
What four patients with chronic kidney disease should eat?

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Many kidney patients are unknowingly eating out. Kidneys are important organs of the body, is responsible for the excretion of waste and toxins, many dishes, if you pay attention you eat or eat too much, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, for long periods of intermittent, high-load operation, can easily lead to kidney disease. The following food for kidney problems in people who are unfit to eat too much.
A Kidney Friendly Diet for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Kiwi is notoriously healthy food, rich in vitamins, high levels of vitamin C in oranges is 4-12 times, 30 times Apple's 60 times the grapes. There are even studies have confirmed that kiwi contains an active substance in the human body blocking carcinogenic "nitrosamines" generation, which has a good anti-cancer effects.
But kiwi are rich in potassium, kidney function is not normal taboos. And Kiwi cold, so the spleen Deficiency should be Shensi, frequent diarrhea and frequent urination are also unfit for human consumption. British research has shown that some children eat too much kiwi will cause severe allergic reactions, and even lead to collapse. However, there has been no cases reported due to consumption of kiwifruit cause of death.
Drinking Water
Doctors usually asked the patient to drink more water. Water is the most basic and most simple conditioning healthy drink, and even patients through water, and ultimately discharged kidney stones. However, if it is nephritis patients, then we should pay attention to controlling the daily water intake should not increase the burden on the kidneys.
Herbal tea
Canned herbal tea beverage selling well, a lot of people eating hotpot Mengguan herbal tea that can send fire. In the herbal tea, there blindly named Prunella medicine, according to Chinese medicine say it clear anger, loose knot, can also be used in treating the liver disease. However, everyone's body is different, even in the summer, not everyone needs to send a fire. So, if the herbal tea as beverage, long-term heavy drinking may occur loss of appetite, mouth sores, constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and stomach symptoms, but also a serious kidney failure. Currently, there have been many cases of drinking herbal tea drink cases produce renal toxicity reactions.
Mutton kidneys
Some people always think that the "form fill-shaped, eat kidney kidney." Yang Yao seeds are rich in protein, vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, selenium and other nutrients, animate lean blood, aphrodisiac effect. Especially for kidney disorders, waist and knees, foot atrophy weak knees, deafness, diabetes, frequent urination embolism. However, mutton kidneys contains large amounts of uric acid and purine, not easily discharged by the body, eat more but will increase the burden on the kidney patient.
Banana particularly beneficial for patients with hypertension. It contains a variety of vitamins, including vitamin E can increase the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, which contains more trace elements potassium, can lower blood pressure. Clinical studies have shown that diastolic blood pressure for patients with moderate hypertension, bananas can make blood pressure every day.
However, bananas contain more salt. Poor kidney function who eat more bananas equals sodium, once the excessive consumption, will increase the burden of kidney function, causing deterioration.
Carambola is a very good fruit for health. Chinese medicine believes that in the summer to eat one, detoxification, thirst, lungs and phlegm, lower gas and in the diuretic Tonglin. Folk believe that eating star fruit can cure fever, thirst, wind-heat cough, oral erosions, sore throat, toothache, joint pain, wind, swollen ulcer drug and bruises, swelling and pain.
However, carambola has some kidney toxicity, may damage glomerular basement membrane and epithelial cells, resulting in hematuria. Who had normal renal function, in the state of hunger, or sweating a lot (of the body in a dry state), in a short time eating large amounts of acid carambola juice, suddenly elevated serum creatinine, acute renal failure. And patients with renal failure after eating carambola occur with varying degrees of toxicity, the rapid development of severe uremia make the disease into even death.
Including milk, including soy products rich in protein and vitamins, but it does not contain cholesterol, and therefore obesity, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension, coronary heart disease patients is truly a health food.
However, renal function, people should not have a problem eating too much protein. The soybean plant protein synthesis from amino acids are non-essential amino acids, once produced excessive metabolic waste, will instead increase the burden on the kidneys.
Watermelon is the most common fruits in summer. Watermelon flesh moisture of up to 96.6%, and a variety of nutrients, appetizer, diuresis, Qushu, nourish the body. There's even eating watermelon cure fever remedies. Modern medicine has proved that due watermelon contains a lot of water and glucose, amino acids, vitamins, inorganic salts and other substances that can be used to supplement nutrition, improve dehydration. Can lower blood pressure, soften blood vessels, relieve edema.

However, for nephritis patients in a short time to eat a lot of watermelon, will increase the body of water, over the physiological capacity of the human body. Renal dysfunction of kidneys to enter too much water in the body, can not be adjusted and excreted, will make a sharp increase in blood volume, easily lead to acute heart failure and death.


