
Lupus nephritis food taboos summary

Lupus nephritis is the more common types of kidney disease, kidney disease patients and others, as in the treatment of life and there are many caveats. More than 90% of women seen in lupus, where the green, middle-aged female patients with kidney disease manifestations, accompanied by multi-system disease, especially fever, arthritis, rash, accompanied by a variety of complications. Lupus nephritis and other kidney patients have a somewhat different problem food taboos.
1, patients with lupus nephritis avoid greasy, heavy flavor food. Greasy foods high in fat, and lupus patients have vascular disease. Lupus patients in kidney disease patients appropriate diet to light, not too salty, such as too much salt will increase the burden on the kidneys to increase the body of water and sodium retention. Salt intake to no more than 5-8 grams is appropriate.
2, lupus nephritis patients to control the fat content of the diet, in particular to reduce the intake of high fat meats, such as beef, lamb, pork, also hanged oil fried foods. Should supply high-protein and low-salt diet. High-quality protein and animal protein-based, such as lean meat, fish, a variety of scales, you can also use skim milk twice a day, each time with 250 ml of different types of lupus nephritis and clinical manifestations of edema, according to the different degrees of hypertension using different low-salt diet, such as nephrotic syndrome, edema amount should be less than 3 grams of salt per day. Authoritative reading: lupus nephritis general symptoms
3, avoid sea fishy fat objects, less alfalfa and beans and high food containing styrene-acrylic acids. Jiyong sea fishy fat objects such as fish, shrimp, jellyfish, beef, mutton, ZhuTouRou, onions, leeks, cedar top. Alfalfa and soybeans, beans, adzuki beans, etc., because it contains L- canavanine, can worsen lupus nephritis, it should limit or avoid eating. Phenylalanine, tyrosine high foods such as beef, not skim milk, etc., there is the role of disease progression, or control the use of it should be used sparingly, such as beef weekly dosage should be controlled within 100 to 150 grams , milk controlled at 100 to 125 grams per day. Should eat vitamin A, B6, D, E rich foods. Vitamin A-rich foods are cod liver oil, milk, duck, etc., contain carotene-rich foods are carrots, corn, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, red berries, cherry, loquat, plums, citrus. Vitamin B6 foods have more yeast, wheat germ cereal, corn, grain wheat, oats, rice bran and so on. More food containing vitamin D have dairy, duck, etc. Vitamin E-rich foods are wheat germ, Valley embryo, vegetable oil, cod liver oil, meat, eggs, milk and cream, lettuce leaves, citrus. According to TCM types, selection of different foods. Toxic heat flaming type, should be heat Yin, can eat cool foods such as watermelon, white chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, Yiyiren, pear, lotus root, wolfberry, Chinese wolfberry, Malan head, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, melon, bananas. Qi (yin) deficiency type, should qi and blood (yin), you can eat Warming (Yin) food, such as duck, duck, turtle, American ginseng, astragalus, mountain Yao, Yiyiren, white beans, walnut meat, black sesame, wolfberry fruit, longan meat, dates and so on.
4: lupus nephritis patients avoid high benzene ammonia containing protein foods. Such as beef, dairy products, tofu skin, loose dried fish, etc., should avoid eating L - canavanine foods, such as beans, soy foods.
5: lupus nephritis patients avoid fried foods, lupus patients due to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract disease, poor digestion and absorption, and hot fried foods do not digest, can increase the burden on the stomach, causing indigestion, stomach injury worse.

The above is a summary of Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, I believe you have harvested. Kidney damage caused by lupus nephritis, if more serious, even inactive lupus, kidney disease can continue to increase, hardening of the kidney, leading to renal insufficiency. Therefore, in the course of treatment of lupus nephritis, we must pay attention to protect the kidneys, to avoid renal insufficiency. If some patients because of recurrent lupus activity or delayed treatment, may have varying degrees of renal insufficiency treatment, they should not try to make the development of kidney damage. Shijiazhuang kidney hospital blood using modern Chinese medicine concocted many ways KBM combination therapy in the treatment of lupus nephritis ion penetration, so that Chinese medicine active ingredients directly to lesions, in-depth treatment of the damaged kidney tissues, the inverse process of renal fibrosis, the rehabilitation of patients with lupus nephritis is no longer wishful thinking.

Hazard lupus nephritis

For the treatment of lupus nephritis, use of immunosuppressive drugs to control lupus activity are important, but just focus on the treatment of lupus renal protection neglect may ultimately result in treatment failure, renal insufficiency. In fact, because of kidney damage caused by lupus activity if more serious, even inactive lupus, kidney disease can continue to increase, hardening of the kidney, leading to renal insufficiency. Therefore, in the course of treatment of lupus nephritis, we must pay attention to protect the kidneys, to avoid renal insufficiency. If some patients because of recurrent lupus activity or delayed treatment, may have varying degrees of renal insufficiency treatment, they should not try to make the development of kidney damage. Then there are those factors that can aggravate kidney damage? The following is a summary of Nephrology expert Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, and I hope to patients to help a friend.
The first is the high blood pressure. Lupus nephritis is often complicated by hypertension, and high blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for worsening renal function, patients with lupus nephritis and therefore must pay attention to whether the blood pressure, such as high blood pressure must be strictly controlled.
Followed by proteinuria. Proteinuria and glomerular damage not only reflect, but also cause tubulointerstitial damage, is one of the risk factors that lead to kidney disease progression. Reduce urinary protein, can reduce the damage to the kidneys, play a role in protecting the kidneys. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors such as Lotensin and angiotensin receptor antagonists such as Diovan and other drugs, can reduce proteinuria and slow down kidney sclerosis, played the role of protecting the kidneys. Such as proteinuria persists, even with normal blood pressure, may also be used of these drugs.
Third: nephrotoxic drugs. Some drugs often have damage to the kidneys, such as sulfonamides, card multiple antibiotics kanamycin, gentamicin, polymyxin B, etc; traditional Chinese medicine (especially manshuriensis, defense has been, etc.); analgesic agents. Try to avoid the use of unnecessary drugs, should not increase your kidney damage.
Fourth: infection. In the course of treatment of lupus nephritis (especially within the first few months of treatment) prone to infection. Infection often leads to relapse or exacerbation, which in daily life should be taken to prevent, avoid going to crowded places, to reduce the incidence of infection. Once infection occurs, treatment should be timely, timely medication.
Fifth: obesity. Obesity is a major problem at present hazards to public health worldwide. Obesity is not only hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease risk factors, can also increase proteinuria, increased kidney damage. If lupus patients with obesity lose weight should pay attention to maintain ideal body weight can reduce proteinuria and slow the progression of the disease.

Of course there are other factors, such as heart failure, acidosis, electrolyte imbalance, high cholesterol, etc., in the course of treatment should be corrected.

Why menstruation patients with lupus nephritis

Lupus kidney disease is one of autoimmune diseases, is a connective tissue disease range, due to the different toxins present in the body, can be divided into discoid lupus kidney disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus, lupus and other types of deep . Lupus kidney disease in the role of toxins, the incidence of slow, insidious, clinical manifestations, and changeable. Discoid lupus erythematosus toxins damage to local skin-based, systemic lupus erythematosus toxins damage, often involving multiple organ systems. Most patients with cutaneous manifestations of lupus.
Caused by lupus nephritis, as the name suggests, is a dangerous "wolf" the same disease. Past after diagnosis, nearly half of the 10 years to develop kidney failure, and now, thanks to advances in diagnosis and treatment has been reduced a lot, sometimes the disease activity, sometimes resting on a high degree of skill required treatment. Skillful hand to the doctor, on the other hand want to deepen their understanding of the patient's understanding of their illness, with treatment, in order to get the best results. In the clinic, patients with lupus nephritis accounts for about three percent, showing that the disease is very common. Most patients are young women, and many patients are taking the drug for treatment method, which led to the situation of women menstruation not appear, so for many patients say why he did not come menstruation, it is because the patient during treatment, medication relationship caused.

At the same time, through the observation of clinical cases, and found a variety of clinical manifestations of lupus nephritis, even if the original stable condition, under the influence of certain factors, but also the activities and performance of the activities are not the same, so, if it is not specialist, it is easy to misdiagnosis, for example, fever, joint pain, body aches may be considered dermatology, skin allergies. Pleural effusion or pericardial effusion was considered tuberculous pleurisy or tuberculous pericarditis. Abnormal liver function may be considered when hepatitis. Therefore, patients with lupus nephritis that happens to find the best kidney specialist to see and do the necessary laboratory tests, so as not to delay treatment.


