure

    Kidney stones and kidney failure in 2008 has happened "milk" incident, several provinces in the country due to consumption of infant milk powder melamine was added after emergence. But their clinical toxicity mechanism of how, but it has been unclear. Recently, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital study found that melamine-induced renal failure in infants with intestinal bacterial metabolism are closely
    According to reports, some intestinal bacteria, especially bacteria of the genus Klebsiella, the nitrogen-containing compound having a metabolic (also called nitrogen fixation) The ability to metabolism in the intestinal tract of melamine, cyanuric acid and converted to its gradual degradation. Melamine and cyanuric acid is very low toxicity, but easily combined with each other to form crystals, these two substances into the blood circulation in the renal tubules with uric acid to form macromolecular complexes like stones, blocking tubules, resulting in kidney toxicity. Accordingly, the medical center research group proposed conversion of the intestinal bacterial metabolism and toxicity of melamine correlation hypothesis and confirmed animal testing.

    The researchers pointed out that people in their daily lives on diet, metabolism, and biological effects of drugs there are significant individual differences, and these individual differences may result from differences largely intestinal microflora. Related study found that less than one percent of infants and young children in the consumption of milk containing melamine melamine-induced renal toxicity appear and urinary system diseases, suggesting that part of the reason for the occurrence of toxicity in infants, because they contain a high abundance of gut melamine bacteria capable of metabolizing degree Klebsiella bacteria such as sake; while only about 1% of the baby's body has Klebsiella, and after taking infant formula proportion of infants suffering from kidney toxicity fit just right.

    How to chronic renal failure to reduce heart attacks

    Heart disease is the cause of death in patients with chronic renal failure is the main reason. Chronic renal failure is a common disease that can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and other diseases, it is fatal. So, how to reduce chronic renal failure and heart disease risk?
    First, get some exercise: regular physical exercise will help you maintain an ideal body weight, normal blood pressure and cholesterol, and so on. All of these can help reduce your risk of heart disease.
    Second, control your blood sugar Diabetes: If you regularly check blood sugar levels and make sure it is controlled within the normal range this is the best behavior.
    Third, adjust your diet high calcium and high phosphorus water makes blood vessels narrow, but also allows us to experience high risk of heart disease. So, depending on your calcium intake disease state adjustment is necessary. Also, please remember to add fiber, eat plenty of vegetables and whole grains.
    Fourth, chronic renal failure patients prone to anemia, increases your risk of heart disease. So, please remember to advance the prevention of anemia.
    Fifth, stay away from bad habits such as smoking, drinking, staying up late. All of these bad habits will increase the burden on the heart. Therefore, in order to protect your heart is not damaged, leave these bad habits.

    If you have any questions you can consult the online experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.

    Chronic renal failure patients experience nausea how it is

    Chronic renal failure patients often symptoms of nausea, mainly in patients with kidney detoxification function was severely damaged, the body produces a large number of metabolic waste retention, stay in the gastrointestinal tract and cause irritation can not be discharged due to the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to nausea and other gastrointestinal complications, and other tissues and organs of patients also often have varying degrees of symptoms.
    For patients with chronic renal failure, nausea and other symptoms, clinically used anti-emetics or by enema, laxatives, oral pharmaceutical active carbon adsorption, or even dialysis to reduce the toxins in vivo retention can also relieve nausea and other symptoms of chronic renal failure patients. But this is clearly not eliminate the root causes of these symptoms. Because the patient did not recover the detoxification function of the kidney, and kidney damage detoxification function of the reason is because the various functions within the cell kidney damage, constantly apoptosis, fewer number of remaining functional cells has been unable to complete due detoxification task, toxins in the gastrointestinal tract of patients around retention, so patients was nausea and other complications.

    If you have any questions you can consult our online experts, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital has received patients from 74 countries, so you can fully trust in our hospital.


