
Reading the daily diet of patients with chronic kidney disease

Because the disease causes severe kidney damage, kidney lesions and loss of function of blood purification, waste and fluid will accumulate in the body. The body will produce a variety of symptoms, that uremia. Cause of uremia are: chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, renal atherosclerosis, urinary tract stones, prostatic hypertrophy, bladder cancer, lupus, diabetes and so on.
Gastrointestinal symptoms of uremia appear first, with anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, mouth ammonia odor, often inflamed gums, oral mucosal ulceration and bleeding. Nervous system may have insomnia, irritability, numbness burning, late drowsiness and even convulsions, coma. Hypertension and cardiovascular system by precordial pain caused by pericarditis and heart failure, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, swelling, not supine and so on. Anemia, blood system and mucosal bleeding may occur. Respiratory system may have pneumonia and pleurisy caused by coughing, chest pain. Uremia is a very dangerous disease, if not treated often life-threatening.
Home treatment measures
● adequate rest
Uremic patients should ensure that adequate rest and good nutrition, not to engage in too heavy manual labor.
● Avoid harmful chemicals kidney
To avoid containing cadmium, chloroform, ethylene glycol and tetrachlorethylene supplies and the environment. They are generally present in pesticides, car exhaust, paint, building and household cleaners.
● Limit the amount of foods with high picks
It has been found in the general household products and some chemical elements associated with acute and chronic kidney disease, as long as carefully read the product description, and more to take some preventive measures, is to avoid these harmful substances.
Cadmium: This rare metal used in the production of pesticides, rubber tires and plastics, coatings and other products. Because cadmium industrial uses is very wide, has a wide range of food and water in some of the discovery. Attention is drawn to the following points:
◆ limit the intake of foods containing high amounts of cadmium, such as food from animals made ​​from the liver and kidney, halibut, mussels, scallops, oysters and oyster in the sludge-grown vegetables.
◆ Make sure to spray and processes used in paints, dyes, porcelain sodium contain cadmium.
◆ Do not use antique cooking utensils, as coated with cadmium-containing pigment made ​​on these instruments.
● Do not smoke
Smoke detrimental to the kidneys.
● low-protein diet
Uremic patients should be given a low-protein diet, normal adults need protein per kilogram of body weight 1-1.5 g, uremic patients can only eat 0.5 grams / kg or less, in order to reduce the generation and retention, quality of nitrogen metabolites in vivo.
● selection custard food
Because eating less protein, and therefore should try to use a higher nutritional value of eggs, milk and other animal protein foods, and less soy and other plant proteins.
● add water

According to the condition supply the right amount of moisture.