Stem cell transplantation in the treatment nephropathy

Stem cell transplantation nephropathy. Stem cells have been in people's minds is no longer so mysterious name, then do what stem cells? Stem cells have the ability to update the group functions and the ability to produce differentiated cells cells. Thus, stem cells have the ability to update it lifetime cells in vivo as well as the ability to differentiate into various cell types required by the system, so it has been hailed as the image of the "What are stem cells," and is the most primitive cells. Stem cell transplantation is to different organs in the human body to extract stem cells, after culture, differentiation, and then transplanted into a patient, the use of stem cells to repair damaged duplication diversity potential of cells, restore damaged organ, tissue function.
Beijing Heng Hospital Professor Wu Taizhen say: stem cell transplantation in the treatment of lupus nephritis is the use of this principle, reconstruction, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and restore normal kidney function.
1. Before the clinical nephropathy think mostly of autoimmune diseases, and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases has been using hormonal and immune therapy clinic, although to some extent on the development of the disease can be controlled, but its toxic side effects, resulting in immunocompromised susceptible to infection, easily repeated after treatment and poor efficacy for patients with advanced, incurable diseases such radically.

2. widespread clinical application of stem cell-derived tissues and organs, will produce a new medical technology, which is the body's normal recycling even younger tissues and organs, so people can spend their own or someone else's stem cells or stem cells from derived new tissues and organs, tissues and organs to replace their disease or aging.

Stem cell transplantation in the treatment effect how nephropathy

Stem cell transplantation in the treatment nephropathy effect how? Stem cell transplant to treat kidney disease, it is true or false? Here is how to listen to the experts explained.
Stem cells have the long-term, unlimited self-renewal, self-replicating, highly proliferative, and more to analyze the potential of the original cell population. It is certainly under the conditions as we can analyze the results of the human body has a variety of cells, organs, cells can form any paradigm constructed to achieve the body's growth and development, the internal layout of the cells to rebuild and maintain homeostasis and after the outcome of the injured regeneration and self-constructed recovered.
Stem cell transplantation is the organ in the human differences stem cells extracted, Britain at the end for education, analysis, and then transplanted into the patient, the use of stem cell self-replicate and analyze the potential to repair damaged cells, the recovery of the damaged kidney structure organization, rebuilt an outcome of renal replacement therapy skills.
Stem cell transplantation in the treatment of the good: the autologous stem cell or allogeneic stem cell transplantation without structural matching; sound less crowding reaction, without any side effects, does not affect any outcome, the survival rate of 100%; after three months of growth of transplanted cells is not concluded as re-transplantation; after stem cell transplantation can be concluded as normal existence recovery; low-cost, one-tenth the cost of a kidney transplant only; the recurrence rate of about 25%; descendant relatives, own stem cells can be.
Dry matter before transplantation is necessary to prepare the cells: hold regular physical examination; expert consultation, screening contraindications and Indications; set treatment programs; to results patient table to understand after treatment, so that patients bright white Chu, obviously in vain cure; held stem cell transplantation pre-funded pre-treatment, easy to create stem cell survival in the environment; expert consultation goodbye, signed informed consent; hold stem cell transplantation therapy; patient set-funded treatment programs.
Various diseases are necessary to observe the efficacy and long-term efficacy. Species differences in illness, disease differences vary markedly environments. There are indicators of change fast on the days. Under normal circumstances, like all aspects of the figure after a month there will be differences in the degree of change, there will be significant improvement in symptoms, there will be long-term effects after 3-6 months, impaired renal cell will be differences in the extent of repair, kidney fiber process will be differences in the degree of blocking.
Stem cell transplantation therapy is relatively quiet treatment essentials, is characterized by non-toxic or low toxicity, no side effects. Allergy is a common clinical crashed crashed, but a few hours it will dissipate on their own, crashed essentials is elevated body temperature. Trace hormone therapy may be given as usual when the temperature is not higher than 39 ° not special treatment, higher than 39 °. After inheriting stem cell infusion, patients have conscious mental state departments and sleeping better improve the quality of initial symptoms. This is a dry cell transplantation clinical crashed, is a normal expression.

Stem cell transplantation in relation to, a stem cell transplant nephropathy treatment characteristics also no side effects, and less rejection reaction characteristics. And, in general, stem cell transplant surgery costs low, only one-tenth of a kidney transplant. In the post-transplant period of time, if not achieve the purpose of healing can continue to re-transplant surgery, and more secure.

Nephropathy nephropathy new technology of stem cell therapy

Nephropathy is a terrible disease that is also great for harm patients, now raise the level of medicine, stem cell therapy and effective renal disease, which for kidney patients every day asking what kidney disease treatment, stem cell therapy is very good together and Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts to understand it!
Stem cell treatment of kidney disease is to extract a small amount of bone marrow from the patient, then the separation of high-tech means to extract stem cells, which can be then isolated stem cells injected into the liver via the hepatic artery, transplant is completed. For primary nephrotic patients with early stages of stem cell therapy as timely treatment in place, but you can and can work closely with other treatments, which could reach targets as well as negative clinical, renal cell repair properly.
For those who control lupus activity, thereby protein, occult blood indicators falling or negative, in fact, those long-term efficacy, renal cell repair, but can also block the progression of renal fibrosis. Regulation of the immune mechanisms that control the activity of purpura, which can also be protein, occult blood indicators falling or negative, but should also be long-term efficacy, renal cell repair, blocking renal fibrosis.

About Stem Cell treatment for kidney disease, I believe you have some understanding, and more about stem cell treatment of kidney disease as well as issues related to the price of stem cell therapy can consult our online doctors, we will give you free help.


To the treatment of advanced renal failure the odds, to what extent can cure

Late renal failure can be treated? A lot of people have this misunderstanding that can treat advanced kidney failure, only to die. In fact, advanced renal failure, renal failure can live long, did not able to be a good boundaries. With each person's body is different relevant, depends on what kind of treatment you choose, whether appropriate treatment, treatment timely. Appropriate treatment, get rid of dialysis can survive long-term sick. Economic promise, late renal failure, thyrotoxicosis patients rely on dialysis to survive a few years, ten years, also many examples have been reported. Patients with advanced renal failure treatment is best early Seizing an opportunity to progress in survival time and quality of life.
The same is arrived late stage renal failure patients the situation is not good, like, so that multi-stage renal failure can live a long time, most owners still depend on the extent of the disease, such as whether there is urine, severity of complications, kidney energy No intact fibrosis, and many other reasons. Suppose there is a certain amount of urine, general description of the function of the kidneys as well as certain assumed safeguard the remaining renal function, appropriate treatment and then restore some of nephron function, it is possible to get rid of dialysis, long-term sick life.

Late renal failure can be treated? Suppose, for a long time no urine, and the general description of kidneys intact necrosis, or renal fibrosis has been good, aggressive treatment hope to see almost zero, can only rely on dialysis to sustain life, it was pure by dialysis can also live for many years, but to bear the huge dialysis costs. Overall, assuming aggressive treatment of the condition, early treatment can effectively extend the life forever, so long-term sick or survival in clinical treatment, kidney failure late stage renal failure, thyrotoxicosis examples of patients do not get rid of dialysis rare.

Six months after kidney transplantation, and how to prevent infection

How to prevent infection after kidney transplant? After a kidney transplant because of kidney Friends of long-term use of immunosuppressive agents, reducing the level of immune against bacteria, viruses, fungi resistance than normal for the weak, can be found, the patient is not easy to colds past, is now very vulnerable to cold, once infected, they there will be persistent high fever accompanied by an infected organs exhibit a variety of symptoms.
Lung infections accounted for in the first place in a variety of infections, bacterial pathogen infection, followed by fungi and viruses, but also a certain proportion of tuberculosis. Once the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection can not be ignored, should seek medical advice as soon as possible, without delay, delay treatment, and physicians should ask whether a given prescription drugs and are taking immunosuppressant drugs have interactions between our rational application of the principles is necessary to immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection; the second is to keep the patient has a certain resistance, to prevent infection.