    Causes and common seen symptoms of polycystic kidney

    In recent years, the occurrence rate of polycystic kidney rise gradually, so more and more people care about it and they want to know the causes of polycystic kidney. Actually, the causes of it are complex and it is difficult to cure it. What's more, it is easy to reappear. If you learn more knowledges about its causes and can receive treatment timely, you can recover sooner or later. Now we will introduce pathogenesis of it.
    1. Heredity. Most of polycystic kidney patients get this disease because of heredity.
    2. Gene mutation. There are sone polycystic kidney patients, who get this disease not only because of heredity but also congenital immature development, however, they get it because of gene mutation when they are only a embryo.
    3. Toxin. Toxin may damage various of cell tissue and organs, and then illness may occur, or even threaten our life. So, we say this is also a main reason to cause gene mutation and congenital aplasia.
    4. Various of infection. Infection can make body environment change and make a good environment this is benefit for cyst gene's development. Common seen infections contains upper respiratory tract infection (cold is included), urinary tract infection, gastrointestinal tract infection, skin infection, trauma infection and so on. No matter bacteria infection or virus infection can both make enormous influence on cysts.
    The harm of polycystic kidney is enormous and it may damage kidney structure and renal function sooner or later. If it can not be treated timely, it may cause late-stage renal failure. So it become more and more important for us to learn more knowledges about symptoms of it to treat it as early as possible.
    Common seen symptoms of polycystic kidney
    1. Pain on renal region.
    This is an important symptom of polycystic kidney. The pain will be intensified because of physical activity, long time walking or sitting and may alleviate after rest. Bleeding in kidneys or movement of renal stone are also the causes of sudden sharp pain.
    2. Renal tumefaction.
    The bulk of the two kidneys may be different and it have the possibility to occupy the whole abdominal cavity. Many cysts are on the surface of kidneys and make it sags and crests.
    3. High blood pressure.
    Before serum creatinine become high, half of polycystic kidney patients may get high blood pressure. This phenomenon is closely related to cysts oppress renal tissue.
    4. Blood urine.

    Half of them may get blood urine which can be seen through microscope and they may have paroxysmal blood urine which can be seen by naked eye. If the kidney get infected, will have obvious pyuria and blood urine will be aggravated.
    Skype:live:kidneyservice Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com


    Comprehensive treatment of renal reasons

    Nephrotic syndrome are generally sick child, so when the treatment of nephrotic syndrome also need some external or patient condition mainly itself. Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital specialists want to show you the next related issues.
    1, age
    Fully kidney patients, a child is more common primary renal comprehensive, and minimal change nephrotic accounted for 80%, accounting for sick children two to six small lesions in which 85% of sick children, the greater the age, the patient population less. And the age, the higher the mortality.
    2, occult blood
    Occult blood is not obvious, is a type of kidney comprehensive, can be called minimal change, the prognosis is good. If it is obvious occult blood, compared with Ⅱ type, conditioning is not impressive.
    3, proteinuria PRO
    Patients with selective proteinuria PRO description of the body than the 軽 severity, and the prognosis is relatively good, otherwise poor prognosis. Meanwhile, the initial proteinuria PRO relatively serious, renal damage is relatively fast, the prognosis is not good.
    4, high blood pressure, azotemia
    Such performance exhibited by patients with renal mostly mechanized Ⅱ type, hormone treatment is not obvious, the prognosis is poor.
    5, serum cholesterol
    With minimal change is more common, a better prognosis in patients with elevated otherwise poor prognosis. Patient a child higher than 20.8mmol / L, and higher mortality.
    6, healing time
    Patient treatment sooner, the better the prognosis of adult patients with onset more than six months before the beginning of treatment, the prognosis is not impressive.
    7, treatment methods

    Some patients using hormone treatment, can be effectively put control, but easy repeatedly. Patients are also beginning to use hormone treatment outcome is not clear if such patients with poor prognosis. If the patient has a "VHP international Kangshen living biological oxygen treatment system" in treatment, according to the disease, three or four course you can cure, patients can be more serious one to two courses.

    Diet pills can cause kidney comprehensive yet?

    Most patients to lose weight is to eat a little focus slimming drugs while limiting diet, many people will avoid eating meat, rice and pasta food, while some vegetables and fruits intake also have certain restrictions. This weight loss method is to become less carbohydrate content of the body, in order to achieve the purpose of body fat will be consumed.
    He Ruiqi kidney specialists warn, severe food restriction does not provide protein and fat, resulting in all the body's nutritional value, but also lead to kidney disease.

    All kinds of diet pills, some increase satiety, fewer food intake, some increase in water loss, weight loss, there is the influence of drugs diet through decomposition, although these methods are very weight loss in a short time, but it is to damage the digestive system functions for the price. And many elements of diet pills will cause kidney damage. Diet pills is one of the etiology of renal comprehensive, this should lead to attention.

    Renal failure, you can have sex

    Healthy sex life is based on the basis of the kidney, and kidney failure can have sex for you? The question I believe we already have the answer inside, even more detailed analysis in order to be able to explain.
    1 sex life could result in kidney failure patients frequently exhibit anemia, high blood pressure, elevated creatinine and urea, such as performance, and some patients will exhibit weakness, dizziness, poor cardiac function. These will affect the treatment of renal failure and recovery.
    2 hormonal imbalance, male serum androgen decline in renal failure patients, only half of the normal. Some patients also showed reduced thyroid function, showing low libido, if forced to make life even more severe renal failure. Women showed even more severe, kidney failure often show estrogen without feet, such as amenorrhea, after a few months, infertility, and decreased vaginal lubrication, so it should be noted no method too frequent sex life.
    3 sexually active will cause nervous system lesions and functional imbalance, nerve conduction, adjust dysfunction.

