
Early uremia, after it appeared swollen want dialysis

Early edema must be dialyzed uremic it? Uremia is the result of the early development of kidney disease, uremia early treatment early and some can also do not need dialysis, but patients with advanced uremia early is to use dialysis to sustain life and a cost of dialysis is very high, however, in order to sustain life and dialysis can only be applied. Early in uremic patients want to continue life wishes are pouring on dialysis. And indeed dialysis patients can seek early hint of comfort uremia: nausea and vomiting symptoms; the body eliminate edema down; blood igan / "> creatinine have landed; chest tightness, palpitation and other conditions have also been improved.
However, the cost of dialysis, drained early uremia wallet
Today, every home hemodialysis costs 400,500 yuan, the annual cost of hemodialysis treatment, that is 50,000 yuan of money around, and that does not include the cost of other tests and treatment, and the patient enters the hemodialysis, will enter the continuous and discontinuous among treatment.
Kidney specialists are generally not recommended for kidney transplants, one kidney is hard to find, the second is the cost of high-spirited, up to about 200,000. That aside two elements aside, even if there is a kidney, and also the money, well, then a kidney transplant. Uremic patients early, or whether there will be a new problem: after kidney transplantation, although early uremia patients taking large amounts of daily anti-crowding repercussions drugs, but its long-term survival rate is not high.
According to statistics, the general kidney transplant population uremia early 5-year survival is less than 50%. In other words, spend so much money, in the end, but also many kidney transplant to live three + five years, that's not you three, to take medicine every day to accept that within five years, the emergence of various physical symptoms, etc. multiple torture.
Early edema must be dialyzed uremic it? Bring a bright early uremia patients

Since the early application of effective medicine, with integrated, standard treatment measures, early uremic patients had to get rid of dialysis, uremia patients who completed early benign sick to survive, uremia patients with early-being of the body has been restored, uremia early effective treatment of patients achieved through medical treatment reported uncommon, but in relation to Western medicine in the treatment of therapy, it is to the majority of cheap, ordinary families are able to take in.