How to prevent infection after kidney transplant? According to current statistics, one of the main reasons the country early after transplantation of death was infection, but may also lead to chronic rejection. Therefore infection after renal transplantation is the most important complications.

Royal jelly uremic patients can drink it, what role

Nutritionists believe that royal jelly is the only available direct human taking highly active ingredients super nutritious foods in the world. So, in uremic patients can drink?
Royal jelly uremic patients can drink it? Uremic patients because of their condition causes it in life, eating the finest variety of aspects need to pay more attention, especially reasonable, healthy diet to improve the treatment of uremic patients and quality of life has a positive effect. Then the "royal jelly uremic patients on dialysis eat it?"

Royal jelly uremic patients can drink it? For IGA nephropathy for dialysis patients, eating a small amount of royal jelly is possible. But note that, although the royal jelly can increase the resistance and immunity, but still belong to high-sugar foods, kidney disease patients should eat less. For patients with kidney disease caused by eating too much sugar diabetes than those without the chance of suffering from kidney disease is much higher, a small amount of food, but like renal failure, diabetic nephropathy was hanged in this.

Early uremia, after it appeared swollen want dialysis

Early edema must be dialyzed uremic it? Uremia is the result of the early development of kidney disease, uremia early treatment early and some can also do not need dialysis, but patients with advanced uremia early is to use dialysis to sustain life and a cost of dialysis is very high, however, in order to sustain life and dialysis can only be applied. Early in uremic patients want to continue life wishes are pouring on dialysis. And indeed dialysis patients can seek early hint of comfort uremia: nausea and vomiting symptoms; the body eliminate edema down; blood igan / "> creatinine have landed; chest tightness, palpitation and other conditions have also been improved.
However, the cost of dialysis, drained early uremia wallet
Today, every home hemodialysis costs 400,500 yuan, the annual cost of hemodialysis treatment, that is 50,000 yuan of money around, and that does not include the cost of other tests and treatment, and the patient enters the hemodialysis, will enter the continuous and discontinuous among treatment.
Kidney specialists are generally not recommended for kidney transplants, one kidney is hard to find, the second is the cost of high-spirited, up to about 200,000. That aside two elements aside, even if there is a kidney, and also the money, well, then a kidney transplant. Uremic patients early, or whether there will be a new problem: after kidney transplantation, although early uremia patients taking large amounts of daily anti-crowding repercussions drugs, but its long-term survival rate is not high.
According to statistics, the general kidney transplant population uremia early 5-year survival is less than 50%. In other words, spend so much money, in the end, but also many kidney transplant to live three + five years, that's not you three, to take medicine every day to accept that within five years, the emergence of various physical symptoms, etc. multiple torture.
Early edema must be dialyzed uremic it? Bring a bright early uremia patients

Since the early application of effective medicine, with integrated, standard treatment measures, early uremic patients had to get rid of dialysis, uremia patients who completed early benign sick to survive, uremia patients with early-being of the body has been restored, uremia early effective treatment of patients achieved through medical treatment reported uncommon, but in relation to Western medicine in the treatment of therapy, it is to the majority of cheap, ordinary families are able to take in.

Polycystic kidney disease etiology and pathology analysis, how early prevention and treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Had polycystic kidney disease is not terrible, the key is that you use what kind of attitude to face their condition, the following, we come to a correct understanding of polycystic kidney disease.
1, pathogenesis areas: polycystic kidney disease is autosomal genetic disease, multiple renal cysts can be congenital (embryonic formation), but the trauma, inflammatory, cancer and other causes.
2. Family history: polycystic kidney disease in patients with a family member in a similar, multiple renal cysts in patients with similar patients often have no family.
3, the capsule contents: In polycystic kidney urine, multiple renal cysts are fluid (like plasma), which contains red blood cells.
4, complications and hazards: polycystic kidney disease may be hematuria, hypertension, edema, renal insufficiency, uremia, multiple renal cysts generally does not appear hypertension, renal insufficiency.
5. Prevention: the development of polycystic kidney capsule can be controlled to eliminate the symptoms of multiple renal cysts or reduced bladder control, the smaller can be eliminated.

How to correctly understand polycystic kidney disease? Renal cysts are the most common kidney abnormalities can occur at any age, but more than two thirds of the patients seen in the elderly over 50 years old, is considered to be aging change. Renal cysts often accidentally discovered that many patients department examination reveals that most renal cysts do not cause any symptoms. Such as lower back pain or frequent urination caused when the urgency, dysuria, hematuria and other urinary tract infections, cysts are generally larger than 5cm in diameter

Hypertensive renal disease, how to choose vegetables

Eat more vegetables have great benefits for the body, especially for patients, then patients with hypertensive nephropathy can eat what vegetables?
Kidney hospital experts recommend several diet recipes for hypertensive renal disease are:
Hypertensive renal disease patients what to eat vegetables is good? 1, Lo fresh gourd smashed juice, honey tone service, twice a day, every half a cup to a cup, have lower blood pressure dip.
Hypertensive renal disease patients what to eat vegetables is good? 2, the heart lotus heart with blood pressure, cardiac disseminated, together for high blood pressure, heart palpitations, insomnia embolism missing, usage is to take 1 to 2 grams Lianzixin, water brewed tea .
Hypertensive renal disease patients what to eat vegetables is good? 3, fungus black fungus with water to soak after a night on the tray and steam for 1 to 2 hours, then add the right amount of sugar, every day, serving bowl, can cure high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis.

Hypertensive renal disease patients what to eat vegetables is good 4, spinach:? Containing protein, cellulose, sucrose, glucose, fructose and vitamin B, C, D, K, P, can be used as the treatment of hypertension and diabetes medicinal food.

What nephrotic syndrome is a disease that can be cured

What nephrotic syndrome is a disease that can be cured? Nephrotic syndrome is a glomerular disease, when people suffer due to various risk factors nephrotic syndrome, renal glomeruli due to various risk factors injuries suffered harm, so morphology and function of intrinsic glomerular cells and other changes, which can be visually seen from biopsy to check in nephrotic syndrome. Glomerular unstoppable at this time a large number of proteins in the blood drain into the renal tubules, far more than the tubular reabsorption capacity, a large number of proteins from the urine, the formation of massive proteinuria (greater than or equal 3.5g / 24 小时 ). Large number of proteins from the blood loss can also lead to hypoalbuminemia, edema and hyperlipidemia, which is the nephrotic syndrome.

Nephrotic syndrome, patients with glomerular damage inherent cells, is the disease of "root cause"! Glomerular damage inherent in these cells one day is not repaired, the patient's nephrotic syndrome can not be considered to be a cure! Even if a large number of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and other symptoms may be temporarily alleviate various methods to eliminate, but injured intrinsic glomerular cells has not been completely repaired, the patient's condition will one day under the action of some incentives relapse, those symptoms will appear again! patients taking hormones and other drugs, the disease often occurs repeatedly, hormones and other drugs are unable to injured intrinsic glomerular cells thoroughly repaired!

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy how treatment

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy how treatment
Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy is a method of integrative medicine. You can go to Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, according to their hospital of 124 cases of patients due to the incidence of polycystic kidney area topical medicine penetration treatment results analyzed, the use of blood stasis, Qufeng network, detoxification Sanjie, in addition to the new method after three weeks of treatment of low back pain saprophytic efficiency of 100%, 79% complete disappearance of hematuria, urinary protein decreased efficiency of 59%, BUN decreased 20%, CRE declined 22%, 24h protein urine decreased 46%, BP declined 15 percent high-pressure, low 8%, urine output increased 40%, kidneys shrink L9%, R8.3%. Chinese medicine treatment of kidney area of skin penetration indicators significantly improved, is to control the development of polycystic kidney disease the effective way.
Suggestion: TCM herbs kidney area penetration treatment achieved good results, because:
(1) The functions of powder and liquid blood circulation, Qufenghuoluo, detoxification Sanjie, in addition to the new role of saprophytic.
(2) low-frequency pulses of drugs imported instrument is recognized stimulant of muscle tissue, promote blood circulation and lymphatic circulation effect. It can put the active ingredients of drugs into the body, and can be slowly released in the body is stored locally, while the pulse causing local repeated rapid muscle contraction and relaxation, so polycystic kidney disease caused by rhythmic movement.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Location: China, North Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Friendship Road on the 5th wing.