    4 renal failure patients because of changes in psychological reasons, such as depression, depression, anxiety, fear will cause loss of libido and sexual dysfunction.

    What manifestations of kidney cyst

    Compared with other nephropathy, renal cysts is not part of a large performance, and is very difficult to be exhibited people, however, accompanied by a change in the time of development and disease, renal cysts initially showed a change, the patient's body also exhibit a variety of illnesses, so when the body showed discomfort, the patient must pay more attention, seize the time to accept healed. So what have kidney cysts performance? Here by my site belongs kidney hospital doctor as we explain in detail.
    1, waist, waist discomfort or pain: The reason is because the kidney enlargement and expansion, tension increases the renal capsule, renal pedicle by pulling, or to adjacent organs pressure triggered. In addition, polycystic kidneys causing kidney large water content, becomes heavy, falling stretch, can also cause back pain. Pain is characterized by pain, dull, fixed on one or both, to the lower lumbar back radiation. If intracapsular bleeding or secondary infection, it will make the pain suddenly intensified. If the merger stones or urinary tract bleeding after a blood clot blocking, you can show a renal colic.
    2, occult blood: can be expressed as microscopic or macroscopic occult blood occult blood. Cyclical episodes. When episodes of low back pain often intensifies, strenuous exercise, trauma, infection can induce or aggravate. The reason is due to bleeding beneath many arterial wall, as pressure increases or infection, so that the vascular wall stretch and rupture due to excessive bleeding.
    3, waist mass: Sometimes the main reason for patient visits, 60% to 80% of patients palpable enlargement of the kidneys. Generally speaking, the greater the kidney, renal function was worse.
    4, proteinuria PRO: usually are small, no more than a 24-hour urine 2g. Comprehensive Kidney does not happen much.
    5, high blood pressure: solid extruded kidney cysts, resulting in renal ischemia, so that an increase in renin secretion, causing high blood pressure. In normal renal function, there are more than 50% of patients with high blood pressure occurs, renal dysfunction, a higher incidence of high blood pressure.

    6, renal dysfunction: Because cystic mass, extrusion, so that normal kidney cells become less significant, progressive decline in renal function.

    What are common symptoms of kidney cyst?

    In the event of any kidney disease lesions, will have its own unique symptoms, patients and their families to pay more attention to change as long as the body, then the disease can occur at the time to seize the time of hospital treatment, especially kidney cysts that kidney disease, it is need to pay more attention to control the disease within the range of treatable. What common symptoms of kidney cysts? Here by my site belongs kidney hospital doctor as we explain in detail.
    Clinically, most of the patients may have a family history, more men than women, behave differently. More common manifestations are:
    (1) lumbar back pain: for the first manifestation of the vast majority of patients, ranging from persistent or paroxysmal was, tired after the increase.
    (2) occult: often the first manifestation, about half of people demonstrated for intermittent painless gross occult blood.
    (3) tumor waist: the waist more in bilateral palpable, tumor sizes.
    (4) to have high blood pressure with dizziness, headache.
    (5) renal insufficiency: markedly abnormal renal function tests, urine specific gravity low and fixed.
    (6) about a quarter of patients with renal colic performance and urinary frequency, urgency and discomfort.
    X-ray, B ultrasound, MRI and other tests can help diagnose.

    The above is relevant to explain the symptoms of kidney cysts, kidney cysts for patients, seize the time to go to a regular hospital treatment is very necessary. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital specialists can help you solve various problems.

    Beer drinkers effects on kidney cyst patients

    By observing exhibit, lesions occur in patients with renal cysts, the percentage of men far more than women, why would exhibit such a phenomenon? As it has a very great relationship with the living habits in their daily lives, more men I like to drink, especially in the hot summer, it is the favorite drink of beer, and drink beer right kidney cyst patients will have a very large vice efficacy. So beer right kidney cyst patients what specific side effects of it?
    When the weather is hot. Weakest human renal diet slightest mistake is easy to cause gastrointestinal illness. Kidney cysts will increase patient drink weakened kidney function
    Survey showed alcoholic liquor for α notably in terms of most kidney cyst patients should quit, because alcohol is particularly irritating to the kidneys large, multi proteinuria PRO can directly stimulate activity, accelerate intracapsular fluid secretion and accelerate the growth of cysts . With the increase in holidays, summer weather and so on, "Wine Course" will also be more and more. So, so do not drink when the weather is hot, in the winter season it nephropathy prone not to drink, all in all kidney failure patients to try not to drink
    Besides kidney cyst rehabilitation of patients also need a good body, "four weeks" environment. Prolonged drinking can cause anemia, platelet function imbalance, the occurrence of various bleeding; will cause poor gastrointestinal absorption, nutritional deficiencies resulting in the body of vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid to reduce the utilization of vitamin B6 excretion; will cause fat hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and so on. These are the side effects of alcohol on the body, the kidney cysts of rehabilitation are negative.
    Often drinking can increase blood pressure and body; drinking too much water causes cells combined loss; muscle creatine metabolism in hyperthyroidism, so elevated serum creatinine; produce acidic substances exhibit metabolic acidosis alcohol decomposition, performance nausea, poor appetite, depression, headaches and other symptoms.
    But also harm the kidneys drinking, alcohol affects the body's nitrogen balance, increase protein breakdown, increased blood urea nitrogen, which will inevitably increase the burden on the kidneys, if normal is not very big question, but the kidney or renal cyst failure patients in terms of drinking not only benefit from kidney cysts reply, but also resulted in the deterioration of renal cysts, so the kidney cyst patients, wine, no matter what kind of wine should quit, and it helps rapid recovery of renal cysts.
    Some patients with renal cysts probably also believe that after kidney cyst cure is to drink, but the best is completely quit, because of kidney disease is likely to rebound, and a variety of diseases caused by each other, so after drinking can lead to kidney disease cure kidney disease or other nephropathy rebound, so even after cure kidney disease should insist on not drinking rules.

    These are the beer-related side effects on the kidney cysts explain, for kidney cyst patients, seize the time to go to a regular hospital treatment is very necessary.

    Iga nephropathy initial presentation of expert analysis of kidney disease

    In real life, the performance of many diseases out to deepen the process is not very obvious manifestations, precisely because so many patients exhibit when they are suffering from the disease has come to the end stage, iga nephropathy in the early stages when the performance is not very obviously, not even show any discomfort, even if some discomfort, it will not lead to the patient's attention. So when the exhibit has come to the end stage, and even has a high creatinine uremia.
    So it is necessary to recognize fully the initial presentation iga nephropathy, which has a very significant meaning for the purposes of kidney patients. Following on from my site belongs kidney hospital doctor explain to us the initial presentation of iga nephropathy are the following:
    1, edema: the morning after eyelid or cheek edema subsided over the afternoon, there is increasing trend after exertion, rest after mitigation. Today will be a severe edema double medial ankle, leg, lumbosacral and so on.
    2, urine discoloration: urine was watery wash the meat, tea color, color of soy sauce or rice water turbidity, such as when the patient should seek medical attention immediately.
    Three men may have performance (nocturnal emission, Hua Jing, infertility) functional disorders regard.
    4, nocturia: normal in less than 60 years old should not normally have often nocturnal, nocturnal increase if the young man is very poor kidney function may be the initial presentation.
    5, there is another iga nephropathy early performance: urine foam and more long-term does not disappear: Description urine protein excretion relatively high.
    6, low back pain: no clear cause of back pain, you should check the kidneys, spine and lumbar back muscle.
    7, too much or too little urine: normal urine output levels are about 1500 ml per day, 4-8 times a day. If no fever, profuse sweating, drink plenty of water, etc., urine scale emerged suddenly plummeted or increase when going to the hospital, and see if it is kidney disease.

    For iga nephropathy initial presentation to share with you here, in order to ensure the patient back to health as quickly as possible, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital doctor will give you free help.


    After dialysis feet numb

    Numbness can be caused by diabetes drugs. Neuritis. Cerebrovascular disease. Cervical disease, vascular disease. Numb not symptomatic treatment. But want to treat the cause.
    Recommendations to the hospital to be checked Neurology. Clear cause further treatment. Note possible cervical spondylosis.
    Partial or complete loss of kidney function in the pathological state. Jihuan episodes into its acute and chronic. Chronic renal failure is caused by a variety of causes of chronic kidney disease to develop a set of clinical symptoms occur late and composed syndrome. Currently also found that Chinese medicine has a good blocking renal fibrosis, renal eliminate excessive extracellular matrix, restoration of damaged kidney inherent cell function. However, if the kidney has been completely atrophy or necrosis, and then how to eat the gluttonous no avail.