Clinical manifestations in children with nephrotic syndrome

Simple nephrotic syndrome clinical manifestations follow certain rules. The disease occurs mainly in children aged 2 to 7 years old often in men than women. Generally slow onset nephrotic syndrome, often without obvious cause, beginning when children still generally good, after gradually pale complexion, listlessness, loss of appetite. Clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome has four characteristics:
1. severe edema
Edema is the earliest symptoms began more common in the eyelids and face, morning most obvious. And then gradually throughout the upper and lower extremities and torso, manifestations of systemic edema and gradually increased, with the position change. The most obvious place for facial edema, leg and scrotum. Patients face flat, swollen eyelids can not be opened, thick neck, jaw or even disappear, body skin pale cold, severe scrotal edema when their skin tight thin and transparent, giving the feeling of touch broken, and some even have liquid infiltration out. Patients may have severe and pleural effusion, ascites, Dangxiong water, can cause difficulty breathing, umbilical or inguinal hernia ascites more. Many patients in the thigh and upper arm, abdomen, chest and pregnant women appear similar skin white streaks or purple lines. Edema and acute nephritis, nephrotic "hard edema" is different from the general edema skin soft, the pressure of a depression. Sometimes there was a sudden edema, especially immediately after a respiratory infection, can throughout the body in a few days. With the emergence and increased edema, weight increase of 30% to 50%, reducing the amount of feces, sometimes only 1 or 2 times / B, diarrhea is more common, possibly accompanied with mucosal edema or infection. Above edema may be repeated, persistent for a long time.
2. macroalbuminuria
Proteinuria is the most important manifestation of nephrotic syndrome. Urine protein, mostly citrus ~ ++++, children quantitative> o.1g / kg · d, adult ≥3.58 / d. Most selective proteinuria.
3. Hypoproteinemia
Significantly decreased plasma total protein, albumin (children and adults) as low as 30g children, albumin and globulin ratio is often upside down. Serum protein electrophoresis, albumin, globulin to reduce and p since increased, 7-globulin decreased, 01- globulin normal or reduced.
4. hyperlipidemia
Serum cholesterol in children is higher than 5,70mm01 / L, low-density and very low density lipoprotein can be increased in the early, high-density lipoprotein. Serum albumin <10e / L triglycerides increased. Adult total cholesterol higher than 6.46mm01 / L.
5. Other
Protein loss due to long-term, there may be performance protein malnutrition, hair dry yellow wilt, follicular keratosis, dry skin, prone to rubbing between rash and ulcers, fingers, nails appear white stripes, auricular cartilage soft thin easily squashed. Often malnutrition, anemia. Patients often show fatigue, lack of exercise, indifferent reaction to the surrounding environment. Growth retardation in children, complicated by infection.
Because proteinuria, so combining vitamin D: a protein, transferrin, zinc or copper binding proteins, 1sG, low molecular weight Pak body composition may be excreted in the urine and so lost, resulting in a corresponding clinical symptoms. Some children may appear hepatomegaly in the acute phase. Patients not associated with hematuria. Blood pressure are normal, severe edema can occur a few transient hypertension. In the case of general circulation does not appear sufficient amount of azotemia.

Check the terms of laboratory ESR still evident in the growth rate of more than 100mmol / L or more. Normal serum complement. Fibrin degradation products in urine (FⅢ) more in the L 25Pz / m1 or less.

What suffering from nephritis that note, how do?

Many people learned that he had nephritis after unknown measures, depressed mood, fear, fear. Here I will introduce the attention to what suffering nephritis, how to do?
1, in patients who had acute nephritis, acute nephritis patients with bed rest is very important. Edema gradually receded, blood pressure also fell, urine abnormality also reduced after acute nephritis patients may be the right amount for a walk, and then slowly and gradually increase the number of suitable mild activity, but do not suddenly increase the number of activity.
2, suffering from nephritis patients with mild edema, patients with this condition is not treated, after salt restriction and rest, edema will slowly disappear. Patients with significant edema can directly use some drugs to treat the general time-off applications will be better than continuing applications.

Got to timely treatment of nephritis, nephritis treatment early can be cured, patients who wish a speedy recovery.
if you have any questions,ask Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital China online doctor.

Chronic nephritis hypertension has been cut down how to do?

Patient: Doctor Hello, my mother is a chronic nephritis, seen in the hospital for some time, but at the same time with hypertension, antihypertensive medicinal effect over time on the bad, she was such a situation can be dressing it?
Doctor: Hello, may I ask your mother now protein, occult blood several +?
Patient: I am not very clear in this last year in the hospital to check creatinine, creatinine and no later investigation, took drugs home to eat.
Doctor: dressing is to have according to need, depending on the circumstances and indicators comprehensive analysis of your mother, do not recommend hastily dressing or withdrawal
Patients: But not dressing, although medication is still no effect, blood pressure remains high.
Patients: for a drug, should the effect is like a little bar.

Doctor: Currently hypertension is associated with kidney disease symptoms, recommend treatment options that you can take to improve the system, up from the kidney essence therapy, timely repair damaged kidney cells, natural negative indicators, timely and effective control of the disease, Blood pressure naturally reduce and prevent repeated, prevent disease progression.


Nephritis very serious?

Life, nephritis disease is relatively easy to relapse, repeated episodes to the patient's body and cause great psychological pain. For this reason, people nephritis disorder caused concern, we need to focus on its preventive measures in life and avoid hazards disorder.
We often see the Internet-related issues: nephritis very serious for nephritis in the end it is not strictly a serious cause nephritis what the consequences of what causes the disease nephritis patients it all???? ? these problems are serious in saying nephritis According to experts, simply do the following analysis:
Experts for the "purpura very serious?" That nephritis is still very serious, it will bring a lot of harm. Nephritis is the body's allergic to a number of factors, which cause systemic vascular inflammation lesions.
1. Most patients with nephritis is manifested as joint pain, skin purpura nephritis patients will show as red spots, the majority appear in the lower limbs.
2. nephritis patients there is a slight increase in blood pressure, hypertension is often associated with urinary abnormalities also found, but this is not too much to worry about, many patients recover more quickly.
3. nephritis patients often suffer from abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and bloody diarrhea, and occasionally vomiting.

Nephritis very serious yet introduced here by the above description, men should understand the general condition started nephritis relatively light, there will be no obvious reaction to the mid-stage disease will be transformation, will be converted into renal insufficiency, renal failure, uremia, etc. These will be life-threatening. From the above brief introduction we clearly understand nephritis very serious. So to remind the majority of patients with kidney disease should be treated, to avoid delays in treatment time. If you have any questions you can consult the experts online.
Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital location:


What are the symptoms of kidney failure

Renal failure is a manifestation of impaired renal function after a gradual decline, if not timely control and treatment, kidney failure soon developed into uremia. Clinical renal failure can be divided into oliguria, polyuria, recovery three, following kidney hospital experts Jinan details for three of these symptoms. Let the experts for you to analyze how well your treatment of the disease
Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital experts, renal failure symptoms are:
1. Oliguria: The most critical stage of the disease, a serious disturbance in the environment. Patients may oliguria (<400ml / day) or no urine (<100ml / day), low specific gravity of urine (1.010 ~ 1.020), urinary sodium, hematuria, proteinuria, urinary tube and so on. Water intoxication can occur in patients with severe, hyperkalemia (normally do this on the cause of death), metabolic acidosis (which can promote the occurrence of hyperkalemia) and azotemia (progressive increase can occur uremia), etc., endanger the lives of patients. This period of several days to several weeks, the longer the duration, the worse the prognosis.
2. polyuria period: oliguria urine output increased, when the daily urine output of more than 500ml, enter polyuria. Thereafter, the daily urine output increased exponentially, the highest daily urine 3000-6000ml, even up to 10000ml more. In the initial polyuria, urine output, although increased, but renal clearance rate is still low, the accumulation of metabolites still exists. About 4 to 5 days, serum urea nitrogen, creatinine and decreased with increased urine output, along with improvement in symptoms of uremia. Potassium, sodium, chloride and other electrolytes in the urine may lead to a large number of discharged electrolyte imbalance or dehydration, oliguria stage should be noted that the peak may shift to hypokalemia. This period lasts 1 to 2 weeks.
3. Recovery: urine gradually returned to normal, 3 to 12 months renal function gradually recover, most patients with renal function recovered to normal levels, only a minority of patients with chronic renal failure.
Period in which your condition? How should I treat? Let Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital online experts for your analysis.
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What are the symptoms of chronic renal failure patients?