    Because dialysis belong replacement therapy can temporarily expel excessive toxins, temporary relief from high toxin damage to the body, but only act as a "artificial kidney" role, and not for the treatment of kidney, but can not stop the progress of the disease. At this point if the urine is also much, then it shows itself still has some kidney detoxification function key is not recommended to simply rely on dialysis treatment, the patient is on dialysis treatment while blocking further pathological damage to the kidneys, while protecting the remaining renal unit, the maximum reverse yet still in the reversible phase of intrinsic cells, and gradually extend the interval dialysis, to improve the quality of life of patients, as long as kidney function restoration in place, will gradually come down to see, to treatment purpose, hope seize patient treatment time, can not miss the timing of treatment, and specifically about the treatment if you need any help then you can contact me directly mailbox.
    Email: kidneyservice@hotmail.com

    Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) lifetime

    Many PKD patients will ask the following questions:??, I can be much longer if I was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease it will be a normal person in my life, died in an old age yet I can tell you is that you do not need to worry about this problem. If you have questions about PKD life, you can refer to the online doctor freedom.
    What is polycystic kidney disease (PKD) life?
    PKD's life, we can not give you an accurate answer, because the conditions are different from each other. Typically, PKD people can live for decades often do not have any symptoms. According to reports, about 40% of people are diagnosed with PKD will not develop renal failure before the age of 60.
    How to extend polycystic kidney disease (PKD) life?
    From the above we can see, the key to treatment is to prevent the development of kidney failure PKD PKD is the most terrible outcome. Reason for kidney failure is fluid-filled cyst cystic oppression surrounding cells to make more kidney damage. Renal failure. So shrinking renal cysts are hinged to prevent renal failure.
    This is a difficult kidney specialists how to narrow renal cysts. Now, a new therapeutic treatment of PKD roots. Fomentation therapy. You can be assured that all drugs are natural for you, they do not hurt your body. These herbs can prevent epithelial cyst fluid secretion and increase the permeability of the wall. Thus, renal cysts will gradually shrink, naturally your situation will improve kidney. So, polycystic kidney disease (PKD) life expectancy will be extended.
    You must remember that the sooner the treatment of disease, the better your kidney disease.
    Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital specialists to help you solve the disease problem.

    Eat six kinds of food can protect the kidneys clear toxins broccoli

    Red Hot Chili Peppers. The key ingredient in red pepper Capsaicin helps to break down the body (especially the blood) garbage. Therefore, the red pepper is to make the perfect kidneys healthy food.
    Egg white. Protect the kidneys need low-protein low phosphorus diet, but also add enough protein. Egg white contains a variety of healthy protein, and lower phosphorus content than other sources of protein.
    Broccoli. In addition to the rich variety of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, β- carotene, the broccoli is also rich in indole and thiocyanate and other beneficial ingredients, which help remove toxins from the body, thereby reducing kidney burden. The easiest way to eat broccoli is boiled together with pepper and salt.
    Cabbage. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, total vitamin content than three times as many tomatoes. Cabbage in a variety of phytochemicals that help clear the body of free radicals. Kidney dialysis patients with the best eat coleslaw.
    Fish. Fish (especially deep-sea fish) can fight inflammation rich in omega-3 fatty acids help protect the kidneys. Fish is an important source of high quality protein.

    Fruit juice. Fruit or vegetable juice have a break down and remove body waste effect. Fruit and vegetable juices contain a variety of phytochemicals that help prevent the occurrence of renal dialysis patients at risk. Especially blueberries and other berries juice is rich in antioxidants, helps to improve kidney health.

    Mallow diuretic medicinal plants

    Mallow diuretic medicinal plants
    Mallow, perennial herb, plant height 59-90 cm. Stems erect much branched. Kidney-shaped leaves, palmate veins. Fruit flat round, diameter of about 5-7 mm, kidney-shaped, pubescent. Seeds dark brown, kidney-shaped, long 2 mm. Flowering from May to October. Native to Asia, Europe and North America, hardy, drought-resistant, do not choose the soil, sandy soil is most appropriate. Strong growth potential, hi sunny. Mallow flowers, leaves and stems can be used as medicine, poor attending urine, vaginal discharge, lymph node tuberculosis, sore throat. Mallow has a peanut-like fruit flavor, it's an alias, also known as: Fairy cheese, cheese Bed and so on. So it's the language of flowers grace.
    Mallow diuretic laxative; role of detoxification drugs,
    Flower or leaf medicine; rich mucus, as slimy agent.
    Yellow Hollyhock is a cure for the treatment of bee stings. It also has to eliminate facial, body skin, swelling of the efficacy
    Mallow extracted from tea, has the effect of fatigue

    If you have any questions you can consult our online doctors and experts to provide you with free services.