Chronic renal failure is one of the major life-threatening disease, is caused by a variety of chronic diseases, kidney damage and deterioration of the results, so that the body panics in the excretion of metabolic waste and regulation of water, electrolytes, acid-base balance and other aspects of clinical comprehensive syndrome group. End-stage chronic renal failure, that is, people often say uremia. Here, we follow Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital online experts to understand the symptoms of chronic renal failure following what are.
1. digestive symptoms: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, mouth, tongue ulcers, oral ammonia odor and upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
2. Blood System: anemia, skin, mucous membrane bleeding and white blood cell abnormalities.
3. Cardiovascular system: hypertension, heart failure, pericarditis, and atherosclerosis and vascular calcification.
4. nerve, muscle system: early, fatigue, insomnia, inability to concentrate and so on. Late, peripheral neuropathy, sensory nerve was significantly higher than the motor nerve. Initial dialysis patients may also occur dialysis disequilibrium syndrome, nausea, vomiting, headache, severe convulsions. These symptoms should be how to do? Ask the Experts
5. renal osteodystrophy: spontaneous fractures and bone pain, walking inconvenience.
6. Respiratory system: the emergence of acidosis and uremia bronchitis, pneumonia (butterfly wings), pleurisy, etc.
7. Skin symptoms: itching, urea cream deposition, uremia face, dialysis does not improve.
8. endocrine dysfunction
9. concurrent severe infection: more will be complicated by lung infections.

If you have any problems with chronic kidney disease, you can consult the Shijiazhuang kidney hospital location online expert, or consult online doctor, we will provide free help.

What are the early symptoms of kidney failure?

Patients suffering from kidney failure diagnosed at an early stage when you can not get to judge that he is not suffering from kidney disease through their own physical condition. Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts can help you understand the common sense online free self-examination with regard to kidney failure.
1. drowsiness, fatigue
This may be an early manifestation of illness, but the most easily overlooked because the cause drowsiness, fatigue is indeed too much. Especially those in business "full fight", most people put the blame on job strain and exertion. If symptoms improved after a little rest, then it is more easily overlooked.
2. complexion yellowed yellowing
This is caused by the anemia. Due to the occurrence and development of this performance equally slow, and thus will not appear obvious contrast in a long time, as people often find it difficult to meet the other various changes slow development of the same.
3. edema
This is a relatively easy noticeable symptoms. This is because the kidneys can not remove excess water in the body and cause fluid retention in the interstitial space, only the ankle early and eyelid edema, disappeared after the break, if the development of persistent or generalized edema, the disease has been more severe.
4. urine change
Since the kidney filtration function decline, some patients with disease progression will gradually reduce the amount of urine. Even normal urine, due to the reduction of toxins discharged urine, but also make the waste can not be completely eliminated from the body. Therefore, the urine does not fully explain the quality of your kidney function. These symptoms should be how to do, consulting experts
5. Hypertension
Because kidney natriuresis, drainage features. It occurs when the body impaired renal function, sodium and water retention, in addition, damage to the kidneys secrete substances that increase blood pressure. Therefore, early chronic renal failure patients have varying degrees of hypertension. If due to high blood pressure and poor blood clotting mechanism caused the nose or gum bleeding, but also to attract attention.
6. poor appetite
This is caused by toxin-induced retention affect the digestive function, most people would disagree. Until progression of the disease, will appear Fullness abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and even an increase in stool frequency or loose stools, which are often important reasons patients had medical treatment.

If you experience these several conditions, you can practice Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital specialists understand the specific case, do not take a blind self-treatment methods, this will lead to more serious illness.

stage 4 CKD patients with edema how to do?

Edema is a common symptom in patients with kidney disease, mainly because of chronic kidney disease in patients with renal disease during declining, may cause decreased urine output, the body of excess water can not be ruled out, stranded by the body, which occurs when the symptoms of edema.
During CKD, impaired renal function will lead to the accumulation of excess water, toxins, wastes and metabolites in blood, increasing renal burden and worsening its damage. The leakage on protein is a common symptom in CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease), which is a main cause of edema. Besides, reduced GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) causes the accumulation of water and salt, aggravating edema. As the same time, bone pain is also a common symptom in CKD.
About Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital location you can ask Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital online doctor.
However, the most important is to take a systemic therapy to remedy your kidney disease fundamentally. Any problems or doubts about your own or our therapies, please Email to

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Can patients eat Cabbage with stage 4 CKD, okay?

A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Can patients eat Cabbage with stage 4 CKD. Cabbage a common vegetable in winter when the Chinese, but also in terms of nutritional value is very high, then the four patients with chronic kidney disease diet should make what guidance it? Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is now online doctor tells you how to chronic kidney disease patients were four diet.
Autumn and winter the air is especially dry, cabbage In the Chinese view, is that cold foods, there is heat to bother, thirst diuretic, Tom Lee stomach, efficient heat of clearing the lungs. If you want to heat dampness, diuresis, gallbladder, can heat water to eat such food cabbage. By eating cabbage achieve therapeutic effect.
Cabbage nutritious, in addition to carbohydrate, fat, protein, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, niacin, but still rich in vitamins, vitamin C, riboflavin content than apples pears are high five times, four times; zinc is higher than meat, and can inhibit the absorption of molybdenum-containing nitrite. Including vitamin C, can increase the body's resistance to infection, for scurvy, bleeding gums, prevention and treatment of various acute and chronic diseases. Cabbage contains cellulose, can enhance gastrointestinal motility and reduce fecal retention time in the body, help digestion and excretion, thus reducing the burden on the liver, kidney, and prevent the occurrence of a variety of stomach problems.
For four of the patients with chronic kidney disease, eat cabbage should definitely be on four patients with chronic kidney disease good therapeutic vegetables. Cabbage is a nutritional supplement, purify the blood, dredge the stomach, prevent disease, promote metabolism, is conducive to human health Vegetable medicine

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Four patients with chronic kidney disease in the treatment of kidney disease should eat?

A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Core Tip: Avoid mouth doctor Boduantui patient does not, in the course of the treatment of kidney disease, you should eat or not eat health food is not conducive nephropathy, and renal disease should eat foods in favor, not only to ensure the body adequate nutrition, also assisted therapy to achieve better results.
Kidney disease in the treatment process, a portion of the food for its treatment would produce a certain effect. We all know that kidney disease treatment, doctors often advise patients to eat less meat, especially acidic meat, in order to ensure timely patient rehabilitation. So kidney disease treatment, patients should eat what food or eat it?
If you have any questions you can consult online Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital online doctors.
During the treatment of kidney disease, kidney disease diet should come with treatment with a reasonable diet, in order to shorten the course and achieve better therapeutic effect.
First of all should know that kidney disease patients, especially glomerulonephritis patients should not eat?
1. Chicken: Chicken is rich in protein, is not conducive to rehabilitation nephropathy.
2. Eggs: chronic kidney disease, especially renal function and metabolism in patients with hypothyroidism, as decreased urine output, the kidneys can not be discharged vitro and in vivo metabolism of all time, and therefore should not eat eggs.
3, goose: ancient medicine, the goose is considered to be: big hair thing, is not conducive to heat and kidney detoxification and diuretic.
4, crab: crab is also a big fat things, and therefore should not eat.
5, bad fish: fish and shrimp in the traditional Chinese medicine theory is also a big fat things, a high salt content of bad fish but not conducive to the recovery of kidney disease, so should not eat.
6. Banana: cold food, more potassium, more bananas will cause potassium increased, is not conducive to kidney disease recovery.
7, spinach and bamboo shoots: These two foods are cold foods, bamboo shoots, although able to heat water, but medical research has found that bamboo shoots contain more of insoluble calcium oxalate, which is not conducive to the rehabilitation nephropathy.
8, Liquor: kidney patients will be worse.

9, salt: kidney disease should not eat salt, especially when edema, but also to eat salt, to prevent exacerbation of renal edema.


Polycystic kidney disease patients can drink coffee.

Coffee is now becoming more common in everyday life, coffee alleviate the effects of stress, people will feel after drinking the spirit. But for polycystic kidney disease patients, at the coffee is harmful. So why polycystic kidney disease patients not drink coffee? Here our experts will give a detailed explanation.
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, mainly in the distribution of large and small cysts on the kidneys. Adverse biochemical methods, especially diet will stimulate the emergence and growth of cysts. The caffeine in coffee will stimulate fluid secretion sac, in addition, the antioxidants in coffee, although there are benefits to normal, but for polycystic kidney disease patients, it would create a new cerebrovascular disease and increase the burden on the kidneys, this is why polycystic kidney disease patients can not drink coffee reasons.
Polycystic kidney disease patients in their daily lives should eat more vegetables and fruits, light-based diet, pay attention to low protein and low-fat low-salt diet. There is tobacco and alcohol, chocolate and coffee are detrimental to the kidneys. Especially in patients with polycystic kidney disease, the usual diet must pay attention to hygiene, do not eat grilled food, do not eat leftovers, do not eat fried foods. For their diet should consult their doctor.

Micro-Chinese Medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease have significant ground effect, Micro-Chinese Medicine active ingredients can penetrate into the kidneys to soften and widen blood vessels, dissolving blood clots, relieve symptoms of renal ischemia and hypoxia. Alternatively, these active ingredients may be the active ingredient of the cyst wall inactivated, tissue cyst fluid secretion. At the same time, increasing the permeability of the wall of blood vessels, prompting the cyst fluid reflux, play shrink cysts effect. In short, with the help of micro-based medicine, the patients with polycystic kidney function improved.

How Do Stage 4 CKD patients Increase the Protein

A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
For Stage 4 CKD patients,leakage of massive proteinuria may reduce the resistance and immunity,which may deteriorate the Kidney Disease. But it seems so difficult to Stage 4 CKD patients because most of patients are asked to take a low protein intake. So how do patients increase the protein?
Owing to damaged kidneys,glomerulus cannot filtrate the protein effectively. What’s more,tubular resorption is effected badly and it can not absorb the protein. Thus as the time and disease deteriorate,the leakage of protein will become worse and worse. Massive proteinuria will accelerate the renal damage and cause the glomerular sclerosis and increase the tubular damage.
Besides,massive proteinuria may also lead to hypoproteinemia that may influence the resistance seriously. However,most patients may be confused that their doctor advise them to take a low intake of protein. But why? And how can patients get enough protein to keep healthy?
It is necessary for patients to increase he protein. But not all kinds of protein. A high quality protein is beneficial for patients condition. Such as the lean meat,milk and eggs. Nevertheless,the specific intake of protein should be limited strictly for Stage 4 CKD patients who have no dialysis.0.6g/kg to one patients per day. It should be controlled strictly to avoid the deterioration of kidney disease. Because the too much intake of protein may increase the renal burden and worsen the patients condition. Vegetable protein is forbidden to take to reduce the kidney damage.
Case is opposite for patients who take dialysis. The protein can be provided more for them. 1g/kg of protein every day is appropriate to dialysis patients. Or the quantity of protein can be more. Accordingly the creatinine may be also increased at this time.
id you have any questions you can send email to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.

If you have been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease, we're here to help. Call us: Viber/Whatsapp:+8615176855086 or Skype:live:kidneyservice or email us: kidneyservice@hotmail.com(Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment. Or you can make a vedio consultation and get second opinion from live doctor!

How to treat high blood pressure caused by polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, increase with age increasingly high incidence of patient symptoms are most between 40-50 years old. These symptoms are increased and increased by cysts caused by, for example, said high blood pressure, and hypertension in turn cause further damage to the kidneys, so polycystic kidney disease patients should always pay attention to their blood pressure, high blood pressure should once timely treatment. So polycystic kidney disease caused by high blood pressure in the end is what? And how to treat it?
Polycystic kidney disease is caused by high blood pressure how it? When the number of cysts increased and increased, the cyst will cause pressure on the blood vessels in the kidneys, causing kidney squeeze caused by ischemia and hypoxia, ischemia and hypoxia will stimulate the kidneys renin secretion, and then stimulate the liver to produce renin angiotensin angiotensin hand will be the vessel wall becomes narrow, on the other hand will produce aldosterone, further shrinking the blood vessels. Therefore, patients with polycystic kidney hypertension. At the same time, the cyst can also cause kidney damage, it caused a lot of water and sodium retention in the interstitial space, and accelerate blood flow, causing high blood pressure.
How to treat high blood pressure caused by polycystic kidney? According to what we mentioned above, we should know the first thing you want to control high blood pressure and depression and reduced repair kidney cysts. Traditional medicine only temporarily under control blood pressure, kidney no role for repair. Micro-Chinese Medicine has kidney disease can solve this problem. Micro-Chinese Medicine active ingredients are enough to effectively inhibit the secretion of cyst fluid and shrink the cyst. You can also widen blood vessels and improve renal ischemia and hypoxia, the natural repair damaged cells and improve renal function.
Micro-Chinese Medicine for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease has a magical effect, it can not only treated blood pressure, can also relieve a variety of symptoms caused by polycystic kidney disease. If you are interested in our treatment, you can contact our Shijiazhuang Kidney Diseases Hospital customer service or send e-mail to

We will contact you as soon as possible.


Four patients with chronic kidney disease diet of the six requirements

A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Four patients with chronic kidney disease, kidney description has been severely damaged, it is essential to maintain a reasonable time a healthy diet. Reasonably healthy diet can provide adequate nutrition not only for patients, but also to prevent disease progression. So what diet for patients with kidney failure four is healthy and reasonable in terms of it? Many chronic kidney disease patients and their families asking this question, then, we summarize four of six patients with renal failure diet requirements, hoping to help you.
if you have any question you can ask our Shijiazhuang Kidney Diseases Hospital online doctor.
1. The low-salt diet.
Excessive salt intake is likely to cause high blood pressure, edema, etc. Worse, will increase the burden on the kidneys, worsening renal failure. So, in their daily lives, four patients with renal failure should strictly limit salt intake, 3-5g a day is appropriate, if there is the case of hypertension or edema, the patient can maintain 1-3g salt diet according to their own circumstances, even salt-free diet.
2. Low-volume high-protein diet.
Excessive protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, but the protein must also maintain the body's normal physical activity, however, the amount of high-quality low-protein diet can provide adequate protein not only for patients, but also reduce the burden on the kidneys. Which is rich in high quality protein foods: egg whites, lean meat, fish, milk and so on.
3. The low-fat diet.
Maintain a low-fat diet for four patients with chronic kidney disease is also very necessary, and vegetable oil is more appropriate than the animals, cooking time may be less appropriate to put some oil, but do not strictly limit fat intake.
4. low potassium diet.
Kidneys maintain the body potassium balance of function, once the kidney is damaged, it can not rid the body of excess potassium ions, causing hyperkalemia, however hyperkalemia is a great danger of the disease, can cause severe patients sudden death. So four patients with renal failure, we must strictly limit the intake of potassium.
5. The low phosphorus diet.
The main function of phosphorus is to build bone, but the body can also cause excessive accumulation of phosphorus hyperphosphatemia, causing itchy skin, bone lesions. Therefore, four patients with renal failure also requires strict limits intake of phosphorus.
6. The high vitamin diet.
Vitamin has a function to protect the kidneys, and is also essential that we maintain the substance of life, so four of the patients with chronic kidney disease should eat some foods rich in vitamins.