    Beware of children drinking excessive generation of chronic renal failure

    Beware of children with chronic renal failure excessive water production. Why do you say that? Nephropathy, MD, a child is one too many drinking the performance of children with chronic renal failure, of course, if only the water and could not explain the kidney failure, but also perhaps other diseases. Other children would cause the water's disease have diabetes, allergic purpura. But if a child drinking water and daily showed discrepancies, abnormal excessive drinking, you should immediately go to hospital for a urine test and B ultrasonic examination, to see what is the reason causing the. If children suffering from chronic renal failure to determine the child, then the burden of excessive drinking will exacerbate kidney, and then add chronic disease situation.
    1 urine too much or too little. Under normal physical condition, infant urine output was 400 to 600 ml, 600 to 800 ml of preschool children, school-age children from 800 to 1400 ml, urine output increased, reducing both may be "dangerous" signals emitted by kidney disease.
    2 urine abnormalities. If urine protein exhibited in urine examination, red blood cells, white blood cells, urine, etc., should be further examination. Timely diagnosis for children with chronic renal failure is very focused, through a urine test may show some early occult kidney disease.
    3 Parents need to pay attention to the details of the child's everyday life, pay attention to some of the children may suffer from kidney signal: kidney disease is characterized by swollen eyelids or facial edema patient, multi-afternoon subsided, tired after intensified after the break reduced.
    Life when the child's physical condition has drinking too much performance, and accompanied the body to produce swelling, weakness and other performance. Parents should be the first time on behalf of the child to the hospital to check to see whether the generation of chronic renal failure exists, and immediate treatment of renal failure, so that the child's life are not subject to serious intimidation.

    If you have any questions you can consult the online experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, to provide patients with a free consultation.


    Comprehensive Kidney Patients should not eat any fruit?

    Comprehensive Kidney Patients should not eat fruit! Good diet is the key to a better life away from kidney disease, so patients should not diet renal comprehensive fruit, what does?
    Nephrotic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome can not eat the fruit can not eat fruit? Fruit is that everyone likes to eat the food, because the fruit is rich in vitamins and other trace elements beneficial to human body. But for nephrotic syndrome patients, not all fruits are edible. Only patients under the correct guidance of professional diet doctors, will achieve better prevention and treatment of nephrotic syndrome.
    Nephrotic syndrome patients should pay attention to diet and reasonable collocation, help patients recover soon! Nephrotic syndrome with not eating less fruit, I hope you have some help.
    A banana: Because bananas and cold, including sodium and more, with glomerulonephritis, hypertension, edema syndrome who in particular should be careful to eat, if nephritis patients often eat bananas, it means a lot of sodium intake, resulting in kidney burden, edema, hypertension and other symptoms will also increase. Due to large banana sugar, people with diabetes should be eating.
    2, Apple: because Apple contains a lot of carbohydrates and potassium, eating too much is not conducive to the heart, kidney health; suffering from coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, kidney disease, diabetes, should not eat.
    3, citrus: citrus cool, stomach, intestine, kidney, lung function Deficiency of the elderly can not eat, so as not to induce pain, Yaoxisuanruan other symptoms. Eat more oranges also easy to get angry, cause mouth sores, red eyes and swollen poison, induced hemorrhoids. Oranges contain carotene above, overeating cause yellow pigment in the skin pigmentation.
    4, watermelon: Watermelon much moisture is good refreshing summer fruit, but the meat is cold, eat more prone elderly physically weak abdominal pain or diarrhea; severe heart failure and edema patients should not eat. .

    5, persimmon: persimmon meat contains a lot of tannin, persimmon plastic phenol, tannin and strong convergence, so constipation patients should not eat. In addition, fasting or eating persimmon persimmon after eating crab, easy to produce persimmon stone. Therefore, gastritis, hyperacidity, stomach Deficiency and other patients, and in fasting, it is best not to eat or Eat after exertion persimmon.

    Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

    Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, founded in 1986, we in the "built a century hospital, the attack of various kidney disease" mentality, with "utmost to cherish life care;. Centuries endless build a harmonious hospital," the purpose of the "concentric circles service model, large efficacy model, great service mode "service standards, after 27 years of glorious development, has become a set of medical, teaching, scientific research as one of the new modernized kidney disease treatment organization.
    Hospital Chief occupies a total area of ​​48,000 square meters, total construction area of ​​66,000 square meters of modern hospital district, and completed more than 90,000 cases of kidney repair treatment, carried out various types of kidney disease examination.
    Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, according to the different types of kidney disease onset, divided into eighteen hospital wards, the current settings are: purpura kidney, pediatric kidney, kidney and other inpatient rehabilitation ward.
    At the same time the hospital has a large hemodialysis center, the existing 36 dialysis machines and three ultrafiltration machine can be equipped to carry out a variety of difficult dialysis job. 39 sets of dialysis equipment and water treatment equipment for all of two German original "McPherson Eustace" high-end equipment for clinical treatment to provide a reliable guarantee.
    Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital opened in renal fibrosis exclusive domestic inspection program is an important foundation to support the theory of renal fibrosis, which can show the degree of renal fibrosis "matrix metalloproteinases" content inspection and research projects for the national initiative. Kidney cells can reflect the extent of damage and restore natural conditions "cell activating factor" test project is the leading domestic. Kidney inspection carried out in routine testing and kidney inherent cell damage and kidney fibrosis condition for the test, providing a large number of practical scientific data for clinical diagnosis, but also for Integrative Medicine offers a large number of detailed experimental data, has been highly praised by industry peers.
    Nearly 700 medical institutions to exchange and learn. The total construction area of ​​66,000 square meters, within a short period of time to become one of China's current large-scale facilities are very complete, is currently owned power relatively strong medical kidney specialist hospital.

    Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital set thirty-seven kidney specialists, combined with decades of clinical experience, offers free online consultation for kidney patients, rehabilitation tailored for your personalized treatment plan to guide the patient out of the kidney disease treatment errors. If you suffer from various types of kidney disease, uremia, renal insufficiency, renal failure, urinary protein, serum creatinine increased, renal hypertension, renal edema, anemia and other problems.

    Kidney Patients and Doctors Celebrate The China’s National Day

    you can contact us through emailing to kidneydoctor@hotmail.com / kidneyservice@hotmail.com or whatsapp number +86 15176855086.

    Kidney Service China

    Early symptoms of nephrotic syndrome in children

    Children with nephrotic syndrome in children not only painful, but also to cast a shadow over family life, so common sense understanding of the relevant disease for early detection and early treatment is essential. Parents must ask the child what the early symptoms of nephrotic syndrome do?
    The most obvious early symptoms of children with nephrotic syndrome is anemia. Azotemia evident in children of diabetic nephropathy, mild to moderate anemia may occur. Do not ignore the parents of children with symptoms of anemia, because of anemia caused by the human immune system in decline but can also induce a variety of complications, children with nephrotic syndrome. It should be noted that this anemia is erythropoietin disorder caused by treatment with iron and therefore invalid.
    Children with early disease appeared only intermittent proteinuria, as the disease progresses slowly into persistent proteinuria. Early children belong selective proteinuria, post becomes non-selective proteinuria.
    Edema of children of varying severity, lower limbs may have significant pitting edema. Edema due to gravity change, prolonged bed rest or early in the morning to the eyelids, the head, the most obvious sacral edema, lower limb edema after the event. Edema is a significant symptom of illness during a certain stage of children with nephrotic syndrome, some patients by several months or 1 to 2 years can subside on their own. Edema often concerned with sodium intake, accompanied by decreased urine output.

    If you have any questions you can consult the online experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.

    Sweating helps renal excretion of toxins it?

    The kidneys are important organs of the body, when the body has a lot of time will have to plug a lot of bad symptoms, such as menstruation, edema, jaw Changdou, easily tired.
    1, menstruation, or menstrual short, dark color. Generation and disappearance of menstruation, is whether the strong performance of renal function, if there are a lot of toxins in the kidneys, blood will be reduced.
    2, edema. The ability to manage the body's fluid running kidneys after renal accumulation of toxins, reduce discharge excess liquid, appeared edema.
    3, jaw Changdou. Facial jaw parts governed by the kidney, and kidney detoxification inadequate, excess toxins will show in the jaw area.
    4, easily fatigued. Toxins within the body of the energy consumption of the kidney, kidney provide energy reduction, so there body tired, Shenpi somnolence, weakness.
    The kidney is an important organ of detoxification, it filters the waste produced after the blood of toxins and protein degradation, and excreted through the urine. Cucumbers, cherries and other fruits and vegetables can help detoxify the kidneys.
    Cucumber: Cucumber's diuretic effect can clean the urethra, renal excretion of toxins contribute to the urinary system. Cucurbitacin contained cucumber acid also helps the lungs, stomach, liver detoxification.
    Cherry: Cherry is a valuable natural food and medicine to help kidney detoxification. At the same time, it also has a mild laxative effect.


    Proteinuria PRO1 + serious?