What four patients with chronic kidney disease should eat?

if you have any questions, you can ask our online doctor, they will give you the free advices.
Many kidney patients are unknowingly eating out. Kidneys are important organs of the body, is responsible for the excretion of waste and toxins, many dishes, if you pay attention you eat or eat too much, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, for long periods of intermittent, high-load operation, can easily lead to kidney disease. The following food for kidney problems in people who are unfit to eat too much.
A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Kiwi is notoriously healthy food, rich in vitamins, high levels of vitamin C in oranges is 4-12 times, 30 times Apple's 60 times the grapes. There are even studies have confirmed that kiwi contains an active substance in the human body blocking carcinogenic "nitrosamines" generation, which has a good anti-cancer effects.
But kiwi are rich in potassium, kidney function is not normal taboos. And Kiwi cold, so the spleen Deficiency should be Shensi, frequent diarrhea and frequent urination are also unfit for human consumption. British research has shown that some children eat too much kiwi will cause severe allergic reactions, and even lead to collapse. However, there has been no cases reported due to consumption of kiwifruit cause of death.
Drinking Water
Doctors usually asked the patient to drink more water. Water is the most basic and most simple conditioning healthy drink, and even patients through water, and ultimately discharged kidney stones. However, if it is nephritis patients, then we should pay attention to controlling the daily water intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys.
Herbal tea
Canned herbal tea beverage selling well, a lot of people eating hotpot Mengguan herbal tea that can send fire. In the herbal tea, there blindly named Prunella medicine, according to Chinese medicine say it clear anger, loose knot, can also be used in treating the liver disease. However, everyone's body is different, even in the summer, not everyone needs to send a fire. So, if the herbal tea as beverage, long-term heavy drinking may occur loss of appetite, mouth sores, constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and stomach symptoms, but also a serious kidney failure. Currently, there have been many cases of drinking herbal tea drink cases produce renal toxicity reactions.
Mutton kidneys
Some people always think that the "form fill-shaped, eat kidney kidney." Yang Yao seeds are rich in protein, vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, selenium and other nutrients, animate lean blood, aphrodisiac effect. Especially for kidney disorders, waist and knees, foot atrophy weak knees, deafness, diabetes, frequent urination embolism. However, mutton kidneys contains large amounts of uric acid and purine, not easily discharged by the body, eat more but will increase the burden on the kidney patient.
Banana particularly beneficial for patients with hypertension. It contains a variety of vitamins, including vitamin E can increase the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, which contains more trace elements potassium, can lower blood pressure. Clinical studies have shown that diastolic blood pressure for patients with moderate hypertension, bananas can make blood pressure every day.
However, bananas contain more salt. Poor kidney function who eat more bananas equals sodium, once the excessive consumption, will increase the burden of kidney function, causing deterioration.
Carambola is a very good fruit for health. Chinese medicine believes that in the summer to eat one, detoxification, thirst, lungs and phlegm, lower gas and in the diuretic Tonglin. Folk believe that eating star fruit can cure fever, thirst, wind-heat cough, oral erosions, sore throat, toothache, joint pain, wind, swollen ulcer drug and bruises, swelling and pain.
However, carambola has some kidney toxicity, may damage glomerular basement membrane and epithelial cells, resulting in hematuria. Who had normal renal function, in the state of hunger, or sweating a lot (of the body in a dry state), in a short time eating large amounts of acid carambola juice, suddenly elevated serum creatinine, acute renal failure. And patients with renal failure after eating carambola occur with varying degrees of toxicity, the rapid development of severe uremia make the disease into even death.
Including milk, including soy products rich in protein and vitamins, but it does not contain cholesterol, and therefore obesity, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension, coronary heart disease patients is truly a health food.
However, renal function, people should not have a problem eating too much protein. The soybean plant protein synthesis from amino acids are non-essential amino acids, once produced excessive metabolic waste, will instead increase the burden on the kidneys.
Watermelon is the most common fruits in summer. Watermelon flesh moisture of up to 96.6%, and a variety of nutrients, appetizer, diuresis, Qushu, nourish the body. There's even eating watermelon cure fever remedies. Modern medicine has proved that due watermelon contains a lot of water and glucose, amino acids, vitamins, inorganic salts and other substances that can be used to supplement nutrition, improve dehydration. Can lower blood pressure, soften blood vessels, relieve edema.

However, for nephritis patients in a short time to eat a lot of watermelon, will increase the body of water, over the physiological capacity of the human body. Renal dysfunction of kidneys to enter too much water in the body, can not be adjusted and excreted, will make a sharp increase in blood volume, easily lead to acute heart failure and death.


What are the symptoms of chronic nephritis daily

Chronic glomerulonephritis patients will dizziness, insomnia, lassitude, varying degrees of anemia and other symptoms. Chronic renal glomerular nephritis edema, hypertension, proteinuria and hematuria, due to a variety of pathological changes, symptoms are not the same. In severe cases may occur uremia. So what are the symptoms of chronic nephritis everyday? Listen to the experts to tell you the following.
Chronic glomerulonephritis daily What are the symptoms: edema
Throughout the course of chronic glomerulonephritis disease, most patients will have varying degrees of edema. The degree of edema can be light weight, light only after the morning found around the eyes, facial swelling or edema of both lower extremities afternoon. Patients with severe, generalized edema can occur. However, there are very few patients throughout the course of the disease is not always edema.
Chronic glomerulonephritis daily What are the symptoms: high blood pressure
Some hypertensive patients with chronic symptoms is to hospital for treatment, the doctor should test their urine after, I learned that the blood pressure rises caused by chronic glomerulonephritis. For patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, the incidence of hypertension is a process sooner or later, their blood pressure can be continued to be intermittent, and diastolic blood pressure is characterized by high blood pressure is also a great extent individual differences.
Chronic glomerulonephritis What are the symptoms of urinary daily abnormal changes
Patients with edema appears to reduce the amount of urine, and the more severe edema, decreased urine output, the more obvious the majority of normal urine output in patients without edema. Even when patients suffer serious damage, concentrated urine - diluted functional disorder occurs, there will be also increased urine output and decreased urine specific gravity and other phenomena. The patients with chronic glomerulonephritis urine put under the microscope and found that almost all of the patients had proteinuria, ranging from urinary protein content. You can add and subtract numbers from the four plus. Urine can be seen in varying degrees of red blood cells, white blood cells, granular casts, transparent tube. When the acute attack, may have significant hematuria, or even gross hematuria. Streptococcal infection history: If after influenza, acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, gum abscess, scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, skin abscess cure diseases such as urine routine follow-up examinations 1-3 weeks, early detection of glomerular nephritis clues. In short, the above symptoms, please go to regular hospital treatment of Nephrology, to avoid delays in treatment once you find.
Urine protein is what we called "proteinuria", proteinuria is usually divided into physiological and pathological:
Physiological proteinuria is due to the body and external environment caused by various factors increase the body's physiological response of urinary protein produced, urine protein test is generally not more than +, quantitative <0.5g / 24h, physiological proteinuria is common in food after high-protein diet, mental excitement, strenuous exercise, prolonged exposure to cold, pregnancy, etc., may appear temporary nature of proteinuria. Pathologic proteinuria and do not panic, often little medication can heal.

Note that the pathological proteinuria. When the glomeruli, tubular lesions, as each of nephritis, nephrotic and hypertensive renal arteriosclerosis, the pathological proteinuria may occur; a variety of bacterial infections, such as pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, sepsis, also there may be pathological proteinuria; non-infectious diseases, such as kidney stones, polycystic kidney disease, renal amyloidosis as well as shock, severe muscle damage, fever, jaundice, hyperthyroidism, hemolytic anemia and leukemia, but also can occur pathology proteinuria generating reasons, mechanisms and clinical findings, were associated with kidney disease.

After the emergence of polycystic kidney disease patients how to do it?

Polycystic kidney disease is a common clinical nephropathy, then after polycystic kidney disease patients how to do it? First the patient to go to a regular hospital, after the disease had a general idea in the development of an appropriate treatment plan. Although the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, there is no effective specific treatment, the occurrence and development of Western medicine mainly active treatment and early prevention of complications of polycystic kidney disease, in order to protect the remaining kidney function, kidney function to avoid further damage. The Chinese medicine mainly for renal failure caused by polycystic kidney can dialectical theory on the basis of governance, the choice of Codonopsis, Astragalus, Angelica, rhubarb, salvia, triangular, Curcuma, Achyranthes, Epimedium, land turtle worms, diffusa and other drugs, to righting to evil, blood circulation. Which dangshen, triangular, Curcuma and other polycystic kidney disease by inhibiting the proliferation of cyst epithelial cells, or to reduce cyst growth factor expression in epithelial cells, induction of apoptosis, polycystic kidney disease and thus have a therapeutic effect.
Polycystic kidney disease is the result of congenital and acquired interaction of various factors, research found that all these factors are controlled can be changed or eliminated. Weifang longer able to nephrotic kidney hospital experts said that winter is the peak of the recurrence of kidney disease, for polycystic kidney disease is no exception. Therefore, preventive measures are also important winter polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease how to do prevention work should be put in place? We made ​​the right expert guidance.
1, note that control blood pressure, high blood pressure is a common cause of polycystic kidney disease, but also increase the risk factors for the disease, the blood pressure control in the ideal range for patients is very important.
2, pay attention to prevent infection, trauma or some cold, without timely treatment are likely to cause polycystic kidney disease worsens, such as falls, bumps and other severe impact forces on the body can cause cysts have a high internal pressure rupture, bleeding induced infections, thereby accelerating kidney damage.
3, polycystic kidney disease patients should pay attention to diet, diet affect the health of patients, a reasonable diet is very important, patients generally have to control salt intake, control about two grams a day is appropriate; you can add low-protein diet , to keep the body of essential nutrients; patients should eat light digestible food, eat greasy food, such as lamb, beef, etc; best not to eat spicy food, you should drink less; intake of protein but also control; general patients with high blood pressure or high uric acid into the low-fat diet should be.
4, pay attention to rest: Avoid strenuous physical activity and abdominal trauma, kidney enlargement instead of the more obvious when it is appropriate harness belts, avoid cyst rupture; generally six months review time, avoid all nephrotoxic drugs.