    Proteinuria PRO1 + serious? Proteinuria PRO is not always pathological, functional pathogenesis of proteinuria and albuminuria PRO PRO points. Functional proteinuria PRO also known physiological proteinuria PRO, refers to a short performance for healthy people proteinuria PRO. So, proteinuria PRO1 + serious? See related kidney specialists explain.
    Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital kidney specialist explained, when the patient showed proteinuria PRO1 +, do not be too nervous, first we must try to go to the hospital for examination to confirm the diagnosis! Then targeted heal!
    Proteinuria PRO1 + serious? Normal filtration original urine per day up to 180? Rise much, but after tubular reabsorption, secretion, and ultimately discharged concentrate only 1.5 liters. Wherein the protein containing about 40 ~ 100mg, with proteinuria PRO qualitative approach is measured not out. Proteinuria PRO is not always pathological, functional pathogenesis of proteinuria and albuminuria PRO PRO points. Functional proteinuria PRO also known physiological proteinuria PRO, refers to a short performance for healthy people proteinuria PRO. More common in young people under the influence of strenuous exercise, fever, high temperature, chills, nervousness and other reasons, renal vascular spasm or congestion, resulting in glomerular filtration membrane permeability-increasing protein leaving a large number of "slipping through the net." Normal urine of pregnant women may be a slight increase in protein, which increase with postural and renal flow, glomerular filtration rate increases related. Functional proteinuria PRO lifted after induced proteinuria reason PRO will go away. It is also called reversible proteinuria PRO or a transient proteinuria PRO.
    Presence or absence of protein in the urine, the amount of protein containing the number, there is a simple rough test method: boiling basis of urine, the urine may exhibit white turbidity, plus 5% acetic acid and then boiled for 5 to 10 drops, as the disappearance of turbidity , indicating that no protein in urine, proteinuria PRO qualitative test was negative; does not disappear but increased as turbidity, was flocculent precipitate or clot, then proteinuria PRO qualitative test was positive.

    Often contain trace amounts of protein in the urine (proteinuria PRO 24 hours quantitative <150mg), the usual detection methods can not be exhibited, test results were negative. Beyond this range can be detected, called proteinuria PRO. But because only tested once proteinuria PRO urine test result, vulnerable concentrated urine and diluting the impact level, often not accurately reflect the degree of proteinuria PRO. The human body in strenuous exercise, heavy physical labor, emotional, cold, heat and stress at the time of discharge can increase the amount of proteinuria PRO, called a transient proteinuria PRO, can be restored in a few hours or a few days later normal.

    Kidney Patients and Doctors Celebrate The China’s National Day

    Kidney Patients and Doctors Celebrate The China’s National Day
    China's National Day celebrating the day, but in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital inpatient international group of kidney patients in the world to various countries, also held a happy National Day gathering.

    Purpose of the International Department, is composed of an regardless of nationality, regardless of nationality, "family", no matter from what country, no matter what the faith is here will not feel strange, and dedicated medical staff not only treat the disease for patients, more in life to help the patient, so that their treatment will not dull life.

    Kidney Patients and Doctors Celebrate The China’s National Day
    Their feelings are sincere, his personal experience, into deep gratitude, not only for the presence of medical staff deeply gratified, and add more confidence and courage.

    Program is not professional, but it can make people in laughter, feel a sincere. Many patients said the treatment here, just like a dream, had to make domestic doctors were helpless disease, where you can really improve. And health care intentions guard, leaving them feel warm.
    Kidney Patients and Doctors Celebrate The China’s National Day
    Happy filled in everyone's face, in this special day, we rejoice. In the future, there is a better life waiting for us!


    Elderly people suffering from kidney syndrome usually show what appear

    What are the performance elderly suffering from kidney syndrome usually occur? Which showed renal comprehensive appear, is not that they have not found any major symptoms, was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, a? Doctor's diagnosis is not in doubt, then we come What are the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome look at the following experts to serve you a detailed explanation of the common symptoms of nephrotic syndrome?:
    What are the performance elderly patients with renal syndrome occur?
    1, most of dull back pain, surgery may be severe colic disorders.
    2, multi-over 2500 ml of urine every day and night called polyuria.
    3, eyelid edema often start (start with lower limb edema in some patients start), serious systemic spread even pleural effusion and ascites. At this time many people have been mistaken for other causes of edema. For example, drinking too much water at night, over exertion.
    4, high blood pressure is one of the symptoms of kidney disease, high blood pressure among young people occasionally find themselves, if not dizziness, palpitations feeling, is not specifically to blood pressure, and therefore continued high blood pressure do not know.
    5, frequent urination (more often), urgency (wait any longer urine), dysuria (painful urination, abdominal and urinary tract).
    6, hematuria that urine contains blood treatment, or occult blood test shows positive (plus sign). Some people think that urine is urine can be seen in the blood, in fact, renal hematuria naked eye can not see, must be seen under a microscope.

    Expert Tips You: elderly people suffering from kidney syndrome, which usually occur which show the performance of renal comprehensive appear, little or no urine less than 400 ml per day and night called oliguria, called no less than 100 milliliters of urine?. Oliguria and edema occur simultaneously, the onset of less urine than usual, and with more to reduce swelling aggravation of urine, can occur in individual patients without urinary phenomenon.