For the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, there is no effective curative therapy, but mainly in the occurrence and development of early aggressive treatment and prevention of complications of polycystic kidney disease, in order to protect the remaining kidney function, kidney function to avoid further damage. As long as the right to accept appropriate treatment, most patients in the clinical symptoms and renal function can be controlled or improved, so that the condition is relatively stable, improved quality of life and longevity.

3+ proteinuria is how it

When a patient is suffering from kidney disease, glomerular filtration membrane permeability, a lot of protein to the glomerular filtration filtrate will far exceed the capacity of tubular re-draw, protein in the urine caused proteinuria. Expressed as positive (+), the degree may be different, as follows: + urine protein, urine protein 2+ proteinuria 3+, 4+ proteinuria four cases. 3+ proteinuria, nephrotic proteinuria is moderate.
Generally, prosecutors slip proteinuria + better, the less representative of the degree of damage to the kidneys is smaller, + more show greater the degree of kidney damage. However, there are cases such as kidney disease especially to the late, due to the large number of units have been lifelong kidney damage, loss of renal function, protein almost lost the ability to filter, so in this case the patient's urine protein will be reduced, but this does not mean the renal lesions reduced, precisely the kidney damage is very serious performance.
Urine protein and kidney disease should strengthen attention, this time from the point to the surface is kidney disease began to become serious time. It 3+ proteinuria kidney "holes" are getting old, and also began to increase when the vulnerability. If this time to choose the correct method patching "holes", then will gradually reduce proteinuria, methods if taken improperly, can probably make the condition worse, so to renal failure and uremia.
Kidney disease is due to a long period of disorder and imbalance within the environment, causing the kidney glomeruli produced a large number of immune complexes and destructive substances, the glomerular basement membrane damage resulting vulnerability. If you want to treat kidney, it must first remove these damaging substances. If you start from the first basement membrane patch vulnerabilities, it will inevitably damaging substances and immune complexes remain in the glomerular inside, this approach is obviously a temporary solution. Conventional treatment is to control such a simple urine protein targets mainly the surface indicators of urinary protein is gone, negative, but in fact the patient's condition is aggravated!
When encountered predisposing factors such as colds, infections and other urinary protein bound again, this is because they were left in the glomeruli have not been discharged from the interior and the destruction of the material has not stopped the damage to the kidneys, so relapse once would increase the time until you reach uremia. So be sure to choose the right treatment method for kidney disease, we must shun the law of development of things, using the principle of blocking after the first thinning. Guo Bao Ye longer able to kidney doctors believe, kidney treatment to go through three stages, the first stage is the pathological treatment phase, when the use of drugs to enhance the role of the basement membrane permeability, rather than fix vulnerabilities, there will be conducive to the discharge of immune complexes, In this case also there will be some proteins and cells are discharged together, so the urine protein and occult blood may increase. The destructive substances will be excreted in the urine, the urine will see with the naked eye there is chaos, and some have floc, as well as sediment. The second stage is the repair and functional improvement in the pathological stage. Through continuous discharge of destructive substances, glomerular sclerosis, perfusion improved significantly. Glomerular filtration rate can be seen to increase by the ECT test. The third stage is the stage of clinical improvement, when destructive substance has basically already been discharged, the glomerular basement membrane slowly being repaired, so put the urine protein, urine red blood cells blocking the inside, so the urine is completely overcast . General conditions in patients treated with through these three stages, the will slowly recover.

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors: After proteinuria must be timely to the hospital for an examination to diagnose whether pathological proteinuria, because kidney disease is an occult disease, proteinuria signal appears once, as evidenced by your kidneys have appeared very serious injury, this time a little earlier found that early treatment, it is more of a hope for a cure!

Reading the daily diet of patients with chronic kidney disease

Because the disease causes severe kidney damage, kidney lesions and loss of function of blood purification, waste and fluid will accumulate in the body. The body will produce a variety of symptoms, that uremia. Cause of uremia are: chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, renal atherosclerosis, urinary tract stones, prostatic hypertrophy, bladder cancer, lupus, diabetes and so on.
Gastrointestinal symptoms of uremia appear first, with anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, mouth ammonia odor, often inflamed gums, oral mucosal ulceration and bleeding. Nervous system may have insomnia, irritability, numbness burning, late drowsiness and even convulsions, coma. Hypertension and cardiovascular system by precordial pain caused by pericarditis and heart failure, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, swelling, not supine and so on. Anemia, blood system and mucosal bleeding may occur. Respiratory system may have pneumonia and pleurisy caused by coughing, chest pain. Uremia is a very dangerous disease, if not treated often life-threatening.
Home treatment measures
● adequate rest
Uremic patients should ensure that adequate rest and good nutrition, not to engage in too heavy manual labor.
● Avoid harmful chemicals kidney
To avoid containing cadmium, chloroform, ethylene glycol and tetrachlorethylene supplies and the environment. They are generally present in pesticides, car exhaust, paint, building and household cleaners.
● Limit the amount of foods with high picks
It has been found in the general household products and some chemical elements associated with acute and chronic kidney disease, as long as carefully read the product description, and more to take some preventive measures, is to avoid these harmful substances.
Cadmium: This rare metal used in the production of pesticides, rubber tires and plastics, coatings and other products. Because cadmium industrial uses is very wide, has a wide range of food and water in some of the discovery. Attention is drawn to the following points:
◆ limit the intake of foods containing high amounts of cadmium, such as food from animals made ​​from the liver and kidney, halibut, mussels, scallops, oysters and oyster in the sludge-grown vegetables.
◆ Make sure to spray and processes used in paints, dyes, porcelain sodium contain cadmium.
◆ Do not use antique cooking utensils, as coated with cadmium-containing pigment made ​​on these instruments.
● Do not smoke
Smoke detrimental to the kidneys.
● low-protein diet
Uremic patients should be given a low-protein diet, normal adults need protein per kilogram of body weight 1-1.5 g, uremic patients can only eat 0.5 grams / kg or less, in order to reduce the generation and retention, quality of nitrogen metabolites in vivo.
● selection custard food
Because eating less protein, and therefore should try to use a higher nutritional value of eggs, milk and other animal protein foods, and less soy and other plant proteins.
● add water

According to the condition supply the right amount of moisture.

Two plus proteinuria, high blood pressure: How to Treat

Condition description:
I am a kidney disease, 42, male. Renal proteinuria two plus, high blood pressure, 100-140. Sometimes the same as the needle left kidney pain, ask the experts what treatment approaches? Eat is antihypertensive drugs, it should be how to control it? Everything is normal kidney function tests. How to treat it?
Condition analysis:
Loss of proteins is impaired renal intrinsic cells outward manifestation, for this time the case, we recommend are carried out in combination therapy, since the emergence of protein and occult blood pathological kidney damage, we should repair damaged cells therapy this is fundamental, but due to pathological repair more difficult, take some time, we can not ignore the disease, so the need to use drugs to control targets, so as to gradually cure kidney disease.

Our hospital for reducing proteinuria take is integrative medicine, Chinese medicine treatment was mainly external Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy. By topical, effective pharmaceutical ingredients penetrate into the kidneys play a vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation effect, the removal of remaining in the body of harmful substances, impaired renal intrinsic cells and tissues to repair, improve glomerular filtration rate and improve kidney function and prevent leakage of protein from the root, the treatment of proteinuria. Meanwhile kidneys also regulate blood pressure function, once recovery of renal function, and blood pressure will naturally return to normal.
